Woman charged with attempted murder after 91-year-old attacked

A woman accused of attacking a 91-year-old Mexican man with a concrete brick has been charged with attempted murder.
Laquisha Jones, 30, was arraigned Thursday at the Los Angeles County Superior Court and stood behind her lawyer, away from TV cameras. She was also charged with elder abuse, infliction of injury.
Jones entered a not guilty plea, reported CNN affiliate KCAL.
She was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of beating Rodolfo Rodriguez, 91, on July 4.
Rodriguez said he had been walking to a park when he passed a woman and a girl. The woman assaulted him without warning, hitting him with a concrete brick and enlisting a group of men to beat him, he said.
"I didn't even bump into her kid," Rodriguez told CNN. "I just passed her and she pushed me and she hit me until she was done."
He suffered a broken jaw, broken cheekbones, two broken ribs and countless bruises, his family said. Rodriguez is recovering at his relatives' Willowbrook home south of Los Angeles.
Misbel Borjas was driving by when she saw the woman hitting Rodriguez repeatedly in the head with a concrete brick, she said.
"I heard her saying, go back to your country, go back to Mexico," she told CNN by phone. "When I tried to videotape her with my cell phone, she threw that same concrete block, tried to hit my car."
The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said in a statement Wednesday that "detectives have discovered that this is not a hate-related incident."Elderly victim: 'May God forgive her'
The felony complaint alleges that "the defendant personally used a deadly and dangerous weapon, a brick, during the commission of the crime and that she committed great bodily injury upon the victim," according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.
Prosecutors asked that Jones' bail be set at $1.125 million. She was previously convicted of making criminal threats in 2017, according to the LA County District Attorney's Office, and had been on probation, court record shows.
If convicted, Jones faces a maximum possible sentence of 29 years in state prison.
Rodriguez has said that he doesn't resent the woman who assaulted him. He told CNN affiliate KABC: "May God forgive her for what she did to me."
CNN's Sonya Hamasaki, Jason Hanna, Stella Chan and Paul Vercammen contributed to this report.
I saw this the day it happened on the news, I'm glad they caught the woman. The picture I provided was taken the day of the attack by the witness who is mentioned in this piece. The African-American woman pictured is the one who assaulted the 91 year old man.
I think he is actually 93.
From the story luv,
And she actually had the nerve to plead not guilty after being caught on camera? I'm willing to bet her and her attorneys will probably try yo pull the race card and she will most likely get off with no more than a light sentence or probation. That is just the way our justice system works lately.
I'm willing to bet you're right, except for the light sentence part, she won't get death, (California got rid of that decades ago), she might not get life but, I think we can assume she will get 25 years with parole in 10.
Misbel Borjas was driving by when she saw the woman hitting Rodriguez repeatedly in the head with a concrete brick, she said.
"I heard her saying, go back to your country, go back to Mexico," she told CNN by phone. "When I tried to videotape her with my cell phone, she threw that same concrete block, tried to hit my car."
Instead of taping the incident, why didn't she call 9-1-1?
I'm kinda torn here, the tape will be valuable evidence at the POS's trial but yeah calling 911 would have been the right thing to do too.
I'm in the same boat. The video gave us a clear ID of the woman. Calling police would have been better ... maybe a few seconds of video and then call. I don't want to give her too much heat because hindsight ... I'm sure it was a shock to come across the attack
and, Freefaller, what we are talking about here is calling 911 in LA county, not the city, the difference is, in LA county, if you are brown or, black and, committing a crime against a brown or, black person the response time is about an hour at the soonest, that's to allow the people committing the crime to get away and, to finish what they are doing to the other brown or, black person, after all, the sheriffs deputy's don't want to put their lives on the line for one of "them". Remember Rodney King?
Lol it may be what you all are talking about but it's not what I'm commenting on
Who says she didn't? It says she video taped it, who says that it wasn't at the insistence of the 911 operator?
What an incredible reaction. Our morals in the 21st century have gone right down the sewer.
It's great, isn't it? If I get the shit beat out of me on the street, at least I can count on some social networking douchebag to get it on video. I may be in the ICU, but by God, I'll be trending like a mutha!
She probably monetized the video, too. I wonder if she'll share any of that with the old man.
Or even (and I know this is a radical idea): Intervene!
Sure, that would work, the woman who did the assault threw the brick at her car and, she got three or, four men in the area to help her beat up the old man. The witness would have been in ICU next to the old man, yep, that would work real well.
Oh gosh, how could such a thing happen today,
There's nothing in the story about her throwing the brick at the care or recruiting three or four men to help her beat him up. Link to your alleged facts or stop making shit up.
From the story
I know it's hard Taco but, try reading the story like everyone else has.
It's gotta be mental illness or drugs or something, right? This is insane.
Could be. She's a prostitute with a long rap sheet. Most likely just your run of the mill ghetto thug.
She's a prostitute
There must be some really desperate, blind, or drunk men out there to hit that.
You forgot poor....likely very, very poor, we're talking begging for change poor here
No, we all know Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself but, what he is doing with his base is dehumanizing immigrants, he is creating a Us vs. Them situation similar to what we had when the Irish immigrated from Ireland during the potato famine or, that Japanese/Americans had to endure during WWII.