
Clinton vs Trump.... Pass the Maalox!


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  flynavy1  •  8 years ago  •  50 comments

Clinton vs Trump.... Pass the Maalox!

It's pure guess with nothing to back it up with, but I think about 70% of voters wish they had another choice. 

  • Clinton is old news with the same old tired ideas that won't move the country anywhere. 
  • Trump is a proven liar of the nth degree, and belongs nowhere near the oval office.



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1    8 years ago

And behind door number three is.....?

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

Gary Johnson. 

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

I'll look....

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

Fly you are right. Here....

I like Gary Johnson. I don't agree with all of his POV's but he is an honest man. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   8 years ago

We have six months to look forward to now of people saying there is no qualitative difference between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

No matter what anyone thinks of Clinton, she is not a piece of the offensive disaster that is Donald Trump.

Has Clinton retweeted, repeatedly, from white supremacists?

Has Clinton pretended she was hard of hearing when asked to disavow David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan?

Has Clinton suggested that protesters at her rallies should be punched in the face?

Does Clinton have all nine of the clinical signs of narcissism?

Has Clinton referred to men or women as "dogs" on television or radio shows because of their facial appearance?

Has Clinton suggested we ban an entire religion from entering America?

Has Clinton had 75% of her statements judged "FALSE" by a national fact checking organization?

I could go on forever.

This is all absurd and the people who create a qualitative equivalency between the two are adding to the absurdity.


Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

She is far worse blood is on her hands just as it is on Obamas hands. As a cabinet member of the Obama regime she should be forced to stand trial. 

She is no more honest than the Don. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Dean Moriarty   8 years ago

I've seen that video, for the most part it is garbage in terms of factual accuracy.

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Of course there are huge differences between Clinton and Trump, but those differences aren't things I'm really looking forward to having to vote for just because I like Trump even less.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

That's fair, if people dislike Clinton that much then they do have a dilemma. I understand that, but there is a massive difference between the two in many ways.

Nobody calls Clinton an existential threat to the country. No one describes Clinton has a potential dictator. There are REPUBLICANS saying those things about Donald Trump.

The man is nuts. He accuses everyone else of being  A LIAR , when he is the biggest liar of anyone in politics, and that is saying something. His narcissism is what allows him to reach his conclusions. We can't have a president who makes his decisions based on his narcissistic needs and delusions.

Trump is bragging that he has received more votes than any other candidate in a Republican primary in history. What he doesnt say is that more people have voted AGAINST him than any other Republican presidential primary candidate in history.

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   8 years ago

That's a good start Perrie, but I was thinking something with the volume of a 55-gallon drum is going to be in order to get me through November....... I think a stock purchase of Novartis is in order.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

Nah, I'll just get about half way through it listening to all the craps being thrown around and take a sabbatical.

WE all say "let the fun begin" but that is a euphemism for the absolute disgust we feel when it becomes election time. And it is twice as bad when it's a presidential election.

When American citizens get disgusted at the spectacle of electing the next seat sitter, (we have no real leaders anymore, who would want the job?) something is decidedly WRONG with the process.

The wackos from both sides have control of the process and have cut any reasonable people out of the picture. The bullies have taken over the schoolyard.

And no one wants to confront them, that is very sad.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

LOL Fly. Please order directly from the Novartis. Amazon is evil. Well then again.. so is big pharm. Damn! We're screwed!

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   8 years ago

Screw it all till November...... Lets fire up the grills, slow smoke some ribs, and eat and drink our worries away! We can scream an yell our livers out, or enjoy life over some good food and company! 

560 calories per 500ml bottle!  Like drinking a loaf of bread...... There is nothing better!

Image result for bbq ribs

If you're going to get heartburn over something...... isn't this the better way to go?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

Looks Yummy. Are you serving only German beer?

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   8 years ago

We also have a selection of Italian red and white wine for the festivities......

Face it good BBQ goes well with EVERYTHING!

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   8 years ago

That's my take as well.  There are things I disagree with Johnson about but barring some other conservative alternative that's where my vote is going.  California is going to vote Hillary anyway so I won't have anything to do with electing Hillary and my conscience will be clear as I won't vote for either Hillary or Trump.  Period.  

