Back from the Road
Been traveling lately … Florida, Atlanta, Georgia and Chicago; I had my laptop and iPhone with me on the road, and, got lots of NT notifications … 90+ were notifications about "flagged items"!!!
90+ notifications about flagged items!
So … implicitly … serious, CIVIL dialogue and debate are the exception and not the rule … so, in my return to NT, I'll be staying in the civilized areas … at least for a time.
Civility is not a sign of weakness.
© A. Mac/A.G
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G.
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Enjoy the civility.
A very colourful array.
Love civility. Hate moderation.
Love your photos, always.
Really love those pink flowers.
I enjoy the "enjoying" …
Good night for now.
Welcome back Mac. Sounds like a really fun trip. Well, except for Chicago. I've been in Chicago in January, staying along Lakeshore Drive. Wind coming in off Lake Michigan was COLD. The people we met, however, were very warm and friendly.
For some "civil" (even happy) news, my little buddy Levi will be five years old as of next Tuesday. He thinks it's even better than Christmas. His big brother will be eight on the 5th of February. They're both getting sophisticated very quickly.
I will find a train picture for Levi and post it.
Welcome Back, A. Mac. Civil Discussion is near imopossible these days. Many don't seem to understand the difference between debate and making it personal. It's annoying. Hope you enjoyed your travels, we've had all kinds of weather related fun here since you've been gone, though I'm sure you ran into
It was cold in Atlanta (considering it was Atlanta) ... and a friend I hoped to visit there got the flu, so, we never hooked up. Then, it was snowing in Chicago ...
But despite all that, almost everyone I encountered were civil.
Although the NT notifications were offputing, I missed many of you and I am happy to be “home.”
Glad you're back, dear A. Mac! Lovely pictures!!!
Thank you, Dowser … had not seen you much before I took off, but, happy to see you now.
Dear friend, I took a break from the snark... I'm so glad to see you!