
I Am a Woman


Category:  Other

Via:  buzz-of-the-orient  •  7 years ago  •  73 comments

I Am a Woman

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

I Am a Woman

by Linda Goudsmit, Pundicity, September 28 2018

I am a woman.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault allegations made for political purposes.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault allegations made for political purposes to influence elections.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault allegations made for political purposes to influence elections that manipulate the composition of the Supreme Court.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault allegations made for political purposes to influence elections that manipulate the composition of the Supreme Court to sustain a split-court configuration.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault allegations made for political purposes to influence elections that manipulate the composition of the Supreme Court to sustain a split-court configuration and empower lower court judges above Supreme Court justices.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault allegations made for political purposes to influence elections that manipulate the composition of the Supreme Court to sustain a split-court configuration that empower lower court judges above Supreme Court justices allowing activist judges in lower courts to legislate their radical agenda with impunity.

Activist judges have an anti-American, collectivist agenda that is antagonistic to the Constitution. Activist judges do not support the separation of powers - they legislate from the bench. Activist judges do not support the Constitution - they defy the executive branch. Activist judges are usurping the power of the legislative and executive branches of the United States government.

Theoretically, the power of activist judges in lower courts is held in check by upper courts and finally the Supreme Court. A tie in the Supreme Court upholds lower court decisions and awards lower court activist judges the final say. It neuters the Supreme Court.

The entire legal system of the United States of America rests upon the principle that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. This is no small thing.

When ALLEGATIONS of misconduct, sexual in nature or not, are allowed to replace PROOF of misconduct as the metric for truth we have destroyed the foundation of civil society in America. The adult world of objective reality demands facts and proof to determine truthfulness. The childish world of subjective reality accepts allegations and feelings to determine truthfulness.

Consider the consequences.

If we surrender to the world of feelings where accusations are regarded as truth then anyone can accuse YOU of anything for any reason and it will be accepted as truth. Without the presumption of innocence, allegations can be weaponized to destroy YOUR reputation, YOUR family, YOUR business, YOUR personal life, YOUR political life, YOUR religious life, and YOUR standing in the community.

The presumption of innocence is codified in our legal system and must be protected by our national conscience. We the people must remain adult citizens who demand evidence and the presumption of innocence. We must reject the emotional impulse to accept feelings as facts.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault allegations made for political purposes.

I am a woman outraged by sexual assault being exploited to dismantle the foundation of American jurisprudence.

Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

Let's see the other side of the story, if the members of NT are even capable of considering more than one side of a story before making a decision. Of course I know I'm the only NT member whose first lecture in law school, delivered by the Dean, was about the fact that the first lesson we must learn if we are to become lawyers is to learn and understand, as well as our own client's side of the story, the OPPOSING client's side of the story, or we would never be successful in court.

I consider the Canadian method of appointing judges to all courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, to be so far superior to what takes place in the USA where politics is more important than jurisprudence.  The Prime Minister, upon advice by the Canadian Bar Association, appoints judges with superior legal knowledge and capability to render fair judgments.  Judges are NOT voted upon, which means personal popularity or the "right" politics are not criteria.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2  Skrekk  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1    7 years ago
The entire legal system of the United States of America rests upon the principle that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. This is no small thing.

Both you and the article's author seem unaware that this is a job interview, not a criminal trial.    If Kavanaugh doesn't get confirmed he doesn't automatically go to prison.

Professor Quiet
1.2.1  Ronin2  replied to  Skrekk @1.2    7 years ago

What you don't seem to get is that this is a political hack job that is meant solely to keep someone off the bench that Democrats don't agree with since Reid stupidly introduced the nuclear option so the Dems could pack the courts with Obama left wing judges.  It has backfired on them and now they are trying to wreck a man's career based on unproven, unsubstantiated, factless, allegations.

Or do you think Kavanaugh will be able to continue on the bench after this?  You have people on the left calling for the Dems to impeach him if he is voted to the SC if they retake the Senate.  If Kavanaugh is voted down for the SC based solely on these allegations- he won't be qualified for the Federal judgeship either. Or do you think the moronic leftist attacks will stop once he is no longer up for the SC? If he isn't fit to serve on the SC- he isn't fit to serve as a Federal judge either.  A two for as far as the left is concerned.

After this I hope he sues the accusers for slander. Without proof on their part it should be a nice easy case; and teach those in the future what the consequences are of allegations without facts to back them up.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.2  Skrekk  replied to  Ronin2 @1.2.1    7 years ago
What you don't seem to get is that this is a political hack job

I heard that the Clintons are to blame for Kavanaugh trying to rape a minor!

