
David Duke Hails Donald Trump For Thwarting The 'Jewish Supremacists Who Control Our Country'


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  9 years ago  •  86 comments

David Duke Hails Donald Trump For Thwarting The 'Jewish Supremacists Who Control Our Country'









The hollowed and many veneered Conchita Wurst!


On his radio program  today , white nationalist leader David Duke celebrated Donald Trump’s “amazing victory” in the Indiana primary, which allowed him to become the presumptive Republican nominee for president, hailing Trump for terrifying wealthy “Jewish extremists” and exposing the “Jewish supremacists who control our country.”

Trump, who earlier this year  briefly refused to reject  Duke’s endorsement, has been a  favorite   of   white   nationalist  leaders  like Duke, who predicted that the GOP presidential candidate will  rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler .

The former KKK leader said that Republican elites have been working to undermine Trump just as they worked against him when he ran for governor of Louisiana as a Republican in 1991. He particularly took issue with Trump’s former Republican rival Ted Cruz taking money from a “Jewish leftist commie,” arguing that Jewish financiers are bent on “destroying the Republican Party” by targeting people like Trump and himself.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    9 years ago

Trump, who earlier this year  briefly refused to reject  Duke’s endorsement, has been a  favorite   of   white   nationalist  leaders  like Duke, who predicted that the GOP presidential candidate will  rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler .

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Not sure about the thwarting, but he sure deserved a royal thwalking. (that's a smack up beside the head)

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    9 years ago

Do you have Prince Albert in a can?


pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Why are you posting a pic of Dennis P. Mccann and Albert (?) from Newsvine ?

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson  replied to  pat wilson   9 years ago

Why did you remove the Dennis pic ?


Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson   9 years ago

In Morrocco men wear djellabas. Not pants.

I was wondering why. Finally when I was in Egypt I bought one (its slightly different than the Morrocan ones, and I think they call them Gallibiyas, I forget. The Egyptian one is made only of very light cotton. I was in Upper Egypt in August (not recommended! It gets really, really hot!!!) And then I realized why they wear them-- they are open on the bottom and loose fitting, the air circulation makes them much cooler than pants.

The Egyptian type garment. (Here's a selfie I took, just before the Boer War back in '86. I am in my Gallibiya [the cool, genuine al-Sisi autograph model "Make Egypt Great Again" hat just arrived from Amazon Prime] on my few hectares on land in Egypt, barely able to eke out a living. Eke, eke, eke, the day is long, the Sun is hot. i just can't wait for the lunch break so i can go back to my traditional cool mud hovel and eat my traditional Egyptian meal of traditional Egyptian flat bread, hominy, fatback, and black-eyed peas. And grits. Maybe some Ham Hocks if I'm lucky.)







Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson   9 years ago

I don't know who this Dennis dude is (Dennis Kucinitch by any chance?) but that picture is the whirrled reknownd Conchita Wurst!













Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Unstable nutcase Dennis Kucinich's opinion on healthcare reform is important - especially considering that he's been given special insight... by aliens!!!!! .Russert asked Kucinich about a recent claim by actress Shirley MacLaine, a longtime friend to the Ohio congressman, that he saw was very moved by an encounter with a UFO many years ago.

Kucinich acknowledged the encounter with a mysterious, hovering, triangular craft, but he left open whether he thought it was carrying space invaders.

"I did," he said. "It was an unidentified flying object, OK? It's like, it's unidentified; I saw something."

MacLaine wrote that Kucinich found the experience "extremmoving."

"The smell of roses drew him out to my balcony where, when he looked up, he saw a gigantic triangular craft, silent, and observing him," she wrote. "It hovered, soundless, for 10 minutes or so, and sped away with a speed he couldn't comprehend. He said he felt a connection in his heart and heard directions in his mind."



Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

More of the deliciously lacivious Conchita:

A new rebel to replace Che  

In addition to offering  51 gender options  to its users, Facebook is also changing its male, female, and group icons in order to bring more fairness and equality among the 51 aforementioned genders. Thus, instead of the female appearing behind the male's shoulder, she is now in front of the male, which makes hers a more equal gender.

New Facebook gender icons

The female's new hairdo makes her look less like Darth Vader, and the group icon now features a third, metrosexual-haired silhouette that can be one of the remaining 48 genders. The Washington Post  happily reports  this revolutionary development as an important step towards eliminating cultural biases that have contributed to gender inequality.

Facebook Che icon Unnoticed and unreported, however, came another development in the world of Facebook icons: the appearance of a  Comrade Che emoticon .

In other words, while Facebook, WaPo, and others are splitting hairs over the equality of multiple genders, along comes Che Guevara and puts them up against the wall, if only in Facebook terms. And that's how revolutions happen in real life, too.

The website behind the Che emoticon offers  this description : "The rebel, the face of non-conformity. Che will add style to your Facebook chats and messages."

