Whites Will soon be the minority (sort of) Big Deal or Major Yawn?
I remember the first time I heard the statistic that soon whites would not longer be the majority. I remember the first thing that came into my mind. "And?" The impression I got from the news program on which it was revealed seemed to think I should take it as a big deal. Like the implications should have been immediately apparent. I wondered what I was supposed to do with this information. Honestly, though, it was just a bit of trivia to me. I don't know how long ago that was but probably four or five years.
Fast forward to today. I'm still confuses as to why the day whites ceasing to be the majority is significant. I wonder what people expect to happen on the day that one baby or that one immigrant shifts the balance. Does something I don't know about take effect when that census makes whites a kind of minority? I say "a kind" because you have to look at it a special way to make that claim. Sure, you can't say the majority of Americans are white (maybe) but whites will still be the largest block, based on race. Does that mean anything? I can't think why. Do people expect that, at that time, all non-whites will vote as a single block? Really?
It seems to me that some are simply using such things as whites ceasing to be a majority as a tool for political ends. They are giving it a meaning that isn't there in order to divide, but that's my opinion. That's why I'm bringing this article to your attention. I think it brings attention to the fact that such statistics are intentionally (in my opinion) being distorted in order to cause desired reaction when in fact, the meaning of it all is much more ambiguous. In fact, if I were to find fault with this article it would be that it doesn't do enough to point out we are being homogenized racially. I think that in two or three hundred years we're going to be so racially integrated that it's not going to be an issue anyway. I look forward to that, even though I won't be there. It will be a lot better than this identity politics nonsense we are for some reason putting up with now.
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It seems that you may be afraid of an interracial diversity. I wonder why that might be?
What was it I said that makes you think I may be afraid of racial diversity?
Why would you post this thread of that was the situation?
That doesn't answer my question. It shifts the burden of what you said onto me. How about you just explain why you said what you said?
Turnaboutism my friend, the common tactic of challenging the poster when they cannot challenge the logic of the position taken....
You would not have felt the need to post this if the idea of Caucasians being a minority wans't something that concerned you. Race is an issue for you, so you decided to post it.
So you are passing judgment on his intent.....
From what ether did you pull your ideals of judgment from? especially about the poster?
A little intelligently posed emotional reaction to the reality that as time goes on race divisions are becoming pointless as humans are becoming a homogeneous specie?
That lines exactly up with my question of what are the progressive race haters going to do when they lose the race division angle.....
They will get all emotional, at first, point all kinds of fingers, accuse everyone not a believer, as the the science overtakes the theory of homogeneous humans, they might even get downright violent in their attempts to keep the hate going....
And that leads us to ponder, do progressive even consider science when it goes against their apparent absolutist ideology?
Wait, isn't that the argument we hear them make about conservatives when they........
I guess it seems like logically we are more alike than different, doesn't it....
You have yet to prove this. You're just stating it. Not unexpected of you. Are you going to prove your case?
The fact that you posted this thread is enough proof. You would not have posted if it the idea of whites becoming a minority in the US didn't bother you.
I honestly believe Drakk posted this more as a topic for discussion than because he's worried about becoming a minority.
IMO: If you are white (as I am) you'd be an idiot to what to become a minority.
Even though deep down I never felt we the white men ever deserved this land we did and do pretty much have control over it, giving up that control willingly IMO is not too bright, sharing control as the ratio changes is one thing but becoming a minority willingly and being happy about it IMO: Would be ludicrous. . And I'd feel the same if we were purple, blue or green people.
Not all Americans are white of course and look at the problems the minorities have had in the past, So, why the hell would any race or group want to become a minority ?
You know, I read something a while back about why many men fear feminism - they assume women, given equal power with men, would choose to treat men as men have historically treated women. Not very flattering either to themselves or to women.
Same thing here.
Not very flattering either to themselves or to women.
Same thing here.
I agree, But reality many times isn't flattering, fair or wonderful.
I still cant think of any race or group that would chose to be a minority in a world pretty much based and ran on majority rule.
