
GOP fears midterms backlash from breaking up families at the border


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  galen-marvin-ross  •  7 years ago  •  358 comments

GOP fears midterms backlash from breaking up families at the border

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's policy of taking immigrant children from their parents at the southern border may have been designed to push Democrats to the negotiating table in Congress — but it could end up costing Republican lawmakers.
"Democrats can fix their forced family breakup at the Border by working with Republicans on new legislation, for a change!" Trump wrote on Twitter Saturday. "This is why we need more Republicans elected in November."
But the policy, which has separated some 2,000 children from their parents in just six weeks, could have the opposite effect as anxious Republican lawmakers fear voters may see their party as heartless on immigration and punish them for it in November. And Democrats are driving home that message in emails to supporters and by organizing trips to detention centers.

The issue will "absolutely" be a factor in the midterm elections this fall, said a GOP operative working to elect Republicans to Congress, adding that "the images are devastating" for the GOP.
Trump will speak to Republicans on Capitol Hill Tuesday about immigration, according to a Republicans leadership aide.

Trump tried a similar tactic last year related to the so-called Dreamers, revoking an executive order that granted them protections in an attempt to force Congress to pass legislation that included the border wall he ran on as a candidate.
But the effort backfired when federal courts stepped-in and restored the protections for the nearly 800,000 DACA recipients.
With the Dreamers taken care of — for now — Democrats no longer had any reason to meet Trump's demands. A similar scenario is playing out now in that Democrats have managed, despite Trump's efforts, to place the blame for the border crisis squarely at his doorsetep.

Meanwhile, Republicans, struggling to defend a policy that tears families apart, are starting to bend.
House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday he's not comfortable with children being separated from their families and he added that it "needs to be addressed" with legislation.
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the conservative Freedom Caucus, said that he is "100 percent supportive of keeping families together."
Meadows added, "Most of my constituents are pro-family constituents who believe keeping a family unit together is always best."

A second Republican strategist said, "The media will broadcast these images of brutality and chaos and the public will associate them with the Republicans that run the House and the Senate — but most of all with President Trump."
But fearful of challenging the president, Republicans are offering a fix that also gives Trump what he wants: major reductions to legal immigration and billions of dollars for a border wall. And the measure makes it extremely difficult to obtain asylum, which is what most families crossing the border are seeking. Furthermore, some experts say that the measure does little to ensure that children will be kept with their parents.
And in the Senate, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Tex., plans to reintroduce legislation that would keep border-crossing families together "while they await court proceedings," according to an aide. It would be a new version of his 2014 Humane Act, which also expedites court proceedings for unaccompanied minor children. The legislation, critics say, would actually lead to more deportations of children and families.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California called Trump's tactics "shameful."
"He's using children, whether they're Dreamers or whether they're little children at the border now, for a political purpose," Pelosi said.
Democrats are organizing their supporters around the issue. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisc., who is up for re-election in 2018, sent an email to supporters asking them to sign a petition to stop the "callous, unconscionable, and downright un-American" actions at the border by the administration.
A group of House Democrats of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and Pelosi are traveling to the border on Monday to raise attention to the issue.
Democrats insist legislation is not necessary because the actions at the border are the administration's prerogative, not something required by law, as Trump has claimed. But they have united behind the Keep Families Together Act, that says the government is "prohibited" from separating families at the border unless the child is being abused or is being trafficked. Thirty-nine Democrats in the Senate have signed onto the measure in the Senate and a companion version supported by Democrats in the House.
"This is really about our values as a country. It's who we are as a country," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said. "And we're here to say this is just simply wrong and we've got to put an end to the taking of minor children from their parents at the border."

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago
"This is really about our values as a country. It's who we are as a country," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said. "And we're here to say this is just simply wrong and we've got to put an end to the taking of minor children from their parents at the border."

Before you say Obama did it, I'm going to make a stipulation, unless you can show documentation that Obama took minor children away from their parents when he was in office, the "Obama did it" is off limits and, is to be kept out of the discussions, anyone not following this guideline will be flagged as Off Topic.

Sophomore Quiet
1.1  lennylynx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1    7 years ago

But Galen, if the righties aren't allowed to lie, they won't be able to make any comments at all!

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.1.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  lennylynx @1.1    7 years ago
But Galen, if the righties aren't allowed to lie, they won't be able to make any comments at all!

Then they'll have to accept the truth and, talk about that.

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
1.1.2  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.1.1    7 years ago

Truth or alternative truth?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.1.3  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @1.1.2    7 years ago


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
1.1.16  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.1.3    7 years ago

I have removed all the off topic/meta from this thread. Any further off topic/meta will be met with a 2 day suspension. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.1.17  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @1.1.16    7 years ago

Thank You Perry.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.1.18  Raven Wing   replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.1.17    7 years ago

Psssttt.........the name is Perrie...... just sayin.... winking

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.1.19  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Raven Wing @1.1.18    7 years ago

Oooops, goofy

Freshman Silent
1.2  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1    7 years ago

This link has stories of people being deported and seperated from their kids

Now im not personally saying they did anything wrong even under obama.  I'm just pointing out that people were indeed seperated from their kids under obama.  Not always at the border no but it happened.

yet there really want a peep from the large majority of the left then.  Why?  Because they weren't being told to be outraged.  Now the overlords have decided to make it a hot button topic leadin up to the 2018 elections.  The truth is besides virtue signaling... most people don't actually give a shit unless they can use it as political ammo.  

Not many people are going to convince me they actually care ... "think of the children!" When they only gave a shit when the media and politicians told them to care and didn't spend a second thought on it when similar things were going on under Obama.

again... not saying anything done was wrong.  Violating our laws comes with consequences.  Just like it does everywhere else in the world

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.2.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @1.2    7 years ago
I'm just pointing out that people were indeed seperated from their kids under obama.

So, are you saying, "Well, Obama did it so it's OK."?

I don't give a flying God Damn who did it, what I do care about is whether we have become a country were things like what happen in Russia and, China and, North Korea happen here and, all some in the population can say is, "So, Obama did it" or, just "so". Have we lost what little heart this country had when Trump was elected? The border patrol agents in one of your links should have been fired and, arrested for assaulting that girl.

Freshman Silent
1.2.2  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.2.1    7 years ago

I'm saying you asked for proof similar things happened under obama.  It's ignorant to think people weren't seperated from their kids.

im not saying "it's ok because obama did it"...

im saying it's ok because a country has a right to protect its sovereignty from people illegally entering.  

Im saying if you cared so much where was the outrage from the majority on the left like their is now when obama did it?

the outrage wasn't there because Pavlov didn't ring the bell and tell them to be outraged.  They don't really care.. if they did they would have cared under obama. its faux outrage.  Weaponized outrage at its finest.  Feigning outrage because they get to attack "the other side".  

Protecting our borders doesn't make us North Korea or china.  Ad absurdum 

edit: and yes if true the border agent should be in jail for assault

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.2.3  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @1.2.2    7 years ago
It's ignorant to think people weren't seperated from their kids.

The story was about a girl who had been in the U.S. long enough to have grown up here, she knew the language and, she had already made a life, she should fall under the DACA program. The people I'm talking about just got to the border with their kids and, they are asking for asylum but, the border patrol refuses them making them break the law by crossing illegally, then they take their kids and, tell them that their kids are "going to the showers", anyone with any knowledge of history knows what that means.

im not saying "it's ok because obama did it"... im saying it's ok because a country has a right to protect its sovereignty from people illegally entering.

Of course a country has a right to protect its sovereignty but, does that country have a right to force people to commit a crime?

Freshman Silent
1.2.4  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.2.3    7 years ago

The girl was 15 with a two year old already.  If you are here illegally for a set number of years you don't magically cease to be illegal.  That mentality along with sanctuary cities and other things is why we have such a problem.  If I were republicans though I'd give dreamers amnesty IF and only if all future illegals would be denied amnesty and DACA status... along with deporting all parents that have kids on US soil if we can't amend the constitution to get rid of anchor babies.  

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.2.5  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Silent_Hysteria @1.2.4    7 years ago
If I were republicans though I'd give dreamers amnesty IF and only if all future illegals would be denied amnesty and DACA status...

As far as I know, anyone who comes here after DACA was established illegally cannot get "DACA status", that is for kids who came here before that rule was established, the other part, granting amnesty is up to the Congress and, the administration at the time, unless there is a law passed in the mean time. According to the story you linked, the 15 year old had already been living in the U.S. since she was very little, which means she is one of the kids that qualify's for DACA, if she registered for it, if she didn't then that is on her.

along with deporting all parents that have kids on US soil if we can't amend the constitution to get rid of anchor babies.

As far as I know having a baby on U.S. doesn't "anchor" the parent to the U.S. it does give the baby U.S. citizenship so, the parent can be deported, if we chose to be that cruel.

Junior Silent
1.2.6  96WS6  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.2.1    7 years ago

Funny how much more you care now that Trump did it.

Professor Silent
1.4  SteevieGee  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1    7 years ago

I wonder where the lawsuits are.  Seems to me that this punishment violates the eighth and possibly the fifth amendments.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.4.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  SteevieGee @1.4    7 years ago
Seems to me that this punishment violates the eighth and possibly the fifth amendments.

I'm sure the ACLU and, others are working on the paper work now.

Junior Silent
1.6  96WS6  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1    7 years ago

Author called off topic  {SP}

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  96WS6 @1.6    7 years ago
Actually it is Bill Clinton's fault for putting the law on the books in the first place.


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
1.6.2  A. Macarthur  replied to  96WS6 @1.6    7 years ago
Actually it is Bill Clinton's fault for putting the law on the books in the first place.  Yea it was that racist Clinton.  You can also blame the Democrats for not coming to the table to fix it.


The Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy that has led thousands of migrant children to be separated from their parents has not deterred those trying to enter the U.S. illegally, despite internal Department of Homeland Security documents  obtained by CNN  showing officials thought it would.

The documents indicate that shortly  after the administration announced the policy in April,  Homeland Security staff predicted the policy’s deterrent effects would quickly be apparent.

"The full impact of policy initiatives are not fully realized for 2-3 weeks following public messaging — however, some migrants already underway may temporarily halt to determine the effects of the new policy," one of the documents obtained by CNN says.

