Former Playboy model says Trump tried to pay her after sex
LOS ANGELES (AP) - A former Playboy model apologized to first lady Melania Trump for a 10-month affair she claims she had with President Donald Trump that started with him offering her money after the first time they had sex.
During an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night Karen McDougal said Trump tried to pay her after their first sexual tryst at a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel in 2006.
Trump married his current wife, Melania Trump, in 2005, and their son, Barron, was born in 2006.
Related story: Playmate Karen McDougal: Donald Trump ‘Always Told Me He Loved Me’
"Well, after we had been intimate, he, he tried to pay me. And I actually didn't know how to take that," she said. "But I looked at him and I said, 'That's not me. I'm not that kind of girl.'"
She cried on the way home and didn't think she would see him again, but agreed to go on other dates with him after he called her back, she said. McDougal repeatedly described Trump as "very charming" and "sweet."
McDougal said she continued the relationship with Trump for about 10 months and broke it off in April 2007 because she felt guilty. She recalled traveling to meet Trump at his properties in New York, New Jersey and California and said she had sex with him "many dozens of times."
Well lets get to the point. Her lawyer needs to get this in court somehow so that she has a chance at the big money she's dreaming about and those who are using her have a chance at removing Trump. Many questions on all of that happening. Legal experts are in disagreement over what legal action can be taken vs a sitting President.
Speaking to CNN - which her attorney has said would be her only interview about the relationship - McDougal apologized when she was asked what she would say to Melania Trump.
"What can you say except, I'm sorry?" McDougal said. "I'm sorry. I wouldn't want it done to me."
The White House has said Trump denies having an affair with McDougal.
Well of course the WH denies it.
But..... if we wait long enough his mouth will surely overload his azz and give him away.
For a person who is a compulsive liar he sure isn't very good at it.
Indeed. He refuses to listen to saner heads, and his mouth and arrogant attitude will be his own downfall. But, he will blame others for it and cry foul, as he is unable to ever admit he was wrong.
Sounds like your talking about Obama. He blamed others and never admitted to being wrong.
"Sounds like your talking about Obama."
Ahh....when one has nothing of value to counter with, just deflect to Obama again. Typical right MO.
Never seems to bother you when the liberals blame everything on everybody but Obama and Hillary. Shoot most of them won't even blame her loss on her incompetence
Funny, the accusers of Bill Clinton were never asked what they would say to Hillary Clinton
Krishna certainly spends a lot of time with the porn star/playboy model articles. Obviously he's a healthy young man!
Or very very lonely lenny.
Frankly, I can't figure out why this is considered news. Whether he did all this shit or not, it's still not news except in the National Enquirer.
When it's the President of the United States of America, you bet it's news.
Fair enough - but the whole Stormy and this playboy model are speaking of consensual relations .. what happened to those that say they were assaulted, has the media forgotten them? Are they being ignored because they were not 'starlets' of an exploitive industry?
I agree with that sentiment completely. We should be looking at the women who were assaulted by Trump rather than his consensual affairs.
News that is just one more straw on the camel's back.
How the hell don't his supporters see him for the ignorant, idiotic, low life scumbag that he is?
'We' are on the same page .. yet a porn star and a former playboy bunny are what sells ... wonder if the media realizes just how much they are stroking the Presidents ego?
This reporting of snot running down the wall has over shadowed everything .. main stream media reporting has become tabloid fodder - sad really.
Simple.........because he is a Republican by party affiliation. That is all they care about.
If he was to run down Pennsylvania Ave naked, waving his manhood at everyone along the way, they would applaud and cheer him on. Why? Welll.....after all, that is just 'ol Trump being 'ol Tump. Right?
As long as he clings to his Republican party, to them, he can do no wrong. No matter how sleezy or harmful it may be, they will gladly stand by him.
ODS. Their hatred of Obama is even more intense now that the Kenyan Muslim is basking in the glow of his successful two-term presidency. Trump the birther is their sweet (to them I guess) revenge.
And, you know this how?
Actually the National Enquirer buried this particular story because the owner is a personal friend of Trump's.
You mean when the media wants to take him out it's news. I remember in my younger days, when JFK was President, we NEVER EVER heard about the sexual affairs of JFK. Nope, the media didn't let that out until well after his death.
