
NYPD Reports ‘Huge Spike’ in Hate Crimes Since Donald Trump’s Election


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  jwc2blue  •  8 years ago  •  38 comments

NYPD Reports ‘Huge Spike’ in Hate Crimes Since Donald Trump’s Election


Mayor Bill de Blasio with Officer Aml Elsokary.

The police department revealed today that the city has witnessed a 115 percent increase in bias crimes since President-elect Donald Trump triumphed over Hillary Clinton last month—and paid tribute to one of the victims, a Muslim cop subjected to threats while off-duty in Brooklyn over the weekend.

Addressing the press at One Police Plaza this morning, Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce noted again that hate crimes are up 35 percent for all of 2016 compared to the year prior. But he reported that the most intense burst had come in the weeks since November 8: 43 incidents, in contrast to 20 during the same period of 2015.

“We also started looking at certain parameters: what happened post-Election Day? We had a huge spike, right after Election Day, it’s somewhat slowed a little bit,” Boyce said. “We’re seeing across the board an increase right now.”

Of the 43 attacks, 24 were directed at Jews—three times as many as occurred last November. The number of bias incidents against Muslims doubled, from two to four as of yesterday.

The figure Boyce cited did not include an attack upon a Muslim Metropolitan Transportation Authority employee this morning. According to a Facebook post by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a man shoved the worker down a flight of stairs at Grand Central Station after calling her a “terrorist.”

Boyce said the department has also seen an increase in hate incidents committed against whites and against members of the LGBTQ community. He compared the rash of recent attacks on Jews to a similar outbreak during Israel’s military campaign in the Gaza Strip in 2014, and argued that news events influence acts on the streets.

“The same thing happens. The national discourse has effects on hate crimes—hate speech I should say, hate speech,” he said.

Boyce noted, however, that arrests for bias crimes are up 45 percent.

“As they come in, we are making the arrests, nearly immediately in some acts, other acts, other times, it’s a little bit tougher, tougher investigation,” he said. our job is to go out and make arrests immediately on these things, which is what we’re doing.”

The weekly briefing on crime statistics featured a special guest: Officer Aml Elsokary. On Saturday,  in her home neighborhood of Bay Ridge, a man allegedly told Elsokary and her 16-year-old son to “go back to your country” and threatened to sic his pit bull on them.

The NYPD collared the accused yesterday.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said the incident “reflects a lot on the current moment,” and again reminded the public that 900 Muslims serve in the NYPD.

“She serves this city. She is an example of everything that we would want from our citizens: a commitment to others, a commitment to service,” he said. “And what does she get for it: threats to her life and bigotry and taunts. We can’t allow this. It’s unacceptable in this city and it’s unacceptable in this nation.”

Elsokary thanked the mayor and the Muslim Officers Association, and described how her roots inspired her to join the police force.

“I became a police officer to show the positive side of a New Yorker, a Muslim woman, that can do the job, that is non-biased, that I help anybody, no matter what’s your religion,” she said. “I’m born and raised here, and I’m here to protect y’all.”

Trump, who ran on a program of deporting undocumented immigrants and barring Muslims from entering the United States, urged supporters committing hate crimes to “stop it” on 60 Minutes  in his first interview as president-elect. However, racist vandalism and violence has proliferated in the weeks since, prompting both Cuomo and state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to announce anti-bias initiatives.

Updated to include details about the attack on the Muslim MTA employee.

Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    8 years ago

Connecting hate crimes to Trump is an example of a classic logical fallacy.

In logic, "false cause and effect" is when one event is said to have caused another event just because the first event preceded the second event. It is a logical fallacy because it uses sequence as the only evidence without considering other factors.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
link   Sean Treacy    8 years ago

Of the 43 attacks, 24 were directed at Jews

So per your source, electing the vehemently Pro-Israel Trump lead to a massive surge in attack on Jews. 

I guess we shouldn't be surprised when the democrats rally around a Nation Of Islam supporter as the head of their party that Jews will continue to be disproportionately the victim of hate crimes. 


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Sean Treacy   8 years ago

"Of the 43 attacks, 24 were directed at Jews—three times as many as occurred last November. The number of bias incidents against Muslims doubled, from two to four as of yesterday."

But the big deal here is being made of bias against Muslims. ?????

"Here's what I know, as does every rational person on Earth; Drumpf may not hate Jews personally, but he keeps close company with some of this country's most virulent anti-Semites." (jwc2blue)

That's the most thinly veiled incompetent calling a person an anti-Semite I have ever seen.

"Close company"? Does he have the virulent anti-Semites over for dinner? Did he invite them to his daughter's wedding?  Does he meet them in a bar for a friendly drinK? Does he send them Christmas gifts? Did he name ANY of them to his advisory or potential cabinet group?

Wow!!!! And I've  been called biased.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    8 years ago

There has been an huge increase in hate crimes in NYC since the elections. The NY Post (our conservative paper) is reporting it, but also says that the police decline on saying why.

The NYPD said on Wednesday that the number of hate crimes has risen 31.5 percent this year compared to stats from 2015.

Police Commissioner James O’Neill said during a press conference in Brooklyn Borough Hall that the crimes against various groups, including Muslims and Jews, have surged so far this year.

But the top cop refused to say whether it was a direct result of the heated climate surrounding the presidential election.

“There has been a lot of rhetoric, but this is New York City and we’re much better than that,” O’Neill said. “We won’t tolerate these crimes.”