However, publicly released data showed that the number of people caught illegally crossing the border increased by about 5 percent when compared to April, CNN reported. The data also showed a spike in the number of unaccompanied children.

The family separations are a result of the Trump administration’s zero tolerance immigration policy that requires apprehended immigrant adults to be prosecuted by federal authorities.

When Attorney General  Jeff Sessions  announced the policy he noted that it would likely lead to more family separations, but said it would also deter future immigrants from trying to cross the southern border.

President Trump  has attempted to change the public’s perception of the issue by falsely blaming the Democrats for the policy.

The administration has largely defended the policy by arguing that they are enforcing laws already in the books.

On Monday, Session said if Congress passed legislation to build the wall along the southern border, the zero tolerance policy would not be necessary.

“President Trump has said this cannot continue. We do not want to separate parents from their children," Sessions told the National Sheriffs' Association annual conference on Monday.

"If we build the wall, if we pass legislation to end the lawlessness, we won’t face these terrible choices,” he added.

Junior Silent
1.6.3  96WS6  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.1    7 years ago

Oh yea I know you much Liberals hate your history.  Sorry to have to call BS on your attempts to erase it.

in 1996 — fresh off the heels of signing welfare reform, and two years after signing the "crime bill" — President Bill Clinton signed a bill that overhauled immigration enforcement in the US and laid the groundwork for the massive deportation machine that exists today.

Both welfare reform and the crime bills Clinton signed have been relitigated during a contentious Democratic primary, but the 1996 immigration bill — the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act — hasn't.

That's mostly because Democrats have come a long way on the issue since 1996, and advocates have been happy to let them do it without asking too many questions about the past. Only now are some progressive Democrats trying to raise the issue (32 members of the House of Representatives have signed onto a  congressional resolution condemning the 1996 law, introduced Thursday by Rep. Raul Grijalva).

If Democrats ever find themselves in a position to pass the comprehensive immigration reform, they might find the past law's immigration legacy has been too consequential to ignore.

What '90s immigration reform did: made more people deportable and fewer people legalizable

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.4  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  96WS6 @1.6.3    7 years ago

And, yet you have, as has everyone else who has tried to make this an it's the Democrats fault meme have failed to do is show were in ANY LAW it says it is ok to take kids from parents who are seeking asylum in the U.S. as it is been said many times, this is a Trump policy and, it is up to Trump to end it, from Sessions own mouth.

Junior Silent
1.6.5  96WS6  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.4    7 years ago

It is the Democrats fault.  If they weren't trying to destroy the country with sanctuary cities and encouraging illegal immigration, all in the name of increasing the constituent base, things wouldn't be so far out of control in the first place.

BTW you know no one trying to get in LEGALLY gets separated, right?  It was this way during the BO admin too.

Junior Silent
1.6.6  96WS6  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.1    7 years ago

WOW so you are going to call facts off topic because you don't like them?  I guess you couldn't call post 1.6.3 Off topic after I broke it out for you because you didn't follow the link and shame on the MOD that removed it.  Thanks for unwittingly displaying what is wrong with today's self proclaimed "liberals". 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.7  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  96WS6 @1.6.5    7 years ago
BTW you know no one trying to get in LEGALLY gets separated, right?

Tell that to the people who asked for sanctuary here and, still got arrested and, had their kids removed from their care, by the way where are the 2300 kids that Trump took from their parents? Not even the Department of Homeland Security knows.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.8  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  96WS6 @1.6.6    7 years ago
WOW so you are going to call facts off topic because you don't like them?

If you look at my very first comment on here will see that I said if a comment was, "its Obama's fault" I would call it off topic, since you tried to say it was Clinton who caused this then I called it off topic because the law you sited didn't have anything in it about taking kids away from parents in it, ONCE AGAIN, THAT WAS AND, IS A TRUMP POLICY, IT IS NOT LAW.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.6.9  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.7    7 years ago
Tell that to the people who asked for sanctuary here and, still got arrested

they got arrested for entering illegally and I am sure they were told when it happened.

want sanctuary? apply at a border crossing. take any other route? get arrested and then kicked back out   

it is very simple. the days of catch and release are history.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.10  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1.6.9    7 years ago
they got arrested for entering illegally and I am sure they were told when it happened.

I'm sure they were told as well but......

want sanctuary? apply at a border crossing.

They tried to apply but, were denied the ability to cross the border so that they could ask for asylum, the rule at the border is you must put both feet on the U.S. side, the border patrol was and, is under orders not to allow that to happen and, they were given orders to warn those on the bridge if they didn't get off of the bridge the border agents would call the MEXICAN POLICE on them, they had no choice but, to look for another way in, which made what they did illegal. You want to blame someone for their being illegal blame the border agents who forced them to cross illegally.

take any other route? get arrested and then kicked back out

50 million dollars has been raised for their legal defense and, that is just the start.

Senior Guide
1.6.11  XXJefferson51  replied to  96WS6 @1.6.6    7 years ago

How can your post be off topic when the seeder directly responds to it?  It seems blatantly unfair of the seeder to call someone off topic and get it removed while their response is the last word to something no longer there.  

Senior Guide
1.6.12  XXJefferson51  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.8    7 years ago

It was Clinton who started it. Pictures of children in cages with mattresses on the floor and foil blankets were taken during the obama regime.  Those are the facts.  Trump signed an EO reversing existing law.  

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.13  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.6.12    7 years ago
It was Clinton who started it.

No, it wasn't, stop trying to spread that lye, or post the link to the law that specifically says it is U.S. policy to separate parents from their children.

Pictures of children in cages with mattresses on the floor and foil blankets were taken during the obama regime.

No, they weren't "taken", those children crossed the border without an adult family member.

Those are the facts.

Those are Trump lies.

Trump signed an EO reversing existing law.

Trump can't reverse EXISTING LAW, only Congress can, what he signed in the EO was the end to his and, Sessions POLICY of removing children from their parents when they crossed the border.

Either provide proof of anything you have stated in your comment or, quit posting the lie, post that stuff again without specific proof and, I will flag it.

Senior Guide
1.6.14  XXJefferson51  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.13    7 years ago


In 1997, the Clinton administration entered into a settlement agreement in Flores v. Reno, a lawsuit filed in federal court in California by pro-illegal immigration advocacy groups challenging the detention of juvenile aliens taken into custody by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

The Clinton administration agreed to settle this litigation despite the fact the Supreme Court had upheld the Immigration and Naturalization Service regulation that provided for the release of minors only to their parents, close relatives, or legal guardians.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, the Flores agreement allows the agency to detain unaccompanied minors for only “20 days before releasing them to the Department of Health and Human Services which places the minors in foster or shelter situations until they locate a sponsor.”

But in a controversial decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, the most liberal in the country, has interpreted the settlement agreement to apply to “both minors who are accompanied and unaccompanied by their parents.”

In other words, it is the 9th Circuit’s misinterpretation of the Clinton administration’s settlement agreement that doesn’t allow juvenile aliens to stay with their parents who have been detained for unlawful entry into the country.

Of course, if those parents would simply agree to return to their home countries, they would be immediately reunited with their children. So those who come here illegally are themselves to blame for their children being assigned to foster care or to another family member or sponsor who may be in the country.   

Senior Guide
1.6.15  XXJefferson51  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.1    7 years ago

How can you strike someone else’s words as off topic and then with their words taken down respond to them in great detail with out their words left to defend themselves?  Seems blatantly unfair to me.  

Senior Guide
1.6.16  XXJefferson51  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.8    7 years ago

Clinton isn’t Obama.  

Senior Guide
1.6.17  XXJefferson51  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.13    7 years ago

Author called off topic  {SP}

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
1.6.18  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @1.6.10    7 years ago
50 million dollars has been raised for their legal defense and, that is just the start.

ya think money = entry?      im sure that money will help lawyers greatly, but will not do much for the illegals


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.19  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.6.14    7 years ago
In 1997, the Clinton administration entered into a settlement agreement in Flores v. Reno, a lawsuit filed in federal court in California by pro-illegal immigration advocacy groups challenging the detention of juvenile aliens taken into custody by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Heartland, I know you hate the Clintons and, Obama because they are "Liberals" but, don't tell lies on my seed about them, neither one, the Clintons or Obama passed any law that said that family's were to be separated at  the border, the law that you are siting is for putting UNACCOMPANIED MINORS WHO CROSS THE BORDER INTO DETENTION CENTERS. Note the word UNACCOMPANIED, that means they don't have a parent with them.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.20  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.6.17    7 years ago
“The Obama administration’s strategy was to expedite deportations of refugee children oftentimes without a lawyer, and jail refugee mothers with children as a deterrent,” said Matthew Kolken, an immigration lawyer whose clients include children seeking political asylum. “Yes, Trump’s zero-tolerance policy is concerning, but it isn’t a huge departure from what we saw under Obama, as 52 percent of all federal criminal prosecutions were for immigration related crimes when he left office.”

From your own quote, "jail refugee mothers with children as a deterrent", so, show me where it says they took the kids from the mother and, sent her back without the kids to the home country.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.21  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @1.6.18    7 years ago
sure that money will help lawyers greatly, but will not do much

Hey, George, guess what, the money is to help them with their claim that they are here to seek asylum, it is to pay the lawyers, 'cuz, I'm pretty sure none of those folks came across the border with a huge amount of money.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
1.6.22  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.6.16    7 years ago
Clinton isn’t Obama.


Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2  Hal A. Lujah    7 years ago

This article assumes that today’s Republicans have empathy and a conscience hidden away somewhere.  I’m not so sure that is true anymore ... certainly not in this forum anyways.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
2.2  Greg Jones  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2    7 years ago

Speak for yourself. By encouraging them to keep coming in, the left wingers are a major part of the problem

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
3  Dean Moriarty    7 years ago

I don’t think they should worry about it. It’s just the liberal media trying to discredit Trump and these tactics backfired on them big time in 2016. It reminds me of the toco bowl and all the claims that Trump was a racist and had no chance of winning. Truth be told most conservatives feel we should do everything possible to discourage illegal immigration as long as we are stuck with a welfare state. In the end it will just motivate conservatives to get out and vote. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3    7 years ago
Truth be told most conservatives feel we should do everything possible to discourage illegal immigration as long as we are stuck with a welfare state.