No lenny, what you mean is "When it's Donald Trump, you bet it's news. Any other President would probably slide. In fact, the following Presidents did slide, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, William Jefferson Clinton, Ronald Reagan. These are just the ones I'm sure about. I'm certain that there were plenty more as we go back through the list. Always before, it was considered to be a matter between them and their wives. Not when it's Donald Trump though.
You actually said Clinton and a sex scandal would not make the news?! How old are you? Did you miss the 90's? Good god, republicans set this one up back then. I'm waiting to see if Ted Cruz brings Stormy or McDougal to the next public event. How many times have republicans invited the scandalous names of yesterday to a speech, and NOT THAT LONG AGO! Can conservatives please live in the real world, for some reason you all seem outraged that the very standards set by republicans are being blown back at you. Think about it. Go back to Linda Tripp forcing Monica Lewinsky into the public eye at the behest of Ken Starr and republicans. Paula Jone Remember Trump less than 2 years ago? (see link for a reminder) What's with the whining for a different standard? Republicans made the public more interested in blow jobs and sexual affairs. Welcome to the fruits of your labors.
I'm not done with this one. Remember Gary Hart? John Edwards? Can you please do a little walk back memory lane, your memory is way off.
Remember what republicans said about Hillary UP UNTIL THE ELECTION? They can't get enough of their noses out of the Clinton marriage, even now! GOD!
The difference is that Dems aren't criticizing Trump for having sex, we're criticizing the hypocritical "family values" morons who support him despite his long track record of sexual assault and screwing around on his wives (which really are the very least of his flaws).
And I personally question the sanity of any woman willing to have sex with that creepy orange sociopath. No wonder all his "dates" said he tried to pay them for services rendered.
One thing that I love about my brother and his husband is that they have very strong family values. The President, and anybody who defends him or his behavior just don't.
I have seriously christian siblings who love Trump.
How the hell can I possibly respect their hypocricy?
Have you figured out what the appeal is? Perhaps the authoritarian aspect?
are they asking for your respect
They crave my respect and fear they can't get it.
Nah, I can tell you what it is Shrekk. It's quite simple really. He is NOT HILLARY CLINTON. Literally anybody is better than she would be. If we have to put up with him for four years, then that's what has to happen. The blame for that is on the leaders of the Democrat Party, who actually were stupid enough to think that they could slide that scummy bitch through and into the White House. Trump is the price they have to pay for trying it.
Well, more people did vote for her than voted for your Fuhrer. Apparently Clinton is far more popular than Trump.
Spoken like a true conservative.
You need to separate a defense of his behavior from a defense of his policies. Liberals pointed out the difference during the Clinton Presidency
His behavior and his policies both lack sanity.
She must have been very good.
I believe Melania will take care of this.
Hello mags .. long time NO see, hope you are doing well - have you been ill?
Perhaps it is 'he' that is very good?
I find it interesting that 'these women' are coming forward - this last one almost sounds like she was 'in love' with Trump .. is their 15 minutes of fame that important, and the news media so desperate that they make sex news?
The only people being hurt are Melania and Barron .. media/tabloid fodder - a pic of Stormy Daniels is floating around of her taking a supposed polygraph test - what a joke .. thinking the media needs some help in finding relevant news...
Take care of you lady!
Hi. Good to see you.
If there is truth to any of it, I don't think Melania is a Hillary Clinton.
I have to agree with you Mags ... Melania is her own person - she has shown herself to be a mom first and foremost.. do not thing she will be going on the morning talk shows complaining about a left wing conspiracy out to get her 'hubby'..........................
Pretty sure that money laundering will be big news. Mueller has Trump cold. Trump will look good in an orange jumpsuit.
I suspect Trump will have to pay for sex even in prison.
Welcome back
And yes, there is a big difference between those two women
Yep, Melaria only made the mistake of having unprotected sex with Trump one time.
So the president being a compulsive liar, a world-class fool and whore-hound isn't relevant?
Figure somebody would have to be paid at least two cartons of smokes to have sex with Trump.
Trump has always had to pay for sex. Comes from being an asshole.
