The Suspected Bomber's Van Needs to Be Seen to Be Believed

(From Twitter): "Here’s the blue tarp falling off magabomber’s van and officers working to conceal the insanity stickers."

After federal authorities on Friday arrested 56-year-old Cesar Sayoc in connection with the explosive devices that were sent to nearly a dozen public officials and critics of President Donald Trump over the past week, a Twitter user posted close-up photos of the suspect’s van, which is covered in photos of Trump, American flags, and bizarre right-wing paraphernalia.
The photos posted on Twitter show the same covered object on the back of the van that was seen in video footage after the suspect was arrested.
Here are the photos, via this tweet by Mark Lancia.
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On the pictures of the MAGA-Bomber's van, note the bullseyes on pictures on people Trump has got really angry at.
Has the SPLC added him to their hate list yet?
Do they really need to? Dude seems pretty hateful to me. If not he needs to switch to decaf or take a vacation, (at club fed).
Yeah, I guess it's obvious enough.
Sayoc's window stickers were colorful and plenty. I guess he even lived in the van. Whatever. MAGA for him. Hell, he's even a 'fake Indian.' Typical Trumper.
The best stickers/decals I saw during the 2016 election were----------"Nugent For President...Make America Armed Again." And---"Trump That Bitch"....and a photo of Hillary with a knife at her throat.
The 2016 election was strange. The results were stranger. Now, knowing the evidence of Putin's involvement, these things and many others I saw, are understandable.
"Lock her up" chants and all the rest that is spawned by the Trump is clear. Fear, prejudice and division are always the first fissures that occur when a nation fails and crumbles. Thanks, Trump.
MAGA my arse.
Yes typical there are millions just like him. Leftists better go run and hide under their beds.
Are you suggesting there is a 'brown shirts rising' movement?
Other than the pipe bombs and AR-15 I'm not sure that Sayoc or Bowers' views are any different at all from those of the Trump supporters on NT. At least they express the exact same vile views and hatred of refugees.
Not sure about that. Don't know. Doesn't matter.
Only this matters. Trump is openly dishonest. He also self deflects and self protects. And his supporters can not see that. If there is a question, it should be why. Something is happening. Something abnormal. Something that is a rare occurrence in the history of advanced nations.
Certainly it's not unusual for conservatives to use immigrants and a fear of "the other" to pander to xenophobes. Maybe it's unusual for a true sociopath to reach high office but we already knew that Trump's base (and apparently the entire GOP) doesn't give a crap that he constantly lies and has other serious psychological defects including dementia. So I'd say that the unusual aspect is that a near plurality of the public actually supports such a monster - only rarely have we ever seen that historically and it's always been in very repressive authoritarian governments. But today it's a trend with Trump, Duterte, Putin, Erdogan, and likely soon with Bolsonaro. It's like many of the key nations have been infected with the same virus.
You know what I don't see in any of those pics?
The license plate.....
Every pic that would have an angle on the plate? is very carefully taken to cover/obscure the plate. Making sure the drivers mirror covers the plate location, the supposed aerial photo has an obstruction covering where the plate is located on that model, we only see two sides of the van? I wonder why we don't see all the sides, wouldn't he have more on the other side? I mean the more the merrier! Right?
They are clean in like new condition, practically artwork in fact and this guy has been a trump supporter for two years? I suppose he has been showing his support for a lot longer than a few days yet the stuff on the van is in new condition. What, he posts new stickers all over his van on two sides just before he mailed off the packages?
So all we got is a couple of pics of a trump supporters van claiming it is the bombers without any way to check it....
Oh and the twitter account that supposedly posted those pics?
Completely gone....
Sorry guys, it is all too pat for me.....
More investigating needs to be done...
But of course, this won't be anywhere near done before the election right?
I've seen this kind of crap before just before elections....
Just way too many coincidences and things that just don't fit the normal flow of daily life.... You know, just in time to make the biggest splash it can giving everything a democrat desperately trying not to lose an election everything they could want to play the massive victims of this outrageous republican attempt to assassinate all their precious leaders...
Needs a lot more investigating.....
Paranoid much?
nope, 12 years in DC.....
That's why he's a Trump voter. The belief in loony conspiracy theories is central to the ideology.....and note that the loony conspiracy theories which Sayoc believes are frequently recycled here by Trump supporters. These people are nuts and bigots, literally all of them.
That would do it alright.
Twitter is privately owned, they can delete what they want, when they want. They removed the account so as to make sure that this turd doesn't get more publicity for committing acts of terrorism. They do the same thing with islamic terrorists and proven russian "bots" and trolls spreading misinformation.
So Twitter doesn't want to be part of the "Hate Fest" Good for them.
But that still leave this... and so many that do want to be a part of it....
Don't worry, you folks will always have "Gab" on which to spew your nonsense. Right wingers only get booted from that site after they've killed someone and have become politically inconvenient.
The news last night was filled with photos of this guy at Trump rallies with all of his deplorable contemporaries, presumably taken from his social media, which I hear is as saturated with right wing hate as his van. This is a quintessential Trump supporter, which is to say a nutjob. This isn’t some hermit with an axe to grind, it’s just a predictable product of right wing extremism.
Different ways and means of leadership and accomplishment.
Passive: weak, pity, victim, woo is me, please help me... poor me
Aggressive: insults, grandiose promises. Intimidation and threats
Assertive: information, Logic, reasoning, responsible expectations
Personally I much prefer to interact and be lead by people in the third category and I try to operate from that position myself. To each their own, I guess we all have our preferences.
Whether you're on the Left or the Right, if you have this many stickers on your car, it's time for an intervention.
What is of INTEREST is that this Individual has been " Found Guilty by a Kangaroo ( Hanging Tree ) Mentality " that we have so often seen in so many other Seeds, that it be ludicrously funny if at the end a Legitimate COURT, finds …..
" He who laughs last …. "
I would like to thank every man and woman from the various agencies who got this potential killer. They did an awesome job. Instead of bombs, he will be making license plates for hopefully the next 50 years.
David Duke made an astute observation about this-- this article explains:
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests