
New York Terror Attack


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  xdm9mm  •  8 years ago  •  98 comments

New York Terror Attack

NEW YORK -- Police and witnesses say a motorist drove onto a busy bicycle path near the World Trade Center memorial in Manhattan and struck several people, then emerged from the vehicle screaming and brandishing imitation firearms.

Six people were killed in what was described as an intentional act, sources told CBS News. The NYPD tweeted that the driver exited the car displaying the imitation firearms and was shot by police officers.

Law enforcement sources said the incident is being investigated as a terror attack, CBS News' Pat Milton reports.


But we're expected to welcome these people with open arms and wallets.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Silent
2  Rmando    8 years ago

Has the left started making excuses for the religion of peace yet?

Professor Quiet
2.1  arkpdx  replied to  Rmando @2    8 years ago

They will probably go after the cops for shooting him because he only had a toy gun. 


Junior Quiet
2.1.1  KDMichigan  replied to  arkpdx @2.1    8 years ago

This isn't even funny because it is true.

Professor Principal
2.2  Ender  replied to  Rmando @2    8 years ago

Has the wrong started about the boogie man that lives under their beds yet?

Is it only people from out of this country that hurt people? Oh no, look at Vegas.

Closed borders = closed minds.

Sophomore Silent
2.2.1  Rmando  replied to  Ender @2.2    8 years ago

The fact the Vegas shooter was born here is proof we have enough to deal with. We don't need to keep importing terrorists from abroad.

Sophomore Quiet
3  magnoliaave    8 years ago

I don't believe it has been determined it was  a terrorist act. The Mayor of N.Y. said it won't change their ways in N.Y.  True, it won't because we never know what nut has in store for us.  We go about living and evil people commit evil acts.  Innocent people going about their business and, then, this person comes on the scene.

We can't protect ourselves.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  magnoliaave @3    8 years ago

From CBS News:

Sources tell CBS News' senior investigative producer Pat Milton the suspect yelled "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is great," when he exited the truck.

O'Neill said statements the suspect made and the nature of the attack led investigators to believe it was an act of terror. He did not specify what those statements were.

But didn't Bush say after around 3000 people were murdered by terrorists that Islam was "a religion of peace"? And haven't more recent terrorist acts been euphemised as "workplace violence' or "mental illness'?  How could this have been an act of Islamic terrorism?  I guess now that I've made this comment I will be called an Islamlophobe.

Professor Expert
3.2.1  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @3.2    8 years ago
But didn't Bush say after around 3000 people were murdered by terrorists that Islam was "a religion of peace"?

Islam is a religion of peace-- which is why the perp could not have been an actual Muslim.

Rather, as is so often the case with these terror attacks in the U.S., he was definitely not a realMuslim, but rather someone who hijacked the religion!

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
5  Sean Treacy    8 years ago

Killer is Uzbek national on green card. 

Professor Expert
6  Krishna    8 years ago

all the minorities. 

But "All the minorities" are not the ones responsible for these terror attacks...

Professor Expert
7  Krishna    8 years ago

A while back I came across this article (note the date-- its from 2015):

ISIS threatens major attack in New York City

New York City ISIS

  Islamic State has threatened a major terror attack in New York City in a chilling new propaganda video.

The Big Apple features heavily in a video released by ISIS as terrorists promise violence in the US.

Shots of Times Square, a TGI Friday’s restaurant, Fifth Avenue and Herald Square flash up on the screen as jihadists show off homemade explosive devices.

The video – produced by ISIS's media arm the Furat Media Centre – praises the Paris attacks and includes an address by French president Francois Hollande condemning the November 13 atrocities.

DEFIANT: French president Fracoise Hollande features in the video ( A total of 129 people were killed in six attacks across the city. ):

Two gunmen dead as 120 hostages are slaughtered 'one by one' at Paris concert hall

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Krishna @7    8 years ago

I think that ISIS believes that New York is the capital of the United States. crazy

Professor Expert
7.1.2  Krishna  replied to    8 years ago

Yes (to all you said)

(I am currently multi-tasking-- currently involved in a long chat here :-)

Professor Expert
8  Krishna    8 years ago

Two main targets of these sorts of extremists are NYC and Washington DC (also the two targets on 911). The reason is that they are symbolic centers of American power-- Washington of course is the capital,and NY is the center of American business (stock exchange).


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