Muslim Anti-Semitism Threatens France’s Democracy
Paris—“In the Merah household, we were brought up with hating Jews, the hatred of everything that was not Muslim.”
These were the chilling words of Abdelghani Merah at the trial of his brother, Abdelkader Merah, who was accused of conspiring with a third brother, Mohamed, to murder three soldiers, three Jewish schoolchildren, and a teacher in Toulouse, France, in 2012.
Abdelghani also revealed, at the time, that “when the medical examiner brought [his] brother’s corpse home, people came over. They cried tears of joy. They said that he had brought France to its knees. That he did well. Their only regret was that he had not killed more Jewish children.”
These appalling remarks, which suggest the environment in which Mohamed Merah was immersed and his family’s way of thinking, have sparked a debate about the extent of hatred of Jews in the French Muslim community.
For years, it has been nearly impossible to speak about French Muslim anti-Semitism.
Many refused to take notice for reasons of ideology, discomfort, or lack of courage. Many feared being accused of “playing into the hands of the far right,” and others thought it inconceivable that a French Muslim minority, itself victimized by discrimination and racism, could itself be guilty of racism and even violence. So for too long there was silence.
The Merah trial exposed a reality in France: anti-Semitic roots run deep within some elements of the French Muslim community.
I have never, never, ever understood the hate of Jews.
People hate them for different reasons.
First-- why the Right-wingers hate them:
1. Generally speaking, many Right-wingers hate them because as everyone knows, Jews are all Commies- - or at the very least, all Jews are Communist sympathizers:
Jewish Bolshevism , also known as Judeo-Bolshevism , is an antisemitic and anti-communist canard which alleges that the Jews were at the origin of the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among Bolsheviks . Similarly, the Jewish Communism theory implies that Jews have been dominating the Communist movements in the world. It is similar to the ZOG conspiracy theory , which asserts that Jews control world politics. [1] The expressions have been used as a catchword for the assertion that Communism is a Jewish conspiracy. (LINK)
And here's why the Left-wingers hate them:
2. Generally speaking, many Left-wingers hate them because as everyone knows, Jews are all right wingers-- Capitalists that want to control the world and keep the Gentiles subservient:
Modern anti-Semitic conspiracy theories depicting an elaborate secret hierarchy of controlling Jewish influences largely take their cue from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion , a 1903 tract purporting to be the manual of a Jewish secret society planning world domination. It is still widely circulated and occasionally cited as "evidence" by various clueless anti-Semites despite being exposed as a fraud as early as 1921.
Automobile manufacturer Henry Ford further popularized the conspiracy during the 1920s by publishing the Protocols and anti-Semitic articles in his newspaper, The Dearborn Independent , and distributing hundreds of thousands of copies of the Protocols . Ford's anti-Semitic articles were later collected and published as a four-volume treatise entitled The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem . [8]
Ford's enthusiastic endorsement of an international Jewish conspiracy proved extremely popular in Weimar-era Germany . Ford provided substantial financial backing to Adolf Hitler in the 1920's and his writings were a significant influence on the formation of the Nazi party and its grassroots support. By 1933, when the Nazi Party came to power in Germany, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was standard reading in German schools. Hitler admired Henry Ford and even emulated him by creating his own automobile, the Volkswagen.
Hitler further propagated the Jewish conspiracy in Mein Kampf and other propaganda blaming Jews for the rise of both communism and capitalism , and for Germany's economic decline following the First World War .
So there you have it-- some people hate Jews because they are all left-wing Communists-- and some people hate them because they are all right Imperialist capitalists who want to become rich by oppressing the Gentiles.
Here are two prominent people some people might know about:
I. Henry Ford receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Nazi officials, 1938:
II. The Alt-Right in Charlottesville. (Notice what they are chanting-- its not about Blacks or gays..or even Muslims).
So re: your question-- why do the people in the video hate Jews?
That picture reminds me of watching Rex Tillerson receive his "Order of Friendship" medal from Putin.
It's too late for France. Any Jews in France who are in a position to do so are leaving, many for Israel, and North America. I feel sorry for those who have no choice but to stay in that caldron of Jew hatred. IMO the reason anti-Semitism is not being stopped is because so many are really anti-Semitic even if they keep it hidden from the public. Otherwise there would be as much effort to stop it as there is to stop Islamophobia.
The first time I visited Israel was a long ago. One thing I noticed (which wasn't surprising) was that all the stores & tourist spots, etc had signs in Hebrew-- and many also had Arabic and English on the signs.
But when I returned many years later,there were also many in French.There had been a large number iof immirgrants from France. (Guess why?)
There were a loit of signs in French in Netanya - which seems to be a desired location for French immigrants.
Actually I believe that Netanya was a prime spot for recent immigrants from English speaking countries-- but apparently its also popular with French immigrants as well. (Right on the ocean. Very picturesque town-- I remember horse drawn buggy rides in the main square).
Dear Friend Krishna: I agree with you on both accounts.
If memory serves, did not the British entertainer Orson Buggy retire in Netanya?
Wasn't it he who worked part time driving a handsome cab?
Enoch, Equating Equis.
Hatred in the heart is no way to go through life.