Is America a Christian Nation? RBR
Category: News & Politics
Via: redding-shasta-jefferson-usa • 8 years ago • 38 comments
Former President Obama has said that America is not a Christian nation. Was that far left atheism, pro-Islamic proselytizing, or just wishful thinking?
A few months ago a young second generation Iranian woman came to my office. I asked if she had Assyrian (a persecuted Christian group) heritage. She said that her parents were secular if not atheistic Muslims and made no effort to enforce any belief system on her. She said that she had decided to become a Christian. She answered my unspoken question by stating that she wanted and needed a personal God. Has she converted because of American values or Christian values? Are they the same?
Christian teaching is that God is Love and he is good all of the time. We are told that God hears everyone’s prayers and gives us what we need even if we cannot yet appreciate it. We have a very personal relationship with God. If we truly love God in return, we will want to follow his commandments to please him. We will not do it because we are forced to. And in Matthew 22:21 we are told that God considers the church and state to be separate. We also are reminded that man is by nature sinful, and if left without direction will tend toward evil.
Our Founders were well aware of this when they conceived of our American vision of sound government. You can see that the Bill of Rights has a Christian provenance. Our Bill of Rights actually forces the government to respect the rights of each individual. If our God sees us as individuals, then our government sure as hell had better. Our Constitution also codifies the separation of church and state. And because of the sinful nature of men, our Founders felt it necessary to deny the use of absolute power by government. Our executive, legislative, and judicial branches create checks and balances and are meant to render attempted tyranny impotent. Americanism has a very definite Christian fingerprint.
This is in contradistinction to Islam. Allah is described as all powerful, but not defined as love. Muslim scholars are also offended if you say that Allah is good all of the time. If Allah chooses to be cruel, that is his choice. He will not be confined to being just good. Allah has many rules to follow and they must be adhered to precisely to have any chance of going to Paradise. But if Allah chooses to send you to Hell (just for the hell of it), then so be it. You are required to pray five times per day, but it is not universally accepted that Allah always hears your prayers. Allah comes across as being capricious. But Allah, it is said, will send you directly to Paradise if you die for Islam, hence the suicide bombers killing ‘the infidel’. Islam means ‘to submit’. Your will, your body and your entire future are not yours. You must submit your entire being to Allah.
But Islam is more than religion in the American sense. There is no separation of mosque and state. Islam is the government and the religion. You are not allowed to question authority. You do not have a voice in changing Sharia law or what is said in the Quran or the Hadith. Islam is the original totalitarian regime.
A curious sidebar is the current cozy relationship between the radical left and the radical Islamists. They both desire all controlling totalitarian government and hate the precepts of freedom in America. Their difference is that the radical left does not believe in Allah. Their Allah is big government. They erroneously think that humans can be forced into becoming perfect (in their vision).
Now back to the original question. Is America a Christian nation? Overwhelmingly the answer is yes—for now. For more than two hundred years immigrants of many nations, ethnicities, and religions have come and assimilated quite nicely into American culture. They have not been offended by the Christian nature of our founding. I am very fond of many secular Muslim friends who enjoy the fruits of our liberty. But for fundamentalist Muslims, there is a great chasm between their culture and ours. There is total disagreement about the nature of God and government. Indeed, our way of life is anathema to them.
Many people believe that we should open our borders to anyone to come here. They say that American ideals of fairness and religious tolerance dictate the need to do this. And it is tempting to say yes, because we are a giving and generous people. But it begs the question. Should we open the floodgates to people who will not assimilate, and whose goal is to fundamentally change America (sound familiar) to a system that does not respect individual freedom, and to force Sharia law upon us. Let us hope for wisdom in Washington. It will not happen, but if the radical left were to fully embrace Allah, then God help us.
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Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook. Red Box Rules Apply. Stay on topic which relates to the question of is America a Christian nation. When discussing this, be positive, be civil, engage others with comity. Follow the coc. The seeder, author, and source are not on topic. Follow recent guide lines for using the impasse.
