This is a brilliant idea.....
.....if you're more than a little clueless and don't give a crap about kids.
Third-graders in a Missouri community are continuing to sell raffle tickets for an AR-15 to benefit their traveling baseball team after the same type of rifle was used to slaughter and injure dozens at a Florida school.
Levi Patterson, the coach of a 9-and-under baseball team in Neosho, Mo., told The Star the idea was conceived before the shooting in Parkland, Fla.
A father of one of the players — who co-founded Black Rain Ordnance Inc., a weapons purveyor in Neosho — offered the weapon for the raffle.
Patterson said by phone Saturday that he considered finding a different raffle item after Wednesday’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, but ultimately decided to “turn it into a positive thing” after “getting the hate.”
“Are you all tone deaf?” wrote Dan Weaver in a comment on Patterson’s page. “AR15 kills seventeen so you raffle a gun for child sports? Lord, people wake the hell up. Justify all you want but you are wrong, period.”
The link also has a video of a similar AR-15 raffle in California.
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They must be tone deaf from all the shooting.
They don't even have a dial tone
It would be less offensive if they were raffling off a rubber dildo. What are you going to do.....beat someone to death with that?
They should keep the rifle - they may need it to protect themselves while they travel. Tell, me, do schools in the USA give as mandatory classes training with guns?
Buzz , other than telling kids they are evil , no I haven't heard of anywhere that offers a firearms safety training course.
This is how the grade schools do it in the US:
And then they graduate to this:
How to make a sawed-off AR-15
Saw that (no pun intended), his rifle , his choice to do with it as he saw ( there it is again)..... fit within the law.
who could have saw that coming
in half & half the quarter of the time
while milking all that can be milked from
the cash cow that is utterly ridiculous ass it
is made via the true blood shed by us americans
I found the, "I'll show you mine if your show me yours", gun porn show we were treated to last weekend in bad taste, too...
Personally, I wouldn't be raffling a gun off if it had anything to do with children, especially at this time. That rifle doesn't cost that much. I'll send them the money to replace it with something else. I believe in the 2nd amendment as much as anyone here, but that's just in bad taste, especially at this time. And I think everyone knows I can be hardcore and set in my ways.