SEPIA Seems Suitable for Disney's Main Street U.S.A.
Inspired by Walt Disney 's hometown of Marceline, Missouri (as in the film Lady and the Tramp ), Main Street, U.S.A . is designed to resemble the center of an idealized turn-of-the-20th-century ( c. 1910) American town.
And after years of photographing Main Street U.S.A. in its full color self … it just recently occurred to me that SEPIA TONE really suits it much better than full color … at least in photographs.*
F'rinstance …
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* But what do you think?
You're displaying vintage archichecture by means of faux-vintage photos. Makes sense. If I recall, although I only read about it and never saw it, Disney constructed and sold to people vintage homes in a vintage village as part of the complex. As a vintage person, I would have liked to have lived in such a retro place.
I like them.
Guess this article is lost in a "brown out" …
Good night all.