But the NY Daily News (more liberal) is reporting it this way:

(I can't copy and paste from this source)

The one thing that is clear from both articles is that the number of hate crimes is way up since the election, although overall crime is way down. We could argue till the cows come home why, but it is a fact, that they are way up. 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   8 years ago

I would make two points

One, the amount of media and social media and online attention paid to this election was unprecedented. Maybe all that attention led to heightened tensions in a way that encouraged hate crimes. 

Second, social scientists who study crime rates say that one year's crime rates can be anomalous, in other words without any real explanation and may revert back next year to a previous level. A trend needs multiple consecutive years of evidence before fair conclusions can be drawn. Maybe that would be an explanation for the NY hate crime totals also. 

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

I can agree with your sensible assessment JR. 

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

Wow! John, this makes twice in as many days I'm going to have to agree with you.

Are we starting a trend? thinking

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    8 years ago

I would not be surprised there are a lot of people that hate Trump. We saw it in Chicago when the goons shut down his rally. 

The whole hate crime thing is nonsense anyway. When a black thug kills another black they don't consider that to be hate. 

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany    8 years ago

The one thing that is clear from both articles is that the number of hate crimes is way up since the election, although overall crime is way down. We could argue till the cows come home why, but it is a fact, that they are way up. 

Crime statistics for every city go up and down all the time. So what. This article (by its title) attempts to link "hate" crimes (the effect) to a cause (the election of Donald Trump). That connection, with no support other than saying one precedes the other, is a worthless logical fallacy. 

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  1ofmany   8 years ago

Well, you know most liberals posting to the board use supposition rather than facts. (there are a few here that don't do that) but they are on vacation right now and not posting.

Can't be a more egregious demonstration of that than this article, although there are a few others, like the church burning back in November.

Crime is up, that is the fact, only the hard core brain dead will attempt to blame it on a presidential election or the new incoming president.

Professor Silent
link   TTGA  replied to  1ofmany   8 years ago

It's actually more than that 1.  It shows the absolute hate shown by anti Trump people.  They will do and say anything to put down Trump.  They will accuse him of any type of activity, no matter how tenuous the connection or how innocuous the activity, in order to undermine him.  Check out the sources of information, after all.  CBS, Clinton News Network and the Southern Poverty Law Center.  When you really think about it, there just might be a touch of bias there, to be grabbed up by any hater who wants to get Trump.  Soon, I expect to hear that Trump is a racist because he was one of the crowd that killed Cock Robin (obviously red breasted birds are inferior and the racists want to wipe them out).  I also figure it won't be long before we hear that Trump was involved in the Lindbergh kidnapping.  If it's pointed out to the haters that it happened 20 years before Trump was born, they will simply say that he had a psychic influence and, therefore, must be guilty.  The haters really don't care, as long as they can somehow condemn Trump or his family and friends in some way....any way, and make it somehow sound a little bit logical.

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  TTGA   8 years ago

Trump is a fraud, pathological liar, and bully , among other things. He is the worst presidential candidate (elect) in American history. It isn't possible to unfairly criticize Donald Trump. 

Nowhere Man
Junior Guide
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

No, in fact, Hillary is the worst. and that should be plain, she couldn't even beat what you claim to be the historical worst ever.

But then it a clue to all the angst, you all considers her the "MOST" qualified ever, in the history of presidential elections as the president put it.

More qualified that George Washington the president of the Constitutional Convention? John Adams the man who headed the committee for writing the Constitution? James Madison, the man who actually wrote it?

Ok, If the president said it is so it must be truth. And we all know the president NEVER lies to suit his political ends.

(psst: that you can keep your doctor thing was just kidding, he meant to say you can't keep your doctor, it was just a slip of the tongue)

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

Hillary is the most accomplished liar to ever run for office. She's been lying non-stop for 40 years and was still lying during her campaign. If she hadn't been riding Bill's coattails, she would have never come to the public's attention other than being on a wanted poster. She did absolutely nothing as a senator, other than vote for the the disastrous Iraq war. As Secretary of State, she advocated removing Assad which led to hundreds of thousand being killed, Russian and Iranian intervention in Syria, and a regional destabilization that fostered ISIS. That mistake also led to hundreds of thousands fleeing into Europe which, in part, triggered BREXIT. Then there's her Libyan policy which left Libya a failed state and a springboard for terrorism into Europe and North Africa. Oh and let's not forget her lie that the American ambassador was killed in a spontaneous event triggered by a video when in fact it was a planned terrorist attack on the the anniversary of 911. Trump doesn't know what the hell hes tlaking about and he would still be hard pressed to be worse than her dumb ass. 

Sophomore Silent
link   1ofmany  replied to  TTGA   8 years ago

JR just decided to prove your point. For you Ttga, I fixed blue's statement. 

Professor Silent
link   TTGA  replied to  1ofmany   8 years ago

And he did a fine job of it 1.  Three slanderous statements in a row with nothing to back them up but his opinion (and we know what his opinion is worth).

He even got the worst President ever wrong, but, then again, so did you.  Neither Trump nor Clinton are even close to the worst.

Most incompetent President:  Jimmy Carter.  Completely honest, great businessman, OK Governor, horrible President.

President with the least political savvy:  James Buchanan.  After all, he did start a Civil War.

Most dishonest President:  Warren G. Harding.  Teapot Dome.  Need I say more.  If he hadn't died, he would have gone to prison.


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