Cory Booker Admitted to Groping Classmate in 1992
Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., admitted to having groped a high school classmate in a column for his college newspaper, saying he had “a wake up call” about sexual respect, according to The Washington Post.
Booker recounted the story in The Stanford Daily 1992, while a student at Stanford University. He wrote that on New Year’s Eve 1984, when the senator was 15, he gave a female friend a hug and she gave him “an overwhelming kiss.”
“I slowly reached for her breast,” he recalled. “After having my hand pushed away once, I reached my ‘mark.'”
He uses the term “groping” to describe the encounter, which he says did not last long. The Post notes that his column and incident were first uncovered by the Daily Caller in 2013, and that Booker had little to say about it during his first run for Senate, or in the years since. He was elected to the Senate in a special election that year, and re-elected the next.
“Ever since puberty, I remember receiving messages that sex was a game, a competition,” he wrote. “Sexual relations were best achieved through luck, guile, strategy or coercion.”
He actually says "HE DID IT" !
And "Spartacus" is considering on running for President in 2020.
But he's a "Changed" man now !
What happened in the past, is just that ...… THE PAST !
When he was in high school, Cory Booker, the New Jersey Democrat and possible White House contender, groped his classmate. He reached for her breast, and when she swatted his hand away, he made another attempt.
In another piece, also penned in 1992, he wrote about efforts to overcome his own bigotry. “I hated gays,” he admitted. “The disgust and latent hostility I felt toward gays were subcategories of hatred, plain and simple.”
There is, of course, one glaring difference between this and the Kavanaugh incident. Cory Booker realized that what he did was wrong, admitted it, and owned it. He became a better man because of it. Kavanaugh? He will deny, obfuscate, and bully his victim.
The only difference is, Corey ACTUALLY DID IT !
But he's a "Changed" man...….
This #metoo movement has got to ya huh.
Everyone's guilty until proven innocent.
If I were you, I'd dig deeper into the Keith Ellison. That women apparently has actual medical records to back her story up. Keith wants to be an Attorney General..... An Uber high rank in the Policing business.
The women accusing Kavanaugh has NOTHING !
So, you have determined that Kavanaugh is GUILTY as accused? How many people have recently been released from prison who were NOT GUILTY but instead Publicly railroaded? Hint: You will need to hold up more than one hand.
Would that have made a difference for you? If Kavanaugh had immediately said that this event happened, but he was a dumb drink kid and he knows better now, would you endorse him for the Supreme Court?
It's a genuine question. My thought all along was that I kind of hoped the accusation was true and that Kavanaugh would own it, while condemning it. I think that would be extraordinary. I also think Democrats would universally refuse to forgive him for it.
I fail to see how Kavanaugh is bullying anyone. All he has done is deny the accusation. How is that bullying?
I think the big difference was "she gave him “an overwhelming kiss.”.
That would be seen by most as a green light. Admittedly, pushing the hand away was the girl setting boundaries, and after pushing those boundaries the 15 year old Booker realized his error and had a "wake up call" about sexual respect. I'd consider that very admirable, not something to try and malign the Senator with 34 years later.
Now when did a "Kiss" come to mean "Cop a feel" again ?
Seems to me, if the women doing the kissing wanted it, she'd initiate the "Feel" first.
Joining the me too movement now?
How much did it cost you ?
Only asking 'cause I'm sure there is a fee.
Bingo. And Booker respected the boundaries which the girl set, unlike Kavanaugh who tried to squelch the screams of his victim.
Another glaring difference is that Booker freely admits what he did.
Is Kavanaugh supposed to confess to something he didn’t do to please the political left?
Booker missed his chance at 15, here he was getting sexually assaulted by a girl who was trying to get him to go further, but when he reached for her tissue stuffed bra instead of her waist and butt she became embarrassed and pushed his hand away, he totally misread it.
No, he is supposed to deny it, even when there is proof that Dr. Ford is telling the truth, to please the political right.
Corey Booker = "Thank you mam....may I have another" !
Even if it's true, he admitted he did it and admitted it was wrong. When will trump come out and admit he groped women, and apologize? Oh that's right, he is too busy golfing and attacking the victims of sexual assault. NVM.
The words "Even if it's true" and "admitted" in the same sentence ?
Does that really make sense to you ?
It's basic English.
And so if Kavanaugh had admitted it, would you be recommending him for the Supreme Court? I would.
If he did, would you applaud him for it and forgive him?
I sure wouldn't. Sexual predators don't belong on the court. The fact that he's lying about it means he doubly doesn't belong there.
We're talking about (allegedly) a drunk minor committing a very limited assault (probably on the spur of the moment) and there is no evidence he has ever done anything like that ever again. I just want us to be clear on the alleged facts before you classify him as a predator. The available information paints him - at worst - as someone who did something inappropriate one time when he was drunk and underage.
Therefore, I would say that by your definition, Corey Booker is also a sexual predator. Would you approve of him being on the Supreme Court? Should he remain in the Senate? He appears to be planning on running for president. Should he be disqualified from that position? If you're ok with Booker for president, then I guess you have no objection to Trump being president.
You folks sure do engage in a lot of false equivalencies. Responding to a kiss isn't remotely in the same ballpark as forcing someone into a room and attempting to rape her.
By trying to feel her up without permission. Totally in the same ballpark. Stop apologizing for your sexual predator just because he's a Democrat.
It certainly can be depending on the situation and in this case Booker says they were making out on a bed and she kissed him first. Booker admits he shouldn't have tried again for her breast after having his hand slapped away once.
But establishing boundaries during a makeout session are a far cry from forcing an unwilling girl into a room and trying to gang rape her. It's funny that you folks even try to equate the two but maybe that's why conservatives so often try to trivialize rape.
So he admits he did something wrong, but you can't. And the questions remain unanswered. Should this sexual predator remain in the Senate? Should he be allowed to run for office?
I'm not saying they're "equal." I'm saying both are unwanted sexual aggression and Booker himself declares his behavior was wrong. So we don't need to debate whether or not it was wrong. He has already said so. Therefore, he should resign from the Senate and not run for president. Right?
They're not even on the same planet much less remotely equivalent. One involves a mutual make-out session, the other an attempted gang rape. That you think three's any comparison to be drawn says a lot about you.
Actually it sounds like Judge was trying to join in on the gang rape......after he had turned up the music to drown out any screams from the victim.
According to the victim's statement the perps were doing both - cranking the tunes and asphyxiating their victim. Apparently you haven't bothered to read it.
You mean where Ford says she feared she was going to die because of how Kavanaugh covered her mouth to squelch her screams?
You obviously never read the letter.
You did?
please post a link to the unredacted letter. I'd like to see it.
You won't see the unredacted letter until after Ford testifies, if at all, But this is what CNN has reported:
This has more details based on an interview with Ford:
The one thing that's clear here is that it seems true that conservatives lack empathy. That's what makes them conservatives.
You mean where it says Kavanaugh covered Ford's mouth to squelch her screams and she felt he might inadvertently kill her?
It's both in the letter and in the Post's interview with Ford. Why are you whining about it?
Here's the letter:
Here's the interview:
It's in both. Refresh and read my comment upthread again.
It sounds like either you didn't actually read the letter or you have problems with reading comprehension.
You mean why did the two perps lie?
Both Kavanaugh and Judge were involved in the attempted rape according to Ford, with Judge urging Kavanaugh on.
She was drunk. How is that mutual?
The fact you think feeling up a drunk girl is consensual says more about you.
Who are you referring too?
You mean the one who says she believes Kavanaugh tried to rape Ford?
What the actual fuck?