Melania has, no doubt, had to sign Trump's standard non-disclosure and philandery pre-nup and stands to lose everything if she utters the slightest peep that she's unhappy in any way.
"Well, after we had been intimate, he, he tried to pay me
Just as well she turned him down, everyone knows he doesn't pay his creditors.
That he wanted to pay her after having sex with her shows what he really thought of her, regardless of what words of endearment he said to her. That he regarded her as nothing more than a prostitute. That should have told her all she needed to know about the scumbag horndog.
Yeah, I have a really hard time understanding why anyone would continue to date someone who did that. It says a lot about the insecurities of a beautiful woman as well as the sleaziness of Trump and the fact that he's used to paying for sex. But he's probably right to assume that no woman in her right mind would have sex with him unless she were paid.
Seems taking their clothes off for money is what all of Trump's fucks have in common.
I've got nothing against people who have sex for money or pay for sex but it does seem to be a recurring theme in Trump's life. I can't imagine doing that myself but I wonder how he picked up the habit.....supposedly his grandfather was a pimp so maybe that had something to do with it.
Or it could simply be that because he's a sociopath and incapable of forming close emotional bonds with someone that it just comes naturally to him. Wham, bam, thank you m'am.
Just like he is treating our country.
So far Melania has been silent about Trump's..."affairs" with these whores. I wonder how she really feels?
Betrayed, angry .. relieved, that she finally has a exit from this marriage without violating a pre-nup (?) ... yet honestly, I do not believe you truly have concern for her well being or feelings... sounds good in a post though huh?
As someone that has been cheated on .. I am thankful the whole would was not speculating on 'how I really felt!' as their entertainment of the day..
You are right. They don't really care. IMO if Melania leaves the WH, Pres. Trump is in big trouble.
Trump brought this on himself. So did his wives who were complacent with his whore mongering. At what point do we Americans say enough is enough for this worthless POS who ran every one of his businesses into the ground?
Given that he's on his 3rd or 4th marriage (and that one seems to be on the rocks now), it seems his various wives only put up for so long with his whore mongering and his desperate trolling for sex for money.
I do wonder though why they put up with his sexual assaults. Surely they weren't blind to his behavior or to the accusations made by other women.
Bling blinds.
Sounds like a page out of the Clinton sex scandal handbook .. blame those that knew 'he' was married but slept with him anyway - thus making it neither Bill nor Donald's fault (?)
Cheating sucks, but assaulting a woman or women as both Donald and Bill have been accused of is what should matter, not the "whore mongering" my opinion..
Being as he cheated on Marla Maples with Melania while still married to Maples, and cheated with Marla Maples while he was married to Ivana, his first wife, she gave up whatever pride she had when she married him and knows full well what her man is like. As long as the money is good, and she has the limelight as the FL of America with all its glamour, she will not likely be leaving him anytime soon.
What is the real shame here is what his Son, Barron, is being exposed to with the revelations of his cheating with seedy women on his Mother, whom he appears to be very close to. It must be very embarrassing and depressing, no matter how his parents try to cover it up with him. However, I am sure he also knows what kind of man his Father is. My heart goes out to him.
As my heart went out to Chelsea who was a young woman when her Dad started liking cigars. Did you worry about her?
I feel sorry for her as well.
Well yes I did, very much so. I was cheated on during my marriage and I know how it felt. When you walk into your husbands place of work to take him is lunch and find him making out with one of the female employees there, and all she does is give you a sly smile. hurts. But, the ones that it hurt the most were my two children.
Now take your snark and go play with your other snarky friends here. All you have is snark, nothing of real value to offer, so I won't bother to respond to you anymore.
You mean about being one of those whores herself?
McDougal, in the interview also said she was a republican and voted for Trump. I would like to know 'how' a woman could be republican, vote for Trump and have sex with a man who is filling the courts with justices that will take away her right to choose. Hell, some of them will even take away the birth control given the opportunity. When I heard her tell Cooper that, my perception of Ms. McDougal was shaken. Can not figure out her mind, unless she is looking for a payday.
If I wanted to read gossip I would subscribe to The National Enquirer.
Sorry Buzz but the National Enquirer buried this particular story. You can only find it in the real news, not the fake news published by Trump's good buddy.