
Danu rejoices at America's sudden and unexpected rejection of Gaia


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  kpr37  •  8 years ago  •  15 comments

Danu rejoices at America's sudden and unexpected rejection of Gaia

Making people uncomfortable, forcing them to look at things differently than they would sometimes prefer, is Philosophy,(paganism) The search for the divine, the Logos. Religion is reading the internal organs, and entrails of slaughtered animals. They are both very messy in action and deed.

U.S. submits formal notice of withdrawal from Paris climate pact


As a pagan I know James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis were the high priest and priestess of the modern Gaia theory, that is only a poor man's reworking of Plato's Timaeus for the twenty-first century.


No, I'm not kidding that is where the modern global warming hypostasis originated.

Perhaps the fifth century Platonist philosopher Proclus would be pleased to learn that after fifteen hundred years, the Gaia hypothesis is still with us and that philosophers today wrestle, as Proclus did, with competing orders of explanation for natural phenomena, ranging from the highly suspect teleology to respectable emergence. No doubt he would be surprised to find the hypothesis, which in its strongest modern formulation posits that living systems on earth actively create conditions favorable to themselves, called 'new'. Volume III of Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Timaeus, Proclus on the World's Body, might well be taken as a precursor of Lovelock's work. [1] In it, Proclus, while commenting on Timaeus 31a-34a8, works through the meaning of natural philosophy, attempting to address the ecology of the earth's living systems within a plurality of intellectual viewpoints, from Aristotelian science to Neoplatonist metaphysics. Dirk Baltzly, the editor and translator, does a fine job of explaining this material, which ranges from the elementary to the abstruse, to the reader unacquainted with Greek science and mathematics.


I believe it was Al Gore who first said to the American budding pagan congregation.


Hi, I'm the prophet of the Goddess Gaia, My name is chicken little. I hate to inform you the sky is falling, and the earth is in fact warming at an alarming rate Oh my, Oh my.... From on high, I command unto you in my goddess name, that thee in an accelerated, expeditious manner sacrifice willingly any means of industrial production, warm houses, air conditioning , individual transportation, individual refrigeration, solo showers and baths, red meat, and your children's future economic well being at the earth's altar in supplication of me (Gaia) It's only when we are all cold, hungry, and sitting in the dark that the goddess can truly be known or appreciated. What gifts the divine can can reward the believer with. Surely gaia loves her children and only wants what is best.

If thee do not heed the words of the Divine Goddess she will burn your little planet to ashes. Woe is thee who ignores the wise words of the holiest Apostle the Goreical. Let's just hope the goddess is satisfied with material sacrifice. She has demanded much more in the past. But don't worry, I'm sure she has mellowed with age. So many were consumed with the dangers of Christianity in America, they never saw us pagans coming. Secularism my ass. It says separation between "church" and state. It says nothing about sacrificing the future of America at the altar of the Goddess Gaia. She is the earth, she is the nation, she is the firmament that we stand upon.


Political correctness, religion, and government.

The global warming cult and its deity Gaia are one of the multiculturalists favorite gods, or in this case goddess. It was she, Gaia, lavishly funded by the government. As was politically correct to do so. Now, however, Gaia, as America turns her lonely face from you Danu rejoices.




 Kpr37 child of the goddess Danu (Tuatha De' Danann)


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37    8 years ago

I can't debate the science, I'm not that smart. But Richard Lindzen is!!!




Richard Siegmund Lindzen (born February 8, 1940) is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides , and ozone photochemistry . He has published more than 200 scientific papers and books. From 1983 [1] until his retirement in 2013, he was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . [2] He was a lead author of Chapter 7, "Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks," of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 's Third Assessment Report on climate change . He has criticized the scientific consensus about climate change [3] and what he has called "climate alarmism." [4]




Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37  replied to  kpr37   8 years ago

Can everyone tell the difference between the scientist and dogmatic fanatic in the two videos?





Richard Lindzen Rips Bill Nye a New One






Princeton Scientist William Happer DESTROYS Bill Nye "the science guy" on Climate Change

Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37    8 years ago

Could not get any of this to load in the photo thing.


Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37    8 years ago

Jailing and persecuting the unbelievers is a common trait among some religions in the infancy of their system of belief. As many followers are uncomfortable in their beliefs, and forcing the beliefs on others, reinforces and empowers their own weaker set of beliefs.  

