What was your most embarrassing moment.
Okay, everyone, It's time to have some fun.
If you dare... share with us an embarrassing moment you had.
Don't be shy, tell us what happened.
Mine was when I was a teenager, although I had plenty of others, but I will just talk about this one.
I was swimming in the ocean, and I had on a two piece bathing suit. I started getting tired, so I started walking towards the beach. As I was walking, I noticed people were looking and some laughing, didn't think anything of it so I just walked up to my umbrella. My sister says " Kathy! fix your top!" It had shifted and the part that covered me was in the middle and the other part was under my arm. So I was hanging out and everyone that I walked past saw it. The beach was crowded too, I could have died. I did not feel it move either... I said lets pack up and go! People were still laughing. It was also a long beach area to walk up.
Okay, now it's your turn.. : )
Remember to be polite, no politics or religion unless it has something to do with your story. (You know what I mean).
Thank you

I had a similar incident, Kathleen, only mine happened at the base pool during tech school.
Wasn't much to see because I was like a 32 A- at the time
While I have certainly done some dumb stuff in my time I don't get embarrassed so I've got nothing.
Too many to count, I'm a blurter.
I tried to unlock the wrong car once. Looked pretty lame.
I did that.
I was at a bar with my one of my cousins in North Jersey. He was about 30, and I wasn't even of age yet. Long story short, I was doing pretty swell with a young lady who proceeded to get very intoxicated. So we go to leave after closing establishment, and I've got her keys in hand attempting to unlock her car door, and it's not working. I try the driver door now, and still not working. They were Chevy keys and this was a Chevy Monte Carlos, Then, some guy comes out of his house and starts SCREAMING at us. So, knowing not WTF was going on, I wrestle him to the ground, she's screaming hysterically, and I'm sitting on top of him and I look up to a shotgun barrel from , I'm guessing his brother, staring me in the face.
Next her girlfriend runs up, and explains her Exact same make model and color car, was a few parking spots down.
I SLOWLY got up and off, and then received (I guess a deserved) parting punch to the face, and we made her way to her car.
By this time my cousin had left thinking I was doing ok, and I don't know exactly where my Uncle lived, so now i'm getting driven 'home' by her girlfriends catch of the night.
Needless to say, it was a lonely evening by the time I figured out where Unc lived, but
I only got punched in the face, and not shot in it. Probably a Silver lining in there somewhere.
Wait a minute I wasn't even embarrassed, just a Victim of Circumstance...
I'll do better I promise Butter
R U Sure U don't want to hear what happened at Band Camp this one time...?
Years ago, I was scheduled to shoot a CD cover for a local rock band. I was conducting a pre-shoot tidy-up when I noticed that one of my dogs had taken a gigantic shit in the hallway leading to the dressing area. Paper towel in hand, I bent over to remove the offending steamer at the exact moment the doorbell rang. I couldn't very well answer the door with it in my hand, so I tossed it into the powder room toilet and then rushed to open the door. I was met with band members, girlfriends, wives, and a butt-load of assorted hangers-on. They had racks of clothes and piles of instruments. The shoot was long, but it was successful, and a good time was had by all. After everyone left, I did a post-shoot tidy-up. When I checked the powder room, I froze. There it was, floating in the bowl...a gigantic shit perched on top of a paper towel.
Note to self: Flush next time, bimbo.