So, when do the conservatives you speak of want to build "work camps" for the illegal immigrants that are forced to become illegal immigrants because of Sessions policy of turning asylum seekers away at border crossings and, then have to cross illegally thus becoming illegal immigrants?

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3.1.1  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1    7 years ago
when do the conservatives you speak of want to build "work camps"

no time for work camps. their asses are being sent back to their country of origin ASAP

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.2  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.1    7 years ago
no time for work camps. their asses are being sent back to their country of origin ASAP

Soooo, when do their kids get to go back to get killed?

Professor Quiet
3.1.3  arkpdx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1    7 years ago
forced to become illegal immigrants

They are not "forced" to do anything. They can go Mack to where they came from. They can stay and seek asylum in Mexico. They can go someplace else. It is their choice to break the law. 

Professor Quiet
3.1.4  arkpdx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1    7 years ago

Off Topic [ph]

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.5  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  arkpdx @3.1.3    7 years ago
Removed for context

Ok, let's give you something to think about here. You come to a safe area to live in freedom and, not in fear, you are told that you aren't welcome and, need to go back to the place were you had no freedom and, lived everyday in fear that you or, your kids would be shot, kidnapped, or, (in the case of women) raped and, it wouldn't be just from criminals, you had a reason to fear it from law enforcement as well, what would you do, would you "just turn around and, go back" or, would you try to find another way in?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.8  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.6    7 years ago
Then said lowlife scumbag thugs demands you care for them, feed them, clothe them and house them.

Here's the thing, these people aren't "lowlife scumbag thugs" as you put it, the lowlife scumbag thugs are the ones these people are running from.

Or, think of it this way, your neighbor comes running to your house and, says they are running away from lowlife scumbag thugs, do you turn them away or, let them into your house?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.10  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.7    7 years ago
NO ONE is forcing them to come in illegally.....

Some are. Think of this, someone comes to our border crossing and, asks for asylum, which is the way it is suppose to be done, yet, the border guards turn that someone away, simply because they were told to by Sessions, now, this person can't go back because if they do, not only will they be killed their family will be killed as well so, the question I put to you is, what would you do if it was you and, your family?

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
3.1.11  Dean Moriarty  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.8    7 years ago

You certainly don’t let him move and expect him to allow the thugs to have his house. Teach him how to shoot and send him back to kill the thugs. Hopefully his state has a make my day law so he can shoot them when they first made entry. Then you call the cops to clean up the mess. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.12  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.9    7 years ago
ANSWER THE QUESTION AS POSED. Don't deflect or play semantic games.

I did answer your question, these people aren't lowlife scumbag thugs, they are your neighbor looking for a safe place to get away from lowlife scumbag thugs. Don't like the truth then you don't have to stay on my seed, do you?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.13  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3.1.11    7 years ago
You certainly don’t let him move and expect him to allow the thugs to have his house. Teach him how to shoot and send him back to kill the thugs. Hopefully his state has a make my day law so he can shoot them when they first made entry. Then you call the cops to clean up the mess.

And, what if the lowlife scumbag thugs are the law? This is the case were these people are from.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
3.1.14  Dean Moriarty  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.13    7 years ago

Then they can learn from our revolution and how we handled the king. But don’t expect us to fight their revolution. Why would anyone want a wimp living in their home that abandons his to thugs anyway?

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3.1.15  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.8    7 years ago
the lowlife scumbag thugs are the ones these people are running from.

  we should thoroughly train and arm them before sending them back

I am even OK with putting our boots on their ground.  we should spread democracy like we mean it 

  problem solved :)


Sophomore Quiet
3.1.17  lennylynx  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.7    7 years ago

Many of them DID come here legally, did not try to sneak in, they simply requested asylum and still had their kids taken away.

Professor Quiet
3.1.18  arkpdx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.10    7 years ago

Off Topic [ph]

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.19  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3.1.14    7 years ago
Removed for context

Oooo, very Murikan of you.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.20  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.15    7 years ago
we should thoroughly train and arm them before sending them back
I am even OK with putting our boots on their ground. we should spread democracy like we mean it
problem solved

So, you want to start wars with every South American and, Central American country? Wow.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.21  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.16    7 years ago
So, ANYONE can break into your house and you'll provide them with everything they DEMAND. THANKS!!!

Were did I say that? By the way, one more post with this meme and, I'll flag it.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.23  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.22    7 years ago
They're breaking into OUR collective house and I don't like it. IF you like ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS coming in, open the front door of YOUR house and house, feed and clothe them at your own expense.

Comment removed for CoC violation [ph ] doesn't like immigrants coming to the immigrant nation, remember this?

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Maybe you would prefer this?

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.1.25  Greg Jones  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1    7 years ago
Sessions policy of turning asylum seekers away at border crossings and, then have to cross illegally thus becoming illegal immigrants?

Do you have an facts and figures of just how many of these "asylum seekers" are really in jeopardy in their home countries. How can this be proven? Do we just take their word of it? They could just be run of the mill border jumpers. The policy is necessary, and is only temporary.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.1.26  Greg Jones  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.2    7 years ago
Soooo, when do their kids get to go back to get killed?

Wild ass speculation without a smidgen of proof.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.27  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Greg Jones @3.1.25    7 years ago
Do you have an facts and figures of just how many of these "asylum seekers" are really in jeopardy in their home countries. How can this be proven?

Well, that can't be determined until they go before a judge now can it and, when they are denied that ability it makes it kind of hard for them to make their case, doesn't it?

Do we just take their word of it?

Like I said, we accept that they are requesting asylum and, then they go before a judge who decides if their case is valid.

They could just be run of the mill border jumpers.

That's for a judge to decide.

The policy is necessary, and is only temporary.

No it is not necessary and, it was Trump and, Sessions who said it was temporary, I wouldn't trust them to tell me the color of the sky without looking.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.28  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Greg Jones @3.1.26    7 years ago

You wanted facts and, figures, here ya go. Read.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3.1.29  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.20    7 years ago
So, you want to start wars with every South American and, Central American country?

if the place is so bad people need political asylum here? of course, those govts need whacked.

do you want those dictatorships to continue screwing over their people?  if so. not very liberal of you.

what hoops must you jump thru in order to defend a country that creates people needing asylum here in the USA?


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.30  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.29    7 years ago
if the place is so bad people need political asylum here? of course those govts need whacked.

Have you ever served in the military? I doubt it, if you had you wouldn't be thinking that a war with two continents would be a case of "whacking" all the country's in those continents, in fact you might know that to do such a thing in such terrain as they have would be a case of the U.S. getting whacked.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3.1.31  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.30    7 years ago
Have you ever served in the military?

of course. I am a Seabee "steelworker"  E5

so tell me... who the fuk are you and what was your pay grade?


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.32  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.31    7 years ago
of course. I am a Seabee "steelworker" E5
so tell me... who the fuk are you and what was your pay grade?

First I'll say thank you for your service.

Second, U.S. Army, E4 at discharge, Armored Cav., so, now that we've "measured our dicks" let's get down to business. If you've been in the service then you know that war ain't fun, fighting one country, no matter how big or, small is no laughing matter. My family has spent our time in the U.S. serving our country since the Revolution so, don't get pissy with me, I can beat ya patriot for patriot from that point and, come out smiling. A war in the Central and, South American continents isn't the answer and, you know it. The answer is in Congress and, it seems that Congress is working on that answer right now. So, stop rattling your saber and, listen up SeaBee, let the diplomats and, politicians handle this, it don't need no fighting.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3.1.33  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.30    7 years ago
in fact you might know that to do such a thing in such terrain as they have would be a case of the U.S. getting whacked.

  there is no day when the usa gets whacked and there is no reason to do them all at once either.

 in this fantasy discussion...   if we go all vietnam?  not going to do us much good however if we simply annihilate their govt and then give it back to the people their terrain means nothing.  if that country is so bad people "need to cross a thousand miles to get here?  they will not be upset we just bombed the shit out of that govt.  and luckily there is no religious sect bs trying to get power like in iraq.

with the cia setting up the local resistance fighters beforehand and a monster air campaign upfront turning everything "official" into a fireball?  totally doable.

but... I have never seen us whack a country ONLY for humanitarian reasons yet and do not expect it anytime soon (why I got out)

perhaps we can find some lithium or something like that... exploiting other countries resources seems to get our politicians all fired up.

so, now that we've "measured our dicks" 

and I outrank you in that regard also... LOL

just playing my friend, seriously... thanks for standing up  :)

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.1.34  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.33    7 years ago
in this fantasy discussion... if we go all vietnam? not going to do us much good however if we simply annihilate their govt and then give it back to the people their terrain means nothing. if that country is so bad people "need to cross a thousand miles to get here? they will not be upset we just bombed the shit out of that govt. and luckily there is no religious sect bs trying to get power like in iraq.

No, there is no "religious" sect but, there are gangs and, rebels, some are communist, some are just hateful POS's that the people don't trust and, are afraid of so, which should we give them to. Anyway you look at it, it would be a never ending thing, like Mexico was under leaders like Maximillian.j

and I outrank you in that regard also..

So did my dad, my brother and, my nephew. Here's some pics of two of them (dad and, brother)

Dad in the Army.jpg Frank and Sandy.jpg

. LOL just playing my friend, seriously... thanks for standing up

Back at ya. I bow to you

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.35  Trout Giggles  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.15    7 years ago
I am even OK with putting our boots on their ground

Reagan did that and that's why these people are in this mess

Senior Guide
3.1.36  XXJefferson51  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.19    7 years ago

Whatever it was he said, he’s right on!  

Senior Guide
3.1.37  XXJefferson51  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.1.19    7 years ago

Arkpdx is a great American!  I agree.  

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
3.2  A. Macarthur  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3    7 years ago



Toddlers Separated From Parents at the Border Are Being Detained in 'Tender Age' Shelters

Trump administration officials have been sending babies and other young children forcibly separated from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border to at least three “tender age” shelters in South Texas, The Associated Press has learned.

Lawyers and medical providers who have visited the Rio Grande Valley shelters described play rooms of crying preschool-age children in crisis. The government also plans to open a fourth shelter to house hundreds of young migrant children in Houston, where city leaders denounced the move Tuesday.


Go ahead TRUMPIANS, spin this one.

We're talking about BABIES! And there's no protocol to reunite parents with their children!

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2    7 years ago

Thank you Mac for posting this, I had just heard about it when I saw your post. 

