
Trump Factor Test - Testing the extent of your Donald-ness! (MBTI Based)


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  8 years ago  •  30 comments

Trump Factor Test - Testing the extent of your Donald-ness! (MBTI Based)


Donald J. Trump is one of the most divisive and controversial candidates in contemporary American politics. Seen as a courageous straight talker by some, and a boorish loudmouth by others, Trump sports some of the highest  and  lowest favorability ratings in recent opinion polls. Love him or hate him, Trump's meteoric rise to the forefront of American politics has made him an inevitable figure of public debate and made everyone curious to discover the extent of their Donald-ness as well.

How Trump are you? Let's find out.

(Take the Test)


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    8 years ago

Note: this test was created by the people who put up the site: Celebrity Types.com.-Typology for Absolute Beginners   (Mercury is still retrograde, so Click on diagram to enlarge if its too small).

Celebrity Types Homepage.

"Celebrity Types* is a site about the MBTI ("Myers-Briggs Type Inventory").

Its my second favourite MBTI site after that is the highly popular  "16 Personalities "

(*Off-topic: Cat probably knows about that site but if she doesn't someone should tell her winking )


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

16 personalities is interesting...

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Larry Hampton   8 years ago

16 personalities is interesting...

That's my "go to" site. The first one I usually look at.

BTW, did your test results indicate INFP? 


Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

16 personalities is great, good site.

I'm an INTJ-A

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    8 years ago

Trump Factor Test - Testing The Extent Of Your Donald-Ness!

Of course the odds are you already know the degree of your Trump-ness! So why tkae a test?

Well, of course if you are an "S" type (like Trump) you wouldn't be interested-- but if you are an "NT" type like me, you want deeper insight into Trump, yourself, and others!

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    8 years ago

"Trump Factor Test

Your Trump Factor is 0%, which makes you
No Donald."



That is reassuring.

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell   8 years ago

That is reassuring.

In a sense it ios ironic that people take a teat like this-- to tell them what they already know, lol!

However, since you're obviously not a "Trump type", I suppose ypour results say more about the test than anything else-- it shows the test may have some validity after all.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
link   Dean Moriarty    8 years ago

Your Trump Factor is 72%, which makes you an 
Impressive Donald.

trump-big.png Wow! What have we got here? An impressive Donald, that's what we've got. Much like the original specimen himself, you're a diamond - an absolute diamond. Unapologetic, audacious, and unflustered, your Trump Factor truly is hard as only hardened carbon can be. In other words, your Trump Factor suggests that you're a real businessman; someone who means business in every sense of the word, as only a person of exquisite Donald-ness can.
Junior Silent
link   tomwcraig    8 years ago

Trump Factor Test
Your Trump Factor is 70%, which makes you an
Impressive Donald.

Wow! What have we got here? An impressive Donald, that's what we've got. Much like the original specimen himself, you're a diamond - an absolute diamond. Unapologetic, audacious, and unflustered, your Trump Factor truly is hard as only hardened carbon can be. In other words, your Trump Factor suggests that you're a real businessman; someone who means business in every sense of the word, as only a person of exquisite Donald-ness can.

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  tomwcraig   8 years ago

Wow! What have we got here? An impressive Donald, that's what we've got. Much like the original specimen himself, you're a diamond - an absolute diamond. Unapologetic, audacious, and unflustered, your Trump Factor truly is hard as only hardened carbon can be. In other words, your Trump Factor suggests that you're a real businessman; someone who means business in every sense of the word, as only a person of exquisite Donald-ness can.

How do the test results you got compare to your own "self-assessment" of ypour personality? (How accurate do you think they are?)

Senior Guide
link   XXJefferson51  replied to  tomwcraig   8 years ago

Your Trump Factor is 36%, which makes you a 
Soft Donald.

trump-big.png Uh-oh. Someone had better call a doctor 'cause your Trump Factor isn't doing too well. You need to rise to the challenge if you want to be cheeky, sassy, lively, saucy, and smart like only the Donald can be – in other words, to turn yourself into the highest quality, most wildly powerful brand (capable of wooing women and voters alike). You've got a job to do and if you do it, you'll win. Good luck – the Donald is watching you.
Freshman Silent
link   Squirrel!    8 years ago

This is great!  I'm hoping EVERYONE on this site takes the test and posts their results here.  That way we will be able to know who the RWNJ's are versus the normal people.

D-M and T-C are on the RIGHT!

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

This is great!  I'm hoping EVERYONE on this site takes the test and posts their results here.  That way we will be able to know who the RWNJ's are versus the normal people.

I think some people here might be embarressed....

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

This is great!  I'm hoping EVERYONE on this site takes the test and posts their results here.  That way we will be able to know who the RWNJ's are versus the normal people.

Normal people?

There are normal people here on this site...???

