This Japanese probe just took an epic hop on a strange little asteroid
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: perrie-halpern • 7 years ago • 63 comments

After a three-and-a-half-year journey of 2 billion miles, a Japanese space probe last week dropped a pair of hopping, grapefruit-size rovers on an asteroid called Ryugu and began beaming back snapshots from the surface of the bizarre little world.
The feat marked a trio of firsts: First soft landing on an asteroid , first deployment of rovers in a low-gravity setting, and first close-up look at the sort of celestial object that might have helped seed life on Earth billions of years ago.
“I cannot find words to express how happy I am,” Yuichi Tsuda, Hayabusa 2’s project manager, said in a written statement just after the landing.
Hayabusa 2 has been slowly building to this moment since its December, 2014 launch. Nudged along by the gentle thrust of its engines, the spacecraft finally caught up with Ryugu in June and began nestling up to its target before deploying the rovers.
The half-mile-wide asteroid confounded expectations right from the start.
Now that the tiny rovers, called MINERVA II-1a and MINERVA II-1b, are able to have a closer look, the odd asteroid seems even odder. “It looks like some volcanic lave flow on Earth , like Izu-Ohshima island in Japan or the Big Island in Hawaii,” Watanabe said.
The Hayabusa 2 scientists are excited by the jagged terrain because it offers insights into the asteroid’s violent past. Understanding these small bodies also provides crucial context for NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe , currently en route to a similar but slightly smaller asteroid named Bennu.
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Space is really the final frontier. When I hear of exploration I can't help myself and get excited, and this is really exciting stuff. This time it's the Japanese with the find. Read on to get the whole story.
The next mining will be done on asteroids and, comets, it will take a special kind of person or, machine or, both to do it but, I can see it happening. The only question now is, who the heck are they going to find to do it?
So was going to the moon.
There was a time when a round Earth was a pipe dream. Of course, to a few who still live in the dark ages, that time is now.
LOL, I really doubt it will happen in my life time as well, I'm already 62 and, it took this probe three years to get to the asteroid just to take pictures of it and, since it took over ten years for us to get to the moon and, we currently have nothing suggesting that we are trying to get men on an asteroid yeah, I really doubt it will happen while I'm alive but, it could happen in my grandkids life time, by the way, he's six.
Maybe today it is, but eventually it will happen.
I totally disagree. True deep water mining is far harder than mining on an asteroid or the moon. The pressure along makes it nearly impossible for people to go down there. The Japanese are moving forward with space exploration. They don't do things that are not logical or purposeful.
Yeah, for now (and the foreseeable future) it would be insanely expensive, costing far more than the value of anything we might dig up.
The 8 minute mark is brutal.
So your point is that they have silly game shows on TV like we do? That is your take away?
It is obvious that you did not read the article. They have found a new propulsion system that is a game changer.
I don't do discussions with people who don't take the time to read the article.
The new propulsion system is a gun. How many four pound slugs and propellant will they need to mine an asteroid? How much larger does the rocket need to be to lift that much weight and/or how many?
You can relax Perrie. I was joking around. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear. If you see my comment further down, you'll realize I very much did read the article. I have no desire to slam the Japanese or space probes.
Off planet mining will probably occur on the moon or on Mars, as those are easier to reach and establish operations. But even then, that's probably many years off before we get there. But I think we eventually will.
Don't be condescending. Yes, we do have drills, but it is only good in shallow waters, as in the gulfs. So far, the only thing they have found that is worth bringing up is oil. Deep water drilling, as we know it now, is not happening due to high water pressure. Even in the gulf, pressure is an issue.
You obviously didn't read the article. If all goes well, this new probe will bring back minerals from the asteroid and neatly drop it in Austrailia. That is a game changer.
Yes, I saw that Tacos. I guess sometimes the written word has it's limitations. Sorry about that.
In prototypes, you don't start big, you start small. This is the first of it's kind with this propulsion system. And what you have to remember is that in space, there is microgravity and so all that has to be achieved is propulsion. The question is can you get a payload and deliver it to earth safely. That is what the Japanese are exploring.
If you'd read the article you would know that this mission is actually going to mine the asteroid with a small amount it arriving here on Earth in December 2020.
Why would you do that?
I'll admit that you believed you were right until you read the entire article.
I completely agree. It may not be in our lifetime, Gordy, but eventually it will happen. I have been watching with great inerest the idea of a space elevator. We really aren't that far off from having one that is feasible and workable. One would change everything regarding mining in space.
That's the key part... Not now, but it will happen. Suppose that's the burden of being a progressive; being able to see past tomorrow, or the next few weeks.
This is a very cool story.
The photos have been great.
Fascinating story. I found some interesting detail about the Hayabusa 2 module.
Here is some detail about the propulsion systems. Much more information is available at the link.
his is Hayabusa 1
Nice Ride!
Thank you.
It is a Suzuki Hayabusa with an oversize 1430cc engine which runs in a gambler class. When the bikes go through eliminations only winners are declared. No times or speeds are posted and only the rider of each bike gets their personal time sleip.
The spectators bet each other on who will win each run until the nights winner is declared.
Sounds like a lot of fun! You live a full and exciting life!
I'm just the engine guy these days in motorsports participation.
Sweeet. My brother would love to take it for a spin.
I actually had the chance to ride one of those, (it was just an off the rack, unmodified version). I have to admit, as a lifelong motorcycle rider, it scared me a little. It's snappy, lots of power....really impressive... Apologies for straying off topic).
Cool. I am sure he would like it if going in a straight line.
Hayabusa's are incredible straight line machines.
To be honest, the 2010 ZX10 fits like a glove. Not as much straight line, but well rounded. Roll on the throttle in 3rd and your are star gazing too.
I'd like to try the new H II and like that Kaw brought back the name.
I'm pretty sure after the ride you might have to pull the seat out of his backside but, that would be one seventy something guy that would be grinning from ear to ear at the end of the ride.
LOL, he might really like the red bike.
The motor only makes 300hp but has a 350hp n2o kit on top.
The only time the front wheel touches the ground is on gear shift for an instant as the air shifter does it's work on each gear change.
Ok, I don't know where you live Dave but, if you happen to see the little guy in this photo, keep an eye on your bikes,
LOL. Security is on alert right now.
If they pull all that off, it will be a pretty marvelous feat of engineering.
Yes, that was my point. This is really an outstanding piece of engineering. Totally unique to anything to anything that has been done before and a total game changer if it works.
And thank you for reading the article.
One would think most of what we saw in old Buck Rogers shows was science fiction and beyond our capabilities.
That was a marvelous feat of engineering
I watched that one live. I couldn't believe I was seeing a trope of cheesy 50s B sci-fi movies coming to life.
True enough!
Yeah but, I wonder if the asteroid will get mad at us and, want revenge.
It's important to always check the other side of the asteroid before you go mucking about with it.
See, this is what I'm talking about, don't mess with asteroids, it will always bite ya in the butt.
Dumb asteroids
one of my favorite games, way back when
I liked Space Invaders better.
Missile Command was a good one too.
When video games came in table tops.
LMAO so true!
this was my favorite,
wore out too many damned buttons on the standard joy stick.
Had them all, lol
Ah, the good ol' days.
And people gathered in arcades with pockets full (soon to be emptied) of quarters.
Yes indeed.
Friday nights at Martin's on Wisconsin Ave in Bethesda, MD. Beer, Maryland Blue Crabs, and a few games of Asteroids!!!
shhhh, pretty bar maids too...