Watch This Accident Video and Tell Us Who You Think Is to Blame
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: jerry-verlinger • 10 years ago • 35 commentsHeres the conundrum: A motorcyclist has the green light but cars that previously had the right of way still block the intersection. Said motorcyclist, being more agile than his fellow motorists in cars waiting at the green light, decides to skirt in between the blocking vehicles that are still waiting for traffic ahead of them move forward. In doing so, he gets hit.
Who do you think is at fault here? Thats the question a person on the social news siteReddit asked postingthe YouTube video showing the incident.
First, watch the point-of-view video of the accident shot by the motorcyclists helmet camera( Content warning: strong language ) :
The video was posted to YouTube on March 26 without details as to where exactly the incident happened or how it resolved. The motorcyclist doesnt seem to think he was in the wrong.
The Biker did NOT have the Right-of-Way until the intersection was cleared.
He should have anticipated the traffic may start to move at anytime. I know I would have.
(Anyway, in the end he knew he was wrong or he would not have apologized for hitting the guys car)
I see fault on both sides but the bike was reckless. The car shouldn't have been sitting in the intersection blocking the road but the bike could clearly see it there. Although the bike saw the car in the intersection, he actually accelerated to pass assuming that the car wouldn't move. I would have approached slowly to make sure that the car saw me and knew I was going to pass in front rather than behind.
On the other hand, sportbikes make a lot of noise as they accelerate. The car knew he was blocking the intersection and that traffic had a right to pass. He should have heard/seen the bike coming and not risked moving into the bike's path.
I drive and I ride a sportbike. I have pulled many stunts but I wouldn't have pulled this one. Regardless of who's in the right, cars have bumpers; I have legs. I have to be more careful. Also, you don't know who's behind the wheel . . . it could be anybody from the teeenager who just got a license yesterday to a senile octogenarian that should have surrendered the license long ago. If you have more to lose, then you should exercise more common sense.
The video show the biker trying to skirt in front of the white car that was trapped in the intersection (the box) by traffic when the light changed. Just as the biker approached him, the driver in the white car, who, as you say, actually had the Right of Way, started to move forward causing the biker to run into him.
I think the biker,eventuallyrealized he was in the wrong because he can be heard saying, "I;m sorry I raninto your car", to the auto driver.
The guy was trapped when the light changed before he could clear the intersection.
Traffic does not have the right to pass in a situation like that until the intersection is cleared.
He was probably paying attention to the traffic in front of him,as he should have. The auto driver was not responsible for what the biker did and had a right to assume the biker would obey the rules of the road.
If you have more to lose, then you should exercise more common sense.
Absolutely! Hubby and I ride 2-up, trust me when I say if being right means we're going down, we'll happily be wrong. Prefer to gesture or speak our disapproval
It is likely that the white car entered the intersection while it was blocked, which itself is improper. Any good driver, seeing that they would not for sure clear the intersection would be wrong to enter the intersection. However, it is also known that the person who has the last chance to avoid an accident may well be to blame for it. In this regard, the last chance was probably at the behest of the motorcyclist. Here is an example of a motorcyclist who did not have the patience to await clearance of an intersection:
jwc speaks about gridlock. I always turn to the classic movies for allegories. In Crocodile Dundee, Dundee (Paul Hogan) and his girlfriend are stopped by a couple of street toughs one of whom holds a knife and demands their valuables. Dundee says "You call that a knife? THIS is a knife" as he pulls out a huge machete, scaring the toughs away. So if you want to see gridlock, THIS is gridlock:
The car was blocking the intersection and was force to move. The bikers should have know that the car has to clear the intersection or break the law. Obviously the car had the right of way and the biker did not. The biker is required to make sure that trapped cars clear the intersection before going.
THIS is gridlock:
Looks like LA.
Worse than that , the biker did not have control over his own emotions as his words demonstrate . His actions were still worse . Anyone who moves with that much speed in such tight conditions is asking for trouble ...
Someone had the RoW, but that does not mean it should beenexercised.
I'm not so sure the driver was at fault getting caught in the intersection. I have often entered an intersection not knowing some jerk is planning to make a left turn w/o putting their directional signal on, causing everyone to come to a complete stop.
Although the biker had the RoW he clearly took a chance by trying to skirt through the stopped traffic.
IMO, there should be "if he saw the bike coming". You're supposed to have your vehicle under control at all times. He should have seen the bike coming.
It's obvious the guy in that blue car caused the whole mess.
Bikers tend to get emotional when their bikes get hurt.
I was referring to what he said B4 he started moving ... talking like a complete @$$40Le .
Jerry, I believe he was apologizing to the SUV owner, the last vehicle he hit.
