Gorge-ing Myself
The Lehigh Gorge in Pennsylvania's Pocono Mountains is one of my hangouts.
It gets filled with tourists on Summer weekends … but weekdays in the spring and fall are the times to walk it.
Along the 26 mile trail (a converted railroad bed) are views of the Lehigh River and an occasional waterfall.
© A. Mac/A.G.
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If ever you should come and visit me, I'll take you to the Gorge.
i'll be right over
actually, I over gorged this week
them damn Eagles hit me up when you get one of the flys to enter your web
like to meet some and nock back a few
It's good to gorge every now and then.. but better to see them.
New pix tomorrow … good night for now.
Serenity now!
After all that has gone on this week, I'd like to stick my head under that cascade to keep it from exploding. Thank you for the respite.
My pleasure … and more serenity pix to come shortly.
Beautiful, Mac.
Wow that's nice
Dear Friend AMac: Gorge-geous.
UPDATE: We are still litigating the wind turbine proposal … 37, 525 foot tall structures on the ridge up the mountain from my little house in the Poconos. The company recently offered a new proposal, fewer wind turbines, further back from houses, but, taller.
As new information becomes available, I will post it … this has been a huge distraction and made my "dream" get-away place … a little nightmarish. If it gets resolved, I'll once again invite Enoch and other close NT friends to see the (currently) beautiful surroundings.
NIMBY -- right! The City of Bethlehem could place egg-beater style wind turbines in … the City of Bethlehem. Those turbines are engineered for urban settings as the wind force is multiplied as it bounces off of buildings.
The energy generated from the proposed site, will not benefit my community, rather it will be sold elsewhere with no benefit to the community. The currently-proposed location is heavily forested and one failing, burning turbine engine … on a windy autumn night … could burn down homes and trap residents before they knew what was happening.
Dear Friend AMac: When ready, you know I am all in.
Not since the Continental Congress has there been a more historical moment than you and me in the woods of Penn.
Keystone anyone?
Let's hope for a good outcome and an expedited appeals process.