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

The last two Republican presidents publicly announced that they are not supporting Donald Trump.

The last two Democratic presidents are going to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Hillary got bill? That's a surprise. 

Actually,it kind of is considering she's spent the last year attacking  his record.


but your post says more about the integrity of the last two republican presidents as opposed to the lack of it in those who endorse a congenital liar and perpetual indictment risk like hillary Clinton. trump  maybe a crazy, senile idiot with the emotional maturity of an eight year old, but he's managed to at least avoid the FBI.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

The last two Republican presidents publicly announced that they are not supporting Donald Trump.

This is not true, what they have said is that they have no opinion, and refuse to comment being as it is none of their concern.

Not an endorsement but not a condemnation either.

Johns statement is the type of political spin that the liberals are going to use. Whether he's repeating one of the talking heads or is saying it himself no matter. Liberals are going down the usual lying campaign trail thinking that is going to shoo them into the oval office.

They want to make the argument that when the media get hold of T Rump they will be asking him the tough questions. Which they won't do cause it will bring the same attention down on the candidate they support. And last I heard she doesn't have that great a record on being honest.

The democrats talking heads cannot attack like the rank and file want them to cause the candidate the rank and file support is just as sleazy. (and won't stand up to such)

Yep like a dog salivating at the bell the hate republicans campaign is on the democrats are self assured that they have it in the bag.

Let the fun begin....

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

This is not true, what they have said is that they have no opinion, and refuse to comment being as it is none of their concern.

Who the GOP nominee will be is of no concern to two of the elder statesmen in the party?

You are a trip man.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

I'm a trip?

“At age 91, President Bush is retired from politics,” a spokesman for Bush 41 told The Texas Tribune. “He came out of retirement to do a few things for Jeb, but those were the exceptions that proved the rule.”

And his son Bush 43? No plans either.

He “does not plan to participate in or comment on the presidential campaign,” a spokesman for Bush 43 told the Tribune.

Read it and weep , spin it any way you want, they have no opinion. Straight from the horses mouths. (or mouthpieces as you will) What is revealing, is how predictable you guys are, or how cynical I have become take your pick.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

If it had been a Romney, a Kasich, even a Rubio, they would endorse. We all know that. You are the one who is spinning.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

You do? You KNOW this? PROVE IT!

The only candidate they even made an effort for was Jeb, and that was a tepid effort and no real support at all. (sure as hell didn't help him)

You demanded my facts I gave them, proving my point beyond any shadow of doubt, now I demand yours.


Or admit that your rose colored Democrat glasses, the ones with the permanent stilted view, are now firmly in place.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

The only thing I will admit is that you are a trip.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

George H.W . Bush to endorse Romney - CBS News

Updated at 11:40 a.m. ET. Former President George H.W . Bush will formally endorse Mitt Romney for president on Thursday, CBS News has confirmed.

www.cbsnews.com.ico cbsnews.com /news/george-hw-bush-to-end


George H.W . Bush Endorses McCain | Fox News

George H.W . Bush stood shoulder to shoulder with John McCain on Monday, offering an endorsement to the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

George H W Bush Endorses Bob Dole for President in 1996 - YouTube

Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist
Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

What does that prove, other than they are establishment republicans?

NOTHING as far as TRump...... And that doesn't controvert their statements. They have no opinion on TRump or the election.

But I agree with AH, it is damning towards the party.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

It is extremely unlikely that they have no opinion. They have an opinion but they are being polite.

Go ahead and fool yourself. Maybe it is inevitable.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Ok but this is the thing, I KNOW they have an opinion, but I do not know what that opinion is. THEY have refused to reveal their opinion and have clearly said they will not reveal it.

I am unwilling to speculate as to what that opinion is.

YOU are willing to speculate. Because you NEED to. It makes you feel better about your candidates chances.

Who has the weaker position. You do.

Fooling myself? not hardly, realistic look at it that fits the reality and facts. You on the other hand? Not a shred of proof to back up your extrapolations and rationalizations.

Freshman Silent
link   ArkansasHermit  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

This is not true, what they have said is that they have no opinion, and refuse to comment being as it is none of their concern.

Not an endorsement but not a condemnation either.