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
3.2.2  A. Macarthur  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.2.1    7 years ago


Trump Administration Withdraws U.S. From U.N. Human Rights Council

WASHINGTON — The United States withdrew on Tuesday from the world’s most important human rights body in protest of its frequent criticism of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. It was the latest effort by the Trump administration to pull away from international organizations and agreements that it finds objectionable.

It was the first time a member has voluntarily left the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The United States now joins Iran, North Korea and Eritrea as the only countries that refuse to participate in the council’s meetings and deliberations.

Hey "Pro-life" Trumpians –– IMPEACH, DISMISS, IMPRISON this excuse for a human being for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY … before some of these babies die!

crimes against humanity
  1. a deliberate act, typically as part of a systematic campaign, that causes human suffering or death on a large scale.
Masters Quiet
3.2.3  PJ  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2    7 years ago

All the money that is being appropriated to refurbish buildings, furniture, clothing, supplies, salaries, training, maintenance and upkeep when it would seem to be more financially prudent to hire more judges to process these cases and deport as appropriate.  

There is something else going on here.  It's almost like revenge of some sort.  

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.4  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2.2    7 years ago

It seems to me that icing is drawing a few too many flies.


A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
3.2.5  A. Macarthur  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2    7 years ago

What happens, if/when, God forbid, the air conditioning units fail at one of these so-called "TENDER AGE" prisons, toddlers and babies die … and that catastrophic nightmare is hidden from Americans … until SOMEONE WITH A SOUL "LEAKS" THE HORRIBLE TRUTH FOR ALL TO KNOW?

Where TF are you PRO-LIFERS?

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.6  lennylynx  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2.5    7 years ago

These babies are already born, Mac, fetus life is all the pro lifers care about.  Given the sheer number of babies being taken and the severe lack of care workers to handle the situation, I would say some of these babies dying in Trump's baby prisons is pretty much inevitable.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.7  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2.5    7 years ago
Where TF are you PRO-LIFERS?

They only care about the fetus before it is born and, then it better fucking well be an Murikan fetus.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
3.2.9  A. Macarthur  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @3.2.8    7 years ago
Are you suggesting that once someone is born that they should be led to slaughter if they can't support themselves or that once someone is born they become the obligation of everyone that supported their right to life?

Are you suggesting that the MORONS IN CONGRESS WHO SIMULTANEOUSLY CONDEMN ABORTIONS AND BIRTH CONTROL … don't have their heads up their asses … and, pander to those whose heads are also up their asses?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.10  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @3.2.8    7 years ago
Are you suggesting that once someone is born that they should be led to slaughter if they can't support themselves or that once someone is born they become the obligation of everyone that supported their right to life?

No, that is a Right wing thing so, all I can say other than this to your comment is,

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
3.2.11  A. Macarthur  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2.5    7 years ago


Why do we only see photos APPROVED BY THE TRUMP-REICH?

Succumbing to pressure following the deportation of Danish Jews to  Theresienstadt , the Germans permitted representatives from the Danish Red Cross and the International Red Cross to visit in June 1944.

It was all an elaborate hoax.

The Germans intensified deportations from the ghetto shortly before the visit, and the ghetto itself was "beautified." Gardens were planted, houses painted, and barracks renovated. The Nazis staged social and cultural events for the visiting dignitaries. Once the visit was over, the Germans resumed deportations from Theresienstadt, which did not end until October 1944.



"Deliberate acts, typically as part of a systematic campaign, that cause human suffering or death on a large scale."

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.13  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.12    7 years ago
Gee, why don't you spend a little energy asking your Democratic representatives why they refuse to fix the situation they claim to hate so much through legislation? Instead of making inaccurate, hideous, STUPID comparisons to Nazis?

Maybe because all that is needed to "fix" this is for Trump to make a phone call to Jeff Sessions.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
3.2.14  A. Macarthur  replied to  Texan1211 @3.2.12    7 years ago
Gee, why don't you spend a little energy asking your Democratic representatives why they refuse to fix the situation they claim to hate so much through legislation?


You either fall for their continued lying about Democrats responsibility, OR, TAKE PLEASURE IN THIS WHITE NATIONALIST, NAZI-LIKE HORROR OF A POLICY!


The Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy that has led thousands of migrant children to be separated from their parents has not deterred those trying to enter the U.S. illegally, despite internal Department of Homeland Security documents  obtained by CNN  showing officials thought it would.

The documents indicate that shortly after the administration announced the policy in April, Homeland Security staff predicted the policy’s deterrent effects would quickly be apparent.

"The full impact of policy initiatives are not fully realized for 2-3 weeks following public messaging — however, some migrants already underway may temporarily halt to determine the effects of the new policy," one of the documents obtained by CNN says.

However, publicly released data showed that the number of people caught illegally crossing the border increased by about 5 percent when compared to April, CNN reported. The data also showed a spike in the number of unaccompanied children.

The family separations are a result of the Trump administration’s zero tolerance immigration policy that requires apprehended immigrant adults to be prosecuted by federal authorities.

When Attorney General  Jeff Sessions  announced the policy he noted that it would likely lead to more family separations, but said it would also deter future immigrants from trying to cross the southern border.

President Trump  has attempted to change the public’s perception of the issue by falsely blaming the Democrats for the policy.

The administration has largely defended the policy by arguing that they are enforcing laws already in the books.

On Monday, Session said if Congress passed legislation to build the wall along the southern border, the zero tolerance policy would not be necessary.

“President Trump has said this cannot continue. We do not want to separate parents from their children," Sessions told the National Sheriffs' Association annual conference on Monday.

"If we build the wall, if we pass legislation to end the lawlessness, we won’t face these terrible choices,” he added.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.2.15  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.2.13    7 years ago
Maybe because all that is needed to "fix" this is for Trump to make a phone call to Jeff Sessions.

It's that easy ?

Really ? Face Palm

Why hasn't that been tried decades and decades before ! Holy Cow !

Galvin Marvin Ross for President ! thumbs up

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.16  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  A. Macarthur @3.2.14    7 years ago

I think it is the later Mac.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.17  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  It Is ME @3.2.15    7 years ago
It's that easy ? Why hasn't that been tried decades and decades before ! Holy Cow ! Galvin for President !

Since it is a policy enacted by Trumps DOJ and, Attorney General, yes, it is that easy.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.18  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  It Is ME @3.2.15    7 years ago
Galvin Marvin Ross

Try reading the name, or, would you rather I start calling you "It is Stupid".

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.2.19  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.2.17    7 years ago
Since it is a policy enacted by

EVERYONE for Decades ?

Now....you WANT Trump ?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.2.20  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.2.18    7 years ago
Try reading the name, or, would you rather I start calling you "It is Stupid".

Oh NO...spell check didn't pick up the misspell. My fault....right ? thumbs up

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.21  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  It Is ME @3.2.19    7 years ago
EVERYONE for Decades ? Now....you WANT Trump ?

The policy has only been in effect for the past two months, no other president has separated family's at the border until Trump and, it was Sessions who started this in April. 

This is were this began and, it can end with one phone call from Trump.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.22  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  It Is ME @3.2.20    7 years ago
Oh NO...spell check didn't pick up the misspell. My fault....right ?

Yep, unless you are admitting you don't know how to read.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.2.23  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.2.21    7 years ago
The policy has only been in effect for the past two months

As reported by our "New and Improved ?" media ! thumbs up

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
3.2.24  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  It Is ME @3.2.23    7 years ago
As reported by our "New and Improved ?" media !

From Sessions,

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.2.25  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.2.24    7 years ago

I've seen that already. Doesn't change what I originally posted.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.2.26  It Is ME  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @3.2.22    7 years ago
Yep, unless you are admitting you don't know how to read.

Sure....if it makes you "Feel" good I'll tell you anything. After all...."FEELINGS" are the most important emotion in the world.

Sophomore Silent
4  1ofmany    7 years ago

Democrat controlled sanctuary cities encourage illegal immigration by promising to do nothing to help the federal government deport aliens who enter illegally. Illegal entry is a misdemeanor. Illegal re-entry is a felony. Any adult could be prosecuted but it was rarely done when adults were with children. Illegal aliens are increasingly taking advantage of that loophole and larger numbers of women and children are attempting to cross the border. In order to send a message that we take enforcement seriously, Trump closed the loophole and began prosecuting all adults whether they have children or not. 

As part of a criminal action, US Marshals take illegal aliens into custody and do not provide childcare services for them just as they don’t provide such services to anybody else they take into custody. Unless Democrats are suggesting that children be imprisoned or agents ignore the law they were hired to enforce, the only other alternative is to place the children with a responsible adult or agency that can care for them. 

If Republicans had any sense, they would lay the entire problem at the feet of Democrats’ sanctuary cities that lure aliens into crossing the border and being arrested. 

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5  Jeremy Retired in NC    7 years ago

What backlash is there to worry about.  Criminals are separated from their families on a daily basis.  Maybe if Democrats upheld the law and not favor criminal illegals over veterans and US Citizens this wouldn't be a problem.  

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5    7 years ago
Maybe if Democrats upheld the law and not favor criminal illegals over veterans and US Citizens this wouldn't be a problem.

What laws have the "Democrats" not upheld? Please provide reputable links.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.1.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @5.1    7 years ago

Deleted, CoC  {SP}

Masters Quiet
5.1.2  PJ  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5.1.1    7 years ago

You're very hostile.

Let's take another approach.  Since the Republicans have complete control of the House, the Senate, and the WH, what do you recommend Republicans do differently other then what they currently are doing to address the immigration issue in a more humane way?


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.4  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.3    7 years ago
Humane my ass.... keep them the hell out. PERIOD END OF STORY.

I wonder were you would be if we had decided to keep your ancestors "the hell out" of the country? Would you even exist?

Masters Quiet
5.1.6  PJ  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.3    7 years ago

I have no issue with keeping them out but that's not what this article is about.  So........since the President and his Administration have decided to detain them rather than keeping the hell out, as you so eloquently stated, the Administration is receiving criticism from a variety of sources for their inhumane treatment of those they have detained and cruelly separated.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.7  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.5    7 years ago
We were still subjects of the crown.

And, the Native Americans could have "told" them to get the hell out, with arrows.

On the other side, THEY CAME LEGALLY in the front door.

