
The ultimate herding cats video!


Category:  The Lighter Side/ Humor

Via:  krishna  •  7 years ago  •  11 comments

The ultimate herding cats video!



jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    7 years ago

Advertising as an art form....

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @1    7 years ago

I really cracked up when I first saw that video a while back. That really is innovating thinking. Plus, it is so crazy you forget its an ad. (grin)

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     7 years ago

LMAO, I'm waiting for the video of the cowboys branding a cat. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3  Paula Bartholomew    7 years ago

I love it but where did they get all of those cats?

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @3    7 years ago
I love it but where did they get all of those cats? Ask...and ye shall receive! :-)  I googled for the answer-- and amazingly...actually found it on Wikipedia!  Cats[edit] Numbers of cats used to create the illusion of thousands running wild vary from 50[2] to 60.[4] According to Becker, "only about 60 cats were used in the actual filming (with about 1 trainer per 5 cats). The rest were computer-generated".[4]
Professor Expert
3.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @3.1    7 years ago

The entire story of how they shot the commercial is pretty interesting (for instance-- many of the actors were real cowboys, and actually wore their own clothes.. lots more interesting details in the article on Wikipedia, well worth a read: 

Cat Herders

Cat Herders   is an award-winning commercial made by   Fallon   for   Electronic Data Systems   (EDS). Alluding to the   management-speak   idiom "It's like herding cats" that refers to the impossibility of controlling the uncontrollable, it posits an analogy between herding cats and the solution of seemingly impossible problems by EDS.

Using a "giant Western metaphor", it features "grizzled cowboys" [1]   herding thousands of cats across the   Montana   prairie, [2]   terminating in the satisfactory resolution "EDSolved". The commercial was shown on 30 January 2000 at the   Super Bowl   XXXIV [3]   and was cited by then-President   Bill Clinton   as his favorite commercial.

https://thenewstalkers.com/community/discussion/35353/Cat%20Herders is an award-winning commercial made by Fallon for Electronic Data Systems (EDS). Alluding to the management-speak idiom" it="" s="" like="" herding="" cats="" that="" refers="" to="" the="" impossibility="" of="" controlling="" uncontrollable="" posits="" an="" analogy="" between="" and="" solution="" seemingly="" impossible="" problems="" by="" eds="" using="" a="" giant="" western="" metaphor="" features="" grizzled="" cowboys="" 1="" thousands="" across="" montana="" prairie="" 2="" terminating="" in="" satisfactory="" resolution="" edsolved="" commercial="" was="" shown="" on="" 30="" january="" 2000="" at="" super="" bowl="" xxxiv="" 3="" cited="" then-president="" bill="" clinton="" as="" his="" favorite="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> (READ IT ALL)

Professor Expert
5  seeder  Krishna    7 years ago

There was another "Herding Cats" commercial I saw-- it was an IKEA ad. It showed cats  coming out of hiding in an IKEA store at night.

Perrie seeded it on Newsvine a long time ago. That one may have been the first herding cats commercial, I don't know. I will look for it and seed it here. 

Professor Expert
5.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @5    7 years ago
Raven Wing
Professor Participates
5.1.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @5.1    7 years ago

I do remember seeing that one. What a hoot! Thanks for sharing it again. (smile)

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
6  Trout Giggles    7 years ago

This is so fracking hilarious!


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