Your WaPo link told about Billy Bush's perception of Ryan Lochte as telling the truth about being held up at gun point by corrupt Brazilian cops . Why do libs find it hard to believe that Brazil has corrupt cops ?
I'll stick with the Community Organizer, thank you, as McCain said (I paraphrase lil petey)
No one has gotten your Sheets
(oops that's 🐑, but I knw how ya like to hunt for mistakes, typos & something to twist out of context😉)
like HIM
well since Booker T. Washington was invited to the White House & outside of McCain per 2011 RNC Convention talks HE (Booker cuz well the Truly Blessed & Favored Obama can really get their goat, oops again 🐑😅)
McCain said it in his concession speech - just in case it alludes you!
Gary Hart vs Duke the Kluk, your dissy jokes - nope not getting any funnier, good thing ya got
While this is "good" news, there should have been no need for a clarification. Comey should have underplayed the discovery of new emails, not overplayed it and played into the hands of republican congressional committees.
CNN says that the 650,000 emails were largely duplicates, and private emails about personal subjects and not pertaining to government business. The reason they could go through them so fast is because so FEW of the 650,000 had any relevance at all.
Think back to IRS, Benghazi or Fast & Furious ie get HOLDER😵 the secret meetings, the leaks that were as bogus as the allegations in the first place. Do they think taking the focus off their Rape Culture, White Collar jokester of a candidate would mitigate Him being those things - whatever the reason -
it was Petty & again pettiness from w/in the FBI killed John O'Neill, as well as helped Bin Laden and his terror cell get away with 9/11 - some disagree, yet they've proving to be
equally as PETTY
thus lacking in true patriotic convictions regarding the people - like some republicans & well for sure the
The matter of the Clinton Foundation is still being strongly considered for indictments at some point. The criticism of Clinton regarding her conduct with the server and e-mails before deciding not to criminally indict still stands too.
The matter of the Clinton Foundation is still being strongly considered for indictments at some point. The criticism of Clinton regarding her conduct with the server and e-mails before deciding not to criminally indict still stands too.
It's in your face, and you still don't get it? Wow.
Vigilance and knowledge are good weapons in any fight.
Buzz has article about political movies 💞 it, check it out!
The Roosevelt family have a political dynasty (not perfect people, men or politician) & they came from Wealth, yet they were all about the Common man & the responsibility to them
Theodore invited Booker T. Washington to the White House & unlike with J. McCain - it was not an intended insult, yet he was a Larger (not physic joke) than life, they named the Teddy Bear after him & he hated it (PBS, lil Petey, I knw from PBS😵)
FDR took the reins from Hoover, who had all kinds of compassion for Russians suffer (WWI), yet Americans Depression pffft! Social Security, Medicare & Glass Steagall (which Wall Street etc. Hate, but it KEPT um in check & SHOULD BE REINSTITUTED ASAP!)
HOPE was left when the 'angry' 'evil' hoards came out of Pandora's box The Stranger, bear that in mind & ignart (ignorance too classy a word) would have to Step 10 rungs up to even be traitors LOL!
There are 4 or 5 different investigations where Clinton is involved. The email investigation is just one of them.
I don't expect anything to come of them, because no matter how much evidence is brought forth, the Clintons will sneak out the back door as they have many times before and leave someone else to either end up dead, fined or in prison for the crimes of the Clintons. Now that they have gained so much more power and if Hillary Clinton becomes President she will become even more invincible.
Comey has bowed to the pressure - he wants to keep his job - Barry and Loretta have to be pleased - Billary/Killary has bought off enough votes and stacked the deck against anyone - and the Dems should be pleased at thoroughly futching the people of the U. S. very soundly and deeply.
"I don't expect anything to come of them, because no matter how much evidence is brought forth..."
Again, tell it to a Koch Brother, the disingenuous argument & begrudging FOOL No One -
Republican policies, po!litics & Fiscal promises have been Two-Term tested & FAILED, furthermore their actions & activities when
They Lost - Priceless esp. on the sthick (that lil Candace Cameron Bure (lollipops wouldn't melt in that Cotton Candy mouth) Morals, Patriotic and (my favorite)
Constitutionally INCLUSIVE (it's the last one that gets um every time!)
Alec, Heritage Foundation, Tea Fronts for Conservative BS more Confederacy & yes Petey that is a Problem they Lose then Cheat & whine lovely democracy theory that's gonna lead minions to
Big Hunger Games for Real & Solent Green sandwich's (Heads up it is ground up Dead people with food coloring
Colin Powell didn't have a private server and a private email account was not permitted since 2005 to use private servers for day to day government business.
Was she allowed to use a private server?