Well, for better or worse, I don't think you have much choice.
Another reality. LOL
It's OK I deal, I adapt and I adjust. I also dont have to rejoice. lol
It's more like "money rule".
What happens in the world is effected by the moneyed powers that be.
As Sandy previously said. It's not about wanting to become a minority. Stop worrying about who is the majority and simply treat others as equals. We could always mandate equal rights for all races but why does it have to be that difficult? Stop looking at people's skin color to determine how you treat them and just treat them as you want them to treat you.
BTW I am about as white as white can be. I'm a blue eyed blonde. I could complety disppear at any Octoberfest celebration because I look like everyone else. Unless you are German it is unlikely that you could pronounce my birth surname. My friends used to take bets on which teacher would butcher it the worst on the first day of classes. I finally go to the point where I wrote it out phonetically to same the embarrassment.
Thank you.
True. He who holds the Gold makes the rules.
But What the majority of any given society will tolerate is the true end decider.
If the people ruling the majority screw the majority too much, the majority revolts the "Gold barreres (rulers)" can lose control.
Like Iran in 1978 was:
As I stated somewhere on here I dont worry or care much myself. I dont want to become a minority and dont understand why anyone would is all.
PS: I've always tried to treat all humans the same, with respect, until and unless showed that isn't possible with that particular one. Then they get treated like they chose to treat me after several attempts on my part to be respectful. To me, Tolerance has boundaries.
That's just idiotic.
I think you are correct, to some, like myself, it's a yawn.
But given a discussion among adults could be a good discussion with some insights.
I was raised in a home where prejudice was not only frowned upon but punishable if an offense was involved. It didn't matter if it was cultural, race, or gender as in my home the opportunity to learn was there.
My wife's family are true racists, not bigots but vehemently opposed to "mixing". Which in itself was a lesson for me, not a moment of animosity but a strict line on mixed breeding of any sort. And I think that is a lesson all in itself.
Me being western Euro-trash and white as Casper's ass I would hear many degrees of the same school of thought. Being raised as I was, my comfort level never varied much and in my interaction with other cultures I found these beliefs to be scattered with non-white cultures as well.
I found that major Asian and Jewish families would stress keeping bloodlines on the straight and narrow regarding marriage and especially reproduction and not for any sort of emotional directives but as a keeping of the culture.
My very first wife was black. As white as I am she is black as your church shoes. She was not fond of children but really had an unhealthy despise of mixed children no matter the cross breeding. It had to come from her mother who was not fond of the relationship because her father and I have been friends for over 30 years and didn't change after my divorce.
One planet, one human race, and peace. Our biggest problem is not that we are diverse in ethnicity or gender.
Who cares? We are all pink on the inside...
Shades of Zimmerman/Martin.....
For the racists, it doesn't matter if the accused perp is white or hispanic, they both are white for the purposes of racism complaints....
It always confuses me when they argue that the whites will soon be a minority soon as the hispanics gain a few more votes. In this case a hispanic is not white for divisive political purposes....
But when a hispanic kills a black, for race hatred purposes, they all of a sudden become whiter than a sheet on a clothesline. It is still a divisive purpose, but divisive along race hatred purposes.
I'm sure we all remember, (for those that are still here) the vitriolic hatred expressed for Zimmerman as a white man right here on this site.
It is something the hispanics are already prepared for they have heard it often enough....
It is something that we already know the black hate machine in this country is going to push....
What it is to be white is becoming blurred?
It is already happening people.....
But it isn't going to change the racist hatred being spewed in this nation, if anything this is a forwarning that it's going to get a lot worse....
I've always wondered if the hispanics are going to be upset that they are no longer one of the favored race minorities but have seemingly overnight became members of the hated racist exploiters...
I wonder what that is going to do to the hate mantra.....
