Why aren't liberals fun anymore?

Several months ago, the very night the Stormy Daniels story broke, I appeared on Don Lemon’s show on CNN. The producer told the guests a few minutes before we went on air that Lemon wanted our reaction to the Daniels allegations. The first guest said something trite about how “she may be doing this to call attention to herself, but we have to treat these charges against Trump very seriously.” Next, Lemon turned to me for my reaction. I really had no opinion about this story, so I just blurted out the first thing that popped into my head: “Gee, Don, who would have ever thought a stripper would want to call attention to herself?”
Now, if you are a normal person, you probably at least laugh a little or smile about that line. But the video went viral on YouTube because the other three guests, all liberals, and Lemon sat stone faced when I said that. They didn’t crack even the slightest hint of a smile. There was just a long awkward silence until I finally said, “Hello, that’s a joke.”
The point of this story is that liberals just don’t have a sense of humor anymore. The rage that the left feels now about President Trump , tax cuts, conservatives, Brett Kavanaugh and more has become so all consuming that it has made many liberals miserable to be around.
Consider the statement by Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), who lashed out last week at her Republican colleagues regarding the sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh: “Guess who is perpetrating all of these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. I just want to say to the men in this country: Just shut up and step up.” It’s not just that she said it, but she now wears this nastiness as a badge of honor. She even received a standing ovation in the Capitol the other day from abortion activists.
Similarly, the ugly incident when White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was kicked out of a restaurant weeks ago wasn’t an aberration. Liberals are so filled with a sense of moral superiority and rage that they literally don’t want to sit in the same dining room with us.
Last week, I gave a talk at the Computer History Museum in Silicon Valley to some 250 technology executives and the venture capitalists who fund them. I asked at the start of my speech how many of them have a positive opinion of Trump. Now, mind you, if any group has been transformed into gazillionaires because of Trump policies, it was this crowd. Out of the 250 attendees, about three people dared to raise their hands. I knew that liberalism is transcendent in the Bay Area, but I didn’t realize groupthink was this lopsided.
After the speech, about 20 to 30 of the attendees came up and said they enjoyed my talk. Several whispered that they really like what Trump is doing. Huh? Why didn’t they raise their hands? The answers: “I have clients here and I will lose them if they know I support Trump;" "I will be ostracized if my friends know my real feelings;" "I didn’t want to get into an argument with people;” and so on.
The sad irony is that it is liberals who are running the sanctimonious and moralistic crusades to end bullying in America. Yet, apparently, there are just some views that aren’t worth tolerating. A conservative friend of mine always uses a line about liberals hating Trump more than they love America. It would be one thing to hate Trump if his policies were failing, as liberals unanimously believed would happen. But, lo, we now are nearing the end of 2018 as one of the most prosperous periods in modern times, and that has only further infuriated Trump haters.
Perhaps it is just human nature to hate the one who keeps proving you wrong. Some are like comedian and talk show host Bill Maher, who admits he wants millions of Americans to lose their jobs, so that we can get rid of Trump. Yes, that’s just what this country needs now, a little more misery.
The economic boom is now palpable to nearly all Americans. It transcends spin. Polls are showing that Trump is unpopular, but Americans are upbeat about the economy. Consumers are spending like there’s no tomorrow. That is what is so disconcerting about liberal rage. They are bitterly unhappy at the very moment that the American economy is as prosperous as at anytime in modern history, and when median family incomes just hit an all time high, when black and Hispanic unemployment have hit record lows. What’s so bad about feeling good?
What a difference a generation makes. It used to be conservatives who were the stuffy ones. Liberals were the fun ones to be around. Now the ones who are so uptight are the liberals like actor Jeff Bridges, who once was funny but now is so embarrassed by modern day America that he seems to want to be anywhere on this planet, except here. OK, then, just go! Liberals are making it clearer with each passing day that they don’t want to associate with conservatives any longer. As a conservative, I hate to say it, but more and more the feeling is mutual.
Stephen Moore is an economic consultant with Freedom Works and served as an economic adviser to the 2016 Trump presidential campaign. He and Arthur Laffer are authors of the forthcoming book, “ Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy ,” to be published this fall.
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“What a difference a generation makes. It used to be conservatives who were the stuffy ones. Liberals were the fun ones to be around. Now the ones who are so uptight are the liberals like actor Jeff Bridges, who once was funny but now is so embarrassed by modern day America that he seems to want to be anywhere on this planet, except here. OK, then, just go! Liberals are making it clearer with each passing day that they don’t want to associate with conservatives any longer. As a conservative, I hate to say it, but more and more the feeling is mutual.”
