The Rebellion In Slow Motion: Trump vs. His National Security Team

The President has fallen off his wall, and all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Trumpy together again. The great left wing conspiracy has sucked up the President's foreign policy team and spit them back out as liberal Democrats. Whether it is Coates, Haskill, or the Director of the FBI, their testimony on threats to our nation were a 180 degree turnaround from the President's public positions on national threats to the nation.
To listen to Trump's intelligence team, North Korea, Russia, and ISIS are the primary bad actors for American security. The Chinese are not far behind. Iran, on the other hand is at least attempting to follow the terms of their previous agreement with the allies of the U.S. Our national security team is arguing that ISIS still exists in Syria and is/will reconstitute to form a real existential threat to our nation.
And where does the boss stand? Our learned and clear minded stable genius of a President says that his team needs to go back to school and learn about international politics. After all Papa Trump knows more than anyone else and only he can see the big picture. He tells the nation that they should believe him and not their own lying eyes when seeing this testimony before Congress. He tells reporters that these national security team told him that they were taken out of context. The only problem is that the entire testimony provided the context and these professionals were clear in what constituted a threat.
So Trump says that reporters should contact the various agencies and they will be told what they truly believe in. Unfortunately the response reporters got from each agency was "no comment". In other words, don't ask questions and I will tell no lies.
It is sad to see the head of what is ostensibly the greatest nation on this earth go into full meltdown mode. He has not domestic policy to speak of. His foreign policy is being refuted by his "team" at every turn. The Mueller investigation is closing it's vise on the President's head, one slow crank after another. Investigations are getting closer and closer. It is just a matter of time until the investigation crushes the man.
Unfortunately, Trump is looking more and more like Hitler in his last days. He is locked in a virtual bunker, deluding himself that the war can still be won and surrounding himself with toadying yes men who will agree with everything the President says. 67% of his original "best and smartest" people have left the administration during the first two years of his presidency. Compare this to 32% under Bush II and 23% under Obama. We still haven't seen the President replace General Mattis……probably because no one wants the job.
Today, the big question that still remains is.....When will Republican Senators and Congresspersons along with the Vice President grow a backbone and turn on our Presidential Clown Car? I guess it will be as we get closer to the next round of elections and these politicians political lives are at stake. Growing a backbone will be easy when their very existence will depend on separation from this President's madness. The final outcome is inevitable. You can't win an election with 34% support that is continuing to erode. You can't win an election when your boss is considered by most of the country to be no better than a Mafia don.
The day will soon come when Humpty Trumpy realizes that there is nobody left to put him back together again. That wall was certainly a bad idea.
The diehards and the true believers are all that remains. Even they are moving toward extinction. I think Trump is looking at an epic loss for an incumbent in 2020. The only thing that will prevent that is if his children get indicted by Mueller and Trump reaches a deal with the special counsel to leave office prior to the end of his term that will get his children off the hook and the President from being impeached.
Is it possible that the Trump is winning? Today he said the INTEL Chiefs claimed they fell victim to 'fake news'. If this slides, then the Trump wins. If it doesn't slide then this should mean the Trump will be arrested on national security grounds.
I am betting this will slide. Tomorrow will be another day, another crises. Another fracture in our democracy, another stain on The Constitution. The beat will go on. The FSB is readying round five.
First remove the intelligence part. Second, do these mighty mental midgets really think that the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and Syrian government are going to let ISIS/ISIL reform in Syria? How stupid does everyone think Putin is? Russia has a both a port and a military base to protect now in Syria; and Assad is his personal lap dog. The faster he gets Assad in control of all of Syria the better. Why the hell are the Kurds so worried about the US withdrawing? Hint it isn't because they are afraid of ISIS/ISIL- they can go toe to toe with that faction by themselves- and did so long before Obama's manufactured crisis to get the US funneling weapons, training, and aid to those "moderate Sunni" factions. They are worried about Turkey; which is why the Kurds are making overtures to the Russians. What our dimwitted intelligence community should be worried about is ISIS/ISIL leaving Syria and heading for weaker pastures- like Lebanon right next door, and Libya that Obama also destabilized. Sorry, no faux ISIS/ISIL threat in Syria left strong enough left to mask the real goal of taking down Assad. No third party coups to make the Obama wet dream come true of a government loyal to the US in Syria. Worked out really well everywhere we have tried it- hasn't it?/S
You will be waiting forever for Mueller. All he has proven is he can indict Trump people for anything but collusion. Which even the judges have brought to his attention.
Or maybe you like Mueller's dog an pony show bringing indictments against Russia bot companies; only to get caught with his pants down when they hired a law firm to represent them?
For a former head of an intelligence agency he is really rather dumb.
When in doubt throw in the Hitler reference. That should cover it all.
They will grow a backbone the same time that the Democratic Party does and turns on the Clintons, Pelosi, and Schumer. In other words only to save their own asses; and maybe not even then.
Just like Trump couldn't win the first time against Clinton. The left loves their polls; except when they don't agree with them. Want to defeat Trump then get a qualified moderate to run against him; but right now the clown car is overflowing with Democratic candidates. Look for the moderates in the group like Biden to get quickly drowned out. Want to lose the election- nominate a far left wing nut job.
I stopped reading after this :
"Trump is looking more and more like Hitler in his last days."