They're following the "Bambi rule" NWM.

Don't you recall the lesion that Thumper's mom passed on to him?

"If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all"

So, (in my opinion), it is fair to say that the two Bush's are condemning their parties pick this cycle with their silence.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  ArkansasHermit   8 years ago

I would say that is fair AH. stay away from T Rump but definitely fault the party.

Probably pretty close to the truth.


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy    8 years ago

Choosing between Trump and Clinton is like choosing between Ebola and cancer.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy   8 years ago


Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy    8 years ago

This is from Ben Sasse:

Note: If you are one of those rare souls who genuinely believe Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are honorable people – if they are the role models you want for your kids – then this letter is not for you. Instead, this letter is for the majority of Americans who wonder why the nation that put a man on the moon can’t find a healthy leader who can take us forward together.

I want to tell you about four unsolicited conversations from the Fremont Wal-Mart this morning:

**Retired union Democrat meat-packer: 
“What the heck is wrong with that city where you work? Why can’t they give us a normal person? Is it really so hard?”

Me: “Actually, it is for them – because most people in DC buy the nonsense that DC is the center of the world. You and I, despite our party differences, both agree that Fremont is the center.”

Union Democrat (interrupting): “…Because this is where my grandkids are.”

**Young evangelical mom:
“I want to cry. I disagree with Hillary Clinton on almost every single thing – but I will vote for her before Trump. I could never tell my kids later that I voted for that man.”

**Middle-aged Republican male (more political than the other folks): 
“It feels like the train-car to hell is accelerating. Why is DC more filled with weirdos and yet more powerful at the same time? How do we slow this down long enough to have a conversation about actually fixing our country?”

**Trump supporter (again, unsolicited): 
“Please understand: I’m going to vote for him, but I don’t like him. And I don’t trust him – I mean, I’m not stupid. But how else can I send a signal to Washington?!”

I’ve ignored my phone most of today, but the voicemail is overflowing with party bosses and politicos telling me that “although Trump is terrible,” we “have to” support him, “because the only choice is Trump or Hillary.”

This open letter aims simply to ask “WHY is that the only choice?”

Melissa and I got the kids launched on homework, so I’ve been sitting out by the river, reflecting on the great gap between what folks in my town are talking about, and what folks in the DC bubble are talking about.

I trust the judgment of this farm town way more than I trust DC. And so I’d like to share a dozen-ish observations on these Wal-Mart and other conversations today:

Washington isn’t fooling anyone -- Neither political party works. They bicker like children about tiny things, and yet they can’t even identify the biggest issues we face. They’re like a couple arguing about what color to paint the living room, and meanwhile, their house is on fire. They resort to character attacks as step one because they think voters are too dumb for a real debate. They very often prioritize the agendas of lobbyists (for whom many of them will eventually work) over the urgent needs of Main Street America. I signed up for the Party of Abraham Lincoln -- and I will work to reform and restore the GOP -- but let’s tell the plain truth that right now both parties lack vision.

As a result, normal Americans don’t like either party. If you ask Americans if they identify as Democrat or Republican, almost half of the nation interrupts to say: “Neither.”

Young people despise the two parties even more than the general electorate. And why shouldn’t they? The main thing that unites most Democrats is being anti-Republican; the main thing that unites most Republicans is being anti-Democrat. No one knows what either party is for -- but almost everyone knows neither party has any solutions for our problems. “Unproductive” doesn’t begin to summarize how messed up this is.

Our problems are huge right now, but one of the most obvious is that we’ve not passed along the meaning of America to the next generation. If we don’t get them to re-engage -- thinking about how we defend a free society in the face of global jihadis, or how we balance our budgets after baby boomers have dishonestly over-promised for decades, or how we protect First Amendment values in the face of the safe-space movement – then all will indeed have been lost. One of the bright spots with the rising generation, though, is that they really would like to rethink the often knee-jerk partisanship of their parents and grandparents. We should encourage this rethinking.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

Either Trump or Clinton will be the next president. The time for third parties or "taking back" a narrative about America has passed.

Hundreds of Republicans that have access to some level of following have denounced Donald Trump. This is unprecedented in modern American politics, that so many people would turn their backs on the party's nominee. They see there is something profoundly wrong and disturbing about this man.

