
Trump Campaign CEO Didn’t Want His Kids In School With A Bunch Of ‘Whiny’ Jews


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jwc2blue  •  9 years ago  •  89 comments

Trump Campaign CEO Didn’t Want His Kids In School With A Bunch Of ‘Whiny’ Jews


The court records from the divorce of Trump’s new campaign CEO have proved to be a treasure trove of information about the man hired to save the Republican nominee’s trainwreck of a campaign. The latest insight revealed in these documents is that Stephen Bannon has deeply anti-Semitic tendencies. Shocking, I know. (Insert eye roll here.)

According to court documents, the former  Breitbart  bigwig was worried about sending his twin daughters to the Archer School for Girls because of  the number of Jewish students who were enrolled . A statement signed by his ex-wife in 2007 said that Bannon was concerned about the impact Jewish classmates would have on his children.


“The biggest problem he had with Archer is the number of Jews that attend,” read her statement.

“He said that he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be ‘whiny brats’ and that he didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews.”

When they looked into at least one other private school they were considering sending their daughters to, his ex-wife said that Bannon asked about the number of Jewish students attending.

Naturally, Bannon is denying these claims. Spokeswoman Alexandra Preate said that Bannon never made any of these statements and added that his girls did end up attending Archer.

“Mr. Bannon said he never said anything like that and proudly sent the girls to Archer for their middle school and high school education,” Preate said.

This is the second damning revelation to come from his divorce proceedings this week. Accusations of  domestic abuse came to light on Thursday. According to court documents, his wife claimed that he was a sadistic wife-beater who had grabbed her “by the throat and arm” during a domestic dispute on New Year’s Day in 1996. Police came and photographed her injuries, but Bannon was able to avoid consequences by scaring his victim into leaving town so she would miss the court date.

Remember folks, Trump only hires the best people.


jrDiscussion - desc
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    9 years ago

Not all Jews sound whiny like Woody Allen.

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    9 years ago

This appears to be pulled entirely out of divorce papers where people are fighting over custody and property. People lie in divorce court all the time. Even if she lied, she'll never admit to it because she made the statements under oath. And who gives a shit anyway. This is a lame attempt at guilt by association. If Trump should be damned by the people he associates himself with or hires, then Hillary will outrun him to hell on that basis any day of the week. Just pull any one of her numerous scandals. In fact, she's so bad that other people should be tainted by knowing her. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  1ofmany   9 years ago

1 Of Many.

Spout whatever you want, just stop pretending you impartially disapprove equally of both candidates. It sounds ridiculous. 

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    9 years ago

Spout whatever you want, just stop pretending you impartially disapprove equally of both candidates. It sounds ridiculous

I don't care how it sounds to you. To me, they are two stinking piles of poop that should be flushed down the toilet not elected to public office. The press only smells Trump. Hillary is every bit as stinky as Trump and I'm going to keep saying it.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  1ofmany   9 years ago

The press only smells Trump. Hillary is every bit as stinky as Trump and I'm going to keep saying it.

Not true! I just watched "Meet the Press" and they slammed Hillary plenty. And they showed a panel of voters giving their opinion on this election it was very enlightening. Everyone of them thought it stinks. So Kudos to Meet the Press, and it is only some of the MSM that has picked a side. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   9 years ago

I wish people would stop saying "this election stinks" as if it actually means something useful. Either Trump or Clinton will be president. People have to choose sides or get out of the way. That is reality. 

After Nov 8 you can start planning your independent strategy for the 2020 election. 

Jonathan P
Sophomore Silent
link   Jonathan P  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

This election is putrid beyond description.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Jonathan P   9 years ago

Then don't vote. 

There are only two choices. Saying "this election stinks" is not a choice. 

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

There are only two choices. Saying "this election stinks" is not a choice. 

I agree with Jonathan that these two choices are intolerably putrid and I agree with Mark that it's time to look elsewhere. We need a voter revolt. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  1ofmany   9 years ago
As I see it, although the third and fourth choices are there, this could be the lowest percentage vote in American history. Australia has the right idea. Fine people if they don't vote because voting is mandatory.
Professor Quiet
link   sixpick  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

I think Australia has had 4 or 5 Prime Ministers during the last 6 years.  Can you imagine changing Presidents that often?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  sixpick   9 years ago

If the Prime Minister is not paying attention to the will of the people, he deserves to get dumped. In British Commonwealth countries if there is a minority government in power only because of a coalition, it's very possible that the government can fall before a full term. If the governing party has a majority government it's highly unlikely that it will not serve out its full term. As well, if the leader of a minority government feels the mood is right for the electorate to vote it in as a majority, he /she may dissolve parliament and call an election before term end. There are many possibilities. I think to change the American leader mid-term would probably be accomplished only by impeachment.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming   replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

So according to you john , its a choice of only those 2 ? even though both are unacceptable to many?

I also disagree that after the election is the time to lay the groundwork for a viable 3rd party, right NOW is that time for the simple reason that what happens during this election ( vote tallies) will dictate the federal funding for any said party in future elections .

And yes I saw your complaint on one seed how you were surprised that a certain current 3rd party candidate was syphoning off more voters from your chosen candidate than trump. have to admit it surprised me as well but I can understand it being more right leaning and detesting trump( still haven't figured out if he is really actually crazy nuts , or simply playing to the masses as politicians are tend to do) when faced with the 2 choices you say are the only choices , those in the center , will look for a compromise candidate they can tolerate  and or compromise on. 

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   9 years ago

Not true! I just watched "Meet the Press" and they slammed Hillary plenty. And they showed a panel of voters giving their opinion on this election it was very enlightening. Everyone of them thought it stinks. So Kudos to Meet the Press, and it is only some of the MSM that has picked a side. 

Good for Meet the Press. However, I watch CNN and MSNBC every day (morning and evening) and Hillary gets a pass while Trump gets slammed. Fox is the opposite. The host of an MSNBC show was laughing aloud as they commented on Trump's immigration policy that goes hard and soft.  I'll have to see a tape of the Meet the Press show.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  1ofmany   9 years ago

If they give Hillary a pass you wouldn't know half of what you think you know about her emails and Foundation. 

Those things are talked about every day on CNN and MSNBC. 

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

If they give Hillary a pass you wouldn't know half of what you think you know about her emails and Foundation. 

Getting information out of Hillary has required law suits, congressional investigations, and hacking. I don't recall the press discovering a damn thing through investigative reporting. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago


Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Tweet from alt-right Trump supporter.






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