HE’S BACK! Obama refers to himself 102 times during 64-minute speech
Former President Barack Obama visited The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Friday to accept the school’s ethics in government award, and to offer his take on “the state of our democracy.”
And while Obama found plenty of time to denigrate Republicans for allegedly stoking fear during these “dangerous” and “extraordinary times,” he also dedicated a lot of his speech to patting himself on the back for everything from the improving economy to supposedly helping to heal the country’s racial divisions.
All told, the former president referred to himself – I, My, Me – more than 102 times in about 64 minutes, while simultaneously engaging in the type political pot shots he criticized Republicans for.
Obama’s favorite word seemed to be “I,” which he repeated at least 87 times, followed by more than a dozen references to “my” or “me.”
“By the time I left office, household income was near its all-time high, and the uninsured rate had hit an all-time low, and wages were rising, and poverty rates were falling. I mention all this just so when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” Obama told students.
The 44thpresident accused Trump and his supporters of exploiting the public’s fears to wrest control, power and money from everyday Americans, while seemingly stoking fears over what continued GOP control of government would mean for America.
The speech, designed to mark Obama’s return to politics and kickstart his midterm campaign for Democrats, touched on how congressional Republicans are allegedly “unwilling to find the backbone to safeguard the institutions that make our democracy work,” while “bending over backwards to protect Trump.”
Obama suggested the rich and powerful are conspiring against the little people, and the only way to make it better is to vote for politicians like himself who gallantly fight for what’s right, and just.
Video of Obama's full speech is in the article.
Identity politics didn't work in 2016, and it's doubtful that it will work in 2018 and 2020.
Damn, is he trying to challenge Trump?
If he could, I've no doubt that he'd try!
An Obama flashback just for fun ...
While the convention may be Clinton’s coronation, Obama is still on the throne. The president, who won’t leave office until Jan. 20, 2017, referred to himself 119 times during his speech on Wednesday evening.So Obama's will always be bigger than Trump's. God that must piss him off lol.
I suggest that you read the 3 articles and watch the accompanying videos before posting irrelevant comments. There's no way that you could have achieved it in the < 10 minutes that you've been commenting.
Oh no I am not going to bother. Frankly I don't really care about Obama's speech or what he said. I am just here to shit talk fat fuck.
I appreciate your honesty. Thank you for admitting that your only purpose is to troll my seed and have no intention to contribute in a mature manner.
My pleasure I am probably the most honest person around here.
I really am just killing time til the good college games start.
102 times in 64 minutes?
Seems low for him.
Pretty much on track. Here's another example.
Doesn't that make him a mentally ill narcissist unfit for office and dangerous to democracy? That's certainly the standard they use on Trump.
Yes, and I don't recall anyone having called for the 25th Amendment during those 8 years. Do you?
Yes again.
They didn't even know what it was.
Well, so, they gave an Ethics award to an unethical person, or did they forget that he knew that what Hillary was doing with her server and actually communicated through that server using a pseudonym, that he knew about Russian meddling in the election and did nothing to stop it, and weaponized our intelligence and tax agencies against American citizens who were his political opponents? Do they seriously believe that is Ethical behavior?
EDIT: By the way, evidence is surfacing that the Chinese hacked Hillary's email server and it corresponds to CIA agents in China disappearing.
To me, the irony lies in the award's purpose, and you perfectly described it. Reminds me of that bogus Nobel "Peace" Prize, too.
Obama refers to himself 102 times. So...that's got to be at least 100 times LES that Trump ever refers to himself at any one event, while demeaning and denigrating everyone else. So, what is wrong with others, like Obama, calling Trump out on his OWN faults?
Biased much against anyone who does so, eh? Like all other human beings, Trump is FAR from perfect, although he and his rabid followers don't think so. However, it is their right to think that, but, it is also the right of others to disagree. And as Trump is so quick to attack and express his own prejudices against others, he is not above having to bear his own faults being confronted by others.
He tends to forget, when he takes a crap, his crap stinks just as much as anyone else's, and sometimes worse. even though he chooses not to think so.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
I give Obama credit for the swift economics gains the minute the door hit his ass.
I loved the sustained gains for the majority of his presidency
Please list and document what those "sustained gains" were.
Do you seriously think I am going to post my financial information here, or anywhere online? Come on, I thought you were smarter than that
Where did I ask you for your personal information? That's not what your comment 12.1 inferred or stated, so don't play that game.
I did NOT ask you for personal details so I suggest that you ask Perrie or a mod to delete your comments 12.1.2 and 12.1.4.
And I did not provide any, so stop shitting yourself. Fuck man, people around here need to relax.
So, then explain how your individual success translates to better times for every American, despite the best that Obama did in GDP growth was just 2 quarters in a row of above 2% growth in any fiscal year, with most years having that second period followed by a negative growth quarter?
Extreme. Questionable source.
Good try, but no prize. If you'd opened the seeded article, you'd have found a video of Obama's full speech. Are you questioning Obama's own words?
It doesn't matter what a questionable extreme source links to.
You copied and pasted the ARTICLE from the site, NOT Obama's speech.
In my introduction, I also stated that a video of Obama's full speech is in the article.
The article closed for not meeting community standards. You may reseed if you find it from another source.
A video of Obama's full speech is included in the seeded article; therefore, anyone can verify the article's veracity if they wish.
In addition, here is a transcript from l eft-win g Time that further proves that my seed is accurate:
Let's not forget an opinion piece is an opinion piece and not something that can be readily obtained from a separate source. Anyone with half a brain cell could tell from just the title alone that this piece is an opinion piece and therefore probably only available at the seeded source.
I still see nothing wrong in what Obama said, everything in there was the truth.
QUESTION TO SEEDER: Did you re-seed this article as per Perrie's directive, or, just unlock it?
There's no need to "shout" at me. Yes, I unlocked my seed. Since I had the option to unlock my seed (as shown above the headline), I unlocked it so I could defend myself.
Thank you, tomwcraig. You're correct.
I'm fairly certain that this seed was reported/flagged because NT uses Left-wing MediaBias/FactCheck dot com as its "verification" of what is worthwhile.
According to that site, The American Mirror is "extreme right" ...
As anyone can see, my seeded article DOES source credible information - a video of Obama's FULL SPEECH .
Please answer the question; Perrie is currently unavailable and while you may certainly state your objections, you cannot unilaterally and arbitrarily overrule her.
Please see 17.1. What's the problem?
The problem is as previously stated …
" … you may certainly state your objections, you cannot unilaterally and arbitrarily overrule her."
And because someone once arbitrarily decided that ALL CAPS is the equivalent to "shouting," does not negate the centuries of print media usage of various font styles for emphasis.
Please LOCK the seed until Perrie can respond to your objection.
Last request. Please re-lock the seed or I will.