The term "Hispanic" is loaded and is generally understood to indicate those who speak Spanish. Beyond that it gets complicated since real Spaniards of European Spanish lineage hardly exist in this hemisphere and are a distinct minority in the other. Nearly all of the hundreds of millions of people we think of as members of the Hispanic culture are primarily the descendants of native Americans or Asians with some mixtures of African and Caucasion thrown in for spice. Spaniards are, in general, of European descent while most people in Central and South America are of Asian/Native American bloodlines though like presumptions about anyones racial pedigree it would be perilus especially if just skin tone is considered. People are not dogs. The idea of a pure bred person is kind of ridiculous anymore. The idea of race is an outdated notion in my opine. It will matter less and less to more and more people as time goes by...
Yes the theory of the " Homogenous Human " is becoming all the more real as time progresses....
That's going to play hell with progressive racial hate policies isn't it....
What is the racial hate policy that you speak of? I lost my secret decoder ring from George Soros so I can't read the letters that are sent to me by Move-on.org
You actually can be very funny when playing dumb.... and this is hilarious....
Albeit a massive failure to see reality, but funny in it's own way....
Oh, and a piece of advice? turnaboutism doesn't work with me....
Progressive politics will not be derailed the browning of America...
I'm glad that you liked my sarcasm.
I am a progressive but we don't have a racial hate policy. We merely demand that all people are to be treated equally, regardless of race, creed, color, gender, sex, disability etc. Don't criticize people or blame them because of race or treat to treat people of different races as lesser than yourself because of their race and we will stop noting your racial bias. Put yourself in their shoes before you attack them, even if they are wearing 6" stilettos.
If you don't mind I really have to get back to strategizing my war on Christmas. Busy, busy, busy.............
Then we agree philosophically wise, politically wise, not so much, but that isn't really a deterrent to being able to discuss things in an adult manner is it?
Strategizing the war on christmas... Wow! been years since we've had to do that, just the wife and me so it generally gets dealt with all the time...
A good tactical strategy, is buy early, or buy afterwards. (giftcards make the afterwards much easier)
I remember christmas as too much work, not enough hands on deck....
But the smiles are worth it....
Ohhhh, we as a culture can switch our target almost instantly.
Wasn't that long ago we switched from Irish to Polish to Italians to aJews to blacks and so on...seems we always need a cultural bad guy that isn't us.
The odd thing to many with Zimmerman was his strong identification with his white cultural heritage despite his obviously non-white physical characteristics. Also, Zimmerman was motivated by his own acknowledged racial biases and prejudices. On a similar line of thinking, Barack Obama is culturally white having never ever lived in a black household until he married Michelle. Obama had to learn how to be a black man outside his white family which raised him.
The younger generations will be much less conscious of race as we evolve...
ALSO: in my opinion, a major YAWN for anyone not associated with race hate...
I would agree if it were not for various elements trying to use it to their advantage.
Or, to the other party's political disadvantage. It is not the left that shows an ugly face regarding skin tone. If the gop was not so plainly hostile to minority populations maybe the gop would not be at such a political disadvantage demographically going forward. The, "It's us (white people) against them (everyone else)", political stance will soon utterly fail as more and more American families become rainbow hued. We, the American People, tend to not identify with our countries of origin over time. We are just Americans regardless of skin tone or cultural characteristics. Personally, I believe the gop embracing its virulently racist elements is a huge problem for republicans going forward because the perception in this case is also a reality no matter how badly some want to blame others for their own problems. It is not Democrats who face a changing demographic tide threatening to make them politically irrelevant and there are real undeniable measurable reasons for that...
Your politics is now showing.....
I thought this was an apolitical seed... Hence I didn't mention republican or democrat. but social philosophy has to be included in such a discussion cause so much of our society is based upon opposing philosophy....
Why don't we leave the politics out of it.....
Any discussion of race in the US has almost always been politically tinged.
Parties have switched ideology afew times through our history. Going back 180+ years to prove a point? Fail. Lincoln would be considered a far left wing liberal by today's standards.
Data indicates the number of racist democrats and republicans is virtually indistinguishable. The idea that racist whites are Republicans is simply a myth spoonfed to gullible left wingers, who cling to simple narratives to justify their fanatical devotion the cause they invest an unhealthy amount of their identity in.