It's pretty cool that a stripper is bringing down Trump.
That's my favorite part.
If that's not fun I don't know what is, Xx.
stormy did not save anything. seriously, at least monica saved the blue dress.
but, still... I have to admit that is damn funny.
good one
In light of the accusations against Kavanaugh, I have no issues with conservative daughters associating exclusively with conservative sons in high school and college. Apparently there's plenty more for them to learn about how some conservative xtian's lead their lives outside the classroom and beyond.
Pretty sure it wasn't a liberal that banged a porn star behind his wife's back while his wife was home taking care of their 4 month old baby...THEN paid her 130k 10 years later so she wouldn't say anything.
Yea, pretty sure Lyin Donny isn't a liberal because if he was, the right would have already started their 500 years of investigations by now.
This entire article is a sweeping generalization.
In other words the Hill article proves you wrong every time and you just can’t stand it. I bet that you won’t be whipping out that stupid meter from the biased idiot site MBFC telling me how outrageously right biased the seeded source is.
All these years of dealing with far right wing fascists can definitely cause a gentle liberal soul to lose patience.
How does any "Hill" article "prove" anything? [Removed]
"The point of this story is that liberals just don’t have a sense of humor anymore."
I had a cousin growing up who was a bully. He delighted in other peoples pain and one of his favorite things to do was play violent "jokes" on people, tripping them or make disparaging comments about others and then laugh loudly like it was the funniest thing in the world. When we'd be throwing snowballs, he was packing snow around rocks to throw. He pointed a pellet gun at me once and I told him to stop, he said it wasn't loaded then fired a pellet that stuck just under the skin of my stomach. I remember often when he would get no laugh from others when he'd do such things he would say "Well I guess you guys don't have a sense of humor anymore".
Picking on, bullying, whether online or in real life, disparaging others, diminishing women, choosing not to believe these brave women coming forward, blaming the victim, slut shaming, has never been funny to anyone with a shred of decency. When many conservatives whine and complain about having to be "PC", what they are really saying is "Damn it! But I want to crudely insult all those people I find weird or different, minorities, gays, feminists, transgender, liberals and progressives! I want to use racial slurs and tell misogynist sexist jokes, and when I do, you're supposed to laugh, okay? If you don't then it's on you for having no sense of humor...".
ya mean like how liberals attack conservatives daily based on our ideology?
that is comedic gold right there
I've never said all conservatives, or even a majority of conservatives are Nazis or support their ideology. The fact that they exist isn't in question, we saw hundreds and hundreds of them marching with their swastika armbands waving both swastika and confederate flags chanting "Jews will not replace us!". And yes, those Nazis, KKK members and other white supremacists, xenophobes, homophobes, Islamaphobes and misogynists consider themselves conservative, support Trump and use conservative ideology and their own interpretations of the constitution like religious freedom or hide behind freedom of speech to excuse their vile behavior.
But back to the point, a lot of things conservatives have done for decades was thought by those conservatives, usually white supposedly Christian males, to be "funny", like calling the effeminate kid "f*g" and many other derogatory names, just like they used to do openly with many minorities. And they'd laugh and laugh at their hilarious off color joke, but now that society doesn't except that anymore and sees it for the clearly abusive and offensive behavior, they're whining and complaining about others having no sense of humor. It's only ever funny to the bully and their cohorts.
that is true enough... we have an authentic photo with accurate subtitles...
I never said YOU did I only implied the people you side with do.... daily aka constantly
maybe you should re-evaluate the company you keep?
There is the disconnect. If conservatives were truly Nazis they wouldn't want lower taxes.
He sounded like the guy who became a bully in middle school, then goes on to UC Berkeley, wears a black mask and breaks windows. The End.
