
Model claims she saw Trump cheat on pregnant Marla Maples


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  hal-a-lujah  •  6 years ago  •  146 comments

Model claims she saw Trump cheat on pregnant Marla Maples


A German model claims to have been in the same room with Donald Trump during an alleged romp he had with Playboy Playmate Barbara Moore.

She spoke to the Daily Mail about the tryst, which supposedly went down while Trump’s second wife and then-fiancee Marla Maples was pregnant with daughter Tiffany.

“I was just sitting there and they got into a little sexual thing,” recalled model Elke Jeinsen.

“They actually had sex together and I was watching it,” she said, noting how the alleged hookup happened at Trump Tower in the summer of 1993, while she was also posing for Playboy.

“It was like they didn’t even know I was in the room, I didn’t exist,” Jeinsen added. “He was really into Barbara.”

Moore, 49, came forward in April and claimed to have had a six-month affair with Trump while he was with Maples. She said the secret relationship began in March 1993, just three months after she was named Playboy’s Miss December centerfold.

Jeinsen was a centerfold herself, but The Donald didn’t care — he was honing in on Moore.

“We were talking, laughing, drinking, sitting on his bed and then he started to undress Barbara and make out with her,” Jeinsen said. “We were sitting there sexy-dressed and Barbara got slowly sexy undressed. She was beautiful and he was totally into her and he helped undress her. We were Playboy girls, we were used to being sexy and playing.”

The model added, “I was sitting there half undressed, not naked but in lingerie, and then they started kissing and making out. I was not included in the sex, but I was included in the conversation beforehand so it was strange for me.”

It wasn’t the only thing that stuck out to Jeinsen.

“On TV his place was all in gold — there was no gold in this room,” she told the Mail, remembering how Trump whisked her and Moore away into “a normal guest room.”

“I wasn’t impressed,” Jeinsen said. “I expected a little bit more…I expected like a suite with gold and silver. So I was a little disappointed.”

The former playmate admitted that while she was weirded out by the whole experience, she could tell that the feelings Trump and Moore allegedly had for each other were genuine.

“I was not jealous, Barbara was my best friend and I knew they had something,” Jeinsen said. “I knew it’s not just a one time thing, it was real.”


jrDiscussion - desc
Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1  seeder  Hal A. Lujah    6 years ago

What a classy guy.  At least Melania can take comfort in the fact that he does this to all his pregnant wives.  The perfect example of morality for evangelicals to continue hoisting up on their shoulders.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1    6 years ago

Oh no....another faux scandal of the Stormy style. Of course you would believe it without a shred of proof. Meanwhile, support for Trump among the evangelicals remains around 75%, and this is unlikely to change...for a couple of reasons. First, most people are aware of how little was made of all the Democrats and liberals misbehaving....especially when it came to Bubba Bill Clinton. Then there was everyone from John Edwards to Gary Hart to Ted Kennedy. People have pointed out that Chelsea Clinton bears a strong resemblance to Webb Hubbell. Now comes all the elite left wing sexual abusers

Also, evangelicals, like almost everyone with a tad of intelligence, realize the smear campaign being waged by the left in seeking to overturn the last election by any means possible, legal or otherwise, for what it is. And they ain't buying it. Left wingers really need to get concerned with the midterms, because there will not be a "blue wave" in their future.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.1.1  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    6 years ago

Lol.   Pastor Who Now Defends Trump Demanded a Devout Christian President in 2008 

Of course you would believe it without a shred of proof.

The proof is in the pudding.  Trump probably gets his pudding directly from Bill Cosby.

Professor Silent
1.1.2  lib50  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    6 years ago
Meanwhile, support for Trump among the evangelicals remains around 75%, and this is unlikely to change

Yep, and I for one can't wait until they get to the other side (after life) and find out in their life review how hurtful and damaging their words and deeds were to others.    The hell they are afraid of will come from within themselves as they relive their past actions from others perspective, feeling how they caused others to feel.  

All religious folk are going to be answering for these minions of satan (not just evangelicals), especially since so few are speaking out on their own.   Silence is deadly.

Freshman Silent
1.1.3  Explorerdog  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    6 years ago

wow you had to dig back into the sixties, we are looking at today. Of course the evangelicals support him at those numbers he is their champion, a horrendously soiled despicable champion but theirs none the less. They will support him because he promotes and protects their belief in a paternal ruler, unwavering justification and rationalization. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
1.1.4  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Explorerdog @1.1.3    6 years ago

His disgusting behavior gives them validation for their own.  It is "Hey if the POTUS can do it, so can we."