No. As we wrote , the IG report said that it has been department policy since 2005 — four years before Clinton took office — that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government servers. The report noted that the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual was updated in November 2005 to say “it is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [automated information system].” The IG made a distinction between occasional use in emergencies and exclusive use of personal email. “Beginning in late 2005 and continuing through 2011, the Department revised the FAM and issued various memoranda specifically discussing the obligation to use Department systems in most circumstances and identifying the risks of not doing so,” the IG report said.
Did Clinton seek government approval to use a private server for her personal email account?
No. The IG report said Clinton “had an obligation” to discuss her email system with the department, but it could find “no evidence” that Clinton sought approval for her unusual email arrangement. If she did, the report says her request would have been denied by the bureaus of Diplomatic Security and Information Resource Management. Brian Fallon, a Clinton campaign spokesman, has told us: “It did not occur to her that having it on a personal server could be so distinct that it would be unapproved.”
Did other secretaries of state use personal emails for government business?
The IG report confirmed what we had previously written : Among Clinton’s predecessors, only Colin Powell (Jan. 20, 2001–Jan. 26, 2005) used a personal email account for government business. Madeleine Albright (Jan. 23, 1997–Jan. 20, 2001) did not use email at all, and Condoleezza Rice (Jan. 26, 2005–Jan. 20, 2009) did not use a personal email account to conduct government business, the IG report said. Clinton’s successor, Secretary of State John Kerry, told the inspector general’s office that he “infrequently” used a personal email account for government business “when responding to a sender who emailed him on his personal account.”
No other secretary of state maintained a private server that was used for government business.
"Really considering Sec. of State Clinton reached out to the former occupant of the job (Republican I might add) Colin Powell & it was
COMMON KNOWLEDGE - around Washington - she had the server, as Bernie Mac would say
"this is some 🐂"
But, OK Attack Modey Much!?
LOL - Point it was Common knowledge in Washington why is it Duplicitous individuals or Group think mentality not see their own!?
Hillary Clinton should have listened to Colin Powell.
According to the FBI’s investigation, Clinton approached Powell in 2009 to discuss his own use of a BlackBerry during his tenure in the State Department. In response to her query, Powell reportedly cautioned Clinton that if it became public that she was using her smartphone to “do business,” her messages could become “official record[s] and subject to the law.”
In other words, Powell seemed to have had a pretty good idea what could—and eventually would—happen to Clinton’s emails.
This is not, in fact, the first time Powell has been named as a player in the ongoing saga of Clinton’s private email use. In August, The New York Times reported Clinton had told the FBI that Powell had explicitly advised her to use a personal email address—a report somewhat corroborated by an excerpt from a forthcoming book on Bill Clinton, in which author Joe Conason alleges that Powell advised Clinton at a dinner party to use a private email address for everything but classified messages.
According to the documents released by the FBI on Friday, Powell told Clinton: “Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much, and not using systems that captured the data.”
Wasn't me, She didn't ask/ report, YET IT WAS Known but not relevant until now because there was Benghazi before the emails none of those rabid 🐺 in 🐑 clothing because they were being
Petty & petty blew up (like the Economy under Republican presidents😵)
You can twist it & resist it but Ya brought it On yourselves & after 8 years of Obstruction on the One Drop Rule
Don't it Feel Good - Boom, Boom the implosions of the principled not so much funny when shoe be on other foot confusious confounds
After droning on about no findings outside of the conclusions' FBI reached in July, 2016 blah, blah blah... inf.😒
will 'Gutless Wonders' never cease!
Perhaps Now "We" can get back to where "We" were before this, in case anyone forgot:
Your WaPo link told about Billy Bush's perception of Ryan Lochte as telling the truth about being held up at gun point by corrupt Brazilian cops . Why do libs find it hard to believe that Brazil has corrupt cops ?
Wow you must be awesome with a red pen, network down was lucky to post anything & so Fixed & your Wish is my command
peach fuzz
There all better bow to the pervert who would be Confederacy dreamboat!
Where is Gary Hart when the Dems need him ?!
I'll stick with the Community Organizer, thank you, as McCain said (I paraphrase lil petey)
No one has gotten your Sheets
(oops that's 🐑, but I knw how ya like to hunt for mistakes, typos & something to twist out of context😉)
like HIM
well since Booker T. Washington was invited to the White House & outside of McCain per 2011 RNC Convention talks HE (Booker cuz well the Truly Blessed & Favored Obama can really get their goat, oops again 🐑😅)
McCain said it in his concession speech - just in case it alludes you!
Gary Hart vs Duke the Kluk, your dissy jokes - nope not getting any funnier, good thing ya got
Rinaldo Rump - for that
"Funny" that is!