Even if they did come in legally there were  people like you here at the time that felt any immigrant needed to "get the hell out".

See how that works?

See how that works?
bigot sign.jpg

Professor Quiet
5.1.8  arkpdx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @5.1.7    7 years ago
And, the Native Americans could have "told" them to get the hell out, with arrows.

And in many cases they did just that. 

Is it your contention that because the Native Americans (not a wholly  accurate statement BTW) did stop the early settlers and colonists come here we now have to let in any Tomas,  Ricardo and Juan that wants to come here?

charger 383
Professor Silent
5.1.9  charger 383  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.3    7 years ago

you got that right

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.10  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  arkpdx @5.1.8    7 years ago
accurate statement BTW) did stop the early settlers and colonists come here we now have to let in any Tomas,

Ummm, yeah, as long as they follow the laws laid out and, the Constitution, if they are here illegally then they should have a chance to make things right by either serving in the military or, proving they are good, honest people. Understand, I'm not saying that we should just get rid of our borders, I'm not saying that we should just let everyone in, what I am saying is, don't make it so damned hard that they have to break the law to get out of a bad situation in their land of origin.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.13  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.11    7 years ago
If we were that concerned about separating law breakers and their progeny, we should just close all prisons as most have children.

This isn't even the issue with Americans going to prison, they have family here that can take care of the kiddo's as you put it. The asylum seekers don't have family here, there is no place for them to go and, as I have said MANY TIMES ALREADY, UNTIL APRIL OF THIS YEAR WE DIDN'T SEPARATE CHILDREN FROM THEIR PARENTS OR, PARENTS FROM THEIR CHILDREN WHEN THEY CAME ACROSS THE BORDER. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or, are you just trying to see if you can piss me off? I'm thinking the later.

Freshman Silent
5.1.14  Silent_Hysteria  replied to  PJ @5.1.2    7 years ago

I would change the asylum laws to be pretty much non existant.  Only in cases where war zones have did away with local police and govt.  Any country that complains we will offer trips for the asylum seekers to their port.  Mexico is a big one that complains about our immigration laws while they are more strict than us.  Same as Canada.  When word gets out that the border is being enforced and if your caught illegally entering you are in for a lengthy trial in which time your kids will be wards of the state and returned to you as you are returned to your host country/ nearest country that wants to criticize US policy

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.16  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.15    7 years ago
Why are illegal alien invaders to be treated differently than citizens?

I wondered the same thing, why is the Trump administration treating immigrant kids like criminals? Is it their fault that their parents brought them here?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.18  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.17    7 years ago
Where are they being treated like animals?

Show me where I said they are being treated like animals, I said they are being treated like CRIMINALS. Obama did it isn't the issue, Obama isn't president, Trump is, this is HIS policy, not a "Democrat law", Trump and, Sessions came up with this, these places are Trump Concentration Camps.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.19  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.17    7 years ago
I can only surmise YOU don't live in a border state do you?

I don't have to live near a border state now or, in a border state to see what effect this is having and, for your information 9mm, I lived for years in Southern California and, watched the border patrol looking along RR tracks for people who had crossed the border, so, don't try to use that BS on me.

Masters Quiet
5.1.21  PJ  replied to  NORMAN-D @5.1.20    7 years ago

Off topic  {SP}

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.22  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  PJ @5.1.21    7 years ago

Flagged, off topic.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.25  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  NORMAN-D @5.1.24    7 years ago

Tell it to the moderator, I flagged it as off topic and, the moderator agreed.

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.1.27  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @5.1    7 years ago

immigration laws.  ALL OF THEM

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.1.28  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  PJ @5.1.2    7 years ago
You're very hostile.

That's something for you to learn to deal with.  I have no problem with it.

Let's take another approach.  Since theRepublicanshave completecontrol of theHouse,the Senate,and theWH, what do you recommend Republicans do differently other then what they currently are doing to address the immigration issue in a more humane way?

What I recommend is congress get off their lazy asses and do their job.  They don't like this law.  It's in thieir power to change or repeal it.  But since most would much rather express their selective outrage after Obama leaves office in a very feeble attempt to make Trump look bad (it's not working BTW) we know the laws won't be changed or repealed.  

That leaves only the options we have now.  Enforce the law and we all deal with it or we stop people from crossing the border illegally.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.29  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5.1.27    7 years ago

Do you think it is important for our officials to follow our own immigration laws? ALL OF THEM? If so, then you should be pissed that the Trump Administration isn't following them, they are refusing to let those seeking asylum into the country and, are then arresting them when they do try to enter the country from another entry point and, threaten to call MEXICAN immigration on them if they don't leave the bridge where they have to wait to be processed. It isn't that these people are wrong for coming here, it is that our government policy at this time, since April, has been to turn them away no matter what their legal status is.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.30  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5.1.28    7 years ago
They don't like this law.

THIS IS NOT A LAW, IT IS A TRUMP POLICY, Trump can change the whole thing with one phone call to Jeff Sessions.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.1.31  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.11    7 years ago
If they have children with them, they are separated as we don't put children in jails with their parents. See how simple that is?

So, your for separating parents from their children over a parking ticket violation?

Professor Expert
5.2  Krishna  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5    7 years ago
Criminals are separated from their families on a daily basis.

But do you really consider these two to be criminals?

Breaking: First Tape Of Events Inside One Of Trump's Children's Prison Is Released!

Jeremy Retired in NC
Professor Expert
5.2.1  Jeremy Retired in NC  replied to  Krishna @5.2    7 years ago

Did they cross the border illegally?  If so, then yes, they are criminals.  It's that simple.  

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
5.2.2  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Jeremy Retired in NC @5.2.1    7 years ago
Did they cross the border illegally?

No, they didn't, they came looking for asylum.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
6  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago

I said at the beginning that I would flag comments that were off topic or, were "Obama did it" meme's.

Professor Principal
7  Ender    7 years ago

One thing no one ever seems to bring up.

If things are so bad in some countries, that people feel they have no other choice but to flee, why do we not help these countries?

It seems like a no brainer. Help the governments of these countries to make them a safer place.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Ender @7    7 years ago
One thing no one ever seems to bring up. If things are so bad in some countries, that people feel they have no other choice but to flee, why do we not help these countries? It seems like a no brainer. Help the governments of these countries to make them a safer place.

Good question and, I've got a somewhat simplistic answer, we have laid out rules that prevent us from doing that, the country's in question have to establish civil rights, have free elections and, get rid of the drug cartels, until they do all of this, we don't help them. Kind of a catch 22, we don't help them until their governments do these things so, the people that want those freedoms and, can't get them at "home" come here, then we tell them "No, you can't be here, go home."

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1.2  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @7.1.1    7 years ago

Here's a clue for you as well.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1.4  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @7.1.3    7 years ago
But YOUR claim was that Americas doesn't help other countries governments to make their own country safer....

Obviously what is being done under USAID isn't enough, something more needs to be done.

charger 383
Professor Silent
7.1.5  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @7.1.4    7 years ago

how much more taxes are you willing to pay to give them more of our money?

why does something more need to done there? 

Why do other countries have a claim on money paid by US taxpayers?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1.7  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  XDm9mm @7.1.6    7 years ago

No, all you do is complain.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
7.1.8  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @7.1.7    7 years ago

Is that what people who disagree with you are doing?


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1.9  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @7.1.5    7 years ago
how much more taxes are you willing to pay to give them more of our money? why does something more need to done there?

I was trying to figure how to answer this without sounding like I was riding your ass and, I think I figured it out. The U.N. and, the United States can do more for these country's simply by cutting government aid to them and, putting that money towards helping the people of the country out with food, medicine and, education, they can also put boots on the ground there without causing an international incident to prevent rebels and, drug cartels from keeping a foot hold in certain regions, it wouldn't require anymore money from "your pocket" but, it would get the rest of the world involved.

Professor Quiet
7.1.10  arkpdx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @7.1.9    7 years ago

they can also put boots on the ground there

So you want the US to be the world's policeman?  That's a switch. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
7.1.11  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @7.1.9    7 years ago
The U.N. and, the United States

the UN is currently a defunct organization. somehow they started thinking they were destined to be the worlds legislative body but that fantasy will be kept in check by our veto powers until they figure out they are not going to tell the world how to live.   the UN works for us not the other way round.   we do not follow the UN's lead. they follow us or they will stay irrelevant.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
7.1.12  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  arkpdx @7.1.10    7 years ago
So you want the US to be the world's policeman?

better US than the UN.

Professor Quiet
7.1.13  arkpdx  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @7.1.11    7 years ago

That wasn't my point. Those that think like the poster I replied to continually cry that the US  is not the world's policeman and should not go to other countries to solve their problems. Now they just changed their tune. 

BTW  UN or US it would be our soldiers that would be sent. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1.14  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @7.1.11    7 years ago
the UN is currently a defunct organization. somehow they started thinking they were destined to be the worlds legislative body but that fantasy will be kept in check by our veto powers until they figure out they are not going to tell the world how to live.

Someone should tell Nikki Haley that then.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
7.1.15  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  arkpdx @7.1.13    7 years ago
is not the world's policeman and should not go to other countries to solve their problems. Now they just changed their tune.

Ummm, no, you have me confused with someone else.