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.1.5  Greg Jones  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.1.4    6 years ago

Whatever, but at least he hasn't let a young woman drown because it would negatively affect his career.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.1.6  Trout Giggles  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.1.4    6 years ago

If the POTUS can be a racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic asshole, then so can I.

Junior Participates
1.1.7  epistte  replied to  Greg Jones @1.1    6 years ago
Oh no....another faux scandal of the Stormy style. Of course you would believe it without a shred of proof. Meanwhile, support for Trump among the evangelicals remains around 75%, and this is unlikely to change...for a couple of reasons. First, most people are aware of how little was made of all the Democrats and liberals misbehaving....especially when it came to Bubba Bill Clinton. Then there was everyone from John Edwards to Gary Hart to Ted Kennedy. People have pointed out that Chelsea Clinton bears a strong resemblance to Webb Hubbell. Now comes all the elite left wing sexual abusers

Jesus spoke about adultery but he never mentioned homosexuality. Is expecting evangelicals to obey the teachings of the man that they claim to be their Savior and the son of god a violation of their religious freedom?

Matthew 5:27-28 


27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

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Freshman Silent
1.1.8    replied to  epistte @1.1.7    6 years ago

People have pointed out that Chelsea Clinton bears a strong resemblance to Webb Hubbell.

I think Janet Reno is Chelsea's dad.

Junior Participates
1.1.9  epistte  replied to  @1.1.8    6 years ago
People have pointed out that Chelsea Clinton bears a strong resemblance to Webb Hubbell.

Is this an example of what currently passes for rational thought among conservatives?

Does Webster Hubble look like Janet Reno?

Professor Guide
1.1.10  MrFrost  replied to  @1.1.8    6 years ago
People have pointed out that Chelsea Clinton bears a strong resemblance to Webb Hubbell.

People tell me I look a little bit like Tom Cruise... I guess that means he is my dad? 

Professor Quiet
1.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1    6 years ago
The perfect example of morality for evangelicals to continue hoisting up on their shoulders.

Unfortunately, I think that one of the things people have to ask is, did Trump say that Barbara Moore reminded him of his daughter too?

Professor Quiet
1.4  Sunshine  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1    6 years ago

The obsession with Trump's sex life is abnormal.  

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.4.1  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sunshine @1.4    6 years ago

The obsession with Trump’s imaginary competence and imaginary innocence is mind boggling.

Professor Quiet
1.4.2  Sunshine  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.4.1    6 years ago

just admit it, the infatuation has become freakish.  

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.4.3  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Sunshine @1.4.2    6 years ago

My infatuation isn’t with Trump’s sex life, it’s with his upcoming removal from office.  The suspense is frustrating, but the climax will be epic I’m sure.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.4.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  Sunshine @1.4    6 years ago

My obsession is his lack of morals and the lack of morals amongst the "good, upstanding Christian Americans" who love this piece of shit

Professor Quiet
1.4.5  Ozzwald  replied to  Sunshine @1.4    6 years ago
The obsession with Trump's sex life is abnormal.

Says the people still harping on Clinton's sex life from 30 years ago.

Professor Quiet
1.4.6  Jasper2529  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.4.3    6 years ago
My infatuation isn’t with Trump’s sex life, it’s with his upcoming removal from office.

Are you basing your infatuation regarding Trump's "upcoming removal from office" on a crystal ball, Ouija Board, or Tarot cards?

Freshman Silent
1.4.7  Explorerdog  replied to  Jasper2529 @1.4.6    6 years ago

direct corollary to your wishful thinking that he is slick enough that his trail is swept clean. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.4.8  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Jasper2529 @1.4.6    6 years ago


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.4.9  Vic Eldred  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.4.3    6 years ago
it’s with his upcoming removal from office

How are you going to do that?  You need a 2/3rds vote out of the Senate. We know that isn't going to happen. The strategy of trying to humiliate him, his family and all those associated with him is clearly backfiring, as his poll numbers are climbing. So there is no "resignation" forthcoming.

So, the big question is how ya gonna do it?

Professor Quiet
1.4.10  Jasper2529  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.4.9    6 years ago
So, the big question is how ya gonna do it?