Freshman Silent
1.2.3  cms5  replied to  Skrekk @1.2    7 years ago
If Kavanaugh doesn't get confirmed he doesn't automatically go to prison.

While you might call this a 'job interview' - the hearings were about alleged criminal accusations. He will be branded as a sexual abuser for life - regardless of the findings in any investigation - or whether he is seated on the Supreme Court or not.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.4  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  cms5 @1.2.3    7 years ago

Well, if HE'S branded a sexual abuser, I'll bet that most of the men in North America deserve that designation (that is, if they aren't gay).

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.5  Skrekk  replied to  cms5 @1.2.3    7 years ago
He will be branded as a sexual abuser for life - regardless of the findings in any investigation - or whether he is seated on the Supreme Court or not.

Correct.   Sounds like he would have been wiser to decline the nomination knowing that he has such a sordid past.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.6  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.5    7 years ago

Sordid?  Isn't that being a bit overly judgmental? Amazing how much divisiveness, if not outright hatred, has developed between people of differing politics in America. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1.2.7  Bob Nelson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2.4    7 years ago
Well, if HE'S branded a sexual abuser, I'll bet that most of the men in North America deserve that designation (that is, if they aren't gay).

Are you saying, Buzz, that most men in North America have laid on top of women who were trying to say "Stop!" but couldn't because the man had a hand covering their mouths?

More importantly, are you endorsing that behavior? Are you saying that it should be a template for "normal" behavior?

If not... why would it not be wise to have a complete and detailed investigation?

If it's not true we should know... and if it's true, we should know...

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.8  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Bob Nelson @1.2.7    7 years ago
"Are you saying, Buzz, that most men in North America have laid on top of women who were trying to say "Stop!" but couldn't because the man had a hand covering their mouths?"

There seems to be a lot of evidence put forward that the incidents Kavanaugh is being accused of were not as serious as promoted by the Democrats, or even if they are true.  What I meant was that I doubt that there are many men who haven't in their youth at least fooled around a bit with girls, maybe touched them, maybe even DID try to get into their panties. Seems to me that there a lot of people around here who act as if they were angels and saints in their youth.

I absolutely do NOT endorse the behaviour you described, nor do I think it should be a template for "normal" behaviour.

How far an investigation is necessary is not my decision, especially since I'm sure I'm not aware of what the powers that be are.  It's more important that the committee interviewing Kavanaugh know the truth - notwithstanding this is not a court trial, I still believe a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty.

By the way, Bob, I'm not on trial here, is what I'm saying.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1.2.9  Bob Nelson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2.8    7 years ago
By the way, Bob, I'm not on trial here, is what I'm saying.

When you take a highly partisan position, accepting one person's position while rejecting another's...

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.10  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Bob Nelson @1.2.9    7 years ago

LOL.  Look who's talking.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
1.2.11  Bob Nelson  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2.10    7 years ago

Since the beginning of the Kavanaugh affair, I have said that a serious investigation is needed.

Is that partisan?

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.12  Skrekk  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2.6    7 years ago
Sordid?  Isn't that being a bit overly judgmental?

I know, right?   It seems a rather harsh description for a drunken gang rapist.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.13  Skrekk  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2.4    7 years ago
Well, if HE'S branded a sexual abuser, I'll bet that most of the men in North America deserve that designation (that is, if they aren't gay).

I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make there.   Are you saying that gay men can't be sexual abusers or sexual predators?    Or are you saying that gay men can't be the victims of sexual abuse or sexual assault?

321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu
Sophomore Participates
1.2.14  321steve - realistically thinkin or Duu   replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2.4    7 years ago
if HE'S branded a sexual abuser, I'll bet that most of the men in North America deserve that designation

I doubt it is "Most of the men in N America" However I don't doubt we certainly have a high enough percentage that seem to agree this was no big deal. 

Now IF those same men had to be the one on the bottom, I have a feeling that number would quickly drop.

Empathy is not big here either for some. 

As we've all been told "Winning" is the movement of the day. 

What we weren't told is Winning at all costs does have its price.


Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.15  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.12    7 years ago
 "It seems a rather harsh description for a drunken gang rapist."

Was you there, Charley?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.16  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.13    7 years ago
"I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make there.   Are you saying that gay men can't be sexual abusers or sexual predators?    Or are you saying that gay men can't be the victims of sexual abuse or sexual assault?"

I think you've been spending a little too much time caving, Skrekk - it's time for you to come out. You're too intelligent to have not known what I meant, and I don't respond to being baited. 

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.17  Skrekk  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1.2.16    7 years ago
You're too intelligent to have not known what I meant, and I don't respond to being baited.