Professor Quiet
7.1.16  arkpdx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @7.1.15    7 years ago

I think not. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago

Gonna shut this down early, got things I gotta do and, then get some sleep. I'll open it in the morning again.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8    7 years ago

Opened up now, be nice, be civil and, be on topic.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.1  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1    7 years ago

why do you love these people so much?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.2  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.1    7 years ago

I already answered that comment. 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.3  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.2    7 years ago

I typed this for you on other thread and then found it was closed.  Some of my reasons 

I don't like foreigners coming while Citizens are not taken care off
I don't like having to take pay for and care of other peoples problems.
I don't like overpopulation and over crowding
I don't like people coming here and thinking they have a right to enter our country
I don't like ungrateful people
I don't like my tax money spent on this and hear there is no money for things to improve Citizen's lives
I don't like the standard and quality of Citizens life being reduced
I don't like that after we do things to reduce pollution, our efforts are wasted by letting more people in
I don't like ticks, leaches or mosquitos
That is some of my reasons

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.4  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.3    7 years ago

Well, since you're too lazy to go look at it, which you can do even if the seed is closed here's my answer, again,

Why do you hate them so much? They've gone through great hardship to get here for one thing, another reason is that they are human beings and, deserve better treatment at our hands and, to give you a Christian reason, there is this,
Certain Jewish scholars were fond of discussing the scriptures and Hebrew laws, and sat about discussing the relative importance of each of them. One day the subject came up, 'which is the most important law' to which Jesus had an immediate and direct quote from Moses as to what that was. "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and love thy neighbour as yourself". Unsatisfied with the abrupt conclusion of the topic they sought to refine and continue the topic by getting 'picky' with the definition of 'neighbour'. To this Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan, illustrating that the person (despite ethnic divisions) that acts most like a neighbour is a neighbour.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan
25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]”
28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.5  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.4    7 years ago

I looked at before I typed what I brought forward 

You cite something about generosity of one person not thousands illegally crossing the border and demanding to be taken care of 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.6  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.5    7 years ago
You cite something about generosity of one person not thousands illegally crossing the border and demanding to be taken care of

Oh, Jesus Christ! It applies to us as a country as well, our neighbors are the country's around us, people like you claim we are a "Christian" country and, if we are a "Christian" country then we as a people must act like Christians, that means doing what Christ said is right to do in his eyes or, are you saying we are only a Christian country when it suits people like you?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.7  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.6    7 years ago

Oh please, stop being disingenuous.    The US takes in more immigrants each year than any other country.    ANY other country.    In fact, last i checked, we took in more than the next two highest immigration countries combined. 

Legal immigration is one thing but unchecked illegal immigration can not stand.   Nothing and i mean NOTHING good can come from it.   Not in the long run.   No one has a problem with legal immigration.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.8  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.7    7 years ago
Oh please, stop being disingenuous. The US takes in more immigrants each year than any other country. ANY other country. In fact, last i checked, we took in more than the next two highest immigration countries combined.
Legal immigration is one thing but unchecked illegal immigration can not stand. Nothing and i mean NOTHING good can come from it. Not in the long run. No one has a problem with legal immigration.

Then you shouldn't have a problem with these people, they are, for the most part, looking for asylum. Who and, what you should have a problem with is the policy of separating children from parents who are seeking asylum and, telling those who are seeking asylum that they can't come across the border. See, there's a little trick they're using at the border, the border patrol won't let asylum seekers put both feet across the border so that then they can ask for asylum at the legal border crossing, that is why they have to find different ways of entering and, different places to cross.

There's a story that has gone viral about a woman who came to the legal crossing 50 times to try to cross and, the border patrol wouldn't let her get both feet across the border so she could ask for asylum so, she pretended to be washing the windows of cars crossing the border until she actually crossed the border and, put both feet on the U.S. side, when she was approached by a border patrol officer she asked for asylum for herself and, her child, she was arrested at that point. This is a Trump policy, not a U.S. policy or, law.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.9  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.8    7 years ago
Then you shouldn't have a problem with these people, they are, for the most part, looking for asylum.

Come on, be honest.   You know that's a simplistic explanation for what's going on.   I'm sure that's true for some but many are just trying to game the system.   That is the problem with no good solution.  

Just like usual, people trying to screw the system are screwing people who really need the system.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.10  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.6    7 years ago
people like you claim we are a "Christian" country

I have strongly argued on here that we are NOT a "Christian" country and I am not religious.  ( I politely say that, because when debating with many people it is hard to remember) 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.11  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.6    7 years ago

There are too many of them and more will try to come.  Borders serve a very important purpose 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.12  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.9    7 years ago
Come on, be honest.

Join me in being honest then because, from what I can see, if you really looked at this you would have to say it is wrong and, Trump is wrong.

You know that's a simplistic explanation for what's going on.

No, what I posted is what is going on, you don't like it, tell Trump, he's the one who came up with the policy.

I'm sure that's true for some but many are just trying to game the system.

And, who are you to say who can cross the border to seek asylum? If a person comes to the border and, crosses it, they have a right to seek asylum here, a judge will determine if they have a case, that is how it works, the border patrol can't make that decision for a judge but, they are trying to do just that. Is that right? No, it isn't.

That is the problem with no good solution.

So, it's OK for Trump to make things worse by separating family's after they have crossed 2000 miles of dangerous ground. Got it.

Just like usual, people trying to screw the system are screwing people who really need the system.

That happens more by Americans to Americans than it does at the border.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.13  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.10    7 years ago
I have strongly argued on here that we are NOT a "Christian" country and I am not religious. ( I politely say that, because when debating with many people it is hard to remember)

Sorry Charger, you are right, it is hard to remember but, you know what I am talking about in that respect. It is, in my opinion, easy to say that we are a Christian nation but, when push comes to shove it ends up that most of those who claim to be Christians lose that standing in situations like this.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.14  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.11    7 years ago
There are too many of them and more will try to come.

This has been the mantra since the start of this country but, we seem to always find room.

Borders serve a very important purpose

They do but, it isn't their purpose to close out everyone but, those who are already here.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.15  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.12    7 years ago
Join me in being honest then because, from what I can see, if you really looked at this you would have to say it is wrong and, Trump is wrong.

There's the problem, you see only what you want to see.   This isn't a "Trump" problem but rather an immigration problem.   I understand you have trouble seeing anything except what might paint Trump in an undesirable light.   And for clarity mine is not so much a defense of Trump but rather a desire to not get screwed by immigrants trying to game our immigration system.

No, what I posted is what is going on, you don't like it, tell Trump, he's the one who came up with the policy

Nah, you are intentionally ignoring the obvious.   Many are trying to game the system and in doing so are screwing the honest people who really need it.   Unless of course you are trying to say all those people are trying to enter this country with honest intentions.   Are you?

And, who are you to say who can cross the border to seek asylum? If a person comes to the border and, crosses it, they have a right to seek asylum here, a judge will determine if they have a case, that is how it works, the border patrol can't make that decision for a judge but, they are trying to do just that. Is that right? No, it isn't.

Lol yeah, lets let everyone in who can reach our border, claim they are persecuted in some way and asks for asylum.    That a ridiculous expectation.   NO WAY the US can handle that long term.   Something has to be done or we WILL be swamped with refugees.   Those with honest cause and those without.

So, it's OK for Trump to make things worse by separating family's after they have crossed 2000 miles of dangerous ground. Got it.

Thats how it works when folks get detained/jailed.   Unless of course you want kids detained/jailed with parents.    Thats a nice picture.

That happens more by Americans to Americans than it does at the border.

Yup, we agree on that one.    I seem to be paying for more freeloaders with every payroll check i sign or get.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.16  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.15    7 years ago
There's the problem, you see only what you want to see. This isn't a "Trump" problem but rather an immigration problem. I understand you have trouble seeing anything except what might paint Trump in an undesirable light. And for clarity mine is not so much a defense of Trump but rather a desire to not get screwed by immigrants trying to game our immigration system.

That's what the court is for, to determine if they actually have a case, if they don't they are put on a bus and, shipped back south. It's the way the system works.

Nah, you are intentionally ignoring the obvious. Many are trying to game the system and in doing so are screwing the honest people who really need it.

And, it is up to a judge to figure this out, a person who has a real fear of going back to their homeland gets to stay using the asylum rule, the rest, as I said, get put on a bus and, go back south.

Unless of course you are trying to say all those people are trying to enter this country for honest reasons. Are you?

Absolutely not, I know that some are wanting to game the system but, it isn't up to me or, you to decide who it is, unless of course you are a judge in the immigration courts, I know I'm not one so, I let them figure it out.

Lol yeah, lets let everyone in who can reach our border, claim they are persecuted in some way and asks for asylum. That a ridiculous expectation. NO WAY the US can handle that long term.

It's been working for over 200 years, what has changed?

Something has to be done or we WILL be swamped with refugees. Those with honest cause and those without.

And, once again, it is up to the immigration courts to figure it out.

Thats how it works when folks get detained/jailed. Unless of course you want kids detained/jailed with parents. Thats a nice picture.

It was done differently before April of this year and, it worked.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.17  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.14    7 years ago
we seem to always find room

We are running out of room  and country is too crowded.  We need to keep open spaces, watersheds, woodlands to filter the air and places for wildlife to live and be free. 

We reduce pollution and then negate that by letting more people in and then end up with more rules on that 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.18  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.14    7 years ago

What are you willing to give up to let them in?  For you and your desendents

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.19  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.17    7 years ago
We are running out of room and country is too crowded.

This is the same BS that has been spouted since immigration to this country started.

We need to keep open spaces, watersheds, woodlands to filter the air and places for wildlife to live and be free.

Not according to the EPA chief that Trump appointed.

We reduce pollution and then negate that by letting more people in and then end up with more rules on that

Then we need to find a better way to supply the energy that we need.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.20  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.16    7 years ago
It was done differently before April of this year and, it worked.

Sorry, no time to keep answering all your stuff tit for tat so i'll leave you with this response:

Bullshit, it wasn't working well.    At least not from most reasonable perspectives.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.21  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.18    7 years ago
What are you willing to give up to let them in? For you and your desendents

Well, let me see, what did my ancestors have to give up and, what have I given up that they had, oh yeah, nothing. So, I guess my answer would be nothing since nothing was given up by my ancestors for me, in fact we seem to have gained things because of immigration.

Professor Quiet
8.1.22  arkpdx  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.21    7 years ago

Why do you always forget the the word "legal"? 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.23  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.20    7 years ago
Bullshit, it wasn't working well. At least not from most reasonable perspectives.

You're entitled to your own opinions but, not your own facts. Asylum seekers up until April of this year were able to keep their kids with them until their court date now, they have their kids taken from them causing harm to the kids. IMO, I hope they sue the hell out of the Trump Administration.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.24  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  arkpdx @8.1.22    7 years ago
Why do you always forget the the word "legal"?

Because this isn't the issue here, what I'm talking about is people who are seeking asylum having their kids taken from them at the border, never been done until April of this year. Those who seek asylum are considered LEGAL immigrants so, the word ILLEGAL doesn't apply, get it?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.25  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.19    7 years ago

be easier to just not let all these foreigners in and keep our place nice 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.26  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.21    7 years ago

so your fine with them pushing you and your decedents aside?  

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.27  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.19    7 years ago
Then we need to find a better way to supply the energy that we need.

or less new people to use it up

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.28  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.21    7 years ago

so you are willing to give up the value  of all the taxes you have paid in and your social security? 