They can always pull out that "Hope and Change" thingy again!

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.4.11  Vic Eldred  replied to  Jasper2529 @1.4.10    6 years ago

Lol, No, that won't work. America was really giddy back then. The country evidently needed the sober beating it got

Professor Quiet
3  Ronin2    6 years ago

The same people (and media) that defended Bill Clinton to the hilt (sometimes literally) against every woman that came forward accusing him of sexual assault, or of having an affair- are now blasting Trump for doing the same thing.

Guess if a politician has a D behind their name they are teflon.

Can't stand Trump and I hope there is a viable candidate to vote for next election cycle.  Of course if the Democrats put Hillary up for a third time I will be voting 3rd party again. 

Professor Silent
3.1  lib50  replied to  Ronin2 @3    6 years ago

You are missing something.  There has been a shift in consciousness on the subject of how women are treated, new norms and new awareness of the problem.  If Bill Clinton were going through the same thing today,  he would be judged by the standards of today, which democrats are currently demanding of their people, and republicans are defending in their people, requiring nothing except excuses.    Societal norms change, sometimes slowly and other times in a flash.  Whining about it isn't helpful.

Professor Quiet
3.1.1  Sunshine  replied to  lib50 @3.1    6 years ago

bullshit.  good try with Democrat talking points though.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Ronin2 @3    6 years ago
The same people (and media) that defended Bill Clinton to the hilt (sometimes literally) against every woman that came forward accusing him of sexual assault, or of having an affair- are now blasting Trump for doing the same thing.

First, there is no way Clintons career would have survived 19 accusers back then, he had a total of four that had zero evidence, one of whom recanted her accusations. I personally believed all four and didn't vote for Clinton because of it. Donald Trump has 19 credible accusers but all Republicans can do is claim it's "the same" as Clinton. So essentially they are saying "Democrats are disgusting, immoral and corrupt because of the accusations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton, so that gives us the right to support a candidate who is disgusting, immoral and corrupt."

You just don't get more dishonest or hypocritical than a conservative Republican.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.3.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.3    6 years ago
Donald Trump has 19 credible accusers

No, they're not credible, and Clinton had over a dozen, but I don't expect you to do the correct research or be truthful.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
3.3.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Greg Jones @3.3.1    6 years ago

Sorry, Greg. You don't get to pick and choose who's credible.  It's either all of them or none of them. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.3.3  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Greg Jones @3.3.1    6 years ago
and Clinton had over a dozen

List them please. Don't make a spurious claim with zero evidence to back it up.

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Freshman Silent
3.3.4    replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.3.3    6 years ago

And Clnton had over a dozen.

List them please. Don't make a spurious claim with zero evidence to back it up.

1. Eileen Wellstone (1969)

Allegation: Sexual assault

An article published on a site called Capitol Hill Blue in 1999 asserted that "Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman, said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim’s family declined to pursue the case."

2. Anonymous female student at Yale University (1972)

Allegation: Sexual assault

The same article on Capitol Hill Blue further alleges that "a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident. The woman, tracked down by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident, but declined to discuss it further and would not give permission to use her name.

3. Anonymous female student at the University of Arkansas (1974)

Allegation: Sexual assault

Again from Capitol Hill Blue: "A female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ''came on'' to him. The student left the school shortly after the incident. Reached at her home in Texas, the former student confirmed the incident, but declined to go on the record with her account. Several former students at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews and said there were other reports of Clinton attempting to force himself on female students."

4. Anonymous female lawyer (1977)

Allegation: Sexual assault

According to Roger Morris in his book Partners in Power, "A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her. Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all quiet for the sake of her own hard-won career and that of her husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980 Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. 'If you ever approach her,' he told the governor, 'I’ll kill you.' Not even seeing fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly promised never to bother her again."

5. Juanita Broaddrick (1978)

Allegation: Rape

Reports state that Broaddrick "claimed that Bill raped her when she was a volunteer on his campaign for governor while she was at a nursing student conference in Little Rock. She claimed that he forced himself on her while she screamed “please stop,” and he bit her lip. Norma Rodgers, a friend who was sharing a hotel room with Broaddrick during the conference, confirmed her claims that she had been sexually assaulted. Broaddrick did not come forward with the claims for two decades, claiming she was intimidated and ashamed."