A few months ago a young second generation Iranian woman came to my office. I asked if she had Assyrian (a persecuted Christian group) heritage. She said that her parents were secular if not atheistic Muslims and made no effort to enforce any belief system on her. She said that she had decided to become a Christian. She answered my unspoken question by stating that she wanted and needed a personal God. Has she converted because of American values or Christian values? Are they the same?
Christian teaching is that God is Love and he is good all of the time. We are told that God hears everyone’s prayers and gives us what we need even if we cannot yet appreciate it. We have a very personal relationship with God. If we truly love God in return, we will want to follow his commandments to please him. We will not do it because we are forced to. And in Matthew 22:21 we are told that God considers the church and state to be separate. We also are reminded that man is by nature sinful, and if left without direction will tend toward evil.
Our Founders were well aware of this when they conceived of our American vision of sound government. You can see that the Bill of Rights has a Christian provenance. Our Bill of Rights actually forces the government to respect the rights of each individual. If our God sees us as individuals, then our government sure as hell had better. Our Constitution also codifies the separation of church and state. And because of the sinful nature of men, our Founders felt it necessary to deny the use of absolute power by government. Our executive, legislative, and judicial branches create checks and balances and are meant to render attempted tyranny impotent. Americanism has a very definite Christian fingerprint.
This is in contradistinction to Islam. Allah is described as all powerful, but not defined as love. Muslim scholars are also offended if you say that Allah is good all of the time. If Allah chooses to be cruel, that is his choice. He will not be confined to being just good. Allah has many rules to follow and they must be adhered to precisely to have any chance of going to Paradise. But if Allah chooses to send you to Hell (just for the hell of it), then so be it. You are required to pray five times per day, but it is not universally accepted that Allah always hears your prayers. Allah comes across as being capricious. But Allah, it is said, will send you directly to Paradise if you die for Islam, hence the suicide bombers killing ‘the infidel’. Islam means ‘to submit’. Your will, your body and your entire future are not yours. You must submit your entire being to Allah.
But Islam is more than religion in the American sense. There is no separation of mosque and state. Islam is the government and the religion. You are not allowed to question authority. You do not have a voice in changing Sharia law or what is said in the Quran or the Hadith. Islam is the original totalitarian regime.
A curious sidebar is the current cozy relationship between the radical left and the radical Islamists. They both desire all controlling totalitarian government and hate the precepts of freedom in America. Their difference is that the radical left does not believe in Allah. Their Allah is big government. They erroneously think that humans can be forced into becoming perfect (in their vision).
Now back to the original question. Is America a Christian nation? Overwhelmingly the answer is yes—for now. For more than two hundred years immigrants of many nations, ethnicities, and religions have come and assimilated quite nicely into American culture. They have not been offended by the Christian nature of our founding. I am very fond of many secular Muslim friends who enjoy the fruits of our liberty. But for fundamentalist Muslims, there is a great chasm between their culture and ours. There is total disagreement about the nature of God and government. Indeed, our way of life is anathema to them.
Many people believe that we should open our borders to anyone to come here. They say that American ideals of fairness and religious tolerance dictate the need to do this. And it is tempting to say yes, because we are a giving and generous people. But it begs the question. Should we open the floodgates to people who will not assimilate, and whose goal is to fundamentally change America (sound familiar) to a system that does not respect individual freedom, and to force Sharia law upon us. Let us hope for wisdom in Washington. It will not happen, but if the radical left were to fully embrace Allah, then God help us.
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Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook. Red Box Rules Apply. Stay on topic which relates to the question of is America a Christian nation. When discussing this, be positive, be civil, engage others with comity. Follow the coc. The seeder, author, and source are not on topic. Follow recent guide lines for using the impasse.
Red Box Rules Apply. Stay on topic which relates to the question of is America a Christian nation. When discussing this, be positive, be civil, engage others with comity. Follow the coc. The seeder, author, and source are not on topic. Follow recent guide lines for using the impasse.
