Why Leftist Greens Love Pope's Global Warming Speech
Pope Francis speaks Wednesday during his arrival ceremony at the White House, where he forged common cause with President Obama on climate change....Pope Francis speaks Wednesday during his arrival ceremony at the White House, where he forged common cause with President Obama on climate change.... View Enlarged ImageClimate: From the White House lawn, Pope Francis made a plea to protect our "common home" from climate change. It may seem odd for a religious leader to address global warming. But for many, global warming is a religion.No, we're not being sacrilegious. For left-wing adherents of global warming, their faith holds all the comforts of a religion.Nor is that just our opinion.The late best-selling author Michael Crichton, a medical doctor, was perhaps the first to call radical global warmism a "religion" in a prescient 2003 speech.Since then, others have concluded the same thing."Global warming has become a religion," warned Richard Lindzen, an MIT professor and one of the world's foremost authorities on climate change."Global warming really has become a new religion," echoes Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaever who, by the way, endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008. "Because you cannot discuss it. It's not proper. It is like the Catholic Church."Another great physicist, Freeman Dyson, made remarkably similar observations, calling climate change "both a science and a religion. Belief is strong, even when scientific evidence is weak."Even global warming's most fervent advocates agree. In his resignation letter after a scandal earlier this year, Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the U.N.'s global warming propaganda arm, called the climate change and sustainability movement "my religion and my dharma."But former British chancellor Nigel Lawson really hit the nail on the head: "There is a great gap in Europe with the decline of any real belief in Marxism and any real belief in Christianity. This has filled the vacuum."Exactly. The Green Left, having abandoned formal religion of the Judeo-Christian sort, and having lost their faith in Marxism as a replacement, has joined the Church of Climate Change. That's why these green true believers so warmly embrace Pope Francis' message.Read More At Investor's Business Daily: http://news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/092315-772494-green-movement-finds-something-to-believe-in-popes-global-warming-remarks.htm#ixzz3mjDkr87L Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
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I thought they worshiped the reverend Al Gore ?
LOL! No one. And I mean no one who knows that global warming is real thinks of it in any religious connotations. None. This is the same silly-assed shit as those who said people on the left "worship" the President or think of him as the "Messiah". It's all one huge fat straw man and so is this. Still it's is almost as funny as SNL...after SNL went down hill 20 yers ago.
Talking about "knowing" when you discuss global warming is absurd . You can accurately say the Arctic is warming [although that may not be accurate any more either] . The globe entire shows no such trend . And that is a strong demonstration of the failure of the CO2 induced climate change theory .
In & of itself making that claim does no damage but the cause of Arctic warming still needs to be uncovered . By claiming it is understood , the real cause [whatever it is] is ignored . In that manner finding it is delayed by this misdirection ,
You, of all here, should be most ashamed of knowing the truth and denying it for strictly partisan reasons. Shame on you Six. Shame on you.
I had thought there was more substance and honesty in you then most. I admit now that I made a terrible mistake and misjudged you.
Sure , tell us what "the truth" is . People who talk that way are usually inspired by a religious belief ...
Another example of faith-based science.