6. Carolyn Moffet (1979)

Allegation: Sexual assault

Moffet has stated for the record that "she met Gov. Clinton at a political fundraiser and was invited to his hotel room. 'When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn’t even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room.'”

7. Elizabeth Ward (1983)

Allegation: Unclear

Former Miss America Ward initially accused Clinton of forcible rape, but recanted in 1998 with an apology to Hillary for what she said was a consensual relationship.

8. Sally Perdue (1983)

Allegation: Unclear

The former Miss Arkansas Perdue has told the press that she while her sexual relationship with Clinton was consensual, "in 1992 she was visited by a Democratic Party staffer [who made it clear to her that they] 'knew that I went jogging by myself and he couldn’t guarantee what would happen to my pretty little legs.'"

9. Paula Jones (1991)

Allegation: Sexual harassment.

10. Sandra Allen James (1991)

Allegation: Sexual assault

Back to Capitol Hill Blue, political fundraiser James alleged that Clinton "pinned [her] against a wall and stuck his hands up her dress. She screamed so loud that the Arkansas State Police knocked on the hotel door and asked if everything was okay. When she told her Democratic fundraising boss about the incident, he told her to 'keep your mouth shut.'

11. Christy Zercher (1992)

Allegation: Sexual assault

In Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson's book, Dereliction of Duty, he states that Zercher, then a female stewardess on Air Force One, "complained that Clinton 'sexually molested” and 'cornered” her on [a] flight. Per Patterson, the woman only “wanted an apology.''

12. Kathleen Willey (1993)

Allegation: Sexual assault  

Willey claims that when she was working as a volunteer in the White House social office, Clinton "fondled her breast and placed her hand on his clothed, erect penis in the Oval Office while she was asking him for a White House job."

13. Monica Lewinsky (1995-1997)

Allegation: Consensual sexual affair  

Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are serial sexual predators.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.3.6  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  @3.3.4    6 years ago
Donald Trump and Bill Clinton are serial sexual predators.

While I agree on that, your list to get to a dozen is full of holes. At best it's 5 women who went on the record to make sexual assault allegations. One is too many, but you can't claim Clinton has as many on the record credible accusers as Trump. Trump is on a whole other level of scum. An anonymous claim cannot be considered "credible" in any sense of the word. Again, I believed the handful of accusers at the time and didn't vote for Bill Clinton. But trying to use him as some excuse for Republicans giving Trump a pass is insane.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.3.7  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @3.3.5    6 years ago

and I can vouch for Greg

I’m embarrassed for you.

Professor Guide
3.3.8  MrFrost  replied to  @3.3.4    6 years ago
13. Monica Lewinsky (1995-1997)

Not to nitpick here, but she was a willing partner and the relationship was consensual. There was no "accusation". Or claims of assault. 

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Freshman Silent
3.3.9    replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.3.6    6 years ago

I wasn't using it as an excuse to give Trump a pass. Both men are despicable sexual predators.

Professor Guide
3.3.10  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @3.3.1    6 years ago
No, they're not credible, and Clinton had over a dozen, but I don't expect you to do the correct research or be truthful.

So all of Clinton's accusers are credible, but none of trumps are? How can you logically explain that? 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.4  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Ronin2 @3    6 years ago

are now blasting Trump for doing the same thing

Was Bill Clinton fucking multiple porn stars while his multiple wives were pregnant or nursing his kids?!

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Freshman Silent
3.4.1    replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3.4    6 years ago

Was Bill Clinton fucking multiple porn stars while his multiple wives were pregnant or nursing his kids?!

No, Bill Clinton was fucking ugly women. Donald wouldn't stoop that low.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
3.4.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  @3.4.1    6 years ago

You realize that you've just admitted everything Trumpty Dumpty is lying about by denying, right?  I think you might have a spot on the Fat Glob's legal "team" waiting for you as we speak.  

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Freshman Silent
3.4.3    replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @3.4.2    6 years ago

You realize that you've just admitted everything Trumpty Dumpty is lying about by denying, right?

I not defending Trump I never said he was truthful. Just like Bubba Clinton Trump is a sexual predator its just that Bubba fucked ugly women, Trump was screwing beautiful women.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.4.5  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @3.4.4    6 years ago

Oh, ok.  I guess that’s settled then.  Not Impressed

Professor Guide
3.4.6  MrFrost  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @3.4.4    6 years ago
He was doing a lot worse

Trump raped a 13 year old girl with his buddy Jeffery epstien. There were at least 2 witness's to it as well. Bill likes the ladies but when it comes to depravity, trumpy is in a class all his own. 