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Really? Is the face of a masculine cisgender-male person still in tune with modern times? Given that Che Guevara never questioned his sexual identity but merely accepted an assigned gender role that was expected of him by the patriarchal bourgeois society, just how much of a rebel and non-conformist was he?

Shouldn't the new, more progressive generation also have a new, more progressive icon - a rebel who truly challenges the status quo?

Our research has led us to an ideal candidate. Meet  Conchita Wurst , the Austrian Drag Queen of  Eurovision , the new true face of non-conformity!



Please update your T-shirts, emoticons, and social media avatars. We know Che would comply!


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    9 years ago

I can't decide which is funnier, the "Jewish supremacists"  or the pictures!

laughing dude

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

Both of those pictures are notorious "Jewish Supremicists" (however they are undercover... )

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Lol, Mossad agents I'm sure! Here we see them in their human form.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

Why not?

If the Egyptians thought that Red Sea fish were trained Mossad agents, and the Lebanese thought that pigeons were Israeli spies, why not?

After all, you have no idea what the squirrels and rabbits report to Mossad.

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming   replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

is it a half crazed Mississippi squirrel from pascagula?

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    9 years ago

Old Dave better watch his pie hole.  Those Israelis are serious as death, taxes and sin when confronted with fuckery.


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

Now that's what I call packing heat!

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

The IDF, experts at dog packaging as well as other things.....

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

I want to know about the other things, Tex ;)



Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   9 years ago

Idi VD Amin knows some of what they can do..........

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

Idi VD Amin knows some of what they can do.........

Wow...you are much more informed than most people...how did you learn all that?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

From his Mama. (not that you're a mama's boy, but your mama was a real smart lady...)

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   9 years ago

 your mama was a real smart lady...

And his papa was a rolling stone!

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

The Entebbe Raid was a Hell of a Thing.   Serious Badassery.

256 256 256

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

It takes time to groom my dawgs......

Imagine if you had to groom one of these:



"Mop Dog" (Komondor)

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

There was a great paperback book a long time ago which I read-- about The Entebbe Raid. Its probably one of the more daring raids in history. Althugh of curse there were other daring raid, so I suppose what really distinguishes it was how creative they were-- all the brilliant things they came up with. So many really amazing things.

(Another fascinating story was the raid that knocked out Saddam's  nuclear reactor. (When they flew south over the Gulf of Eilat to avoid detection en route, the king of Jordan was there on his yacht-- and spotted them! He guessed what they were up to-- and tried to contact the Iraqis to warn them, But there was a communications foul-up.) 

Many people are unaware of it, but before the raid they secretly met with the Iranians in Paris (even though Israel and iran were bitter enemies, they had a mutual interest in destroying iraq's reactor. They decided that the Iranians would try to destroy it first-- but they changed their minds because they feared radiation might be released that would move over to Iran---so that the Israelis had to end up doing it. You can read part of the story on Wikipedia-- amazing stuff!) . P.S. They also knocked out the one being built in Syria-- the were a few casualties, Noth Koreans. Syria explained that they were N Korean tourists. 

But nothing can compare to what the israelis did to implement the Entebbe raid--incredibe beyond belief.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

The photo is just too cool.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

No jive.  Those guys show up at my cabin I'm gonna say "Yessir.  Nossir." and shuffle my feets. 

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Greeting from the IDF, Dave.


Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

Now we're talking.  

Here's another contribution.  

A Pyr and what's left of a wolf.   Although honky white, Pyrs don't like the KKK either...


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

My Winnie likes that picture!



Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

Big Dawg sez Hey to Winky.


Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

My apologies.   Don't tell Winnie I called her Winky.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

Dat's okay, she goes by many names. Just don't call her late for dinner!

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago












And then there's the IDF's "Caracal" battalion:



The  Caracal Battalion  ( Hebrew גדוד קרקל ‎‎) is an  infantry  combat battalion of the  Israel Defense Forces , one of only two fully combat units [1]  in the Israeli military that is composed of both male and female soldiers. [2]  It is named after the  Caracal , a small  cat  whose sexes appear the same. [3]  As of 2009 , approximately 70% of the battalion was female. [2] [4]

Prior to Caracal's formation in 2000, women were barred from serving in direct combat. The unit has since been tasked with patrolling the Israeli-Egyptian border. It took part in Israel's unilateral withdrawal  from the  Gaza Strip  in the summer of 2005. [5]

Caracal Battalion engaged in combat on September 21, 2012 on the Egyptian border, following the infiltration of a group of terrorists. Responding to a radio report of the attack, in a fire-fight a female Caracal infantry soldier killed a terrorist, who was carrying an explosive belt. [6]

In October 2014, a jeep of the battalion was attacked by militants from the Egyptian border with gunfire and an anti-tank missile. Two soldiers were injured. One of the injured, female officer, Captain Or Ben-Yehuda, nonetheless dismounted from the jeep and returned fire killing one militant in the fire-fight. [7]

