Israel: Massive flaming kite-caused fire rips through southern forest

Firefighting teams battle into the evening with giant flames sweeping through tourist attraction of Shokeda Forest after a day of incendiary kites from Gaza cause a number of fires in south Israel.
Note: These kites are being sent by totally unarmed Palestinians as a typical "Peaceful Palestinian Protest".
Since the kites were first used in April as part of what Gazans describe as the “March of Return” protests, the "aerial terror offensive" against the Israeli border communities has continued with greater vigor, including some 300 incendiary kites flown into Israel's territory, causing 100 fires and decimating more than 3,000 acres of wheatfields.
Last week, the Be'eri Crater Reserve adjacent to the Gaza border, considered to be among the most picturesque tourist sites in the region, with its green landscape serving as a natural habitat for a variety of species of animals, was incinerated by one of the kites .
(Photo: Reuters)
In addition, millions of shekels worth of damage has been caused to the farmers of the area. In light of the recent spate of incendiary “Kite Terror” attacks from Gaza plaguing their fields, Israeli farmers from the region announced recently that they intend to sue the Hamas leadership for war crimes at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague.
The incendiary kites from Gaza are consuming not only the agricultural produce and wheat fields of the Israeli communities surrounding Gaza, but also the area's animal population, groves and nature reserves.
I wonder how long the Israelis will be willing to put up with these sorts of "peaceful protests" by "unarmed" Palestinians? (Let's see what happens tomorrow . . .)
Lol that lawsuit outta net maybe 50 or 60 cents
No, just garnishee the millions of dollars the European Union sends to Hamas, for "humanitarian aid" that is used instead to build rockets and dig tunnels.
Lol in theory I'm with you, however in reality good luck with that
I could be wrong, but I bleieve that lately there are signs that the EU is starting to wake up to Hamas' duplicity-- and are becoming more reluctant to continue the flow of cash....
From your lips to God's ears...
I'd put up with them for about 2 minutes.
Just to play devils advocate ( I am not for or against Israel, I simply accept that both sides have laid claim to these contested territories and both claims seem at least partially legitimate) what would this look like if this land in question was the fictional land seized by Cubans and Russians in the movie "Red Dawn".
"In light of the recent spate of incendiary “Kite Terror” attacks from the Calumet insurgents plaguing Cuban fields, Cuban and Russian farmers from the region announced recently that they intend to sue the Calumet insurgent leadership for war crimes at the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague.
The incendiary kites from the Rockies are consuming not only the agricultural produce and wheat fields of the Cuban communities surrounding Colorado, but also the area's animal population, groves and nature reserves.
I wonder how long the Cubans and Russians will be willing to put up with these sorts of "peaceful protests" by "unarmed" American insurgents? (Let's see what happens tomorrow . . .)".
It seems that those who accept that the Palestinians occupied the territory for centuries before they were moved to make room for the repatriation of Jewish settlers from Europe after WW2 wouldn't see themselves as villain's but as patriots as we in America saw those kids in "Red Dawn". We justified their violent struggle against the illegal occupiers of what we consider our lands. But what if the world community felt the Cubans and Russians had taken the land and now it was theirs? Would we really roll over and accept the occupation and simply "peacefully protest" their occupation? Of course not. The thought of it is laughable, we would be fighting tooth and nail, gorilla style, with whatever means we could get our hands on to defend our nation. I fail to see what's so different about the situation in Gaza other than the world community backed the Israelis instead of the Palestinians and thus no matter how patriotic and justified a Palestinian insurgent might feel, we call them terrorists and condemn them.
This conflict in the middle east will never end until there are some serious people on both sides willing to make concessions, Palestinians putting down their weapons and Israel being willing to give back some territory it has seized. I think if Palestine actually wanted to end this conflict they have to be the bigger persons, Israel is too stubborn and has no reason to stop doing what they're doing. Palestine needs to take a page from Gandhi's playbook, non-violent resistance and hunger strikes. If we see tens of thousand unarmed Palestinians peacefully kneeling or marching allowing themselves to be shot and killed by Israeli soldiers, the world opinion might begin to shift.