Professor Guide
3.4.8  MrFrost  replied to  @3.4.3    6 years ago
Bubba Clinton

Did you know he isn't president anymore? 

Professor Guide
3.4.10  MrFrost  replied to  Texan1211 @3.4.9    6 years ago

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Freshman Silent
3.4.14    replied to  MrFrost @3.4.6    6 years ago

Trump raped a 13 year old girl with his buddy Jeffery epstien.

A woman who accused Donald Trump of raping her two decades ago when she was a 13-year-old aspiring teen model has again dropped a federal lawsuit over the alleged assaults. 

 Clinton’s presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including “Tatiana.” The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.

Former President Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on registered sex offender’s Jerry Epsteins infamous jet with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights.

Bill Clinton was a frequent guest at Jerry Epsteins private Caribbean island, known as “Orgy Island”

Professor Guide
3.4.15  MrFrost  replied to  @3.4.14    6 years ago

None of that is true with the exception of there actually being a case of child rape against trump. Clinton? Not so much. 

Professor Quiet
4  Jasper2529    6 years ago

Is there any particular reason that today's educated public would be remotely interested in the hearsay of an obscure, middle-aged Swedish/German Playboy Playmate from 26 years ago? Too funny!

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
4.1  seeder  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Jasper2529 @4    6 years ago

Yes - it is entirely consistent with the history of this disgusting pig of a president*.   There is literally zero reason to not believe it.

Professor Quiet
4.1.1  Jasper2529  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @4.1    6 years ago
Yes - it is entirely consistent with the history of this disgusting pig of a president*.   There is literally zero reason to not believe it.

Then I'm sure you'll agree that the hearsay about Barack Obama, Eric Holder, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Clinton, and Michelle Obama having ties to George Soros are equally credible. I am very glad that you understand.  peace

Junior Participates
4.1.2  epistte  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.1    6 years ago
Then I'm sure you'll agree that the hearsay about Barack Obama, Eric Holder, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Clinton, and Michelle Obama having ties to George Soros are equally credible. I am very glad that you understand. 

Were they having sex with George Soros while claiming that they had a moral mandate to enforce their conservative religious beliefs?

Is Soros some sort of progressive Rasputin in the eyes of Fox News aficionados?

Professor Silent
4.1.3  lib50  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.1    6 years ago
I am very glad that you understand.

Personal attack. Removed. - PRF

Do you not think Trump is a lying, cheating adulterer? 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
4.1.4  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.1    6 years ago
Then I'm sure you'll agree that the hearsay about Barack Obama, Eric Holder, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett, Bill Clinton, and Michelle Obama having ties to George Soros are equally credible.

You should know the word "credible" from your side is a punch line for the rest of the world.  Gets a laugh every time laughing dude   

Freshman Silent
4.1.5  Explorerdog  replied to  Jasper2529 @4.1.1    6 years ago

Don't exclude the DIRECT ties between Pence, and Conway to the Koch syndicate.

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Freshman Silent
6      6 years ago

Just another aging slut trying to make a few bucks

Sophomore Quiet
6.1  magnoliaave  replied to  @6    6 years ago

The last one got a mere 130 thousand....do I hear more?

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
6.1.1  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  magnoliaave @6.1    6 years ago
The last one got a mere 130 thousand....do I hear more?

If you think that's paltry, Trumpty Dumpty would like to talk to you about funding his "special projects." 

Junior Participates
6.2  epistte  replied to  @6    6 years ago
Just another aging slut trying to make a few bucks

Stay classy.

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Freshman Silent
6.2.1    replied to  epistte @6.2    6 years ago

Stay classy.

Trump had affairs with classy women, Bill Clinton fucked multiple ugly women.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
6.2.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  epistte @6.2    6 years ago

Deleted, CoC  {SP}

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Freshman Silent
6.2.3    replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @6.2.2    6 years ago

Deleted, CoC  {SP}

Professor Guide
6.2.5  MrFrost  replied to  @6.2.1    6 years ago
Trump had affairs with classy women, Bill Clinton fucked multiple ugly women.

So cheating on your spouse is ok as long as they are good looking? Really? You clearly have no moral fiber at all. 

