
Meltdown in Duluth: Trump yells at protesters and 'elites' at rally


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  tessylo  •  7 years ago  •  47 comments

Meltdown in Duluth: Trump yells at protesters and 'elites' at rally

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Facing resistance from both Republicans and Democrats as well as condemnation from citizens all over the United States, President Trump felt a need to be loved again, so he did what he always does when he needs love — he left his house and did a campaign rally. On Wednesday night, it was in Duluth, Minn., where a crowd turned out to cheer their man. Well,   most   of them cheered. Twice, Trump paused while security forces ejected protesters. “Get ’em outta here!” Trump roared. While the second one was being given the bum’s rush, Trump sneered, “Go home to your mommy, darling! Get him outta here. Out! Was that a man or a woman? Because he needs a haircut more than I do!” It was like a 1960s flashback, with law-and-order politicians like   George Wallace   yelling about long-haired hippies.

Trump’s anger at the protesters was revealing. I’ve watched nearly all of his rallies, and he has never been this intent on seeing any sign of protest erased. He really lingered on watching the protesting people being removed from his sight — he stared silently, glaring. It was as though Trump resented any disruption in the last place he can get unconditional love anymore — he feels beleaguered in the current state of his presidency.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
2  Kavika     7 years ago

He lost the presidential race in MN. Something that I had to point out to some of righties on NT numerous times...

Professor Silent
3  cjfrommn    7 years ago

Yes there was no MN NICE for the president, matter of fact, most people avoided the area. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  cjfrommn @3    7 years ago

So....he didn't have massive numbers at the rally?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.1    7 years ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.3    7 years ago
Instead of being held in the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center Arena, the June 20 rally will be held next door in Amsoil Arena. Doors open at 3:30, and the event is scheduled to begin at 6:30.

If you will note, this is advertising that what time it will begin and that it was moved because of "expected" numbers. Didn't say how many actually attended. Did he really manage to put asses in the pews this time?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.8  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.5    7 years ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.10  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.9    7 years ago

No...no..no...that's not how this works. YOU make a claim...YOU back it up. Don't tell me about Bing or Google or whatever search engine is popular with the in crowd this week.

I swear...some of you never did a section on debate in 11th grade English class

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.12  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @3.1.11    7 years ago

Like I said...Debate 101

Professor Principal
4  Ender    7 years ago

Wonder who paid for all those signs.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
5  A. Macarthur    7 years ago


When Republicans lose the House in November, and, when the Mueller Investigation pours gasoline on what is becoming the fire of the Trump parade …


Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, Alex Azar, et al, are guilty of "CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!"

"Deliberate acts, typically as part of a systematic campaign, that causes human suffering or death on a large scale."

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.1  It Is ME  replied to  A. Macarthur @5    7 years ago

EXCLUSIVE: 'They're together and safe: Father of Honduran two-year-old who became the face of family separation crisis reveals daughter was never separated from her mother, but the image of her in tears at U.S. border control ‘broke his heart’

The father of the Honduran girl who became the face of the family separation crisis has revealed that he still has not been in touch with his wife or daughter but was happy to learn they are safe.
Denis Javier Varela Hernandez, 32, said that he had not heard from his wife Sandra, 32, who was with his two-year-old daughter Yanela Denise, for nearly three weeks until he saw the image of them being apprehended in Texas.

He revealed that his wife had previously mentioned her wish to go to the United States for a 'better future' but did not tell him nor any of their family members that she was planning to make the trek.
' I didn't support it. I asked her, why? Why would she want to put our little girl through that? But it was her decision at the end of the day.'
He said that Sandra had always wanted to experience 'the American dream' and hoped to find a good job in the States.
Denis, who works as a captain at a port on the coast of Puerto Cortes, explained that things back home were fine but not great, and that his wife was seeking political asylum.
He said that Sandra set out on the 1,800-mile journey with the baby girl on June 3, at 6am, and he has not heard from her since.
'I never got the chance to say goodbye to my daughter and now all I can do is wait', he said, adding that he hopes they are either granted political asylum or are sent back home .

He said he heard from friends that his wife paid $6,000 for a coyote - a term for someone who smuggles people across the border.
'I wouldn't risk my life for it. It's hard to find a good job here and that's why many people choose to leave. But I thank God that I have a good job here. And I would never risk my life making that journey.'
The heart-breaking photo was taken by Getty photographer John Moore close to midnight on the night of June 12 near McAllen, Texas, as the row over Donald Trump's separation of migrant parents and children escalated.
Denis said that he hopes to use the photo and his family's situation to help him reunite with his daughter.
'I don't want money, what I want is someone to tell me that my daughter is going to be OK.'

For many the photo summed up the cruelty of Trump's 'zero tolerance' policy towards migrants which has caused 2,300 children to be separated from their mothers and fathers.
But Hernandez said that he had heard through family members that his wife and daughter had not actually been separated.
He said that Yanela is the youngest of four children and she was the only one that traveled with her mother, a decision that surprised him.

