Did Someone Say "Serenity"?
As we encounter more-and-more ugliness, vitriol, hatred, ignorance … and just plain stupidity … allow me to be so presumptuous as to offer a bit of serenity.
1) Starry Night Fantasy/Digital Painting
© A. Mac/A.G.
2) Mountain Lake Sunset
© A. Mac/A.G.
3) A Hangout of Mine
© A. Mac/A.G.
4) Another hangout of mine
© A. Mac/A.G.
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Come in out of ugliness and enjoy the serenity.
I bet there's trout in that water. Mmmmmm.
I would also build a Hobbit Hole close to that area, if I could. Number four I mean on all of this.
There are native brook trout in that stream … further down stream are stocked Brown Trout with a good number of holdovers since as it gets closer to the Lehigh River, much of it is difficult to get to.
Love it! Nothing like a fresh trout in the evening.
As long as it's not a wild one.
Cool shot
Serenity pic 2) is posted.
Picture 3) is posted
Quite nice.
4) Just posted.
Stop me when you've had enough serenity.
All I see is a blank window, so I guess you posted a YouTube with no text reference to what it is you posted - so I don't know what to reply.
It's the Simon and Garfunkle video … a different performance, same song … "The Sound of Silence".
I assume you get the point - that I'll never say anything to stop you from posting your photos.
No problem at all … I welcome all critiques, and there are times objectivity comes from outside and leads to better images down the road.
don't stop ,I enjoy the nice pictures
Really nice Mac.
Love your website.
Save for your first photo, the rest display serenity. It's hard, looking at the first photo, not to think of wildfires, such as in California.
When Mac takes on the right wing dingbats, the term 'serenity' is about as far away as it can be! Put me down for having had enough serenity and wanting back the pitbull Mac. Hey, I'm a poet and didn't even know it!
Will return to the fray when the next wave of propaganda needs correction.
#4 4 me!!!
Three Dog Night - "Out In The Country"
Thanks, Six,
Three Dog Night is one of my all-time favorites and "Out in the Country" fits here.
I'm glad that, despite our political differences, that we still find common ground as friends.
Damn it Mac! I have run out of superlatives! Though I do admit that I am a bit torn between being happier when I see you come on the site and post fantastic art or when you come on the site to "correct" some of the insane conspiracy theories and lies that are infesting us here!
"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character." _ Emerson
A few really raw breakthroughs in therapy. Still I am just tipping my toes in the pond. The News section seem much more terrible, but this is not the place to discuss that. Again, fantastic art work on the photos!