As the biker arrived at the intersection his light was red. He was pissed off because of the cars blocking the intersection. I don't even think he was pissed off about the cars in his oncoming traffic who were also blocked from being able to take advantage of the light turning green. I think it was all about him and his ability to race through the intersection. I'm confident from his attitude if the intersection had been clear he would have left everyone beside him in the dust.
We don't know anything about the situation of why the white car and the ones in front of him are stuck in the intersection. One scenario is the traffic was moving fine and someone on the other side of the light caused everyone to stop and the white car just happened to be one of them, but of course as much driving as I do, I can tell you most of the time people will try to make sure they get into the intersection hoping their traffic will move very soon, not showing any consideration for the people who will have to wait on them to get out of the way.
But this guy was pissed upon arrival and he really shouldn't have been since he was the only one at his light who could easily work his way through the traffic with his bike if he has a nickel's worth of sense.
He was going to show that guy something by flying by him like a bullet and the fellow in the white car may or may not have seen him and pulled up a little. Notice the traffic at that intersection didn't change until after the accident.
We can't really say much about the driver in the white car, but the biker is an idiot and is very lucky to be alive. Will he learn from his stupidity? Let's hope so. He didn't apologize to the driver of the white car in the intersection. He apologized to the fellow in the white SUV. Actually he hit the white car in the intersection, went on to hit the side of the first car on the other side of the intersection and ended by hitting the white SUV.
The biker was traveling at least 30 mpg when he hit that car. It took him less than 4 seconds from a dead start to the first impact.
He should be saying "Really, I'm still alive".
There is no conundrum. The biker was at fault. Patience and deep breaths would have eliminated this. Having said that, here in Cali those two or three car drivers blocking the intersection could have been fined $200 to $500 dollars (depending on the city) for gridlock. In LA this is a huge problem and the fine is high.
He also did not have control of his motorcycle, as he riding demonstrates, because in addition to talking like an@$$40Le, he rides like an@$$40Le. (probably because he's an asshole.)
Happens all the time, often because someone was waiting to make a left. It's very hard to anticipate that intersection traffic will stop and hold up everyone behind them, especially if the vehicle attempting the turn did not use their turn signal.
Doesn't seem fair, considering it's not always the fault of the drivers that find themselves caught in an intersection because of the actions of other drives.
But "fair" is not always a consideration when a State has to invent ways to find money to help offset it's deficit.
Yes it is. When in doubt you stay out of the intersection and wait until you are sure you'll make it through. Gridlock is a nightmare !
Years ago I got stuck behind a truck turning left and ended up with a ticket for "running a red light" (there was no running involved) I ended up paying $450 for that and this was about 15 years ago. That hurt.
No it isn't.
The cost of being a woman driver.
(That comment is going to get me in trouble)
Try telling that to CHP.
Fuck off Jerry.
Having said that, here in Cali those two or three car drivers blocking the intersection could have been fined $200 to $500 dollars (depending on the city) for gridlock. In LA this is a huge problem and the fine is high.
Oh yeah! I can remember trying to get home in Bel Air just off from Sepulveda and being stuck on Wilshire right by UCLA. Sometimes it would take an hour our more to go two or three intersections and another half hour and a lot of flying birds to turn right onto Sepulveda at the cemetery. I love the high fines, because any experienced L.A. driver knows that driving is a blood sport during rush hour.
You're right ! Don't enter the middle of an intersection to turn left without being sure you can turn before your light turns red. DUH! When I get a green light and can't proceed because some lame-brained idiot or "special" person couldn't wait it really pisses me off. The fines should be high and enforced. And if an EMT vehicle is blocked the fine should be doubled !!!
How far do you think that distance from where he started and made contact with the white car was? I would say it was 100 ft to 150 ft. It took him 4 seconds to make that trip from a dead start. If you calculate the distance and the time he had to be going at least 30 mph through that tight intersection and he shouldn't have been going that fast even if it was clear. Like I said, he's one lucky fellow to be able to get up and gripe to anyone. The white car slowly moved up. I'd say he was less than a foot from death.
What do they know.
Just joking with you Pat.
I'm sure you're a good driver ....... for a woman.
That's why I moved to the country. I lost patience for those situations. After doing business in and around the metropolitan NYC And Albany areas for over forty years, I just had to move to the deep woods. Now, when I have to wait for more than three cars to clear an intersection, I think I'm in a traffic jam.
I agree! I was joking around, but you point out the real and serious nature of the consequences that can result when drivers don't pay attention to what they're doing, and what's going on ahead of them.
Sounds like he needs a new plug in this 2-cycle....
That's what is sounds like, but it looks like he needs a new brain in his helmet.
Your girlfriend has quite the pair Six!