Now there are further signs that a concerted campaign is under way. “Letter to President Obama: Investigate Deniers Under RICO” is the headline over a letter from 20 scientists , most at respected institutions, endorsing the Whitehouse idea and calling for the federal government to launch a probe under the racketeering (RICO) law. The letter was soon being widely promoted around the Web, even at BoingBoing , often regarded as a pro-free-speech outlet.

It is not clear that all the scientists who signed the letter have thought carefully about the tension between what they are asking and the continuing freedom to pursue lines of inquiry in public debate that the government may find unwelcome or unreasonable. “I have no idea how it affects the First Amendment,” says one Vermont scientist who backs the probe, quoted by Bruce Parker of Vermont Watchdog .

In a companion piece, Parker interviewed me about the constitutional implications of this extremely bad idea. (I should note that when I discuss RICO in the interview transcript, I’m referring to the civil-litigation side of the law, so-called civil RICO, which seems to be the part of the law the advocates hope to use.)

It is remarkable how many advocates of this scheme seem to imagine that the First Amendment protects only truthful speech and thus (they think) has no application here because climate skepticism is false.



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion is the first part!!!

And it sure looks to me, as a "pagan", like Gaia had her hand in the pocketbook of the nation and was the favored "faith" of many in power. Mr. Lovelock eventually became an apostate to his own faith. But it was too late, Gaia was reborn or rediscovered in the twentieth century.



A scientist and author, James Lovelock, who once predicted doomsdaylike fallout from climate change has backtracked, calling his own projections and those of others "alarmist." Even so, climate scientists stress Lovelock's backtracking doesn't negate the reality of climate change, and in fact, his past predictions highlight some overall misunderstanding about planetary warming.

Lovelock, who introduced the Gaia Hypothesis describing life on Earth as a vast self-regulating organism some 40 years ago, also stated that since 2000, warming had not happened as expected.

"The climate is doing its usual tricks. There's nothing much really happening yet. We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now," Lovelock told MSNBC.com in an interview.



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Freshman Silent
link       8 years ago

Gaia, as I use it, refers to a " Living Planet " But  it seems so many do not understand the difference between eternal ( Ability to regenerate when all things needed are present ) And Immortal, an Inability to Die ( Life within itself with NO need for any external assistance )

 So that Gaia ( Planet Earth ) Can regenerate IF, the process of degradation does not exceed it regenerating processes, if they do, then it will " Die " in that its ability to sustain Life will not be!

 Now as to what can happen to the " Empty Void " orbiting a Sun, on the Edge of a Tinny galaxy, well that is another story!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37  replied to    8 years ago

Gaia, as I use it, refers to a " Living Planet



The Greeks went over it like Christians pondered how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. Time-consuming but not very productive, as most dogma associated with religious beliefs tend to be.






2. An Interpretive Question

Ever since Aristotle rejected the cosmology of the Timaeus on the ground that it nonsensically required not just a beginning of the universe in time, but a beginning of time itself ( Physics 251b14–26), defenders of the dialogue—perhaps wishing to neutralize Aristotle's critique while conceding its point—have claimed that the creation story is not to be read literally, but metaphorically. [ 3 ] This metaphorical reading of the dialogue became the prevailing (though not exclusive) view among Platonists, from the Old Academy of Plato's immediate successors to Plotinus (third cent. CE).


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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  kpr37   8 years ago

All " Sciences " Are in themselves Re Ligion ( Religion ) Original meaning : To Tie to : To Depend 

 What Scientist would devote their whole life to something that they have No Faith, hence no religion to?

Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37  replied to    8 years ago

What Scientist would devote their whole life to something that they have No Faith, hence no religion to?

But there was no difference between science and religion at the time. Times change luckily, I just don't want nonsense polluting secular science now. Gaia is an entire system of belief. It has its own creation myth.(human and universal). It is a set of beliefs that is by its very definition, a religious system of belief.




Gaia was said to have given birth to the human race. Thus, in the Myth of Ericthonius she draws him forth from her own bosom, and offers him up to Athene: he was the first inhabitant of Attica.

Gaia was venerated at the Oracle of Delphi, the supreme centre of divination in Greece; also at Patras, Aegea, Olympia and in the sanctuaries at Sparta and Athens.

Later, as other divinities rose in the estimation of men the role of Gaia gradually became less important.