These people are diluting what has been built up and there will be less for us

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.29  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.24    7 years ago
the issue here,

The issue is they created the problem by coming to our border,  We didn't create any problem by having a border

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
8.1.30  Dean Moriarty  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.29    7 years ago

Off topic [ph]

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.31  charger 383  replied to  Dean Moriarty @8.1.30    7 years ago

I don't mind some help for our citizens but we need to take care of the citizens here before letting any more in

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.32  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.21    7 years ago

If there is food for 12 at the picnic and 12 more show up uninvited and bring nothing who got cheated?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.33  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.14    7 years ago

Are you supporting letting more foreigners in to make the improving unemployment numbers look bad?  

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.34  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.25    7 years ago
be easier to just not let all these foreigners in and keep our place nice

Are you Native American? If not you are a descendent of a "foreigner", should we have kept your ancestors out?

Professor Quiet
8.1.35  Sunshine  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.34    7 years ago
should we have kept your ancestors out?

yes, if you knew my ancestor  good one

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.36  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.26    7 years ago
so your fine with them pushing you and your decedents aside?

My people have been here for over 200 years, we have never been "pushed aside".

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.37  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.27    7 years ago
or less new people to use it up

So, you're for state sponsored birth control and, abortion?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.39  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.28    7 years ago
These people are diluting what has been built up and there will be less for us

Bullshit, these people pay taxes, probably more taxes than you do.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.40  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.29    7 years ago
The issue is they created the problem by coming to our border,

So, you and, your ancestors are the ones who created the problem?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.42  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @8.1.38    7 years ago
Doesn’t matter.

It does matter shark, are you Native American or, a descendent of a foreigner?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.43  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.33    7 years ago
Are you supporting letting more foreigners in to make the improving unemployment numbers look bad?

LOL, another Meme.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.44  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sunshine @8.1.35    7 years ago
yes, if you knew my ancestor

Yep, I know what you mean, my ancestor had a problem with the queen at the time and, had to leave in a hurry.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.45  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @8.1.41    7 years ago
Decedents yes, decedents maybe not so much.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.46  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.37    7 years ago
So, you're for state sponsored birth control and, abortion?

You are right on that!  

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.47  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.34    7 years ago

My ancestors came here with approval of and to land granted by Crown of England  

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.48  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.36    7 years ago

not yet 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.49  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.40    7 years ago
"My people have been here for over 200 years," 
seems your part of the problem, too

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.50  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.39    7 years ago

Bullshit right back at ya.  I paid SS and taxes from age of 16

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.51  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.46    7 years ago
You are right on that!

So you are for state sponsored birth control and, abortion. Wow, who'd a thunk it?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.52  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.40    7 years ago
So, you and, your ancestors are the ones who created the problem?

Exactly how did we create the problem? 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.53  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.47    7 years ago
My ancestors came here with approval of and to land granted by Crown of England

Really? Wow, that's cool so, your ancestors came here with a piece of paper saying you had a right to take land from the people that were already here claiming that land as their own.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.54  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.48    7 years ago
not yet

laughing dude Digging a whole

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.55  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.49    7 years ago
seems your part of the problem, too

What are you talking about?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.56  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.50    7 years ago
I paid SS and taxes from age of 16

So did I and, now I'm collecting on that. 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.57  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.51    7 years ago

Like I said somewhere above it is hard to keep track of many people in a long discussion, and this is a hot topic

I support abortion, birth control, gun rights and am non religious and think over population is our biggest problem

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.58  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.52    7 years ago
Exactly how did we create the problem?

You said in your comment that "THEY created the problem at the border", in case you didn't know it, our ports are considered borders as well so, when your ancestors came here they must have helped to create the problem that you are talking about. Right?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.59  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.56    7 years ago

well there is something we are the same on

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.60  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.57    7 years ago
I support abortion, birth control, gun rights and am non religious and think over population is our biggest problem

But, do you support "state sponsored" abortion and, birth control like they have in China?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.61  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.58    7 years ago

They sailed with William Penn and that was all the authority they needed

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.62  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.53    7 years ago

Crown of England owned it, that can't be disputed  

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.63  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.53    7 years ago
piece of paper saying you had a right to take land

Power of the English King was greater than most everything else at the time

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.64  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.60    7 years ago

I really don't give a rat's rear end how the Chinese handle their overpopulation problem.  It is not their people who are causing this problem 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.65  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.61    7 years ago
They sailed with William Penn and that was all the authority they needed

Isn't imminent domain wonderful when your country is a world power and, you know that you can wipe out the indigenes population? Of course, I can't say much, my ancestor came over after being beaten in the battles with Mary Queen of Scots and, Elizabeth, for him it was a case of leave Britain or, lose his head.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.66  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.64    7 years ago
I really don't give a rat's rear end how the Chinese handle their overpopulation problem.

You said this in response to my comment to you, I also added my comment so, you could use it as a reference.

8.1.27 charger 383 replied to Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.19 9 hours ago
Then we need to find a better way to supply the energy that we need.
or less new people to use it up

I then asked you if you supported "state sponsored abortion and, birth control" you said that you did support abortion and, birth control and, I re-asked the question of you when you replied with the above reply, "I really don't give a rat's rear end how the Chinese handle their overpopulation problem". Charger you obviously didn't think this thread through, if you want to decrease the population you have to find more than one way to do that, closing the borders to immigration is only a small part of it, now you have to deal with people in the country still having babies, the population increases whether people are crossing the border or, not, the only way to decrease the population after that is either kill the current population or, state sponsored birth control and, abortion.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.67  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.65    7 years ago
and that's why we are here

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.68  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.66    7 years ago

Closing our border protects the USA and it's citizens and our assets which is most important to me as a Citizen of the USA


charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.69  charger 383  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.68    7 years ago

We have another problem with unwillingness to address our own birthrate 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.70  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.68    7 years ago
Closing our border protects the USA and it's citizens and our assets which is most important to me as a Citizen of the USA

Sure, it didn't do much for us when we got the same mentality before WWII.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.71  charger 383  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.69    7 years ago

another problem is the power of religious right preventing US from doing things to lower birthrate in other countries.

In my opinion birthcontrol is best aid we can send to many places

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.72  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.70    7 years ago

how did it hurt us?  and to what extent?

and how would open borders have helped us?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.73  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.70    7 years ago

When James J Hill was done hauling immigrants, at his expense, to settle along his Great Northern Railway was the last time we needed or had a place for immigrants. And he had his people pick who he wanted to bring

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.74  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.72    7 years ago
and how would open borders have helped us?

Now see, I know you are talking about the Right wing meme of, "Democrats want open borders", that is just Bullshit, what we want is immigration reform, just like the Republicans do but, we don't want what Trump is doing at the border right now, this is bullshit and, it is heartless, cruel and, inhuman and, you know it.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.75  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.74    7 years ago

I care about the USA first, all foreigners are behind the USA in order of how much they have supported us 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.76  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.72    7 years ago
and to what extent? and how would open borders have helped us?

Our policy of "America First" at that time lead to us ignoring the worlds problems and, allowed Hitler to come to power, it also allowed him to develop his policy on "the Jewish problem", we even added him in that by refusing a ship load of refugees from Germany at that time.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.77  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.73    7 years ago
When James J Hill was done hauling immigrants, at his expense, to settle along his Great Northern Railway was the last time we needed or had a place for immigrants. And he had his people pick who he wanted to bring

Bullshit, there is always room.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.78  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.74    7 years ago

Immigration is so broken it needs to be completely halted until fixed.  The border secured and all those that don't belong here removed and then consider what is best for the USA only and come up with a plan that helps the USA 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.79  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.77    7 years ago

Bullshit back at you, overcrowding is bad

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.80  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.75    7 years ago
I care about the USA first, all foreigners are behind the USA in order of how much they have supported us

You really have no clue at all do you? I'm really sorry for you.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.81  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.78    7 years ago
The border secured and all those that don't belong here removed and then consider what is best for the USA only and come up with a plan that helps the USA


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.82  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.79    7 years ago
Bullshit back at you, overcrowding is bad

I've been from one end of this country to the other, there is plenty of room here, there isn't going to be over crowding by accepting these folks who are seeking asylum.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.83  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.77    7 years ago

James J Hill did immigration right and helped settle last area needing settling, outside of Alaska, and did it with his money, helped make the people he selected successful in a difficult area and made money and build a great railroad doing it  

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.84  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.80    7 years ago

You think I should put other countries before the USA? 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.85  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.83    7 years ago
James J Hill did immigration right and helped settle last area needing settling, outside of Alaska, and did it with his money, helped make the people he selected successful in a difficult area and made money and build a great railroad doing it

That's nice. Do you think Mr. Hill would be happy with what you have been saying or, would he be on my side of the argument? Do you think he only thought that there should be 50 to 60 people in each town and, no more or, do you think that every place he helped settle had more room for more people?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.86  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.81    7 years ago


Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.87  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.84    7 years ago
You think I should put other countries before the USA?

Not what you said above.

I care about the USA first, all foreigners are behind the USA in order of how much they have supported us

You really have no clue at all do you? I'm really sorry for you.

I replied that I felt sorry for you because you have no clue what "foreigners" have done for this country, everything that we have and, that we are is because of "foreigners".

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.88  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.85    7 years ago

James J would appreciate my railfan knowledge of him and what he did and using that to prove my point.  He would be happy that Warren Buffet controls his railroads.  

The area he helped settle now has grown to where it is overpopulated 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.89  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.87    7 years ago

once you are here and become part of USA you lose the foreigner tag 

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.90  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.87    7 years ago
You think I should put other countries before the USA?

I was asking that as a question, so don't change it around

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.91  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.88    7 years ago
James J would appreciate my railfan knowledge of him and what he did and using that to prove my point.

This doesn't answer the question I posed to you.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.92  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.89    7 years ago
once you are here and become part of USA you lose the foreigner tag

LOL but, you don't want "foreigners" coming here, so, how can they get in the country and, "lose the foreigner tag".

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.93  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.90    7 years ago
I was asking that as a question, so don't change it around

A little history for you, about them there foreigners.