If you had one scintilla of proof of that you would post it butt you do not...
The gop welcomed outcast Dixiecrats into the gop to their eternal shame.
It isn"t Democrats have to look back over fifty years to justify themselves.
Revisionist history aside, the gop has a demographic problem to address.
No, by revisionist history I refer to the gop's denial of the whole truth...
When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 he cast off the racist Dixiecrats who went for George Wallace's American Party in 1968 before being courted and won by Nixon's, "Southern Strategy", in 1972. That was 46 years ago. If you must point back brfore that time to divert from the facts of history, do not bother. We have all heard that bullshit before...
Laugh all you want. It does not change a thing. A coalition of liberal Republicans and liberal Democrats got the Civil Rights Act passed to the eternal consternation of conservatives. You make a fool of yourself when you deny basic 5th grade American history. Why you do so is plainly to misinform and to shift blame from the gop for welcoming the homeless racist partyless Dixiecrats who fled the Democratic Party in the late 60s, the 70s and 80s. Any contention otherwise in the face of easily researched factual history is futile and frankly just silly...
All southern Democrats did not become republicans. Just the racists did...
I have used my common sense, too bad some on here can't even locate theirs.
Yeah, that's the problem with Trump, he wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and, bit him in the ass and, most of his followers are in the same condition.
Again, what do you have that isn't well over 40 years olde?
Carter was a conservative southerner elected after Nixon...
Again, why do you keep going back so far? Did you live through that period? You should remember. The 70's was still in the throes of busing and shaking off the war. Remember George Wallace? He was one of those democrats in the 70's who was fighting desegregation. The political fight was still being waged and the racist switch to republican was still ongoing.
Again, nobody ever said all Democrats in the south became republicans. It was only the racist Dixiecrat elements of the olde Democrtaic coalition who were disowned by the Democratic Party who switched parties and became Republicans and it did not happen overnight. Nixon welcomed the partyless Dixiecrats into the republican fold with his "Souther Strategy" in 1972 but the switch took place over time beginning in the early 1970s and continued into the 1980s when Reagan doubled down on Nixon's strategy of appealing to the Dixiecrats who were no longer welcome as Democrats. Denying documented American history only makes you look uninformed and ignorant of documented history or else you are arguing points even you do not really believe. This is why I seldom engage with you.
The only people that seem to be interested in someone's race are the media and the Democrats.
They both seem to require comparisons between races for jail time and economic situation.
What they seem to fail to focus on is really the locations where these things are occurring and why they are occurring.
For instance, Chicago has the highest rate of murders in the country and most of them are black versus black; but do the media report that? No, they focus on the white guy shooting a black guy even though that is at a much lower rate than a black guy shooting another black guy.
Then, you have rich guys like Colin Kaepernick going out and protesting racism and creating a foundation to find victims of racism to sue police departments and others for that racism instead of trying to find ways to improve the situation that they are protesting!
And, again, those that are actually trying to solve the issue are not even reported about.
Last year, a group of NFL players worked within their communities to try to help bridge the gap between police forces and the communities; but it was at best only mentioned at the national news level by the mainstream media.
St Louis has the highest murder rate,
Don't ignore the fact that black Americans suffer a high rate of crime by white cops. Racism is still a large problem in the US, despite what you choose to believe and Trump is making it worse. .
Not even close to true. But please keep using old talking points.
The only people that seem to be interested in someone's race are the media and the Democrats.
What a convenient charge for the whitest party to make.
Unless the truth is that your political party is whiter than snow.
Interesting question and I would guess that those that have commented on the article are white.
Perhaps opinions from members that are not white would generate a different response, ya think?
JBB brought up a interesting point. In Mexico studies have shown that 50 to 80 percent of Mexican people have indigenous blood. The same situation exists in other Central American countries. So why are they called Hispanics? Should it not be Indigenous/Indian/Mexican Indian/Mestizo.
