Why does the Trump Administration Hate Children
One of the reoccurring themes that I've noticed with this administration is it's policies that directly harm children. Some seem intentional.
- Current Trump compromise: ban asylum for Central American minors, including those who arrive at the border with their parents, unless the minors apply for asylum in their home country
- Separating children at the border from their parents
- Betsy DeVos says school officials should be allowed to alert ICE about undocumented students
- Ben Carson wants at least a three-fold increase in minimum rent for those in federally subsidized housing putting 1 million children at risk of homelessness
- Despite more than 100 incidents of gunfire on school grounds since his inauguration last year, Trump has done nothing except stay cozy with the NRA
Why does Trump and his administration hate children?
Well the first thing I notice is that most of these items involve minority race children, so that might be one thing.
By now, we know that Trump only cares about things that can either make him more popular, save his popularity level among his base, or keep him out of prison. Notice the word "him" in all that.
Trump's interest in these topics is superficial. They are items that appeal to his base, and the means by which he gets worshiped.
I see you mention Ben Carson. That's a name out of the past, lol. They were about to put his picture on a milk carton.
Yeah, Ben's been pretty quiet after the furniture debacle. I'd bet a paycheck that he's putting new policies in place that will help him with his real estate endeavors once he leaves HUD.
It's sad that a brilliant surgeon has crooked tendencies.
Hi John,
I think it's somewhat different, I think it may be that trump only really respects people that produce wealth or are at or close to the top in some form. The rest of us he IMO: He sees as somewhat inferior in some way, usually of our own making.
An ideology I can't fully disagree with IF this were an Utopian world. However as we all know earth is not that. And every human's goal is not to be at the top.
I say this knowing for myself, I really never did as they say"Live up to my full potential". That was not my driving force, gaol or desire. I had Fun ! That was my intention.
I doubt trump would ever understand that and I surely would be classified in his opinion as one of the inferior.
IMO: This man has some really serious personal issues that are reflected in his everyday dealings with the world. But I dont think its actually driven by hate, more like insensitivity and not being able to relate to others or to understand others and that not everyone is him.
Although he may hate those whom are effective at denying him, obstructing him or threatening him or his family in anyway, including power wise or financially. I seriously doubt he actually hates children. or even the inferiours.
Instead we are but pawns to be used as he sees fit as much as we will allow ourselves to be.
Yep, the man has Serious serious issues !
Not just recently either considering how many times this man has been sued and has sued others, He does not work well with others.
Serious serious issues !
Now with serious power, pretty scary.
But, In the end I do believe sanity, goodness and truth will prevail.
1) Trump is a bully.
2) Bullies hurt weaker persons.
3) Children are weaker persons.
4) Trump hurts children.
Why does the Trump Administration Hate Children
I do not believe He hates children, more along the lines that He doesn't care about them one way or another. Pretty much as He most likely thinks about anyone that is not Him, I would imagine.
First of all...…"ILLEGAL" isn't a race ! (rolling eyes face)
Second of all.....It's the kiddies "ILLEGAL Parents" that have put the "ILLEGAL Kids" in jeopardy ! (DUH Face)
I guess....in "Liberal land" ....the Law really is only as good as they want it to be....depending on the circumstances.....eh ?