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Via:  heartland-american  •  7 years ago  •  9 comments

The secular story attempts to account for life’s diversity using random mutation and natural selection. In a biblical model, life was originally created with the potential for diversity. God clearly designed life to be able to adapt to different environments and settings, enabling life to “fill the earth.” Such adaptation can involve a number of genetic mechanisms, including directed mutation, gene conversion, and epigenetics. As part of the eKINDS project, we hope to investigate these...

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

eKINDS – E xamination of K inds i n N atural D iversification and S peciation

Many people are fascinated with the amazing diversity of life that God has place on earth.  People frequently ask questions, such as How are different animals related? and How did all this variety arise?


The wide variety of dog breeds provides an excellent example of the genetic diversity God gave to the original created “kinds.” (Wikipedia pics from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog)

The secular world provides naturalistic answers to these questions.  These answers begin with rejecting the Bible’s history of life, and postulating that all life arose by natural processes from a single common ancestor.  When examined in detail, however, there are enormous problems with demonstrating the universal ancestry of all life.

In contrast, biblical creation holds that God created different groups of animals and plants, which were called “kinds.” He placed distinct divisions between these different groups (1 Cor. 5:39) and instructed them to reproduce “according to their kind” (Genesis 1).  Thus, life does not share a universal common ancestry.

God further instructed the created kinds “to fill the earth” (Genesis 1), indicating He gave life the ability to change and adapt to a wide variety of ecosystems.  Critics of biblical creation often claim that we believe in “hyper-evolution” or “evolution on steroids.”  The implication is that we cannot account for the extensive and rapid diversity of life that has arisen since the different “kinds” of animals exited the Ark around 4500 years ago.

The CRS eKINDs research initiative was developed to serve as a catalyst, promoting research that addresses numerous questions pertaining to the post-Flood repopulation of the earth.  These questions can be grouped into three general categories: 1) which organisms today are descended from the same created kind?, 2) what mechanisms are responsible for the astounding diversity seen within created kinds?, and 3) can we trace the natural history of various animal kinds as they dispersed from the Ark to repopulate the earth?

Identifying Created Kinds

There have been some initial attempts to estimate the number and biological distinctions of the created kinds. This research shows that more work needs to be done.  The increasing volume of molecular data (i.e., DNA and protein sequence data) has the potential to augment previous studies, perhaps allowing for a clearer delineation of created kinds. In view of this, the eKINDS project is developing a new statistical tool that seeks to group species based on molecular similarities. A more detailed explanation of the methodology, with application to fungi, appears in a recent Creation Research Society Quarterly (O’Micks, 2017).

Mechanisms Underlying Diversity

The secular story attempts to account for life’s diversity using random mutation and natural selection. In a biblical model, life was originally created with the potential for diversity.  God clearly designed life to be able to adapt to different environments and settings, enabling life to “fill the earth.” Such adaptation can involve a number of genetic mechanisms, including directed mutation, gene conversion, and epigenetics.  As part of the eKINDS project, we hope to investigate these areas in more detail.

Tracing Natural History

Paradise kingfishers inspired Ernst Mayr to propose the founder effect decades ago. As part of the eKINDS project, this group of birds has also been examined in detail (Lightner and Ahlquist 2017).  One conclusion from the eKINDS study is that evolutionists incorrectly assume animals do not choose environments where they are naturally best suited. Real world observation indicates otherwise. Thus, animals selecting a suitable environment 

(a reflection of the adaptive skills that God gave them), which at times may involve the founder effect, can increase the prevalence of adaptive traits in a way that evolutionists might attribute to natural selection.


Brown-headed paradise kingfisher (from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise_kingfisher)

In addition, morphological, behavioral, and molecular data of kingfishers may help us understand relationships within this group.  This information will help in development of a preliminary hypotheses that accounts for the dispersal and adaptive radiation of this kind after the Flood. A similar study in landfowl (Galliformes) has begun, as well.

eKINDS Publications

Lightner, J.K. and J. Ahlquist. 2017. Founder events: Foundational in rapid post-Flood diversification.

Creation Research Society Quarterly 53, no. 3:217-224.

O’Micks, J. 2017. Baraminology classification based on gene content similarity measurement. Creation

Research Society Quarterly 54, no. 1:27-37.                                                             This seed censored by Dave Van Zandt

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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    7 years ago

“The CRS eKINDs research initiative was developed to serve as a catalyst, promoting research that addresses numerous questions pertaining to the post-Flood repopulation of the earth.  These questions can be grouped into three general categories: 1) which organisms today are descended from the same created kind?, 2) what mechanisms are responsible for the astounding diversity seen within created kinds?, and 3) can we trace the natural history of various animal kinds as they dispersed from the Ark to repopulate the earth?