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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  kpr37   8 years ago

" The more things change, the more they remain the same "!

Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37  replied to    8 years ago

well said.

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Freshman Silent
link     replied to  kpr37   8 years ago


Masters Quiet
link   Enoch    8 years ago

Dear Friend Kpr37: Fascinating discussion.

Thanks for sharing it.

Warmest regards Always.


Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37  replied to  Enoch   8 years ago

Fascinating discussion.



Paganism like all faiths has it's good and bad.


Diogenes of Sinope taught that you should never believe the words of Kings, Rulers, Emperors, Priests, Shaman, fortune tellers, auguries, wise men, politicians or prophets.

They all have been known to have a greater propensity to tell a lie than the average man. Investigate everything they say before placing your belief in them and their words. Else you are likely to find yourself made a fool of, time and time again.

Truer words were never spoken!!


In my younger days, I fully and freely embraced Dionysus wholeheartedly. Reveling in its excesses and ecstasy, often times lost in a haze of devotion through physical and spiritual intoxication. Nearly killed (LOL)


Now, I have a more trinity type based system of belief.

In Greek philosophy cynic (reformed) /skepticism, for me, is the answer to life's mysteries, no matter what they are.

Reality, logic, and reason the 'holy trinity" as it were.  

" Skepsis " means investigation, and ancient skepticism is perhaps best described as a deep and persistent commitment to investigation.

The Cynics felt that happiness is achievable during one's lifetime, if one leads a virtuous existence by simplifying one's wants and desires, and attempts to live in harmony with others in a natural setting

With a wee little bit of "realist" philosophy tossed in when needed. Cause reality allways trumps dogma no matter how much we may wish otherwise.

  "we can rest satisfied with having proceed upon the clearest data, and having arrived at conclusions as exact as can be expected" ( Thucydides 1.21.1 ). Some of the data we receive may be flawed, Thucydides says, but by evaluating and analyzing the data, the truth can be found.

source  Tufts University .

Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37    8 years ago

Gaia is hating on dogs, and cats now. I don't that will produce more devotees!



Americans love their pets. In fact, we spend over $60 billion on them annually . Furthermore, many social justice warriors who seemingly despise their fellow humans will often be found protesting on behalf of animals.

Progressives who love animals and truly believe in climate change may have trouble fully embracing the assertions of a UCLA professor who says our pets are contributing to global warming .

In a study released Wednesday, a geography professor at UCLA calculated that the meat-based food Americans’ dogs and cats eat – and the waste those pets produce – generate the equivalent of about 64 million tons of carbon dioxide a year.


That’s as much as about 13.6 million cars driving for a year, says professor Gregory Okin in a paper published in the journal PLOS One.

Put another way: Dogs and cats are responsible for 25 to 30 percent of the environmental impact of meat consumption in the United States.

The professor leading the study explains :

I like dogs and cats, and I’m definitely not recommending that people get rid of their pets or put them on a vegetarian diet, which would be unhealthy,’ said Professor Gregory Okin who led the research.

‘But I do think we should consider all the impacts that pets have so we can have an honest conversation about them. Pets have many benefits, but also a huge environmental impact.’


Professor Silent
link   seeder  kpr37    8 years ago

This shit is just too funny

Lovelock came up with his Gaia hypothesis

No, he did not, it is thousands of years old.

more than half a century ago, in the course of a conversation with fellow scientists including Carl Sagan at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, where he was employed to work out ways of testing whether there was life on Mars.

This got him thinking about the mystery of life on our own planet: our peculiar atmosphere, largely comprising nitrogen and oxygen (unlike Mars and Venus, where it’s mostly CO2), and the extraordinary way that for the past 3.5 billion years, Earth has remained within a narrow temperature band capable of supporting life, even though the sun has grown 30 per cent hotter and ought to have fried us by now. Could it be, he wondered, that the entire planet is an incredibly complex, self-regulating system designed for supporting life?

The name Gaia came later, provided by his friend, the novelist William Golding, after the ancient Greek name for Earth.

Gaia was the earth goddess, not the earth.

This didn’t help its reputation with scientists, many of whom dismissed it as a neo-pagan religion . But from the early 1970s  onward s it struck a chord with the green movement, which used it to support its belief that the planet’s delicate balance was on the verge of being destroyed forever by an unwelcome interloper: man.



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