While this is "good" news, there should have been no need for a clarification. Comey should have underplayed the discovery of new emails, not overplayed it and played into the hands of republican congressional committees.
CNN says that the 650,000 emails were largely duplicates, and private emails about personal subjects and not pertaining to government business. The reason they could go through them so fast is because so FEW of the 650,000 had any relevance at all.
the ploy is they (documents) were new.
Think back to IRS, Benghazi or Fast & Furious ie get HOLDER😵 the secret meetings, the leaks that were as bogus as the allegations in the first place. Do they think taking the focus off their Rape Culture, White Collar jokester of a candidate would mitigate Him being those things - whatever the reason -
it was Petty & again pettiness from w/in the FBI killed John O'Neill, as well as helped Bin Laden and his terror cell get away with 9/11 - some disagree, yet they've proving to be
equally as PETTY
thus lacking in true patriotic convictions regarding the people - like some republicans & well for sure the
The matter of the Clinton Foundation is still being strongly considered for indictments at some point. The criticism of Clinton regarding her conduct with the server and e-mails before deciding not to criminally indict still stands too.
In the Immortal Words of Jessie Jackson (whether you take any offense or not😵)
"Keep Hope Alive!"
ROFLMAO like with the braggart of New Business model - exploiting Oriental women & stacking them in bunk beds -
"Proceed" my sides hurt 😅😃😅
The matter of the Clinton Foundation is still being strongly considered for indictments at some point. The criticism of Clinton regarding her conduct with the server and e-mails before deciding not to criminally indict still stands too.
It's in your face, and you still don't get it? Wow.
Well Sister "there are none so blind..."
The World must always be vigilant. Did you see the PBS Special "Defying the Nazi's" about Waitstill & Martha Sharpe outstanding Human beings😍
The criminal, traitorous, treason has infiltrated our government so deeply, that perhaps the only way to fix it entirely is a military coup.
The number of traitors must be in the tens of thousands, and one way or another, we need to round them all up for trial and execution.
Let's start with you.
If we do what I said, and it needs to start with me, so be it. I'd gladly sacrifice my life to rid this country of all the traitors.
Vigilance and knowledge are good weapons in any fight.
Buzz has article about political movies 💞 it, check it out!
The Roosevelt family have a political dynasty (not perfect people, men or politician) & they came from Wealth, yet they were all about the Common man & the responsibility to them
Theodore invited Booker T. Washington to the White House & unlike with J. McCain - it was not an intended insult, yet he was a Larger (not physic joke) than life, they named the Teddy Bear after him & he hated it (PBS, lil Petey, I knw from PBS😵)
FDR took the reins from Hoover, who had all kinds of compassion for Russians suffer (WWI), yet Americans Depression pffft! Social Security, Medicare & Glass Steagall (which Wall Street etc. Hate, but it KEPT um in check & SHOULD BE REINSTITUTED ASAP!)
HOPE was left when the 'angry' 'evil' hoards came out of Pandora's box The Stranger, bear that in mind & ignart (ignorance too classy a word) would have to Step 10 rungs up to even be traitors
There are 4 or 5 different investigations where Clinton is involved. The email investigation is just one of them.
I don't expect anything to come of them, because no matter how much evidence is brought forth, the Clintons will sneak out the back door as they have many times before and leave someone else to either end up dead, fined or in prison for the crimes of the Clintons. Now that they have gained so much more power and if Hillary Clinton becomes President she will become even more invincible.
Comey has bowed to the pressure - he wants to keep his job - Barry and Loretta have to be pleased - Billary/Killary has bought off enough votes and stacked the deck against anyone - and the Dems should be pleased at thoroughly futching the people of the U. S. very soundly and deeply.
"...he wants to keep his job..."
Rather, he wants to stay alive.
Kind of like Roberts or family members.
"I don't expect anything to come of them, because no matter how much evidence is brought forth..."
Again, tell it to a Koch Brother, the disingenuous argument & begrudging FOOL No One -
Republican policies, po!litics & Fiscal
promises have been Two-Term tested & FAILED, furthermore their actions & activities when
They Lost - Priceless esp. on the sthick (that lil Candace Cameron Bure (lollipops wouldn't melt in that Cotton Candy mouth) Morals, Patriotic and (my favorite)
Constitutionally INCLUSIVE (it's the last one that gets um every time!)
Alec, Heritage Foundation, Tea Fronts for Conservative BS more Confederacy & yes Petey that is a Problem they Lose then Cheat & whine lovely democracy theory that's gonna lead minions to
Big Hunger Games for Real & Solent Green sandwich's (Heads up it is ground up Dead people with food coloring
Two-Term tested & FAILED
You got that right. The last two terms have definitely failed to produce "Hope and Change" at least for the better.
