
Prince Charles To Americans: Capitalism Has “Enormous Shortcomings”


Category:  Environment/Climate

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  10 years ago  •  4 comments

Prince Charles To Americans: Capitalism Has “Enormous Shortcomings”

Prince Charles took a shot at capitalism by stating that it had enormous shortcomings:

Prince Charles spoke of an economic system that seems to have enormous shortcomings at one of the final events of his four day royal tour of the United States.

The future King gave a speech yesterday tackling the environmental and economic issues faces the world at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Louisville, Kentucky.

The Prince of Wales told the invited audience: We are standing at a moment of substantial transition where we face the dual challenges of a world view and an economic system that seem to have enormous shortcomings , together with an environmental crisis including that of climate change which threatens to engulf us all.

This isnt the first time Prince Charles has voiced his distaste for the Free Market. http://www.progressivestoday.com/prince-charles-to-americans-capitalism-has-enormous-shortcomings/


jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago

76.gifAs is the case with Al Gore, Prince Charles is just another example of a wealthy elitist preaching to the common man that their pursuit of happiness, and efforts to improve their quality of life, are shameful and not as important as the fictional fight against Climate Change.

Because in the end, Prince Charles and Al Gore have their wealth and comfort.
Why should you have yours? 77.gif

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago

we have a couple of responses:

One, he sounds like Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, who admitted that the goal of global warming activists is not to save Earth from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

Two, where does he suggest we find a system without shortcomings?

Is capitalism perfect? No, not as long as humans are involved.

But it is the best system ever tried . No other economic system has ever brought prosperity as capitalism has. It's the profit motive that has pulled us out of man's natural state of poverty. As economist Milton Friedman so eloquently argued, the people who have suffered and still do the most from grinding poverty are those who are trapped in societies that depart from free enterprise.

Marxism and all of its lesser-degree variants have failed to do what capitalism has. Planned economies can't keep up with capitalism's gifts and often increase misery rather than promote wealth.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily:

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Even communist China adopts capitalist strategies in order to compete in the global market .

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    10 years ago

I'd say Prince Charles has a bit of a shortcoming himself - he walked away from a gorgeous young woman into the arms of an old horse-face. Well, actually the Brits really are fond of horses, aren't they?


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