"Now back to the original question. Is America a Christian nation? Overwhelmingly the answer is yes—for now. For more than two hundred years immigrants of many nations, ethnicities, and religions have come and assimilated quite nicely into American culture. They have not been offended by the Christian nature of our founding. I am very fond of many secular Muslim friends who enjoy the fruits of our liberty. But for fundamentalist Muslims, there is a great chasm between their culture and ours. There is total disagreement about the nature of God and government. Indeed, our way of life is anathema to them."
Is America a Christian nation? Overwhelmingly the answer is NO! And demonstrably so!
She answered my unspoken question by stating that she wanted and needed a personal God.
She was god shopping? Because an almighty god is powerless to find her himself?
The RBR says to be positive, so it's a good thing that I'm positive that America is not a Christian nation.
So says Hal and so say the founding fathers. ( smirk )
The Treaty of Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary), signed in 1796 . It was ratified by the United States Senate unanimously without debate on June 7, 1797 , taking effect June 10, 1797, with the signature of the second U.S. President, John Adams.
Article 11:
“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, —as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims],—and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Mohammedan] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
Thank god, America is not a Christian nation.
Do you happen to know the back story behind why Adams said what he did?
This is the same guy who said our Constitution was made for a Moral and Religious people.
Do you not know the difference between an official document of this country, such as a treaty which was ratified by the Senate or the Constitution, and the personal, private thoughts of a politician? They are not in any way equivalent with the former having the weight of government behind them and the latter not a shred of that.
The US is not a Christian nation, it is a Christian majority nation. Our laws are based on a secular document, and that is the protector of religious freedom. The founders certainly did not want a religious nation, and they wrote the Constitution with that in mind.
There are two ways to say "this is a Christian nation'', one is from the legal or foundational aspects, and the other is cultural.
US is not founded on Christianity, but culturally it has been Christian, although that has been lessening some in recent decades.
But are most Americans real Christians? Any real Christian would say no. Real Christians don't get abortions, are heterosexual, don't habitually lie, give to charity, go to church weekly, etc. etc. etc. Funny how their Dominionist leader is that last person on earth that could be described as a real Christian.
I was wondering when it would get around to the "real" Christian question. And, I don't really think it has any bearing on our FFs or whether we are a Christian nation.
Are there any real Christians anywhere?
Please, give me your definition of a "real" Christian.
In my book, you are a Christian if you call yourself a Christian - plain and simple. It doesn't matter if you're also a bank robber, a rapist, a murderer, or a saint. If you believe that Jesus is the son of God, was born of a virgin, and died for your sins - guess what? You are a Christian. They can't have it both ways. They can't claim a huge majority when they want a huge majority, and then deny that the majority of that majority is not Christian.
I would think it would be someone who lives his life as Jesus did, loving your enemies, offering the other cheek, etc. About the only person I have ever read of who did was Gandhi, and he was a Hindu.
We are, probably, off topic, however.
Your statement, to me, is contradictory. You tell us that a Christian is one believes that Jesus in the Son of God, etc. Then....
How can a majority deny the majority if the majority are not Christians? I know there is logic there somewhere, but I can't find.
And, wouldn't be wonderful if all Christians followed that rule?
Unfortunately, that is not the case because we are imperfect. It is like being parents.....our unruly kids will be loved no matter what.
Let me help. If Christians want to insist that this is a Christian nation, and reinforce that falsehood with statistics about what percentage of the US is Christian, then they have to accept all of them. That means that all the lying, cheating, selfish, thieving folks who call themselves Christians are on your team. It also includes most women who get abortions. It includes about 98% of those in prison for every crime imaginable. They are yours, not ours. They are real Christians.
Q. What is meant by the term "constitution"?
A. A constitution embodies the fundamental principles of a government. Our constitution, adopted by the sovereign power, is amendable by that power only. To the constitution all laws, executive actions, and, judicial decisions must conform, as it is the creator of the powers exercised by the departments of government.
1. Our U.S. Constitution is not based on religion. It's use of the world 'creator' points back to the people of this country (who must act collectively to affect changes in its "constellation."
2. In whatever sense a majority Secular, majority Muslim, or majority Other classification is applied to nations - the United States can be a particular nation class.
I find it frustrating. You have a set of rules that you ignore, yet expect to have the same benefits as if you had followed.