Junior Silent
link   tomwcraig  replied to  Squirrel!   8 years ago

How nice of you to be insulting.  Of course I am on the Right.  I admit that I am a Conservative with Libertarian leanings.  That is farther Right than McConnell and Ryan, whom are both Moderates with Totalitarian leanings as shown by how much they love to talk a good game and then give the Democrats everything they wanted and then some.

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  tomwcraig   8 years ago

How nice of you to be insulting. 

Squirrel does have a tendency to do that, doesn't she? 

And I have a feeling its such a habit she isn't even aware she's doing it. (Maybe if we remind her-- gently-- each time she does itnshe may start to realize...which would be a blessing for this website,and would definitely be a useful thing for her to realize as well! Laugh

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

I bet she doesn't even give a damn what others think of her conversational style.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man    8 years ago

Sorry to disappoint, I'm sure some around here think I'm solidly T-Rumpian.....

Your Trump Factor is 32%, which makes you a
Soft Donald.


Uh-oh. Someone had better call a doctor 'cause your Trump Factor isn't doing too well. You need to rise to the challenge if you want to be cheeky, sassy, lively, saucy, and smart like only the Donald can be – in other words, to turn yourself into the highest quality, most wildly powerful brand (capable of wooing women and voters alike). You've got a job to do and if you do it, you'll win. Good luck – the Donald is watching you.


Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Nowhere Man   8 years ago

Which Makes You A Soft Donald.

"Soft Donald" is an oxymoron!



Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago


In fact the whole test is oxymoronic.......

Like the other one on the presidents.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    8 years ago

Krishna, I'd like to give you first place in avatar variety on this site !

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson   8 years ago

Krishna, I'd like to give you first place in avatar variety on this site !

I find a lot ofthe discussions here boring-- especially most of the political ones. So to amuse myself I change avatars! :-)

Here's the current one, a bit larger:


An interesting and rather unusual piece of art. 

I'm sure most people are unfamiliar with it. So I was wondering, not knowing what it is or what it symbolizes. what are peoples' reactions to it? (Don't worry you won't hurt my feelings if you don't like it! :-)

Who is the man in the picture-- what does he represent? (I know of course becasuse I've studied it-- but I wonder what impression it gives people?)


pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

an astrologer ?


Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson   8 years ago

an astrologer ?


Here's a little totally off topic derail from ..moi!

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I've always been interested in the "Arcane Sciences" ( a fancy term for "the occult"-- well, "other dimensions of consciousness"). I was first introduced to the Tarot some 30 years ago. Studied it a while but then discovered Astrology, which has been one of my main interests since. But recently became interests once again in the Tarot.

Tarot i mainly used for predicting the future,often by storefront gypsies (who are generally con artists trying to rip off clients)> But it does have some valid uses.

There are 78 cards in a std deck. There are 4 suits corresponding to 4 suites of playing cards. But in addition, there are 21 or 22 "Major Arcana"-- this was added to the symbolism of the std deck of playing cards. These are archetypes that supposedly resonate with people on a subconscious level.


(Cont''d in next comment)


Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

(cont'd from previous comment)

This one is Majot Arcana #5, The Hierophant. He's actually a master of all mystic arts, including Astrology.He's a sort of spiritual guru. But in this case it also symbolizes a spiritual leader in the conventional sense. In older decks this cards was called "The Pope"-- spirituality but in the sense of conventional religion. (in past times Astrology was accepted by conventional religion).

Here's is the same card in a more conventional deck-- the so-called "Rider-Waite Deck" (probably the most popular). Its depictions are in one of the three major Tarot conventions. Easy to rread, but the deck has been criticized for mediocre artwork by many people). Note the similrities-- as well as the differences:

































There are three traditions of Tarot. The above picture is from one of them.

However the first deck i showed is outside the mainstream. It is by an artist named Robert Place. He is also a scholar of the development of Tarot., and teaches in some major universities and art museums. (I was fortunate to take a course with him a while back). I was drawn to this deck by the vivid symbolism. But it is hard for me to read because its outside the mainstream. (This deck is called "The Alchemical Tarot"-- the symbols are authentic and come from the practice of Alchemy).


There are 4 elements-- Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. The triangle here is the Alchemical symbol for Fire.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    8 years ago

All you Liberals will have to start treating me with a little more respect now that it's obvious I've been your savior on NT'er all along and even I didn't know it until now.

Big Five Personality Test

Out of 25 U.S. Presidents, you are the most like:


Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    8 years ago

I got 0 %.  Not a surprise...

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
link   Raven Wing   replied to  Dowser   8 years ago

I'm just a 12%, and no surprise there either. (smile)

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    8 years ago

Well, that one was just for fun.

Maybe its now time for me to post information about the real MBTI personality test? (that show what type of personality you are and covers all areas of life).


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