
Breaking News: Pentagon report warns ISIS could retake Syrian territory in months after US withdrawal


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  krishna  •  6 years ago  •  68 comments

 Breaking News:  Pentagon report warns ISIS could retake Syrian territory in months after US withdrawal
Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group will regain territory it has lost in Syria in a matter of months without military pressure

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T


Islamic state fighters © Medyan Dairieh / ZUMAPRESS.com  ©  www.globallookpress.com

A forthcoming report from the Pentagon's inspector general says the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group will regain territory it has lost in Syria in a matter of months without military pressure, a senior U.S. defense official told Fox News late Thursday.

The draft report will be delivered to Pentagon officials and lawmakers on Friday, with the full report due to be made public Monday. 

The inspector general's office releases quarterly reports about the progress of the anti-ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria, dubbed Operation Inherent Resolve. The office's previous quarterly report, made public in November, made headlines when it estimated that between 20,000 and 30,000 ISIS fighters were still in Iraq and Syria.

jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

The inspector general's office releases quarterly reports about the progress of the anti-ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria, dubbed Operation Inherent Resolve. The office's previous quarterly report, made public in November, made headlines when it estimated that between 20,000 and 30,000 ISIS fighters were still in Iraq and Syria.

The same report said that ISIS had lost all of the territory it had held in Iraq and all but 1 percent of the territory it once held in Syria. However, it added that U.S. military officials and United Nations monitors said that militants had gone underground and were waging an "effective clandestine" insurgency in both countries.

"Thousands of ISIS fighters remain in Syria. In the near term, we expect they will focus on guerrilla-type tactics after losing the remaining ground under ISIS control . . . I believe it’s fair to say that they could retake some territory if they are not subject to pressure". 

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

President Trump announced plans for a pullout of U.S. troops from Syria back in December, asserting that ISIS had been defeated.

The announcement prompted the resignation of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Professor Quiet
2.2  Ronin2  replied to  Krishna @2    6 years ago

Is everyone forgetting the Russians, Iranians, Chinese, and Syrian government forces? Russia has both a port and an air base in Syria now to defend; they will want to consolidate Assad's power in Syria as quickly as possible. ISIS/ISIL will never be an ally to the Shai Syrian government.

What about the Kurds, who were fighting ISIS/ISIL effectively long before Obama began arming, training, and aiding all of those "moderate Sunni" factions? They seem more concerned with Turkey coming in than ISIS/ISIL; and are making overtures to Russia now. That will help stabilize the region should the Kurds reach an agreement with the Syrian government.

And what about those "moderate Sunni" factions whose main purpose is supposedly fighting ISIS/ISIL? Are they just going to fold up now that the US is no longer backing them? These are the self same forces Obama envisioned eventually bringing down Assad. Just another shit show attempt to insert a pro US government in a country that doesn't want us there. That has always worked out so well in the past. China, South Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. We suck at nation building.

ISIS/ISIL will be looking for greener/safer pastures with weak governments and no strong outside allies. Lebanon (right next door to Syria), and Libya (the country Obama/NATO destabilized), are much easier pickings.  If they stated they were worried about that I might find them somewhat believable.  But this isn't about ISIS/ISIL, never was. This is about removing Assad from power and further isolating Russia and Iran.  That ship sailed when Russia, China, and Iran entered the Syrian conflict.

These are the same mighty mental midgets that advised Bush Jr and Obama; to of the biggest foreign policy disasters around. Time to stop listening to them.

Professor Expert
2.2.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @2.2    6 years ago
What about the Kurds,

The Kurds are arguably the most effective anti-ISIS fightersin the area. 

But here's the problem-- we have refused to give them the heavy weapons they would need if they were fighting without U.S. air sup[port. 

As effective as they've been, if they lose U.S. air support there will be a wholesale massacre of these brave friends of the U.S.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
2.2.2  It Is ME  replied to  Krishna @2.2.1    6 years ago
But here's the problem-- we have refused to give them the heavy weapons they would need if they were fighting without U.S. air sup[port. 

So what happened to the "OTHER" Allies that promised to contribute MORE ?

Professor Quiet
2.2.3  Ronin2  replied to  Krishna @2.2.1    6 years ago

The Russians and Chinese can supply heavy air support. They have the planes and the capabilities. You are leaving out that the Kurds are already talking to the Russians; who have just as much control over Turkey as we do.

These so called experts leave out important facts all the time. They are in the business of world creep, and pro Western government expansion. 

It is time for Syria to right itself; some just can't handle it doesn't need the US to do so. In fact, it will right itself much faster w/o US interference.

Professor Expert
2.2.4  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @2.2.3    6 years ago
It is time for Syria to right itself;

Its been time for the entire Arab world to "right itself". For decades.

Well, actually for centuries. But for some strange reason they never do....

And every so often some of them take a pause from fighting each other--- and strike elsewhere.

Like in the U.S.

Professor Quiet
2.2.5  Ronin2  replied to  Krishna @2.2.4    6 years ago
And every so often some of them take a pause from fighting each other--- and strike elsewhere. Like in the U.S.