Junior Participates
6.2.6  epistte  replied to  MrFrost @6.2.5    6 years ago
So cheating on your spouse is ok as long as they are good looking? Really? You clearly have no moral fiber at all.

This is the ethical mindset of 21st-century conservatives.

What will they claim to be after Trump is indicted and removed from office for his various crimes? Bush Republicans became  TEAparty libertarians in 2009 when they couldn't defend what they supported for the past 8 years. They tried to blame Obama for the civil rights abuses of the G.W.Bush USA PATRIOT ACT. 

The concept of the sanctity of marriage, personal morality, and personal responsibility apply only to other people and not to the conservatives who love to toss those phrases around. 

Junior Participates
6.2.7  epistte  replied to  @6.2.1    6 years ago
Trump had affairs with classy women, Bill Clinton fucked multiple ugly women.

Is that what separates adultery for protecting the sanctity of (your second or third) marriage

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Freshman Silent
6.2.8    replied to  MrFrost @6.2.5    6 years ago

So cheating on your spouse is ok as long as they are good looking?

Nope, I never said that I just made the point that Trump had sex with pretty women and Bubba was screwing ugly ones. IMO both men are disgusting husbands.

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Freshman Silent
6.2.9    replied to  epistte @6.2.7    6 years ago

Is that what separates adultery for protecting the sanctity of (your second or third) marriage.

I've been married to the same woman for forty-eight years. Although I've had several opportunities I never cheated on her.

Junior Participates
6.2.10  epistte  replied to  @6.2.9    6 years ago
I've been married to the same woman for forty-eight years. Although I've had several opportunities I never cheated on her.

Then why are you defending Donald Trump's multiple extramarital exploits if fidelity in marriage is important to you?

user image
Freshman Silent
6.2.11    replied to  epistte @6.2.10    6 years ago

Then why are you defending Donald Trump's multiple extramarital exploits if fidelity in marriage is important to you?

Obviously, you can't read I didn't defend Trump I said Trump and Bill Clinton are both disgusting husbands for cheating on their spouses.

Why are you making false accusations against me?

Professor Guide
6.2.14  MrFrost  replied to  epistte @6.2.6    6 years ago
What will they claim to be after Trump is indicted and removed from office for his various crimes? Bush Republicans became  TEAparty libertarians in 2009 when they couldn't defend what they supported for the past 8 years. They tried to blame Obama for the civil rights abuses of the G.W.Bush USA PATRIOT ACT.

Yep, and the whole time screaming, "PRAISE JESUS!!!!!". The right wing Christians have forever lost the moral high ground. 

Sophomore Participates
6.2.15  Skrekk  replied to  epistte @6.2.6    6 years ago
So cheating on your spouse is ok as long as they are good looking? Really? You clearly have no moral fiber at all.

This is the ethical mindset of 21st-century conservatives.

Case in point......the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention:

In sermons he gave between 2000 and 2014 that have been made public, Paige Patterson, seminary president and former denominational president, has encouraged women who are abused by their husbands not to divorce but to pray instead. He also commented  in the sermons on female bodies, including that of a teenage girl, and women’s appearances. Now, thousands of people are calling for his removal just weeks before he is scheduled to deliver a key sermon at the huge denomination’s annual convention.

As some — including women — in the evangelical denomination rally around Patterson, 75, who is revered as an instrumental figure in the group’s rightward shift over the past several decades, other leaders are voicing concern that this furor is about much more than one man’s sermons. The uproar calls into question how women are treated in this religious community that preaches the theology of complementarianism, which says men and women are called to different roles, with men leading in the church and the home.  [..]

Since the blog post, women have highlighted other comments Patterson has made, including one  sermon in 2014 in which he described a 16-year-old girl walking by, saying that “she was nice.” One young man commented, “Man, is she built!” Patterson said a woman scolded the young man, and Patterson said he responded, “Ma’am, leave him alone. He’s just being biblical.” The audience laughed.

Junior Participates
6.2.16  epistte  replied to  @6.2.11    6 years ago

In posts 3.31, 3.41 and 3.43  you tried to deflect the conversation to attack Bill Clinton when he is not the subject of the thread.   Did you think that I wouldn't notice that act on your part? Apparently, you do support Donald Trump at some level because emotionally you tried to change the subject of the thread by attacking someone else. 

You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism.