"Republican policies, po!litics & Fiscal
promises have been Two-Term tested & FAILED, furthermore their actions & activities when
They Lost -"
Think you missed something while you were attempting to do
The twist
This development has let a lot of air out of the Trump balloon.
Frankly there was "no, there, there!" Truer words & now they attempt to "Gin" it up regarding the President
" to have Obama go down with Hillary"
Really considering Sec. of State Clinton reached out to the former occupant of the job (Republican I might add) Colin Powell & it was
COMMON KNOWLEDGE - around Washington - she had the server, as Bernie Mac would say
"this is some 🐂"
Kinda like the rabid repub's going after Charlie Rangel for stamps & 💩, like they don't all do stuff!
Before the onslight of a purity posse pile on
'Casino Jack' SMH
In tort law that would count as a defense, complaining party having prior KNOWLEDGE & letting it Slide
Colin Powell didn't have a private server and a private email account was not permitted since 2005 to use private servers for day to day government business.
Was she allowed to use a private server?
No. As we wrote , the IG report said that it has been department policy since 2005 — four years before Clinton took office — that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government servers. The report noted that the department’s Foreign Affairs Manual was updated in November 2005 to say “it is the Department’s general policy that normal day-to-day operations be conducted on an authorized [automated information system].” The IG made a distinction between occasional use in emergencies and exclusive use of personal email. “Beginning in late 2005 and continuing through 2011, the Department revised the FAM and issued various memoranda specifically discussing the obligation to use Department systems in most circumstances and identifying the risks of not doing so,” the IG report said.
Did Clinton seek government approval to use a private server for her personal email account?
No. The IG report said Clinton “had an obligation” to discuss her email system with the department, but it could find “no evidence” that Clinton sought approval for her unusual email arrangement. If she did, the report says her request would have been denied by the bureaus of Diplomatic Security and Information Resource Management. Brian Fallon, a Clinton campaign spokesman, has told us: “It did not occur to her that having it on a personal server could be so distinct that it would be unapproved.”
Did other secretaries of state use personal emails for government business?
The IG report confirmed what we had previously written : Among Clinton’s predecessors, only Colin Powell (Jan. 20, 2001–Jan. 26, 2005) used a personal email account for government business. Madeleine Albright (Jan. 23, 1997–Jan. 20, 2001) did not use email at all, and Condoleezza Rice (Jan. 26, 2005–Jan. 20, 2009) did not use a personal email account to conduct government business, the IG report said. Clinton’s successor, Secretary of State John Kerry, told the inspector general’s office that he “infrequently” used a personal email account for government business “when responding to a sender who emailed him on his personal account.”
No other secretary of state maintained a private server that was used for government business.
"Really considering Sec. of State Clinton reached out to the former occupant of the job (Republican I might add) Colin Powell & it was
COMMON KNOWLEDGE - around Washington - she had the server, as Bernie Mac would say
"this is some 🐂"
But, OK Attack Modey Much!?
LOL - Point it was Common knowledge in Washington why is it Duplicitous individuals or Group think mentality not see their own!?
Hillary Clinton should have listened to Colin Powell.
According to the FBI’s investigation, Clinton approached Powell in 2009 to discuss his own use of a BlackBerry during his tenure in the State Department. In response to her query, Powell reportedly cautioned Clinton that if it became public that she was using her smartphone to “do business,” her messages could become “official record[s] and subject to the law.”
In other words, Powell seemed to have had a pretty good idea what could—and eventually would—happen to Clinton’s emails.
This is not, in fact, the first time Powell has been named as a player in the ongoing saga of Clinton’s private email use. In August, The New York Times reported Clinton had told the FBI that Powell had explicitly advised her to use a personal email address—a report somewhat corroborated by an excerpt from a forthcoming book on Bill Clinton, in which author Joe Conason alleges that Powell advised Clinton at a dinner party to use a private email address for everything but classified messages.
According to the documents released by the FBI on Friday, Powell told Clinton: “Be very careful. I got around it all by not saying much, and not using systems that captured the data.”
Wasn't me, She didn't ask/ report, YET IT WAS Known but not relevant until now because there was Benghazi before the emails none of those rabid 🐺 in 🐑 clothing because they were being
Petty & petty blew up (like the Economy under Republican presidents😵)
You can twist it & resist it but Ya brought it On yourselves & after 8 years of Obstruction on the One Drop Rule
Don't it Feel Good - Boom, Boom the implosions of the principled
not so much funny when shoe be on other foot confusious confounds