Although I too like to play devil's advocate, I will only do so on valid premises, not false ones like the claims of the "Palestinians" to Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem (and Hamas' claim to all of Israel). But then I guess you're not familiar with the historical and legal validity of Israel's claims, so here is something for you to read.
As well, I think it's about time that Bob Nelson republished his four-part series that he posted on NV and earlier on here on NT, being a scholarly review tracing the historical and legal reasons why Israel is correct in its ownership of those lands. kpr37 has also posted a long and complex tracing of those legal mandates, agreements, conferences, etc. that establish Israel's rights. I'm aware however, that most Israel-bashers and terrorist Palestinian supporters and the Arab League and its puppy-dog the UN and the biased leftist media are unmoved by truth. There is a reason why Israel will not annex those areas as yet, and that is because, as a genuine democracy it would end Israel's being the Jewish State it was originally set up by the UN to be, due to demographics and the fact that everyone has a vote.
No response from Dismayed Patriot? Could it be because he finally realized it was a mistake to believe in the Palestinian rhetoric?
I hope that the members will open the link to the original article in order to educate themselves as to the terror being waged upon the Israelis - especially those whose limited brainpower is only to criticize the efforts of the Israelis to resist the terror.
I ESPECIALLY resent the kite terror burning the forests, since a 1000-tree grove was planted in memory of my late father.
More "unarmed" Palestinians, eh?
Here's another "unarmed Palestinian"-- if you look at her, she obviously isn't armed-- not a gun in sight!
Fire Damage to Israeli Agriculture Near Gaza Border Estimated at $1.4m and Rising
Of course information like this is going straight into the bit bucket.
Then when Israel responds to this terrorism, collective world outrage will condemn Israel for unprovoked attacks on "un-armed" protesters, with who knows how many weapon caches hidden within Israels borders just waiting for use.
FWIW: Looking at Palestinian protesters, it appears they are unarmed. But it pays to note: suicide bombers usually appear to be "unarmed" as well-- they hide their bomb belts under their clothes to avoid detection...
Here's a photo of what an "unarmed" Palestinian suicide bomber did to a civilian bus (if a news reporter had seen the terrorist board the bus-- it would appear that he/she was unarmed):
Police and paramedics inspect the scene after a suicide bomber blew himself up on a rush-hour bus
near the Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo during the Second Intifada, on June 18, 2002 (Flash90/File)
This happened fairly frequently a while back . . . until the Israelis finally figured out how to stop it (a counter-terrorism action which of course drew worldwide condemnation).
I witnessed a bus bombing in Jerusalem in 2000. On that tour I also had to run and hide in a bomb shelter when kite bombs were flown overhead from Lebanon when I was in a kibbutz near Metullah. Both of my children in separate incidents only by the grace of God escaped being blown to bits by Palestinian bombs. Don't bother to ask me why I have no love for terrorist Palestinians.
I had not considered that a kite could be used as a weapon.
I know, while not attempting to belittle the damage or suffering they bring about I had to chuckle a bit when I first read the title
Not me, I've lived in fire hazard prone areas before. That sounds pretty terrifying if everything around you and what you own is extremely flammable. Uncontrolled fire from the sky !
As do I currently, just a week and a half ago we had two big forest fires burning within sight of where I work. As I said the title about incendiary kites simply struck me as somewhat ludicrous at first.
I pictured a huge burning kite flying low over a dried out valley full of homes scattered about. I live just outside Phoenix AZ we dont like fire here.
107 today and 12% humidity
There are many things that are not considered weapons, but could still be used as a lethal one. Did you ever watch The Godfather, Part 3? A person was murdered by jamming a folded pair of metal-framed eyeglasses through his eye and into his brain.
Helium-filled balloons can carry a bomb that will eventually fall to the ground.
