
Austin Couple Received a Racist Receipt From IHOP — and This Is How They Responded


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Via:  pj  •  9 years ago  •  14 comments

Austin Couple Received a Racist Receipt From IHOP — and This Is How They Responded

Austin Couple Received a Racist Receipt From IHOP — and This Is How They Responded

Anna Swartz,Mic Thu, Mar 3 7:27 AM PST

Ariania Brown and her boyfriend, Rolman Sparkman, stepped into an IHOP in Austin, Texas, to pick up a to-go order early Monday morning and wound up with a lot more than they expected. When Brown and Sparkman checked their receipt, they saw that it was labeled "BLACK PPL," reports local ABC affiliate KVUE


"I feel upset, I'm sad, I'm angry," Brown told KVUE. "Like this, it makes no sense. You could have asked me my name." 

Restaurants often use shorthand to identify customers on receipts, but when those notes reduce the customers to their race, or their sexual orientation, as was the case at this Ohio restaurant , they become part of a larger pattern of identifying — and judging — people based on their perceived identities.

Although they were upset, Brown and Sparkman didn't immediately say anything to the restaurant employees about their receipt. Instead, Brown told KVUE, she went home and posted a photo of the receipt on her Facebook page. It has since been shared thousand of times.

In response to the viral photo, IHOP's corporate headquarters released a statement saying "This was a poor choice made by our franchisee's team member, and is not in keeping with policies and procedures. We recognize that it could be offensive and apologize. Everyone is welcome in our restaurants and our franchisee is using this as a teachable moment for the entire team so that it will not reoccur," reported KVUE.

Brown told KVUE that she will not return to IHOP. 



jrDiscussion - desc
Masters Quiet
link   seeder  PJ    9 years ago

Restaurants often use shorthand to identify customers on receipts

I'm at a loss for words.  I initially thought this was joke but apparently it isn't.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   Bob Nelson    9 years ago

I wouldn't be upset if the restaurant put "tal guy" on my order. I'm 6'6", so the description is accurate. I wouldn't like "old guy"... but I would understand. 

Wouldn't it be nice if skin color were just a descriptive attribute? Like height or girth? 

Masters Quiet
link   seeder  PJ  replied to  Bob Nelson   9 years ago

Wouldn't it be nice if skin color were just a descriptive attribute? Like height or girth?

6'6"  WOW (hope I didn't offend you) Sadly I'm only 5'6".  

It would be great if we could reach that point Bob.  I think we've also entered a period in our time that color and race have reached a heightened sensitivity because of movements like BLM and also the controversy over immigration and refugees.  We are entering unchartered territory IMO. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
link   Bob Nelson  replied to  PJ   9 years ago

BLM is a fascinating topic. There's no "Tall Lives Matter" movement. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Bob Nelson   9 years ago

In China, foreigners (non-Asian) are called "Loweye", which has a few meanings, but one of them is "big nose". I think that in my case I can't argue with that. LOL

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober  replied to  Bob Nelson   9 years ago

No additional personal details ? Penis length perhaps ?

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    9 years ago
Much adieu about nothing here.  If it were intended to be racist, there's at least a dozen other choice words that come to mind.  'Black' is hardly a racist term. One of my older colleagues at work the other day (65ish?) innocently joked about attributing the skills of black athletes to survival skills on the safaris of their ancestors, and then backed up and tried to make his comment more PC by referring to them as negros. He didn't even understand how racist he sounded, in our all-white office.
Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago

What is curious about this is that it was a "to go" order, and there is a number #2645 that is used to identify the customer at the pick up counter. What would be the purpose of putting their race down on the receipt, good or bad ? 

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    9 years ago

The "victims" are the bad guys here. They whined about a completely non-racist phrase, got the (black!) waiter fired, and are now punishing a corporation and all its employees fir the action one lowlevel employee.

These people are entitled jerks.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
link   Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    9 years ago







The couple forgot to mention one teeny tiny detail:  The person who checked them out was also black. 

The IHop cashier, Dwayne Williams, had this to say on his Facebook page:

“I apologize if I offended anyone because that wasn’t my intention. As a proud black prince myself, my sisters and brothers, I have no doubt that we will continue discussions about this and learn how to deal with our feelings of hurt in a more positive way that doesn’t take away from someone else.”

Mr. Williams was fired.

What is really interesting, is that 'victim' Rolman Sparkman's facebook page is full of 'nigger' this, and 'nigger' that.  As a matter of fact, I couldn't find evidence of he and his friends calling each other anything other than 'nigger'.  But during an interview with Fox7Austin, he said,

People are being racist, and it’s your own people being racist toward you for no reason,” Sparkman told Fox7Austin.

“That's kind of messed up that you have to put your own people down.”

No, what's messed up, Mr. Sparkman, is that you and your friend said nothing about Dwayne Williams being black until after his apologetic facebook post began to gather traction.  Your actions have only served to further jeopardize legitimate claims of racism.   



Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom   9 years ago

Exactly. These people are the villains of this piece.

Masters Quiet
link   seeder  PJ  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom   9 years ago

This is sickening to learn but not surprising and I imagine we will be seeing many more of these fabricated bigoted experiences reported.  The noble effort to address social disadvantages and discrimination is out of control and has morphed into this extreme form of political correction.  Couple that with the new social media outlets and it can only equal disaster as we are seeing more and more of.     


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