Sessions says U.S. will intervene in campus free speech cases
Decrying what he sees as political correctness run amok, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday the Justice Department will support students who sue universities claiming their free speech rights were violated.
But during the same speech at Georgetown University 's law school, Sessions condemned the NFL players who have been exercising their freedom of expression by kneeling silently during the national anthem before games.
"They can express their political views without in effect denigrating the symbols of our nation," Sessions said.
In declaring free speech "under attack" on college campuses, Sessions dove into an issue that has become a cause celebre for conservatives who argue their voices are being drowned out on college campuses as speeches by right-wing figures have been derailed by protests and threats of violence.
Demonstrations erupted this week at the University of California, Berkeley, around a planned four-day conservative event dubbed Free Speech Week, which was suddenly canceled.
"The American university was once the center of academic freedom, a place of robust debate, a forum for the competition of ideas," Sessions told an invitation-only audience, as nearly 200 students gathered in protest outside. A few others sat in the auditorium with duct tape over their mouths. "But it is transforming into an echo chamber of political correctness and homogenous thought, a shelter for fragile egos."
He lamented what he described as a "cottage industry of protesters who have quickly learned that school administrators will capitulate to their demands."
"Protesters are now routinely shutting down speeches and debates across the country in an effort to silence voices that insufficiently conform with their views," he said.
As he spoke, the Justice Department announced it would lend its support to a student who sued Georgia Gwinnett College, arguing his rights were violated when administrators limited where he could preach Christianity on campus.,amp.html
Free speech will be protected on university campuses. Lawsuits to follow
While Georgetown Law University professors knelt on the ground. Bunch of liberal pieces of shit!
You certainly have a way with words magnoliaave...Let me help you out...
As opposed to those conservative pieces of shit.
Mags said....
Kav said....
My thoughts, isn't it nice that both sides recognize that the other's side has to make use of the facilities from time to time?
Do us all a favor and don't forget to manipulate the little silver handle when done...
The philosopher Plato believed that two of the most important questions that a society needed to address were: (1) what will society teach its children and (2) who will do the teaching.
And for about 60 years we haven't payed much attention to what is being taught by whom
"Two thirds of colleges maintain speech codes that violate students’ First Amendment rights, according to a new report released by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)."
Agree with the article and it's entire premise.
Great find!
And from the Huffington Post as well, maybe the editors over there are coming to their senses!
"They can express their political views without in effect denigrating the symbols of our nation," Sessions said.
Unless it is a federal legal issue, what the fuck is Sessions doing even talking about this?
Maybe it was Sessions expressing his free speech?
Public universities are extensions of government. Government has a duty to protect free speech.
Bravo ! Bravo ! Bravo !
I have been posting articles about and trying my best for months now to make that point about free speech.
Thank you, Jeff Sessions.