The United States does not negotiate with terrorists, either foreign or domestic. We should be amending that ironclad rule with a statement that we also don't negotiate with recalcitrant presidents who act like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, and taking the nation and it's citizens hostage in the biggest tantrum in this nations history.
I go to bed every night thinking that Donald Trump has done the worst thing he could possibly do. I'm almost always wrong. This man has a way of finding a new low every morning. This latest outrage, shutting down a significant portion of the U.S. government when he is told NO! by the Speaker of the House, may be one of the most egregious actions committed by a United States President.
Most mature and intelligent adults know and understand that you can't always get your way. To give Trump his props, the first two years of his administration passed with a Congress that totally abrogated their Constitutional mandate to oversee the Presidency. Trump could have filled their cups with poisonous Kool-Aid and his Republican toadies would have gladly poisoned themselves. It appears that Trump was totally unprepared for divided government. He was also totally unprepared for a divided government headed up by a female. This President is getting his first taste of co-governance and he doesn't like it. So what does he do? Rather than working on a level playing field with the opposition party, Trump takes the absolute low ground and places the well-being of this nation at risk and placing an unbelievable burden on millions of Americans. Between the 800,000 families, the hundreds of thousands of federal contractors and their family, and the millions of Americans who rely on government services such as SNAP, there may be 50 million Americans who are going to be immediately affected by this idiotic move.
This President, through his actions, has induced terror into the lives of all of these Americans. They have done nothing to deserve this, other than being loyal, hardworking Americans who have dedicated themselves to public service. This is the act of a terrorist. It fits the definition of terroristic actions. If a non-president did this, they would be convicted and placed in a maximum security prison.
This man is a terrorist. If he gets his way on an issue that 2/3s of the American people oppose, the checks and balances of the American political system might as well be thrown out. Every issue that this man disagrees with the legislative branch and/ or the American people will lead to additional hostage taking.
Our elected representatives must take a stand. Whether they believe in a border wall or not, they have to speak with one voice that hostage taking will not work. Our system of government will work best when government operates. Open the government and then debate policy on the political floor. Nobody wins all the time. Not even the bully-in-chief. This is a non-partisan issue. We should all stand together.
I understand that there are some out there who thinks this President emulates Jesus and walks on water. Isn't it time that we place the President back into a Constitutional Republic. It appears that this man may never have read our Constitution. It is easier for Trump to act like a two bit dictator than learn how to truly negotiate and work in a divided government.
Where were you when Obama shut down the government for 16 days? Believe Obama was told by the Republicans that controlled the House no- of course that shut down was the Republicans fault as well right?
Negotiation is a two way street. Seems that the Democrats have forgotten that. Pelosi at least talked a better game than Schumer. Too bad the House budget contained none of what she talked about. Zip, zero, nada. Seems the Dems want something for nothing. They will give what they want to border security; and expect a new DACA law on their terms in return. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
First off, Love the picture.
Yep O trump is sure one study in humanity gone bizarre. In many ways he reminds me of a child. In other ways a dictator, neither one do I see as presidential. I just am biding my time till sanity returns. I believe sooner or later it will. If not, O well there really isn't much I can do about it. I just keep living my life responsibly, hope for the best and exspect the worse. Time will really be the judge of trump as it is with all presidents.
PS: I already thought America was pretty Great, now I'm starting to question it more and more. One man basically running the government was never the intention. We'll see how this all ends good or bad. Well most of us will probably, for a time longer at least.
Good Luck America !
Well, at the very least you can take a strong and unequivocal stand against Trump, and be totally outraged at those who continue supporting the dirtbag instead of your usual weak-kneed, laissez-faire attitude about the absolute horror show in the White House.
And we do NOT need any more time in order to properly judge Trump, the guy's a total freak show and easily the most corrupt politician America has ever seen.
You're unsure if dictatorships are good or bad??
Says the left that supported "I have a pen and cell phone" President Obama to the hilt. How is that EO house of cards empire he built fairing?
Sorry I see reality, yes trump is an asshole he is also president and is working on the problems. I do not agree with much of any of the way he does anything. I dont think overall he is not good for the country in the long term but to just lambast every detail the man does I dont see making any difference at all. I dont think it ever has. I doubt you or others on here have changed a single mind with all your hatred of this man. instead its inside of you. I just dont allow him in. To each their own.
You should have told that to Obama.
Who negotiated with the terrorist state of Iran; the Taliban; and also dropped the US stance of never negotiating with terrorists to allowing the US to negotiate with them when they are holding hostages. Encouraging terrorists to take more US hostages.