Identifying Created Kinds

There have been some initial attempts to estimate the number and biological distinctions of the created kinds. This research shows that more work needs to be done.  The increasing volume of molecular data (i.e., DNA and protein sequence data) has the potential to augment previous studies, perhaps allowing for a clearer delineation of created kinds. In view of this, the eKINDS project is developing a new statistical tool that seeks to group species based on molecular similarities. A more detailed explanation of the methodology, with application to fungi, appears in a recent Creation Research Society Quarterly(O’Micks, 2017).”

Senior Guide
1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    7 years ago

....The spring issue of the Creation Research Society Quarterly features a special report of the iDINO project. This report includes a historical perspective of soft-tissue discoveries, an examination of the tissue found in the Triceratops horn, and a rebuttal of claims that the tissue is merely microbial contamination. In addition, the special iDINO report provides a detailed critique of the models offered by evolutionists to explain how this tissue has survived for millions of years.  Also, this issue provides a discussion of how the Genesis flood could account for the distribution of dinosaur fossils in North America, and an analysis of the significance of Carbon-14 still present in dinosaur fossils. This issue of the Quarterly is a ‘must read’ for anyone interested in the topic. To further spread the critical information about soft-tissue, the Society is developing a video ( Echoes of the Jurassic ), which will be both visually entertaining and scientifically informative. 4

TtopsHorn2.jpghttps://creationresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/VACRC/TtopsHorn2-189x260.jpg 189w" sizes="(max-width: 126px) 100vw, 126px" > The second phase of the project (iDINO II) will look more extensively at the process of fossilization. While various theories have been proposed of how bone or tissue will fossilize, the exact mechanisms are still unknown. Evolutionists have sought to propose methods that could account for the preservation of tissue, cells, and proteins for millions of years. iDINO II will investigate these preservation claims as well as seek a better understanding of the fossilization process; providing insight of the plausibility of various proposed preservation mechanisms. Microbial biofilm activity appears to be an integral component of fossilization, although the process is only partially understood. In addition, creationists have suggested that fossilization could occur quickly under specific conditions; such as rapid burial and high pressure, which could have occurred during the Genesis Flood.

TtopsHorn3.jpg The iDINO results have already provided a strong challenge to the evolutionary world-view. More extensive and detailed examination may provide even stronger evidence that the age of dinosaur fossils is far less than 65 million years. Such findings could also draw wide-spread public attention to the quality of research done by creation scientists....

Senior Guide
3  seeder  XXJefferson51    7 years ago

The Creation Research Society is a professional organization of trained scientists and interested laypersons who are firmly committed to scientific special creation. The Society was organized in 1963 by a committee of ten like-minded scientists, and has grown into an organization with worldwide membership.

The primary functions of the Society are:

  • Publication of a quarterly peer-reviewed journal.
  • Conducting research to develop and test creation models.
  • The provision of research grants and facilities to creation scientists for approved research projects.
  • Providing qualified scientists to speak to groups or churches.

Other functions of CRS include maintenance of a comprehensive directory of creationist organizations throughout the world.....

The CRS was incorporated in the state of Michigan as a nonprofit corporation for educational and scientific purposes. Shortly thereafter it was granted 501(c)(3) not-for-profit tax-exempt status by the IRS. The first issue of the Creation Research Society Quarterly was published in July, 1964.

The CRS is independent and unaffiliated with any other organization, religious group or church body. The CRS advocates the concept of special creation (as opposed to evolution), both of the universe and of the earth with its complexity of living forms. Membership in the Society requires agreement with the CRS Statement of Belief. Members of the society include research scientists from various fields of scientific accomplishment who are committed to full belief in the biblical record of creation and early history.

The CRS does not engage in any political lobbying. Though its primary purpose is research and publishing, the CRS occasionally sponsors or co-sponsors seminars, conferences, and field trips. These events serve to promote the purposes of the Society, to facilitate dialogue between creation scientists, and to serve the interests of our members.....

Professor Quiet
3.1  cjcold  replied to  XXJefferson51 @3    7 years ago


Senior Guide
3.1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  cjcold @3.1    7 years ago

No.  I simply seeded an article about creation science.   Then I showed yet anothere organization of scientists who advance the reality of creation and point out the pseudoscience folly of evolution.  

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
4  Perrie Halpern R.A.    7 years ago

The article closed for not being rated. 


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