We have given them every reason to, repeatedly. We just can't seem to keep our noses out of their business. From redrawing their borders repeatedly and occupying their countries; inserting Israel within their midst (and turning it into the strongest military force in the ME); bombing them whenever they step out of line; supporting their enemies in proxy wars; using the CIA to flip ther government; interfering regularly in their elections; and the list goes on.  All because they happen to be sitting on a resource we want, oil.

Of course we will be shocked, I repeat shocked, the next time they decide to hit our country with a terrorist strike.

Sophomore Quiet
2.2.6  Studiusbagus  replied to  Ronin2 @2.2.5    6 years ago


You and I don't agree on much. But this? We're on the very same page.

We've even been told to get out and still we are there.

I swear, sometimes when all ia needed is a cat but we send a bull in the china shop to get the mouse.

Sophomore Quiet
2.2.7  Studiusbagus  replied to  Ronin2 @2.2.3    6 years ago
You are leaving out that the Kurds are already talking to the Russians; who have just as much control over Turkey as we do.

I have "Yes buts" 

 The Kurds don't have the problems they have with Turkey. And yes, the Russians do have a bit of influence over the Turkish

Most vehicles in Turkey are refitted for LP fuel as are most homes. Russia is the main source for LP. Russia has shut off the gas on Turkey before.

And I'm not sure what talking to Russia will do for the Kurds, Russia backs Assad.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
3  Dean Moriarty    6 years ago

Good for Trump foreign policy is turning out to be one of his best attributes. 


Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3    6 years ago

Now that's some comedy gold! Trump might win the No-balls piece prize, he's a worthless little fucking coward who used multiple excuses to dodge the draft when he was called to service and now as President just bends over when Putin grins at him.

Sophomore Quiet
3.1.4  katrix  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.3    6 years ago

When you receive a deferment under false pretenses, you're a draft dodger.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.7  It Is ME  replied to  katrix @3.1.4    6 years ago
When you receive a deferment under false pretenses, you're a draft dodger.

Bill Clinton was Greeeeaaaaat …… and Loved ! jrSmiley_89_smiley_image.gif

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.9  It Is ME  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.8    6 years ago
Funny how no one has presented evidence of Trump dodging the draft despite the rhetoric.

No kidding.

Ol' Billy boy got a hand up deferment.....and..... he was a Lover too ! jrSmiley_28_smiley_image.gif  

President Barack Obama ….. did not serve …… But it was okay for him to make military decisions when he was President.

Obama was just Loved ! jrSmiley_16_smiley_image.gif

Not to be confused with being a "Deferred Lover" though. jrSmiley_82_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
3.1.10  arkpdx  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.6    6 years ago

I do not now nor have I ever in the past defended or supported Bill Clinton.

Professor Expert
3.3  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3    6 years ago
Good for Trump foreign policy is turning out to be one of his best attributes. 

Before we decide about that-- let's wait for the report of the Mueller investigation....

Professor Quiet
3.3.1  Ronin2  replied to  Krishna @3.3    6 years ago
Before we decide about that-- let's wait for the report of the Mueller investigation....

Mueller's investigation has nothing to do with Trump's foreign policy. It is nothing more than a leftist wet dream witch hunt. Still  not a single charge against Trump; or any member of his election campaign or administration for collusion.

Answer this, why hasn't Mueller charged Carter Page?  You know, the false flag created in the Steele report that was used to get the FISA warrants to wire tap Trump towers?  He should have been the very first person charged.  They don't has anything to charge him with; and the FISA warrants they received should never have been granted.

Can hardly wait for Mueller to be brought before the Senate committee and have to explain why he never questioned the law worthiness of his investigation; and how the information was obtained. Also why he never charged Clinton surrogates, and campaign officials they uncovered crimes of doing the exact same things he is going after Trump people for. 

Mueller is an agenda; get Trump out of office by any means necessary- even if he has to manufacture a crime to do so.  Can only wish Comey had conducted his investigations into the Clintons with the same viciousness..

Split Personality
Professor Guide
4  Split Personality    6 years ago

These ME areas and Iraq & Afghanistan are just like any other guerilla warfare.

When pressed too hard, they lay down their weapons, convert to more civilianized clothing and walk away as "refugees".

When they reach safety, they volunteer for ISIS or jihad again.

These people, genetically speaking, have been fighting each other for most of recorded history, as far back as 10,000 years.

Professor Quiet
6  bbl-1    6 years ago

US Intel is no longer relevant. 

Bolt the doors. 

'We have met the enemy--and he is us'.  POGO

Professor Quiet
6.1  Ronin2  replied to  bbl-1 @6    6 years ago

US Intel? That is an oxymoron.

Want an enemy created; false information passed; elections influenced; Warlords bribed; or foreign rebels bought off to be pro US for a short time; then US Intel is the right tool for the job.

Want the truth about anything that really matters- then avoid all of the intelligence agencies. They aren't in the truth business.

Professor Quiet
6.1.1  bbl-1  replied to  Ronin2 @6.1    6 years ago

Always go with 'the gut'?

lady in black
Professor Silent
7  lady in black    6 years ago

But I thought Trump knew more than the generals and that Isis was defeated and no more


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