Funny quotes
My fiancé and I have been together for several years, and we are getting married in May. We have several expressions that we randomly spring on one another, based on quotes from real people, events, commercials, etc., just to be fun. She got me with a good one tonight.
I said I love you, unconditionally .... unless you cheat on me. She said “ That’s not gonna happen baby - I’ve got more than enough to eat at home .”
Lol - this is from an infamously memorable quote:
“I’m happily married. I’ve got more than enough to eat at home.”
– Rob Ford’s famous response to accusations that he made comments about oral sex with a woman who’s not his wife in November 2013.
Anyone got any other good quotes?
Another favorite - when someone with a weird name on the tv, like a name that could be a pharmaceutical (like Sovaldi) I follow it up with Don’t use (Sovaldi) if you are allergic to (Sovaldi).
It’s an homage to the epitome of ridiculousness in the commercial pharmaceutical advertising business, whereby the list of warnings is so severe that it includes a reminder to not use it if you are allergic to it.
That has always cracked me up. It is like someone saying to themselves "I am allergic to this but I think I will take it anyway because no one told me not to."
You would be surprised.
At 65, little surprises me these days.
Our favorite comes from all in the family....
Que suru sare... we usually say it when something stupid was just said..
Our family motto is, "Those who think they know it all bother those of us who do"...
Sometimes when we privately mock someone a little too excessively, I’ll end the attack with “sometimes I wonder what it’s like to not be perfect.”
Don't you find it hard being so damn humble when you are so good looking and intelligent? I know I do, too /s...
Another one bites the dust! Poor Hal...
My Father was too polite to say someone was lying. He would say, "Now hold up! We don't know about all that"...
My lady and I both jump on any opportunity to act blissfully unaware of Christian iconography. When we see a crucifix one of us will usually blurt out “there’s that guy again!”, or when we pass a cross monument one of us will say “there’s another T”, and the other will respond “Tom must live there”, or something equally ignorant. We’ve gotten some sideways looks.
Not surprised that you say it but i am surprised you will admit it.
Here's an idea for you. Since you dont believe why not instead of making some remark as you say you do, why dont you just ignore them intirely and go peacefully on you way with out the remarks?
Because that’s no fun. I’m all about fun.
We now pronounce you "Man and Wife". You may change your "Facebook Status".
Congrats Hal!