It's been mentioned about Black hate groups and progressive hate and also the press and democrats being the only ones interested in race. Yet no mention of White hate groups, or republicans being obsessed with race. Why is that?
It would seem that personal prejudices have bubbled to the surface.
Just some food for thought. Carry on.
Those are all good solid valid insightful observations...
Few demographic subcultures struggle as steadfastly to preserve their culture as do Native Americans. Most of the rest of us are happy to shrug off any identity our forbearers might have cherished in favor of our national identity. I believe economic class will be much more a dividing line between people going forward in this country than things like country of origin or cultural heritage. Never give up...
In part I agree with that, but I don't think that race/country of origin or cultural heritage will ever be out of the equation. Just my opinion but that part has been hanging around the U.S. for 500 years.
Why? you were a bit early with your observation my friend.....
Sometimes you just need to give it a little time.....
I spoke of race haters in general without politicizing it. I also pointed out that large populations in proximity tend to homogenize over time losing the racial distinctions that many seem to exploit, and yes Mexico and Central Americans would be a very good example of just such truth....
But as always personal hatreds and political ideology eventually take over such musings...
But I agree it is serious food for thought.....
When it comes right down to it we all bleed the same blood no matter where we came from......
Hope you had a good thanksgiving my friend....
The article has been up for 3 hours and I haven't seen it yet.
Actually you pointed out progressives and blacks and Tom pointed out the press and democrats. So it would seem that the responses are slanted to a particular ideology.
In reality in Mexico and much of Central America they didn't or haven't homogenized over time. There are distinct racial lines draw there. My point being that in reality they are not Hispanic at all but Indigenous which of course changes the racial make up of those groups.
One thing that I find quite interesting is the common phrase used that minorities vote democratic because of the ''free stuff''...I wonder if the right has ever thought that comment/accusation through. What is being said to minorities that are business owners, executives, wealthy, upper middle class, middle class and lower middle class and everyone else that we do not have the ability to come to a decision based on something other than this mysterious ''free stuff'' that we keep getting. We are just too damn stupid and love being on the plantation. If that type of drivel is the rights selling point they are in for a very long wait to have minorities join their party.
Had a good Thankgiving and hope that you and your's did as well.
Is there any area where things improved when a shift from white to something else has occurred? I’m most familiar with Detroit and that was a disaster.
[Removed] Dean.
Violence can closely be attracted to poverty instead of purely on race. What happened in Detroit was the 2008 crash that was also exacerbated by the auto industry crash, which pout a lot of people out of work in Detroit,. despite your attempt to paint it purely because of race. Instead of blaming people because of race address the underlying social-economic issues
Detroit died in the 50’s not 2008 long before any downturn in the auto industry.
Detroit as still a vibrant city in the 1980s. The start of the downfall was GM mismanagement and then NAFTA. Rick Snyder(R) becoming governor in 2010 only made the situation worse.
Nonsense by 67 it was a battlefield. Go look at the historical crime rates figures and historical charts of the ethnic makeup of the city.
Actually Dean the Packard Motor Car Co. in Detroit closed it's plant in the 1950's and the 73/74 gas problems and the Japanese imports did a lot of damage to Detroit.
The first black mayor was elected in the mid 1970's so if the decline started in the 50's it would seem that blaming the blacks for self implosion of Detroit is not quite accurate.
There is a hell of a lot of blame to go around.
How many times have you been to Detroit? I worked for GM engineering and I've been there more times than I can remember. Its coming back and in 10 years it will be a vibrant city again.
I did. Wiki did a long and fact filled entry that minimally supports your 1950's claim.
Oh. And just about every major city was a battleground in 1967 Detroit being no different except for the demographics of black migration from the south for the auto jobs.
By that time the whites had flown to the suburbs and made it impossible for non-whites to follow blackballing loans and redlining neighborhoods. Through the 60's besides the bigotry so present from the whites (which is something we still witness and just did) several manufacturers bit the dust , Hudson, Studebaker, Nash, etc. While the big three started spreading out duplicate plants to avoid labor disruptions...it was much easier for white workers to relocate because there were no situation denying whites from living where they wished and could afford.
