Continue the Story
'Continue the Story' is a opportunity for you to use your imagination, your knowledge of movies, and your creativity to continue the story of a popular movie. The example I used in the article posted on the Everyone Loves Movies group was continuing the story of the parts Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr played in 'An Affair to Remember'. Check out the article and let's see what YOU can create.
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Surely the NT Front Page denizens who focus mostly on Front Page seeds, articles and comments dealing with politics or religion have an ounce of love of movies, imagination and creativity to try to come up with a concept on "Continuing the Story". If not, I truly pity them their limitations. There are movies that are about or touch on American politics, such as The American President, The Candidate, and Being There, and lots of movies about or touch on religion such as Ben Hur, A Christmas Carol, Exodus, ANY of which would lend themselves to a continuation of the story dreampt up in your imagination. Or is that just too difficult for you....
Okay, I'll try a little harder to elicit some imaginative creativity from those of you who still either don't understand what is required here, or usually don't really give a shit about anything except politics and/or religion and are afraid to wander onto the NT groups.
Most of you, even the youngsters, have probably seen the movie 'Shawshank Redemption'. It ends with Red (Morgan Freeman) finding Andy (Tim Robbins) on the beach at Zijuantinao, Mexico. Let's try to take it from there, since I'm asking you to exercise your intelligence and continue that story from that point.
Andy takes Red to his small hotel that is right there and shows him his room that fronts the beach. The room is nicely furnished with a small kitchenette - a sink, bar fridge, dishes and utensils, coffee maker and microwave oven, a comfortable bed, lounge chair, TV and stereo, a small table with 2 chairs, a closet for hanging clothes, drawers and shelves, and there is a 4 piece bathroom (toilet, sink, bathtub and shower) attached. It's like what we in Toronto called a 'bachelor, or studio, apartment'. On the door is his name: "Andy". Across the hall, also fronting on the beach, is a mirror image of that room, furnished and outfitted exactly the same, but the name on the door is "Red". Andy knew Red would come, and he wanted him to have the same benefits that he had. Both rooms had a door to a common covered terrace overlooking the beach and the ocean, where there were a couple of lounge chairs and a couple of chairs at a small table on which a chess board was set up.
Right after Andy shows Red his room, Andy tells him "We've got to get you some proper clothes for here" and drives Red into town where he outfits Red with a bathing suit, shorts, t-shirts, a lightweight suit, lightweight pyjamas, a robe, sport shirts, a straw hat and a baseball cap, sandals, slippers and comfortable shoes. They go for lunch at a restaurant that serves, guess what - Mexican food, and then return to the hotel so Red can take a hot bath, relax or sleep for a while, and after that Andy shows Red around the hotel, instructs the chefs and waiters that Red is to be given all his meals and whatever snacks he requests. As well, Red's kitchenette is provided with supplies such as coffee for the coffeemaker, pastries and beer are put into the bar fridge, and the cooler provided with a big bottle.of water. The two of them are going to enjoy their friendship together in comfort for the rest of their lives, a far far better life than they for so many years ever had, and a far far better rest than they have ever known. (apologies to Charles Dickens).
This is a challenge to NT members. Are you up to it? Are you capable? If so, the links are above - you have to post on the article, not here.
Still curious to see if anyone has the intelligence, creativity and imagination along with knowledge of the movies to actually "continue the story" on a well known movie. Only ONE member actually tried and did it. Kudos to Trout Giggles.