" … the Philosophy is Kindness."
"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness ."
— Dalai Lama
A departure from the rampant unkindness and willful blindness …
© A. Mac/A.G.
Grand Canyon Sunset
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G.
© A. Mac/A.G
If it makes me an old "liberal snowflake," …
… I can live with it.
Sincerely and with Absence of Malice,
A. Mac
thanks for the lovely photos. It's always nice to take a break away from the ugliness and enjoy some real beauty
Excellent post Sir! Any religion or beliefs that I have I keep in my heart. I don't need a church or a building. I have stood on the mountains and glaciers of Antarctica with nobody else other than the few with me for as far as the eye can see and know that I stood where no one had ever set foot before. The sheer starkness and remoteness had a awesome beauty all it's own! My first time seeing a sight like that put me closer to the concept of religion than most could imagine. Again my compliments on a most excellent post. Peace be with you.
We are clearly Kindred Spirits! Your presence and commentary are greatly appreciated.
The psychotic state-of-mind, and, the oxymoronic term "religious thought," together constitue the very basis for the perceived "necessity" of the religionist to have an entity euphemistically foisted on the world as, "Our Religious Homeland!"
What fairyland-mentality prays to "God" for "peace," while making war on perceived "infidels" who do the very same? This ecclesiastical-masturbation is low-hanging fruit for the politicians and cleric-power brokers who, after being ultimately responsible for sending other people's children to "holy" wars to die for an ideology, call on their minions to pray for the dead and to "thank God" for those whose lives were spared."
A wonderful and enlightening article Dear Friend and Mentor Enoch. The kindness and peace you offer those at a time they need it most, as they leave this world and move on to the next steps of their own eternal journey, speaks volumes of you and your true heart. They are truly Blessed to have you by their side to see them off from this life to their next life.
I practice the ancient religion of my Cherokee ancestors, and the only place of worship I need is in my own heart and thoughts. I do not need a building to go to in order for me to pray or worship the Creator, or hear His words. He is everywhere I go. His Temple is my heart.
The Creator knows me, and I know Him, and that is all that matters. He knows my faults, as He did not make us perfect. But, he also know my good works.
We are all connected as the human species, and to all living things here on earth. We are One.
Actually, this is not Enoch’s article ... but I am honored to be mistaken for him.
Thanks, Mac. Sorry for being off topic here. Hands and eyes are not working well I guess. Please feel free to delete the comment. (smile)
Dear Friend AMac: Likewise.
Great photo-journalism.
Peace and Abundant Blessings Always.
RW … praise for Enoch is never off-topic.
Thank you, Mac. (smile)
"The idea of wilderness needs no defense. It only needs more defenders."
Edward Abby.
So very true, and never more so than today.
Chongqing Sunset
Zhengzhou Sunset