Do You Believe Aliens (Beings From Another World) Have Ever Visited Earth?
Cable news and the internet is having fun with Hillary Clinton's announcement that if elected she will declassify and release all the government findings about UFO's over the decades. A couple shows went as far as to interview experts as to the validity of any claims that civilizations from other places have visited earth. The scientists say no, with the most logical reason being that any interplanetary civilization that would be capable of reaching earth over the vast distances of space would by necessity be thousands of years more advanced than human beings on earth and thus would have no interest in us.
I am not sure that is a deal breaker so to speak, but that is what they said.
My belief is that what people think are UFO's are explained in other ways , basically misidentification of existing natural and man made phenomena.
I do wonder at times though if is possible that mankind could be visited from the future. What if 10,000 years from now time travel has been developed . Would they come back here as archaeologists?
Anyway, what do y'all think about space aliens visiting earth?
The interest focuses on Area 51, where there have been numerous accounts of odd activity and sightings. the rational explanation is that base has been the testing ground for experimental US Air Force craft.
The only one I know of is my ex-mother-in-law. She was either an alien or a demon she devil from hell.
Well, I read NewsTalkers every day, so I have to be classed as one of those that do not believe,
(no insult intended sweetness)
OK here is one for you. The Brits did this years ago and according to them, we have been visited.
I report, you decide.
more advanced than human beings on earth and thus would have no interest in us.
Except we might be an advanced teenage extraterrestrial's science project. The interest they would have would be similar to what we have for fossils.
Actually, WE'RE the extraterrestrials. Adam and Eve came from a doomed planet, similar to the story of Superman, and we are the descendants. The bible is just a "cover-up" story, and Darwin knew he was an extraterrestrial and his theory of evolution is just a smoke-screen to hide the reality.
Of course they have visited, they are the Star People.