"A Philadelphia homer" - I've known that for a long time. Funny you would use the word "homer" - it makes me think of Joe Carter. LOL (Sorry, I'll bet that hurt.)
To my eye, the background that you put in the photo makes it considerably superior to what it would be if you deleted all background from the eagle - an excellent photo.
so are you going to explain to us kids, your reference ?
In the 1993 World Series, Blue Jays outfielder, Joe Carter hit the home run against Phil's reliever, Mitch Williams … it won the Series for the Blue Jays.
Much as I dislike the Patriots, I would be all in for Philly, until I saw how their fans treated people (in some cases criminally) during the playoffs and even at teams arriving by bus to the hotel. Classless lot. And I don't get fans here either.......the idiot table breaking thing makes no sense to me. I thought there were a lot of very poor calls that went to the Patriots during the playoffs......for the first time in many years I'm not sure I will be watching the game.
As to Cheesesteaks, I went to NCO Academy at McGuire AFB (in Jersey, but close to Philly) and the sandwiches there were to die for-I befriended a local and she showed me the good places to go eat.
How about those Vikings and Patriot fans yesterday?
Cheering and polite applause when Brady was interviewed, no one heard anything Foles said because of the (presumed) Vikings and Pats fans shouting him down and booing.
Some people simply can't learn from the mistakes of others.
During the lead up to the NFC Championship Game , Vikings fans tried to invade Philadelphia and take over sacred ground: The Rocky statue and steps from the iconic scene in the movie.
When Minnesota went up 7-0 over the Eagles in the game later that night, the trolling looked like it would end with a happy road crowd. That changed quickly as the Eagles ran the Vikings out of town.
I'll give the Eagles credit. Underdogs in those last two games. They didn't get much respect. They were well prepared and focused in on their opponents weaknesses. The problem is - the Patriots don't have many weaknesses.
Not a fan of either team but I hope NE get their asses handed to them. I'm so over them LOL. Plus, I'm a Steelers and Falcons fan . Last years super bowl was a huge upset, but that is what Atlanta does.... always seem to blow a huge lead LOL.
Yes … I am definitely a Philadelphia homer!
"A Philadelphia homer" - I've known that for a long time. Funny you would use the word "homer" - it makes me think of Joe Carter. LOL (Sorry, I'll bet that hurt.)
To my eye, the background that you put in the photo makes it considerably superior to what it would be if you deleted all background from the eagle - an excellent photo.
so are you going to explain to us kids, your reference ?
In the 1993 World Series, Blue Jays outfielder, Joe Carter hit the home run against Phil's reliever, Mitch Williams … it won the Series for the Blue Jays.
yea, I may have blocked the name out, for some strange reason.
I do recall some living up to our reputation previously discussed, in regards to Ole Mitch Wild Thing Williams
It's a sweet memory for me - I was there and watched it happen.
Did you end up in Judge Shamus's Vet Stadium Court Room too? Cause I don't remember seeing you.
Sorry, but I don't know anything about your reference.
me either
Tom [Flatballs] Brady and the New England Cheatriots are going lose no matter HOW much they cheat!
Much as I dislike the Patriots, I would be all in for Philly, until I saw how their fans treated people (in some cases criminally) during the playoffs and even at teams arriving by bus to the hotel. Classless lot. And I don't get fans here either.......the idiot table breaking thing makes no sense to me. I thought there were a lot of very poor calls that went to the Patriots during the playoffs......for the first time in many years I'm not sure I will be watching the game.
As to Cheesesteaks, I went to NCO Academy at McGuire AFB (in Jersey, but close to Philly) and the sandwiches there were to die for-I befriended a local and she showed me the good places to go eat.
How about those Vikings and Patriot fans yesterday?
Cheering and polite applause when Brady was interviewed, no one heard anything Foles said because of the (presumed) Vikings and Pats fans shouting him down and booing.
Uh oh, Eagles fans: Patriots fans mess with Rocky statue in Philadelphia (PHOTOS)
By Joe Giglio
jgiglio@njadvancemedia.com ,
NJ Advance Media for NJ.com
Some people simply can't learn from the mistakes of others.
During the lead up to the NFC Championship Game , Vikings fans tried to invade Philadelphia and take over sacred ground: The Rocky statue and steps from the iconic scene in the movie.
When Minnesota went up 7-0 over the Eagles in the game later that night, the trolling looked like it would end with a happy road crowd. That changed quickly as the Eagles ran the Vikings out of town.
on their part. Sackrolegios I tell u
I'll give the Eagles credit. Underdogs in those last two games. They didn't get much respect. They were well prepared and focused in on their opponents weaknesses. The problem is - the Patriots don't have many weaknesses.
Not a fan of either team but I hope NE get their asses handed to them. I'm so over them LOL. Plus, I'm a Steelers and Falcons fan
. Last years super bowl was a huge upset, but that is what Atlanta does.... always seem to blow a huge lead LOL.