Your dates are correct, but I believe your glossed over version had much to hide...I checked and it became obvious.
I was born in the city in 64. I worked my entire life in the tooling business and still have a facility located within the city limits. I know what we’ve been through and why my entire family moved out of the city limits.
Dean, do you think that the racism against blacks in Detroit had anything to do with the problems that existed/exist there? It's so easy to blame others yet difficult to look in a mirror to see what the root cause of it was.
This is ''The Wall'' built in Detroit in the 1940's to separate the whites from the blacks. BTW, it's still there.
I think people have reasons for feeling the way they do when the ethnic makeup of an area changes and the crime rates skyrocket.
I also think that the change from Indian to White was not good for the Indians in this country.
I believe different cultures hold different beliefs in their values and priorities.
Yes, that is true. Especially when the minorities start treating the whites the way they were treated for decades.
A huge understatement, Dean. But thank you for acknowledging that fact.
How would my values be different than yours? Priorities I can agree with but values, I don't think so.
I have to agree with Kavika here, what makes you think that race makes a difference in priorities or, values, I think it depends more on the individual and, what they believe.
Just look at how the natives of that island that killed the guy that came in peace to share ideas with them. They value their privacy to the extent that they would murder him just for setting foot on there land. Other cultures have different values and might have seen him as a welcome visitor.
There is a lot of information on the net about different cultures holding different values regarding collectivism vs individualism. Some cultures lean towards collectivism while others lean towards individualism.
How can you claim in one post 8.1.2 that Rick Snyder made the situation in Detroit worse and then in the next post claim Detroit is coming back?
Last I checked Snyder is still the governor of Michigan and Whitmer has done squat yet.
Dean, that guy was a missionary that was not there to share ideas in the least. You should research missionaries and the indigenous people...It's not pretty and he was well aware that the island was off limits and his presence there could kill all of them because they have no resistance to diseases that he would have.
He was aware that it was illegal to trespass. Yet he did it...That speaks more to his lack of values then that of the natives.
BTW we are speaking about the U.S. and not India..
There is an unavoidable downside to integrating unassociated populations, in the form of biological incompatibility. When Europeans ‘discovered’ the Americas, they inadvertently brought disease that the natives had no immunity from. The vast majority of death did not come from a quest to conquer, it came from a tiny germ that nobody even knew existed.
LOL Wally I didn't blame whites. What I pointed out is the various causes of it and how blacks or minorities were not responsible for all of the blame..
Yeah, it's a well documented move called "White Flight"
And I'm impressed you remember Detroit being a "war zone" at the tender age of 3 while you were living in the suburbs and non-whites could not due to redlining.
Four out of five of my grandkids are of mixed race. I’m a bit jealous of their beautiful skin tones and hair textures. Racial diversity makes for aesthetically improved human beings. ‘Race’ is a misnomer anyways - we are all part of the human race.
True funny story...
Among several kids in the neighborhood that I/we have become friends / mentors / and a safe harbor in our home I became especially close to a couple mixed kids and their family.
While I was visiting one day with the whole family at the kitchen table. His dad was an Italian guy that was written out for good reason. He had this really soft curly hair and I remarked "God I'd love to have your hair"
His little sister (6 yrs. old) stood up and looked at my head.
"Poppa Joe, I think right about this time you'd like to have anyone's hair"
The family erupts in laughter...then she says "I can go get you one of grandma's wigs..she has a bunch and less hair than you have"
Then it got really loud and funny!
That is a funny one. This is my youngest grandson. He’s got incredible skin and hair.
Oh goodness! She's going to be a heartbreaker....he's a cute guy too.
This is a yawn for me. I judge people based on thier actions, not the color of thier skin. Just the way my mom raised me.
This conversation might not be for you. Not everyone had educated mothers.
The olde white guys always play the victim so someone must point this out...
There is always lots of rightwing disingenuity regarding America's race issue.