Tough guys ... ... by Bob Nelson
So... we know that Donald Trump says and does stuff that is crazy. Bad for Americans and everyone else in the world.
But even irrational acts have motives... so what is Donald Trump's source of motivation.
He blusters. He shouts down anyone who disagrees with him. He is constantly trying to prove how tough he is... but his method for proving it is reminiscent of little boys on a playground, emulating their heroes.
They strut like roosters. They almost crow like roosters: stridently and with no meaning. Well... in point of fact... the rooster may actually have something to crow about... if the hens are clucking happily...
Most little boys grow up, eventually.
They learn to think like adults, using facts and reason to come to conclusions about the best way to do things.
Apparently, Donald Trump never grew up... He still does not use facts to make decisions... and he still struts and crows.
You'd wonder who on Earth would be impressed by a man who struts and crows, and makes irrational decisions because he doesn't know what he's talking about... You'd wonder...
... until you realize that Donald Trump is far from alone.
There are lots and lots of other "adults" who apparently have never grown up.
They strut. They crow... with the most outlandish cries being held in the highest esteem! They imitate their heroes.
They are tough guys!
They never notice that their heroes are... fake...
... and so are they...
I'm not thinking of anyone on NT, of course...
Based on your strutting and crowing I thought it was a self reflection article.
The characters are the antithesis of men who "bluster" and shout people down. John Wayne and Clint Eastwood don't "strut" and "crow." They are almost always portray laconic, self contained, self reliant men who want to be left alone until they are forced to act to defend themselves or others. Hell, "the man with no name" hardly ever talks. Saying he "blusters" is ignorant.
The Barack Obama type blusters. He preens on stages and fights imaginary straw men. That's the example you should use if you care about accuracy.
Walter Peck is the type of Hollywood Stereotype Bob wants to rule us. The unelected career bureaucrat who abuses his governmental power to force others to do what he wants, damn the consequences.
Sean, I agree with up until the absurd , delusional last three sentences.
The iconic characters played in the movies depicted in the article were not crowing and bluster, they were the strong silent types. And all of it as by design. Wayne's screen character in particular was a meticulous and closely watched creation that was never allowed deviation. (until True Grit, which is why Wayne won the oscar).
What about the conqueror?
Tough Guys? Seriously? Did you author this or was it authored by a young child? I'm hoping a child did so that we can explain the poorly written and disjointed rant.
He still should get a participation trophy.
The actors shown were just that actors playing a tough guy role...It was make believe, acting, movies.
If you want a real hero and tough guy take a look at Jimmy Stewart among many other actors that actually were tough guys and hero's in real life.
For anyone tempted to respond to Bob's future articles note the pathetic initial argument & the even more pathetic response to commentary :
That should plenty of motivation to shun future "articles" from Le Bob ...
Don't talk about your amigo Petey like that.
Gee, Petey... Are you really promising to stay away from my articles?
I am NOT promising anything . If you call me out in an article without my participation I will complain to management .
When was the last time I paid any attention at all to you, Petey?
I tried for a few years to get you to go beyond bumper-sticker slogans... and then gave it up as hopeless... I'd be happy to try again, but it's up to you.
Trump is permanently stuck at the age of about 12. Nothing more then a school yard bully want to be, full of bluster and cowardice. It was obvious on his recent trip. He was a whiny little spoiled brat of a child among adults and a YUGE embarrassment to America. He gave up being the leader of the free world and handed it to Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron because he showed he is not qualified for the job. He can try to put on a Superman uniform, but the flabby little child still shows through.
Merkel & Macron ... leaders ? Leaders into the destruction of their respective countries maybe !
Exactly I'd much rather live here in the good old USA with Trump cleaning up Obamas mess than either of those two places that are on the fast track to destruction.
In this environment supporting Trump has become more worthwhile and needed than ever. It is fun to watch weeping and wailing of those who supported the wicked witch Hillary.
Where do you get that phony impression that everyone who supported Hillary is weeping and wailing? I'm not. My wife is not. Neither is any of our many friends who supported her. In fact I don't know of a single Clinton supporter who does. We are adults. We don't weep and wail. That is for children. Like Trump.
I do know several of them who are deeply regretting voting for him. They feel like they were conned. Taken. Lied to. They're right.
This is what we see: stereotypes. You and I, Randy, are not real people. We are cookie cut-outs. Our "thinking" is not what we post, but rather what their "liberal stereotypes" would post.
On another site, I realized that it didn't matter what my actual words were, because the other participants knew what I had to say, being a bleeding-heart leftist. They only heard the stereotype they had themselves constructed, even if they had to completely ignore my actual posts.
It's logical. It fits with their general approach to the universe. Reality is unimportant. Preconceptions rule.
It frustrating: they themselves apparently do not want to differentiate themselves from their stereotypes. On the contrary. They seem to try their very best to emulate a caricature.
We and all of the people on here that they consider liberals, are straw-men that they have constructed in their minds to knock down. It doesn't really matter if their arguments fall flat or if they are shown to be wrong, because, since we are only stereotypical straw-men, they will always still see themselves as victors by posting something like above.
It is fun to watch weeping and wailing of those who supported the wicked witch Hillary.
It really doesn't matter to XX that we are not weeping and wailing and that he has no evidence that we are. In his mind the straw-men he sees us as are and that makes him feel better. Makes him feel some how superior. It's a hollow superiority that has no reality, but it gets him through what must be a sad life if he needs shot in the arm like that. I pity him.
Autocorrect is a bitch...