Via: a-macarthur • 10 years ago • 6 comments
Since getting interested in photography, to get better and better equipment, I have traded up a lens or a camera and some cash got me a better lens or camera.
I just traded up to a new (used) lens. Got it today.
This one; the collar enables me to rotate the camera to a vertical position without creating too much torque, which, with my other lenses, loosens the tripod socket screw and makes it necessary to physically hold the camera in place.
Can't wait until tomorrow.
More photos to come.
Beautiful images! You can see the pieces in the feathers! The ribbing... I don't know what it is called.
Such beauty!
What was the lens you recently got and used for these photos?
This one; the collar enables me to rotate the camera to a vertical position without creating too much torque, which, with my other lenses, loosens the tripod socket screw and makes it necessary to physically hold the camera in place.
It's also 400mm and very sharp.
Great photos Mac. The close-ups really give one the opportunity of enjoy the colors.
These all are terrific..but, I must admit that my favorite is the Mourning Dove....striking!!