Via: community • 8 years ago • 8 comments
There are images, which, once seen, remain in our memory data banks forever; for, once seen, if ever seen again at some future point in time … we are likely to say aloud … "Ha! I remember that!"
Bet you a dollar you cannot refrain from smiling or even laughing out loud the first time you look at this image!
Yep, totally laughed; then I put a little thought balloon above his head......and laughed even harder.
"Wow, this place is safe from hawks and stuff. I should build a nest here. Whadda you mean rain? Oh Crap!!"
That's a great shot! I don't know how you manage to capture some of the things you do...must have the patience of a saint
Little fellow was thinking about surfing the ''Banzai Pipeline''....
Why does this photo make me think of the children's poem:
"Itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout...."?
This article was the only one on the Home Page that I was interested enough in to open.
Logically, because of the presence of a water spout in the image.
Poor connection from the mountains … today I got some new, interesting shots which I'll post when the connection is steady.
Good night for now.
I have to work my ass off to post on NT at ANY time, perhaps becuase of my old computer or inadequate WiFi.