Hernandez told Univision: 'My heart broke because it's my little girl. The first time I said that's my little girl when I saw the report.'
Asked if he cried, he said: 'Of course I cried, it's really hard. I can imagine that my wife was very fearful crossing the border because she took the decision.'
Hernandez said that he wanted his wife and daughter to come home and that he would welcome them when they return.

The need for "Political Asylum" my Ass !

Apparently she had 6 grand to pay someone, so life doesn't seem to have been that bad for her. A lot of U.S. Citizens dream about having 6 grand to blow. 

Professor Quiet
5.1.1  Sunshine  replied to  It Is ME @5.1    7 years ago
The need for "Political Asylum" my Ass !

I told a member that was a propaganda photo by Time, provided a pic and an explanation.  The response was I am a white supremacist...go figure!

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.1.2  It Is ME  replied to  Sunshine @5.1.1    7 years ago

I'm a white supremacist too. good one

Welcome to the "Club". laughing dude

"I'm a supremacist, He's a supremacist, She's a supremacist, YOU can be a supremacist too" ….lalaladeedola ! Party

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5.1.4  It Is ME  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.3    7 years ago
I'm an all encompassing DEPLORABLE.

aaaaaaaaa….to be a "Deplorable".....such a "REAL" adventure. thumbs up

"Liberals wishing for Wonderland" was only a movie.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
5.1.5  A. Macarthur  replied to  Sunshine @5.1.1    7 years ago
I told a member that was a propaganda photo by Time, provided a pic and an explanation.  The response was I am a white supremacist...go figure!

And this member gave you the time, respect and the effort of an explanation that did not call you any such thing.

Despite the endless quips, dismissive comments, and fact-free "rebuttals" thrown at me regularly, I maintain a style of disagreement by counter point and only hit after being hit first.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5.2  Greg Jones  replied to  A. Macarthur @5    7 years ago

Calm down sir...you appear to be out of control.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
5.2.1  A. Macarthur  replied to  Greg Jones @5.2    7 years ago

Calm down sir...you appear to be out of control.

Your usual ad hominem, substance-free, attack the messenger, so-Trump-like reaction to an inconvenient truth. 

There is no so-called "Crisis at the Border," it is a manufactured political ploy!

Illegal immigration has steadily declined for years … and illegal entry for the purpose of work has been essentially supplanted by entry by individuals seeking refuge or protected status!

Until such time that the Trump Administration can specifically account for locations, conditions, names and family connections, and, specific family unification logistics …

Jeff Sessions should be placed in COERCIVE INCARCERATION!

Courts have the discretion and power to impose contempt sanctions and order incarceration to compel compliance.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
5.2.2  Greg Jones  replied to  A. Macarthur @5.2.1    7 years ago

It should not be comfortable to be an illegal alien. The experience should be as unpleasant as possible. Bringing their kids with them is irresponsible actions of the parents. Most American citizens do not support illegal immigration, and it will continue to be a problem with the Democrats at election time.

Professor Principal
5.2.4  JohnRussell  replied to  XDm9mm @5.2.3    7 years ago

There are no more illegals crossing the border now than there has been in many other years. Many. 

Why is it a "crisis" now? I explained that to you in my article which you called "plagiarized".   Trump has failed to get the wall built, and the illegal crossings have not gone down this year as compared to last year. The dipshit in chief is embarrassed and worried that his base will think he is a failure on immigration. "The horror". So he panicked and implemented this disastrous policy that has made him look more foolish than ever. 

Professor Principal
5.2.6  JohnRussell  replied to  XDm9mm @5.2.5    7 years ago

Crises are deemed to be negative changes in the security, economic, political, societal, or environmental affairs, especially when they occur abruptly, with little or no warning.


The "crisis" in this case was Trump feeling he might be perceived as being weak on immigration. 

Sophomore Silent
5.2.7  1ofmany  replied to  XDm9mm @5.2.3    7 years ago

There is no number that would be a crisis for democrats because they’re conspiring with the illegal aliens. It’s like asking a person who acts as a fence for stolen merchandise “when should we get serious about theft?” and he says “there’s really no problem because the criminals are stealing as much as they can already so it’s not like they’re getting worse.”

Sophomore Silent
6  1ofmany    7 years ago
Illegal immigration has steadily declined for years … and illegal entry for the purpose of work has been essentially supplanted by entry by individuals seeking refuge or protected status! . . . 

We have millions of illegal aliens due to lax enforcement and, most recently, the lure of sanctuary cities. Boob though he may be, Trump is trying to do something about it. Entering the country illegally is a misdemeanor and re-entering it is a felony. Trump is prosecuting both to deter illegal entry. Good!

Illegal aliens can no longer make a bogus asylum claim and expect to use their own children as a free pass out of detention, relying on our aversion to what is essentially a family prison to keep families together. Instead, parents are being held at the border, pending review of their (usually bogus) asylum claim and they’ll continue to be held whether the children are separated or not. Good! If they see that they’ll be in a detention camp, rather than running lose in a sanctuary city, then they’ll stop coming.


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