Calling Trump a terrorist is a lie; no matter how many times you repeat it.
Can hardly wait for the next left wing president- they might be impeached before they even take office with the ridiculous standards the left is setting.
“The United States does not negotiate with terrorists, either foreign or domestic.”
I score this one six Pinocchio’s.
U.S. Officials Meet With Taliban Again as Trump Pushes Afghan Peace Process
U.S. officials are meeting with representatives of the Afghan Taliban for talks in the United Arab Emirates, the Islamist militant group announced Monday.
Dean, you're actually making my point. America doesn't negotiate with terrorists. I didn't say that Trump doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Trump is a terrorist negotiating with his own ilk. Whether a colluder, an unwitting nitwit, or an actual agent of a foreign entity, he is violating every aspect of proven American foreign policy. Now he shuts down the government. A petulant toddler who can't get his way.
We have a very long history of negotiating with terrorists and terrorist countries.
Obama negotiated with Iran, who trains, funds, and controls terrorist groups three times. Once to release 10 American sailors; the second a prisoner exchange for 5 US citizens being held; and the last for the Iranian nuclear deal. Not to mention coordinating US air strikes in Iraq with Iranian controlled militia advancements.
Obama negotiated with the Taliban for prisoner exchange release of Bergdahl.
Both Carter and Reagan negotiated with Iran for the release of the hostages.
the bully in the white house will use his manufactured border crisis to declare a national emergency and assume more executive power in an effort to undermine the findings of the special prosecutor. fortunately the Constitution provides legal remedies to neutralize a dictatorial power grab by elected officials and their supporters.
the only organized domestic terrorists we have come from the left.
they might win a few battles but they will lose the war.
without progressives, wingnuts would be speaking with an english accent, belong to the church of england, and we wouldn't be reading their mindless drivel on the internet.
trying to ride on the backs of others again?
today's left are not even close to being the same as those of whom you speak.
the accomplishments of the past had nothing to do with today's progressive ideology.
our founders did not try to silence those they disagree with. today's left does this every day.
and before today's left saves the republic by turning it into a democracy?
ya'll are going to have to change your attitudes about gun ownership.
people left of center are closer to the ideals of the founders than the ignorant, gullible, and whipped toadies of the old money and religious relics of their opposition. all of America's accomplishments have come from those that have rejected the tired traditions of the status quo and found a new path forward. voices of past ignorance deserve to be silenced after deserved mockery and justified derision. I'm a western progressive and a gun owner since age 10. In a civilized America, the 3 reasons to own a gun are 1) personal protection 2) hunting 3) a tool to discourage elected officials that would impose a belief, value, or requirement contrary to the full, and yet still unrealized, breadth and scope of the US Constitution.
our founders did not think this was a democracy...
they built a republic with an electoral college specifically because they did not want a democracy.
freespeech? not unless they agree
guns? nope
electoral college? not since ya'll lost the big blue wall... LOL
todays left cannot even stand in our founders shadows
our founders would spank today's left on the behind out back of the barn
our founders would be dropping rwnj's on bloody island, on a daily basis
LOL.... the founders would look at the Party of Trump {there are no Republicans anymore} and label them anti-American. Even the establishment of the electoral college was not an easy compromise for most Americans. It was, however, the only way that the slave-holding states would sign on to the new Republic. Since they had no way of winning elections if only those eligible to vote were counted, the south insisted on the 3/5 rule, where slaves got 3/5ths of the vote in an electoral college. This compromise got the south a disproportionate strength in the electoral college. Not a very democratic way to run our country.
Most people understand that the 3/5ths rule became inapplicable on the abolition of slavery, and that it was used for the purpose of determining the amount of representation a state would get in the House based on the census. after it became inapplicable , instead of needing 2 to equal 1 whole , everyone was now counted as a whole, which actually gave those states more representation based on population, which correlates to more EC votes, the more reps the more EC votes a state gets. nothing to do with slavery now a days .
No one can deny that the 3/5th rule was an attempt to manipulate and garner more representation , but after it became inapplicable , the states still ended up with more representation based on population in the House.
lemme fix that for ya...
It was, however, the only way that the democrats in slave-holding states would sign on to the new Republic.
in all of space and time, that world does not exist... and never will.
today's left does not have the ballz or the bullets required to drop us anywhere and never will.
but I do think it is funny when the anti-gun left invites a civil war.