These kind can be found across aisles, though, one side may have a slight majority
My cousin grew up into a hard-line religious conservative and remains such to this day. He still revels in others pain, still uses offensive terminology to refer to minorities, gays and peoples of other faiths. He still lives in Ohio, and my wife shows me some of his FB posts ( i don't have an FB account) and he hasn't really changed. When he had his first child I was at the hospital and he lifted his newborn son up and directed his attention to all of us standing with our kids, his cousins, nieces and nephews, and he said, I quote, "Look at all your cousins you'll beat up some day". How he can rationalize claiming to be an evangelical Christian while remaining a bigot and a bully surprised me, that is till I met some of the other evangelicals he hangs out with, most weren't much different. It's a very "Us against them" mentality, there is no compromise. And I think when they disparage and tear down those they are told by their religion to hate, especially gays and Muslims but they include liberals and the supposed "Hollywood elite" as well, I think to them it's a reaffirmation or an outward display of their faith, as if their bullying is a virtue. I think in a way they believe if they don't maintain that hate they won't be able to pull the trigger in the war between Gods forces and the wicked they believe to be inevitable.
that is nothing new...
I can only tolerate them online. easy to handle in small doses
in real life, I don't talk politics out on the streets and liberals are not allowed on my property.
If you don't talk politics on the street, how do you know who the liberals are? Typical far right logic.
generally speaking, liberals are not even on my radar. in real life, the only time I look for liberals is when I am stealing the left shoe off their feet at antifa parties in austin. but in that case, they are easy to spot... they wear black and cover their faces.
after I tied the third left shoe up in my backyard tree? that is when I knew I had a problem... LOL
......The more people Rubin interviewed, the more he became convinced something was missing in the left's picture of the world.
"I realized not everyone that (the left) disagreed with could be a racist and a bigot and a homophobe and a sexist. That was the argument constantly being laid out. If a Republican gave a speech and said, 'We should lower taxes,' their answer was, 'he's racist'. Now that actually makes no sense."
Rubin now considers himself a classical liberal. That means he believes in liberalism roughly as it was before today's liberals added big government to the philosophy and subtracted belief in individual freedom. "If you believe in the individual, then you fundamentally understand that individuals are different, so you are willing to sit down with someone different than you," says Rubin.
He still disagrees with conservatives about many things -- he's a married gay man who is pro-pot and pro-criminal justice reform. But he found that conservatives are willing to debate those topics. "For all the differences that we have -- I'm pro-choice; most of them are pro-life. I'm against the death penalty; most of them are for the death penalty -- they're all willing to sit down and discuss ideas."
Some of his podcasts last one or more hours. I never thought people would be interested in such long interviews, but I was wrong. Millions listen and watch his YouTube videos.
"I didn't know what was going to happen, but I started doing these long-form interviews, and people kept watching. Suddenly, I realized, 'Whoa, there're a lot of people thinking the things that I'm thinking.'"
Today, his former left-wing colleagues hate him.
"He's a puppet for the right wing," said Ana Kasparian on Rubin's old Young Turks network. "He was lazy when he worked here. He's lazy now with his ridiculous show."
To me, she sounded jealous.
"I lose friends now," says Rubin. "This goes to the laziness of the argument of the left. They truly believe that if you disagree, you're evil."........
Some weren't meant to be taken seriously.
I find myself to be too much fun for my "righties" on occasion.
Oh, did you hear,
China is now interfering in our elections....still no mention of Russia...
sounds just like our intelligence agencies laid it out for him, no ?
Trumps actions and words are enough to remove humor from todays discussions.
Yup, China, Russia, and the rest of our planet just started interfering in our elections. It never occurred before Trump; and will stop occurring once Trump is out of office.
Trump won a rigged election. He said himself the election was rigged, many times.
But Hillary and Barrack said he was an idiot for saying so. Of course, both of them thought Hillary had it "Hands Down" at the time. The media said so.
Who has stated this ?
The ONLY Person and Country , PUTIN & RUSSIA, that Trump has not EVER Criticized, while all of our Intelligence Agencies pointed MOST SPECIFICALLY AT PUTIN and RUSSIA.
Do you not find it odd, Trump can only praise Putin and Russia.
REally, can you explain in any way, why he can't talk negatively about either >?
I’ve seen Stephen Moore a number of times, he is a Trump apologist, which is fine. But, someone needs to tell him that he is not funny. He pretty much always says things that he thinks are funny and laughs, these always lead to awkward moments. This article starts with him complaining that people don’t laugh at his jokes, this is because he is devoid of comedic talent. He needed to write this sweeping generalization opinion piece to soothe his ego; pretty sad.
liberals are always angry and upset.
anyone can see that conservatives smile more often and are more fun.
be happy = just walk away from the crazy people
a night out?
and the proper use of fair trade hemp.
you decide
Its subjective you fucking idiot.