While Caracal is a mixed gender battalion, it has been 70% female since 2009. It is part of the 512th Sagi Brigade of the  Southern Command . [8]  The unit badge incorporates the Sagi Brigade badge with the addition of the Caracal cat. [9]

Training [ edit ]

Female soldiers taking part in Caracal Winter Training

New recruits in the Caracal Battalion are issued the Israeli-made  Tavor assault rifle . [9]  Battalion members partake in a four-month basic training period that includes physical training and weapons training at the  Givati Brigade  training base.  [4]

Battalion recruits are required to sign up for a third year of military service. [2] [4]

Notable recruits [ edit ]

Second Lieutenant  Noy, who is serving in the Caracal Battalion, was the first female officer to command a sniper platoon. [10] [11]

Elinor Joseph , who has also served with the Caracal Battalion, is the first  Arab  woman ever to  serve in a combat role  in the Israeli Army. [12]

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

More on the Caracal Battalion - Corporal Eleanor Joseph:


In Corporal Eleanor Joseph’s wallet there is a green note with a drawing of a Star of David on which it says: “I have no other country, even if my land is burning.” It’s handwritten. Corporal Eleanor Joseph, the first female Arab Warrior in the IDF’s Caracal battalion, which combines male and female infantry brigade fighters, received the note from her platoon commander. Now she takes it with her everywhere, like a talisman.

“It’s a sentence that strengthens me”, she said this week, when asked how she connects to things written by Ehud Manor. “Every time it’s hard for me, I read it. Because I was born here. The people I love live here. My parents, my friends. It’s a Jewish state? True. But it’s also my country. I do not imagine myself living anywhere else. I think every person should enlist. You live here, reside here? Go defend your country. So what if I’m an Arab? “

A few weeks ago, an unusual step, the IDF allowed Corporal Eleanor Joseph to take off her uniform on the way home from her base and to wear civilian clothing. Joseph lives in the heart of Arab neighborhood, close to Wadi Nisnas in Haifa. In a request to her base officer, she wrote: “The looks my Arab neighbors point at me each time I appear in uniform are uncomfortable.” She also noted: “I feel strange”. She does not explicitly use the word “fear”.

Corporal Eleanor chooses her words carefully. She does not express any political opinion, and any attempt to discover something about her attitudes is pushed away dismissively. The IDF, in any event, checked and granted her request [to enlist in the combat unit]. “I am the only one in this neighborhood that comes home in a uniform,” she said this week. “And this is an Arab neighborhood. So I feel that everyone is staring at me. That kind of look. I have no way to describe it. Shock, shock. As if something is wrong with me.

“It’s not that they throw stones at me. I do not tease them, so they have no reason to throw stones at me. But they stare at me. Stand and watch. I’m proud of my uniform. It took me a long time to get it. I’m not afraid. I was only afraid once. I returned from the army at night, wondering how I, a female soldier, wander around in uniform, in an Arab neighborhood, when there are so many instances of abducted soldiers. It’s dangerous. “

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

A little know secret is that the IDF has a complete K-9 division. This unit is a ''strike'' unit, ready for combat at a moments notice.

Fully combat ready and self sufficient, as can be see below with Dr. Wikistein. Combat Medic, IDF K-9 Division. Know throughout the division as Dr. Wiki, she is a 4 time kibble award winner for bravery under fire and other things.


Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

Fully combat ready and self sufficient, as can be see below with Dr. Wikistein. Combat Medic, IDF K-9 Division. Know throughout the division as Dr. Wiki, she is a 4 time kibble award winner for bravery under fire and other things.

Ah, but none can match the bravery-- the sheer audacity-- and boundless courage-- of the brave fighters of Dog Fort. (I've posted it before, but it is an inspirational class ic that will never die!)

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley    9 years ago

May my Most Wonderful Daughter's pal join too?   Join or Die!


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

He's adogable Tex! Sure!

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   9 years ago

He is a Monster.  An extremely lovable one though!!  My Daughter is a brave woman to live with that fierce and terrible beast.  

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

Oh I'm sure he's just horrible as he's licking the whole side of your face. Murder! Murder I say!


Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    9 years ago

You're really getting to be as bad as two other members of NT Krish.

Pure crap thread.

Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   Tex Stankley  replied to  1stwarrior   9 years ago

Some real nice dog pics though!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Tex Stankley   9 years ago

Oh lighten up 1st. There are other threads like this meant to bring comic relief from the election. 

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  1stwarrior   9 years ago

You're really getting to be as bad as two other members of NT Krish.

Pure crap thread.

Whatsa matter-- you don't like dogs? 

(Actually i think think this thread is much more interesting than the usual political threads, which generate more heat than light. Where so many NT members seem to think an intelligent political discussion consists of mainly attackig eachother...I cause I'm a little unusual in this regard,but I find most of the politicl discussions here boring...notmto mention pretty childish).

And there are some really fine pooches in the picts as well!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago

Oh dam.. is that the meaning of a shit head?


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