I really have no clue what you meant and even less as to why you're being defensive about it.    Why not just explain what you meant?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.18  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Skrekk @1.2.17    7 years ago

Okay, I only had in mind a male-female situation, like the one that is the topic here. I wasn't even thinking about what LBGTs do.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.3  Split Personality  replied to  Buzz of the Orient @1    7 years ago

Possible apples and oranges Buzz,  33 million people in Canada vs 333 million in the USA.

I pretty much abhor the way most ( but not all ) US jurisdictions elect Judges.

It stinks.

On the other hand, I've never had any experience with a Federal or Provincial Canadian Appointee.

I've heard that in the USA, those that can't cut it in practice, end up teaching Law in colleges & University,

Those in Canada end up on the bench wearing a wig.

Just hearsay mind you...

but comparing cultures is always "touchy" isn't it?

Sophomore Quiet
1.3.1  Skrekk  replied to  Split Personality @1.3    7 years ago
I pretty much abhor the way most ( but not all ) US jurisdictions elect Judges. It stinks.

It's a really tough issue but I like the way Iowa does it with the governor selecting from a list of qualified applicants selected by a quasi-independent commission.   The biggest flaw is that they're subject to periodic retention votes by the public.    That's a hard balance to achieve - you don't want state judges to be isolated nor do you want their rulings politicized because they fear losing their job due to the whims of the voters (as did happen when the state court unanimously ruled for marriage equality).

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.3.2  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Split Personality @1.3    7 years ago
"Those in Canada end up on the bench wearing a wig."

LOL.  The hearsay you heard about Canadian judges is garbage on all counts.  First of all, the wig is used in Great Britain, but NOT in Canada.  Granted, brilliant law professors COULD end up on the Supreme Court, but most are appointed from highly successful exceptional litigation counsel.  One of the most brilliant law professors, in fact Dean of the University of Toronto Law School, was one of the most brilliant jurists in Canada, and ended up being the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada for a decade preceding his death.  I've never seen that any other person has been given 19 honorary degrees - the respect for his brilliance was so monumental. Check Bora Laskin out in Wikipedia.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
3  Bob Nelson    7 years ago

We have a guy who recognizes having gotten blotto in college. We have a woman who says that while blotto, he aggressed her. We don't know who is telling the truth.

So.... Let's just ignore the woman, assume (with no grounds at all) that it is necessarily the woman who is lying. Let's not use the powerful investigatory means at our disposition.

And... let's give the guy a lifetime appointment to one of the nation's highest positions...


Professor Quiet
3.1  Jack_TX  replied to  Bob Nelson @3    7 years ago
So.... Let's just ignore the woman, assume (with no grounds at all) that it is necessarily the woman who is lying.

Why don't we ask the people she says were there.   Oh....hang on.....they don't what she's talking about.  They don't even know each other.

That doesn't, BTW, mean she's lying.  She could be confused.  She could be mistaken.  She could utterly believe that her claims are true.  

But that doesn't make them true.  

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
3.2  Dean Moriarty  replied to  Bob Nelson @3    7 years ago

This is a job for Dean Wormer and drastic measures like double secret probation. When it comes to getting blotto I often ask myself what would Bluto do. 


Professor Quiet
4  Jack_TX    7 years ago
The childish world of subjective reality accepts allegations and feelings to determine truthfulness.

The head of the nail has been hit squarely.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
5  It Is ME    7 years ago

"political purposes"

Just keeps getting worse every 4 years !

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
6  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

As it is approaching 10 pm where I am I will no longer be able to moderate this seed and therefore I am locking it for about the next 10 hours or so, after which I will unlock it.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
7  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

This seed is now unlocked.

Sophomore Quiet
8  lennylynx    7 years ago

Buzz is a woman??  Getoutahere!

Professor Silent
9  lib50    7 years ago

So I'm reading a lot of whining and it looks like everybody commenting is male (except me).  Am I wrong?  Interesting.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1  seeder  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  lib50 @9    7 years ago

Yes, you are wrong.  AJP is a woman.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
11  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו    7 years ago

Oh, Linda..don't sell yourself short.  You're not just a woman.  You're a well-honed rightwing tool, too. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
12  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו    7 years ago
Well... I know I am a woman.

That clears that mystery up, then. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
13  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

It is now 10:30 where I am and as I will not be able to moderate this seed overnight I am now locking it, but will reopen it in about 10 hours.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
14  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

This article is now unlocked.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
15  seeder  Buzz of the Orient    7 years ago

I note that nobody has commented on this article for a day, so I don't intend to keep it open which requires me to moderate it even though nothing is being posted, so I have decided in the circumstances not to waste my time on it, and I am now locking it permanently.


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