Pronounced too-kwo-kwee. Literally translating as 'you too' this fallacy is also known as the appeal to hypocrisy. It is commonly employed as an effective red herring because it takes the heat off someone having to defend their argument, and instead shifts the focus back on to the person making the criticism.

Junior Participates
6.2.17  epistte  replied to    6 years ago
Yeah it is, one female does it constantly. I guess its in the progressive DNA

That is a nice personal attack and unfounded accusation that you have there.

Professor Principal
6.2.18  Tessylo  replied to  @6.2.9    6 years ago
'I not defending Trump I never said he was truthful. Just like Bubba Clinton Trump is a sexual predator its just that Bubba fucked ugly women, Trump was screwing beautiful women.'
'Just another aging slut trying to make a few bucks'
'Trump had affairs with classy women, Bill Clinton fucked multiple ugly women.'
'Although I've had several opportunities I never cheated on her.'

Deleted, skirting {SP}

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Freshman Silent
6.2.19    replied to  epistte @6.2.16    6 years ago

You avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser - you answered criticism with criticism.

Nice analyst of yourself.

user image
Freshman Silent
6.2.20    replied to  epistte @6.2.17    6 years ago

Feeling guilty?

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Freshman Silent
6.2.21    replied to  epistte @6.2.16    6 years ago

"Apparently, you do support Donald Trump at some level because emotionally you tried to change the subject of the thread by attacking someone else"

Yes. I do support some of the ideas Trump has as I did Bill Clintons' That doesn't mean I condone their sexual misconduct.

FYI I didn't vote for Trump.

Junior Participates
6.2.22  epistte  replied to  @6.2.20    6 years ago
Feeling guilty?

Why would I feel guilty about calling out a personal attack and a false accusation? 

If Beast' had a defendable argument he would have no had to attack me personally or he could have proven his unfounded claim. Obviously, neither are true.

Professor Silent
6.3  lib50  replied to  @6    6 years ago
Just another aging slut trying to make a few bucks

Off a much older, fatter, dumber manwhore  who lies every day.  

You go girl.

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Freshman Silent
7      6 years ago

Stormy Daniels' pimp is Michael Avenatti and a friend with benefits.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
7.1  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  @7    6 years ago

Sounds like FOMO on your part. 

Professor Guide
7.2  MrFrost  replied to  @7    6 years ago

You sound jealous. 

user image
Freshman Silent
7.2.1    replied to  MrFrost @7.2    6 years ago

You sound jealous.

laughing dude yeah right.

Professor Guide
7.3  MrFrost  replied to  @7    6 years ago
Michael Avenatti and a friend with benefits.

Prove it. 

Professor Principal
7.3.2  Tessylo  replied to  MrFrost @7.3    6 years ago

I think he's been raping Ivanka since about the age of 12.  

That's how young he likes them 12.  Although he makes exceptions for his little girl.  

Professor Guide
7.3.3  MrFrost  replied to  Texan1211 @7.3.1    6 years ago

So you can't prove it, got ya. 

Professor Guide
8  MrFrost    6 years ago

Melania must be so proud to be on the world stage and have a new story about her husband cheating on his wives come out over and over and over and over....She must be beaming with pride. 

user image
Freshman Silent
8.1    replied to  MrFrost @8    6 years ago

She must be beaming with pride.

Melania isn't attacking Donald's accusers like good old Hillary did to her husbands' accusers in a vain attempt to excuse Bill's disgusting behavior.

Professor Silent
8.1.1  lib50  replied to  @8.1    6 years ago



By the way, having fun watching them follow the money? 

Professor Guide
8.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  @8.1    6 years ago

Does this mean you won't be voting for Bill 27 years ago? We found out about Bill's activities AFTER he was elected... We found out about trumpy's constant cheating BEFORE the election and you STILL voted for him. 

Professor Guide
8.1.3  MrFrost  replied to  @8.1    6 years ago

She isn't attacking them which makes her an enabler. Thanks for pointing that out LOL 

Professor Silent
8.1.5  lib50  replied to    6 years ago

I guess its just tough shit that society has changed since Bill.  We had years of that, now its Trump's turn.  Why do republicans have such a hard time following their own words and actions?  Clinton happened DECADES ago, and holds no office.  Trump apparently has Russian oligarchs pay his payoffs.  Notice how Russians are everywhere in Trump orbit?  Of course Trump wouldn't use his own money if a Russian wanted to funnel some money through his lawyers 'Payoff Account", and take care of his 'problem'.  Address the here and now.  Trump's disgusting morals might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.  Boom!