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio    8 years ago

There is only one absolute certainty from the choice between Clinton and Trump - no matter which one wins the country loses.

The lesser of two evils, is by definition and logic still evil!

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Robert in Ohio   8 years ago

The lesser of two evils is by definition less evil.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

And the glass is either half full or half empty. (depending on what level your looking at it)

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

The lesser of two evils is by definition less evil.

But the result may be the same.

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  1ofmany   8 years ago

Perfect cartoon 1ofmany!

Robert in Ohio
Professor Guide
link   Robert in Ohio  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago


So you think evil is what we need in the White House


I would rather have another choice

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

But evil still....

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

That was cute......

So much for holding off to prevent voter fatigue....

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

It's going to be slam, slam, slam,

Exactly what Trump wants.

And probably the reason he should win. The only good thing I see coming out of a trump win. Is the citizens will get one final massive dose of hate politics, with the democrats being shown in the media on the nastiest side of it.

They do not have a clue what's heading towards them.

I just hope it don't wind up in a civil war.

Professor Guide
link   seeder  FLYNAVY1  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

The difference with that little segment was it was well known Republicans speaking negatively about Trump.  That just might be enough to keep republican voters home in November.

There is lots of material just like that.  We both know Clinton does better when she doesn't open her mouth, and given the quantity of what we just saw, her utterances may have to be few and far between.

And we are going to disagree on which is the more nasty of the parties NWM.  From my memory, republicans have no shame, and take no blame, and it's been that way for decades.  Lets leave it at that between the two of us my friend.

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  FLYNAVY1   8 years ago

Well there is a well known reason that Reagan kept Gringrich in the back of the bus.

A damn good reason.

The devolvement of the republican party started with Gingrich and the evangelicals. and we are still suffering from it to this day.

I know we will have to disagree Brother, but at this stage I see them as the same. No difference at all.

Hillary and the democrats best move.....


And let Trump wither of his own mouth. (but will they do that? I doubt it)

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

Trump deserves every ounce of what he is going to get.


I think there actually may be more hand wringing from the sidelines this time than mud slinging from the contestants.

The ad video is entirely appropriate.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

Here's some new news

Donald Trump's new national finance chairman is a hedge fund operator who ran a movie studio that declared bankruptcy last year.  Trump kind of guy.


According to this article in Variety, Mnuchin headed out to Hollywood to produce movies after Goldman Sachs. But last Fall things got ugly when his film studio, Relativity Media tumbled into bankruptcy late last year. But that's not all. Apparently the other investors who lost their shirts when they learned that a bank tied to Mnuchin managed to draw out $50 million dollars for the company in the weeks just prior to the bankruptcy filing in July.

Here's what Variety had to say about it last fall ...

But Variety has learned that the former Relativity co-chairman quietly resigned his board post at the film- and TV-maker on May 29, because of what a source close to the company said was the potential for a conflict of interest between his duties at OneWest (which just days ago was bought out by CIT Group of New York) and Relativity.

Mnuchin’s departure from the board two months ago is unlikely to appease creditors, who are owed hundreds of millions of dollars by the insolvent studio and who are fighting to recover at least some of what they’re owed for their loans or bills for services. The chances of getting much cash are dim, experts say, with Relativity’s liabilities standing at nearly $1.2 billion and its assets at just $560 million.

Bankruptcy courts are empowered to block unfair “preferences” — payments to individuals or companies shortly before a Chapter 11 filing that inappropriately give favored treatment. And two individuals who had studied the $50 million in payments to OneWest Bank argue that the lender was given a clear preference when it drained two of the few flush accounts Relativity controlled, as others went unpaid."


The hits just keep comin.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy    8 years ago

And  he's a former Clinton donor and Soros employee.


amazinfg how interconnected the Clintons and Donald Trump are.



Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51    8 years ago

We Republicans who oppose Trump will not stay home.  We will have an alternative who is conservative or we will poll support / vote libertarian to the extent that Johnson will be on the debate stage this fall and the party will become the 3rd party.  If enough Republicans who oppose Trump provide polling support of 15% or more, Johnson will be on that debate stage. 


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