Flashback: Mike Flynn said immunity probably equals guilt
Mike Flynn has reportedly sought immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony about the Trump campaign's potential ties to Russia, but past comments show that Donald Trump 's former national security adviser once associated immunity with guilt.
"I mean, five people around her have had, have been given immunity to include her chief of staff," Flynn told NBC's "Meet the Press" in a September 2016 interview , referring to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's email controversy.
"When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime."
(LINK to article; video statement)
NBC News, citing a congressional official, reported Thursday night that Flynn told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he is willing to testify about possible links between Russian and the Trump campaign. The Wall Street Journal also reported Thursday that Flynn had told the FBI and congressional investigators he was willing to be interviewed in exchange for immunity.
Mike Flynn has reportedly sought immunity from prosecution in exchange for his testimony about the Trump campaign's potential ties to Russia, but past comments show that Donald Trump 's former national security adviser once associated immunity with guilt.
"I mean, five people around her have had, have been given immunity to include her chief of staff," Flynn told NBC's "Meet the Press" in a September 2016 interview , referring to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's email controversy.
"When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime."
And he lead the crowd at the RNC convention in chanting "Lock her up!" when it's beginning to look like he is guilty of collusion at least and possibly treason concerning the Russians at the same time he was doing it. What hypocrisy!
What hypocrisy!
He is probably oblivious to his own hypocrisy. What sets many of our "leaders" apart is that they do not consider that the rules they want to apply to us must also apply to them. When Hillary does it, it's wrong... when they do it, it's OK. The rules do not apply to them.
What hypocrisy!
He is probably oblivious to his own hypocrisy. What sets many of our "leaders" apart is that they do not consider that the rules they want to apply to us must also apply to them. When Hillary does it, it's wrong... when they do it, it's OK. The rules do not apply to them.
I saw the video clip last night. Talk about karma.
I agree. Isn't he the most guilty looking MF you've ever seen?
I heard that. He should be wondering if someone doesn't get him to drink a cup of tea with a radioactive isotope it. He knows too much and now wants to talk? He's a dead man walking if the FBI doesn't change his life and make him a Walmart store manager in Phoenix soon.