Can anyone identify this painting?
Can anyone identify this painting - the artist and the name of the picture? One of you might be familiar with it, and in any event I know some of you use an internet picture identification app that enables you be able to identify pictures. I would like to know who the artist is, and the title of the picture. It is one of the warmest, sweetest paintings I have ever seen, and would like to know more about it.
Can anyone identify this painting?
Yes , but only because of Google.
Without Google I would have no clue.
Let me empower you Buzz.
Go to your picture and right mouse click. You will see a menu and if you have Google as your browser there will be a Search Google for Image option.
Perhaps you're not aware, but I'm an expat Canadian who moved to China more than 11 years ago (not because of politics because I'm a long-time supporter of Canada's Conservative Party), and the problem is that China banned google not long after my arrival here. I had been using gmail, which was then blocked without notice. And so I do not have access to google, and as well don't have access to Facebook or Twitter, but I really don't want access to those two anyway, but my biggest loss is not having access to YouTube. There are alternatives to google that I use, such as Bing, Yahoo search and Baidu.
Obviously I need someone who has access to google to do the search for me.
Bummer. I can lend a Google hand when you need it.
Did you notice that my 'yes' in my first comment is a link to the art you were looking for?
Oooops! My bad - I didn't notice it. Thank you. I now have the artist's web site and intend to email him with my feelings about his painting, although I'm sure he'll not give a shit. I have tried writing to authors with positive comments on their web sites, only to be ignored.
It occurred to me that maybe I was too subtle. Sorry about that.
Not necessary to apologize - I was the negligent one.
Try this:
Thanks, Bob, I've got it now.
Can you use Tineye over there Buzz?
You just copy and paste the url of any image into the Tineye search
PNG, 512x380, 352.7 KB
12 results
Searched over 25.4 billion images in 0.7 seconds.
for: blob
JPEG, 600x446, 191.8 KB
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Filename: weistling-morgan-sienna%27s-tea.jpg
Found on: weistling.htm
Page crawled on Nov 13, 2014
JPEG, 600x446, 67.0 KB
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Filename: Siennas-Tea-Morgan-Weistling.jpg
Found on: art/uncategorized/country-schoolhouse...
Page crawled on May 09, 2017
JPEG, 400x297, 39.1 KB
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Filename: Image_Resize_News.asp
Found on: xq/ASP/Morgan-Weistling-Siennas-Tea-S...
Page crawled on Jan 27, 2015
JPEG, 300x223, 15.5 KB
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Filename: Siennas-Tea-Morgan-Weistling-300x223.jpg
Found on: art/uncategorized/country-schoolhouse...
Page crawled on May 09, 2017
JPEG, 225x167, 9.7 KB
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Filename: s-l225.jpg
Found on: sch/Fine-Art-Prints/360/i.html
Page crawled on Jul 19, 2017
JPEG, 400x400, 35.3 KB
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Filename: Siennas-Tea-Morgan-Weistling-400x400.jpg
Found on: art/page/96/
Page crawled on May 09, 2017
Found on: art/page/64/
Page crawled on May 09, 2017
JPEG, 600x446, 34.8 KB
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Filename: SiennasTea_MorganWeistling.jpg
Found on: artists/morgan_weistling.asp
Page crawled on Sep 04, 2014
JPEG, 175x130, 9.1 KB
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Filename: Image_Resize_medium2014.asp
Found on: xq/ASP/Morgan-Weistling=&A=1002&offse...
Page crawled on Jan 30, 2015
Found on: xq/ASP/Morgan-Weistling/A.1002/qx/Lim...
Page crawled on Jan 23, 2015
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JPEG, 200x148, 6.2 KB
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Filename: SiennasTea_MorganWeistling_sm.jpg
Found on: artists/morgan_weistling.asp
Page crawled on Sep 04, 2014
JPEG, 134x100, 5.9 KB
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Filename: Image_Resize_small.asp
Found on: xq/ASP/Morgan-Weistling-Strawberry-Ja...
Page crawled on Jan 27, 2015
Filename: Image_Resize_small.asp
Found on: xq/ASP/Morgan-Weistling-The-Promise-O...
Page crawled on Jan 23, 2015
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Thank you John, that site works for me.
What I read about this artist is that he is young, and is becoming very highly acclaimed, having received numerous awards for his work, and being shown in multiple venues. What is pointed out about his art is that his paintings do more than just show an image, they tell a story, and in my opinion they are able to elicit from viewers distinct comprehension and emotions. That is what attracted me to this particular painting.