Why did the french help Revolutionary War?
Mainly because France and England - later Britain - had been fighting a string of on again off again wars basically since the fall of Rome. The French saw a good opportunity to give the British a bit of a dressing down after the drubbing they had taken in the previous encounter (Seven Years War) including losing all their American colonies - chunks of modern Canada and various bits and bobs around the Caribbean. So what better way to stick it to the Brits than support a colonial uprising in the British colonies? This is the same reason the Dutch and the Spanish came in as well. It worked the American colonies were released and Spain, France and Holland got some other bits and pieces from Britain as well. This of course just set things up for the next round but France had to have a revolution first - however that's another topic.

If it wasn't for them there foreigners there wouldn't be a United States.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.94  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.76    7 years ago

WWI was Europe's problem we should have stayed out.  WWII and Hitler's rise was caused by treaty conditions that ended WWI and Europe's rejection of the League of Nations.    

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.95  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.92    7 years ago

That's their problem

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.96  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.91    7 years ago

I did answer it, but to rephrase it for you he would like me.  

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.97  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.93    7 years ago

and that was a long time ago

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.98  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.94    7 years ago

This is what I was talking about,

n the summer of 1942, the SS Drottningholm set sail carrying hundreds of desperate Jewish refugees, en route to New York City from Sweden. Among them was Herbert Karl Friedrich Bahr, a 28-year-old from Germany, who was also seeking entry to the United States. When he arrived, he told the same story as his fellow passengers: As a victim of persecution, he wanted asylum from Nazi violence.
But during a meticulous interview process that involved five separate government agencies, Bahr’s story began to unravel. Days later, the FBI accused Bahr of being a Nazi spy. They said the Gestapo had given him $7,000 to steal American industrial secrets—and that he’d posed as a refugee in order to sneak into the country unnoticed. His case was rushed to trial, and the prosecution called for the death penalty.

What Bahr didn’t know, or perhaps didn’t mind, was that his story would be used as an excuse to deny visas to thousands of Jews fleeing the horrors of the Nazi regime.
World War II prompted the largest displacement of human beings the world has ever seen—although today’s refugee crisis is starting to approach its unprecedented scale. But even with millions of European Jews displaced from their homes, the United States had a poor track record offering asylum. Most notoriously, in June 1939, the German ocean liner St. Louis and its 937 passengers, almost all Jewish, were turned away from the port of Miami, forcing the ship to return to Europe; more than a quarter died in the Holocaust.

So, those people had to return to Germany were they were placed in concentration camps and, died.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.99  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.23    7 years ago

Are Americans who are charged of a crime and incarcerated pre-trial allowed to keep their children with them?   Nope, not unless they can bond out.

So apparently you feel illegal  immigrants deserve better treatment than American citizens ....

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.100  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.99    7 years ago
Are Americans who are charged of a crime and incarcerated pre-trial allowed to keep their children with them?

Crossing the border illegally THE FIRST TIME IS A MISDEMEANOR offense, it's like getting a speeding ticket. Do you take someone's kids from them for getting a speeding ticket? No.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.101  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.100    7 years ago

Apples and atom bombs ..... one is a legal citizen, one is not and trying to compare a simple speeding ticket to illegal immigration is disingenuous as hell.

Regardless, we have laws and there are consequences when you break them.   Immigrants have options to emigrate legally to the US.   If they don't want to potentially lose their kids, they should use them.    Like my grand parents did and several buddies i served in the Corps with did, and etc, etc.

They have legal options and they flagrantly and intentionally choose to not to use them.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.102  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.91    7 years ago

It does answer the question

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.103  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.101    7 years ago
Apples and atom bombs ..... one is a legal citizen, one is not and trying to compare a simple speeding ticket to illegal immigration is disingenuous as hell.

Nope, ya got it wrong, both are misdemeanors under the law and, neither one requires children to be removed from the home, that is the point.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.104  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.102    7 years ago
It does answer the question

No, it doesn't answer the question that I posed to you, it simply dances around what I asked. Try again.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.105  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.103    7 years ago

And i will simply repeat:

They have legal options and they flagrantly and intentionally choose to not to use them.

Many of the ones that are first time offenders are clearly trying to game the system.    The ones with more than one violation get what they deserve as well.   In either case its 100% on them.

That said, it's good to remember that more people immigrate to the US each year LEGALLY than any other country in the world.   Significantly more.   More than the next couple countries combined.   So keep playing your political game here, meanwhile all those who come here legally are working towards making a better life for themselves.   In a country that welcomes them.

Those are the immigrants i choose to support.   The legal ones.   You can keep on supporting the ones that try it illegally.   Sounds about right considering ......

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.106  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.105    7 years ago
In either case its 100% on them. That said, it's good to remember that more people immigrate to the US each year LEGALLY than any other country in the world.

Sooo, they should be denied asylum even if they have a case for it and, their children should be put into a tent in 90 degree weather and, then what, auctioned off to the highest bidder once the parents are sent "packing"?

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.107  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.99    7 years ago
immigrants deserve better treatment than American citizens ....

Where did I ever say that, damn you folks have really got some fucked up sight!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
8.1.108  Sparty On  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.106    7 years ago

Certainly unfortunate but it is what it is.   We clearly can't be everything, to everyone, in every circumstance.   However, we can and are to many, as indicted by all the immigrants who do settle here legally each year.   A point you keep conveniently skipping over to play your political games with the comparatively few involved in this situation.

If you really want to blame someone for all this, blame all of the Congresses that kept kicked this can down the road.   And there are many of them.   Otherwise, blame remains squarely on the backs of all the folks breaking/gaming the law.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.109  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Sparty On @8.1.108    7 years ago
A point you keep conveniently skipping over to play your political games with the comparatively few involved in this situation. If you really want to blame someone for all this, blame all of the Congresses that kept kicked this can down the road.

Yep, that seems to be your usual standard, "blame the victim", but, now you seem to have taken it to a whole new level, tell me, when you become a Trump supporter do they remove your heart? Because it is obvious you don't have one, these kids are being taken from their parents, these parents are being deported without their kids, even when they ask for them to be returned. If your a parent, think what it would be like to have your kid taken from you, think what it is like when you are in a public place and, your kid disappears for any length of time, the panic you feel when that happens, now think what these parents are going through and, what the trauma is for these kids.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.110  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.98    7 years ago

who was president then?

We were in the great depression then, millions of Citizens were unemployed

When a country's own citizens are suffering and there is not enough for them, is it fair to those citizens to add  additional burden?  

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.111  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.100    7 years ago

They have done that in Virginia,  10 mph over on I-81 is reckless driving and you can be taken to jail.  

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.112  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.110    7 years ago
who was president then? We were in the great depression then, millions of Citizens were unemployed When a country's own citizens are suffering and there is not enough for them, is it fair to those citizens to add

Sooo, anti-Semitism and, racism is ok sometimes? Got it.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.113  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.111    7 years ago
10 mph over on I-81 is reckless driving and you can be taken to jail.

Oh, Jesus Christ please, that is such a fucking lame excuse.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.114  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.113    7 years ago

It is the law and you brought up speeding violations

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.115  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.114    7 years ago
It is the law and you brought up speeding violations

It is a misdemeanor for the first offense and, does not require in any part of the law for children to be removed from the parent, that part is a Trump policy, please get that straight, it is Trump policy to remove kids from their parents at the border.

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.116  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.104    7 years ago

James J Hill did immigration right and helped settle last area needing settling, outside of Alaska, and did it with his money, helped make the people he selected successful in a difficult area and made money and build a great railroad doing it
That's nice. Do you think Mr. Hill would be happy with what you have been saying or, would he be on my side of the argument? Do you think he only thought that there should be 50 to 60 people in each town and, no more or, do you think that every place he helped settle had more room for more people?

1 I said he would be happy with my side.

2 50-60 per settlement, I think it was more at most places.  An example to prove that is;  Great Northern needed engineers in the new area.   They bought new locomotives and engineers were assigned their own locomotive and sent west with it to fill an opening at a location they and family liked.  Hill also had a research farm to improve crops and farm animals for cold weather along Great Northern Railroad 

3 Places he helped settled like rest of this country have filled up.  


charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.117  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.112    7 years ago

how was not letting them in any of that?

charger 383
Professor Silent
8.1.118  charger 383  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @8.1.115    7 years ago

If they are in car with arrested driver who is taken to jail, the children would have to be separated unless they were put in same cell with parent.  I remember reading about a case in local paper where children of out of state driver who was arrested for reckless driving by speed(only has to be over 10 on I-81) and could not make bail were placed in foster care

So it is done to US citizens for speeding 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
8.1.119  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  charger 383 @8.1.117    7 years ago
how was not letting them in any of that?

The ship I was talking about, had Jews on it, the U.S. refused to let them in the country because ONE PASSENGER might have been a Nazi spy and, because of that ONE incident they refused to let any other refugees into the country during the war.

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
10  The Magic 8 Ball    7 years ago
GOP Fears Midterms Backlash From Breaking Up Families At The Border

when only about 1 percent of the people watch cable news every day?  not so much

sorry folks.. just like in the election. cable news is not going to move voters.

the message of "hate trump" is only reaching people who already do.

what does the vast majority of voters care about? "It is the economy stupid"

Professor Quiet
14  bbl-1    7 years ago

"GOP Fears Backlash In Midterms."  ? ?


"I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote," DJT. 

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
14.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  bbl-1 @14    7 years ago
"I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote," DJT.

It would seem this is a fallacy of Donald Trumps, yes, he can win a national election because of the Electoral College but, the state elections aren't set up under the Electoral College, they go by the popular vote so, let's see how popular Trump really is this November. 

Professor Quiet
14.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @14.1    7 years ago

The GOP is still active in voter suppression and vote fraud.  And today I think The Supreme Court gave them a little more time.  The vote was unanimous which I do not understand.  Some research is in order.

Professor Quiet
14.1.2  bbl-1  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @14.1    7 years ago

I also forgot to mention this.  Here in Ohio Secretary of State Husted and Governor Kasich have removed hundreds of thousands from the voter rolls.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
15  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago

It's unlocked now.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
16  It Is ME    7 years ago

Author called off topic  {SP}

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
17  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross    7 years ago

OK, going to put this to bed for the night, I'll open it in the morning.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
17.1  seeder  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @17    7 years ago

Ok, it's open.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
17.1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @17.1    7 years ago

Off topic  {SP}


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