Freshman Silent
8.1.7  T.Fargo  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.6    6 years ago

She's not a witch...

Okay, It's a fair court.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.8  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.6    6 years ago
That's true, Hillary is a witch.

How do you know? Are you part of her Coven? I know she's not in mine.

Professor Principal
8.1.9  Tessylo  replied to    6 years ago

Still can't get over those BJ's?  FFS.  Give it a rest!!!!  That horse is dead, dead, dead.  

Professor Principal
8.1.10  Tessylo  replied to  @8.1    6 years ago

I almost feel sorry for Melania as the world discovers what a fucking pig her pathetic excuse of a meal ticket is - all the extramarital affairs - all the payoffs to mistresses and porn stars.  Shtupping a porn star while home with Barron.  

And you're still talking about Bill Clinton.  Get a life!  Get a BJ!

Professor Principal
8.1.13  JBB  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.6    6 years ago
Hillary is a witch.

Actually, Mrs. Clinton is a lifelong devoted loyal professing dyed in the wood mainstream Methodist...

Sparty On
Professor Principal
8.1.14  Sparty On  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.11    6 years ago

You see, your only real problem here  is that you don't dislike the right people.   You have to learn to not like the right people .... people like the Trumps.    

One other thing you need to work on as well is your level of dislike.   It's not enough to only "dislike" the right people but you must "hate" them.    Making a practice of spewing hateful vitriolic speech in public as much as possible towards those people.   I hear screaming uncontrollably at the sky can help in some cases.

Master those techniques like some on here have and then you are on your way .....

Sparty On
Professor Principal
8.1.17  Sparty On  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.15    6 years ago

Yeah but try not to  let it get you.   They are the minority.   Loud but a minority just the same.

Comment removed for NV policy/ no violation [ph]

Oh well, such is life.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1.18  Trout Giggles  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.6    6 years ago

I don't like her either, but you're doing disservice to real witches by comparing her to one. :)

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1.19  Trout Giggles  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.12    6 years ago

It's actually quite funny if you like Monty Python

Professor Principal
8.1.20  Tessylo  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.17    6 years ago
Removed for context    Some of the same pricks making it happen as well.'

Yeah, I see that too.  

Junior Participates
8.1.22  epistte  replied to  Trout Giggles @8.1.18    6 years ago
I don't like her either, but you're doing disservice to real witches by comparing her to one.

People can call me a witch if they want to. I have a broom that is equipped with GPS and cruise control.  

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1.23  Trout Giggles  replied to  epistte @8.1.22    6 years ago

Check you out! Fancy.

I still have the 3 on the tree gear shift on my broom

Junior Participates
8.1.24  epistte  replied to  Trout Giggles @8.1.23    6 years ago
I still have the 3 on the tree gear shift on my broom

I hate wearing hats and my hairdo is barely long enough for a ponytail so I want a broom with a windscreen or a full top so my hair isn't a mess when I get there.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
8.1.25  Trout Giggles  replied to  epistte @8.1.24    6 years ago

I have a short hair style that can't be messed up so I love flying in the open air

Junior Participates
8.1.26  epistte  replied to  Trout Giggles @8.1.25    6 years ago

My hair was shorter but I let them talk me into growing in to almost shoulder length. I'm not sure if I will keep it.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.27  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.11    6 years ago
If I don't like her, I don't like her. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. She is fake and phony, I can say whatever I want about her.

I've known plenty of witches in my time, in fact I am one but, I have never used the word as something derogatory about someone. To me witchcraft is a form of religion like Christianity is to you so, please don't use that term to describe someone, unless you know for sure that they are indeed a witch.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.29  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Kathleen @8.1.28    6 years ago
Just don't cast any spells on me. Okay, I will change the first letter.

That I can deal with, as far as casting any spells on you we have a saying, "Do what you will and, harm none."

It Is ME
Masters Guide
10  It Is ME    6 years ago

“It was like they didn’t even know I was in the room, I didn’t exist,” Jeinsen added. “He was really into Barbara.”

She was soooooo "Embarrassed" she wasn't the "Chosen" one.....SHE STAYED ! Too Much Info

Bet she got "Hooked" into buying the Brooklyn Bridge too. The views are wonderful from there. To bad her bid for an apartment there fell thru.  Face Palm


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