For sure Buzz. Hell almost any object can be used in one way or another as a weapon. for instance even a book could probably cut off a windpipe quite effectively. Some objects of course are just more easily deadly than others.
A car versus a bicycle for example.
As I said earlier I live just outside Phoenix we dont like fire here and a huge flaming kite sounds pretty damn scary to me.
I should have added "realistically and in a practical manner" to my sentence lol. Using a kite as a weapon is such an unlikely scenario under almost any circumstance. Hence my surprise that it actually would be used in that fashion.
Using a kite as a weapon is such an unlikely scenario under almost any circumstance
E.A the Chinese did so thousands of years ago, so did the Greeks hence the case of the " Melting wax " see Icarus
E.A See also the Four Men Kites and what Cross bows they used talking about " automatic fire "
Because of its simplicity I'm actually surprised it hasn't been used much more throughout past history, before maned air wars came to be.
Perhaps it was and I just don't know it.
Fire from the sky.... NO Thanks !
I kinda figured as much. This is too scarry of a weapon and too easy not to have been used before.
The winds flowing eastward off the Mediterranean make it an easy method of attack, and unfortunately, a difficult one to defend against.
E.A That is why it HAS been used they have also used " walking Sticks " for underwater sabotage, and not to forget " Greek Fire " that because of the wind changes sometime had a " friendly Fire " drawback
During WWII the Japanese used ''Balloon Bombs'' against the US with many of them landing on the West Coast of the US..
Six people were killed in Klamath Falls Oregon by one of them.
That's interesting. I had never knew that there were any attacks on the U.S. mainland by Axis forces.
(There was an incident where a Nazi submarine actually landed potential saboteurs in 2 places on Long Island. But IIRC, one group was so scared by what they heard about the FBI that they actually turned themselves in and surrendered! The other group was discovered and captured).
A Japanese submarine surfaced off the California coast near Santa Barbara and fired several rounds from its deck gun at an oil field .
Ever watch the movie "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming"?
It was a great 1966 comedy, a little dated now, that starred Alan Arkin, Theodore Bikel, Jonathan Winters, Eva Marie Sainte, Carl Reiner, Brian Keith, etc.
Synopsis from
Early one September morning a Russian submarine draws too close to the New England coast when its captain wants to take a good look at America and runs aground on a sandbar near an island off Cape Cod. A 9-man landing party headed by timorous Lieutenant Rozanov is sent in search of a motor launch to help free the submarine. The men arrive at the house of Walt Whittaker, a New York City playwright anxious to get his wife and two children off the forever-damp island now that summer is over. Failing to convince the Whittakers that his group are Norwegians, Rozanov draws a gun and promises no harm to Walt if he will simply tell them how to get a boat so that they can quietly go away. Walt agrees and the Russians depart, leaving a young sailor, Kolchin, to guard the Whittakers and their attractive 18-year-old neighbor, Alison Palmer. The Russians steal an old sedan from Muriel Everett, the postmistress; she calls Alice Foss, the gossipy telephone switchboard operator, and before long, wild rumors throw the entire island into confusion. As levelheaded Sheriff Mattocks and his bumbling assistant Norman Jonas try to squelch the civil resistance movement of blustering Fendall Hawkins, the Russians run into Walt, who has escaped from Kolchin, and together they obtain a boat. As the remaining Russians race back to their submarine, Rozanov goes to find Kolchin, who by now is falling in love with Alison. The captain takes his submarine into the small harbor and threatens to blow up the town unless Rozanov and Kolchin are returned to him. As tension mounts, a small boy falls from his perch on the church steeple and hangs perilously from a gutter. Forgetting their differences, islanders and Russians unite to form a human pyramid and rescue the child. With peace and harmony enveloping everyone, the Russians leave the island--with a convoy of villagers in small boats protecting the submarine from overhead Navy planes until it reaches safe waters.
that was a funny movie
It could hardly miss with a cast like that.